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Duhd Camp Saga: "Waahhh...now the NANNY is playing favorites!" :rolleyes2

More bitching from Duhd Camp

The same idiot who claimed a favorite is now bitching about the current nanny having a favorite (hint; it's NOT Zacharieee...) He goes on a rant about how horrible the nannies are and such. Take it away, Bratfree!


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Oh my God.

That part with the link about Zachare-re almost becoming a statistic... That's grounds for the nanny's dismissal, IMO, and it does explain why Z is perhaps a little... spayshul.

I also wonder how his favoritism isn't poison, but the nanny's is. WTF, guy?
What's the betting the nanny knocked ole Buzzkill back when he tried chatting her up? So now he's nursing his bruised ego by saying that she has a favourite.

Pot calling the kettle black!
Wow, the reader comments on there are ripping him a new one! thumbs upwink
“I get what playing favorites with your kids is all about. Last fall I confessed to having a favorite child and the internet bore its wrath upon me.”

Oh yes, the big bad meanie head Internets bore its wrath on poor, innocent you. Even though you are a douchebag.

“While I may have had a child I enjoyed playing with more than the other, both of my boys would never say I ‘loved’ the other more or less.”

Really? Well I’ll just get Charlie alone and ask him myself. What do you think he’d say?

“Today, my eldest showed me how kids understand when you play favorites.”

I’ll bet that’s quite obvious in the way he behaves at home and in public.

“Zacharie has been talking back to our nanny (M) lately. She’s concerned about it, as are we. We’ve expressed that when we are not home, the nanny is the boss. I’ve asked the nanny to be stern in her direction of the boys, realizing that a rather lax approach is what resulted in our son hanging himself under our first nanny’s care.”

Of course he’s talking back. She’s probably doing her job as a caregiver, the job you ought to be doing yourself Buzzy boy, and properly disciplining your brats when they don’t behave. Zacaree is pissed because he’s so used to getting his way all the time, and like the spoiled little fuck he is, he doesn’t like it when people don’t give him what he wants.

“Still, whenever she asks Zacharie to do something, he resists and talks back.”

Well, that tends to happen when you don’t parent your kids.

““Once I was riding my bike and I fell and M doesn’t even care about the bruise. She loves Charlie more. Even when Charlie hits me, she always yells at me and cozies Charlie,” he said tonight when I asked about his day and relationship with M.”

I see he’s already learning to manipulate others. I’ve been around a ton of spoiled brats and this is exactly what they do. They generally act like hellions and then when the paarents ask about it, little Bratleigh blames the babysitter/teacher/older sibling/whatever.

“It’s true.
We’ve noticed it, and asked her to stop, and have asked him to listen and to do what he’s told. Still, whenever we come home at the end of the day, it’s always Zacharie that did something wrong, and concerns about Zacharie. And he feels it.”

But it’s perfectly okay to treat poor Charlie like a fourth class citizen. Wow, I guess everybody must worship the favourite golden penis too.

“The story, as we understand it, is that Z (only in day 3 of riding without training wheels) lost control at the park and almost hit a girl. For this he was scolded. If it was my wife or I, a sincere apology to the parent would have been happened and a small chat about making sure you’re careful when riding your bike with Z.”

No, actually, Buzzkill would probably blame the other child and there would be no apology.

“When someone who is not emotionally invested in the child is involved, it turns into a scold. And it gets even worse when all the nannies sit at the park and gossip. You wouldn’t dare tell another mom how to raise her kid. Sure, you might gossip about some other neighborhood terror behind their back, but never to their face. With the nannies, they tell gossip about the kids they’re raising–to their face.”

Aaaaand here we go. Buzzkill and his famblee are the poor victims of those mean, gossiping nannies.
Guess what, Buzz? Moos gossip too, and yeah, they do tell other moos how to raise their kids, as do duhs. Bet you do it too.

““He really shouldn’t be talking back to you,” one nanny told our M. Sure, she’s right, but that sort of gossip is just making things worse. It emphasizes M’s thinking that Zacharie is the problem, and she continues to treat him as such. It’s a fault of both sides, one that was started when our oldest didn’t feel as loved or as appreciated as his younger brother.”

Yes, how dare that wretched whore not worship my golden spawn!

“So, internet, I get what it means to ‘have a favorite’ and to treat that favorite child with a favored approach. That’s nothing I’ve ever done with my son, and I’m pretty ticked someone else has brought that poison to our house.”

Would you care to take a polygraph?
The kyd doesn't have a "side" in any supposed argument with any adult. The kid is an out of line brat and should be corrected. End. Of. Story.
Isn't Zacky the 'favorite?' He might be acting that way because he can sense it and likely is able to get away with more. Plus Buzzy seems to swoop to his rescue each and every time, which also adds to his big pretentious ego.
The nanny probably knows that BuzzKill plays favorites with Zachareeee, and Zachareeee is acting like a bitchy little cunt to the nanny because he's not used to playing second fiddle to his brother.

Charlie is probably a much better behaved kyd than his brother because he isn't the GoldenPenis, and doesn't give the nanny nearly as much trouble as GP. She takes pity on Charlie because the kyd is practically neglected by his duh.

That's what you get for favoring one kyd over the other, you useless sack of shit! :bedmadelie
The Internet bore it's wrath up ye, did it?

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