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Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"

Posted by Anonymous User 


I've only been dating the guy I am with for 2 months. We've had sex a lot. He didn't pull out. I really hope I am pregnant. By the way, we're only 14. Is that bad?

One comment so far:


Yes, You should hope you're not pregnant. It's bad and you're an idiot. You're selfish, immature and ignorant. Sorry, if that sounds harsh. But maybe someone who doesn't know you needs to say something so you can see what you're doing. You are so caught up in this "relationship" you are oblivious to the reality of your situation. Having a baby isn't like playing house when you were 10 (which wasn't that long ago). Do you have any idea of how a baby is going to change your life? It's not something you can just put down when you're tired of taking care of it. A baby is a lifetime commitment and they are expensive. All those things you like to do with your friends, you won't be doing because you will be at home watching your baby. You guys can't even get jobs, so now you would have to burden both sets of parents to raise a child. Here's the real reality..teenage dads rarely stay with their teenage baby mamas. He's an immature 14 year old boy who is only interested in sex. You think he wants a baby? You've only been dating him for 2 months..How long do most high school relationships last? Get your heads out of the clouds. If you are going to have sex, then be smart and protect yourself. Get on the pill and use condoms (protects against disease: HIV, Hep C, STDs, Herpes etc..) Live life, have fun and have a baby in 10 years when you're done with college, have a career and are married and can plan to have one. A child deserves to be raised by adults, not children.

Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
July 08, 2013
Idiots all think they are going to be the next Teen Mom and get rich.

One of them is relegated to doing porn. Go for it.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
July 09, 2013
Naw!!!! That's not bad at all! Us tax payers would be delighted to foot the bill for another squealing shitsack that some dumbass kids can't afford to take care of us. :headbrick

What a stupid fucking question!!!!!
When I was a teenager getting pregnant was one of the worst things that could happen to a girl. I would have rather died than have to have told my parents I was pregnant. I can't fathom how a 14 year old could possibly want to throw away her life like that?
This just makes me f*cking mad. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck
I don't know.. why do they have such unrealistic expectations when it comes to having a baby? Has no one told them how much work it is to have a baby and that it changes your entire life?
'But in MTV and other shows and movies everything ends up fine so probably the same will happen to me. I'll just audition for a show or sell my story on the internet. And if that doesn't work the government will help because I'm having a baby! I have to feed it and such!' I bet that's what she's thinking.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
July 09, 2013
This is what we in the U.S. deserve as a culture because we glorify pregnancy. A woman can be smart, successful and racking up accolades left and right, but nothing is as important as gestating a loaf or what kind of may-n she's caught while doing it.

Every pregnancy is Gawd's gift and all that bullshit. No, sometimes a pregnancy is just two people doing something stupid. Fourteen year old kids aren't blind--they see getting pregnant as a quick, easy way to get accolades without having to do anything special.

We should be telling the truth about pregnancy, that is strains healthy marriages, that baybees are expensive and they can wreck your former life, etc.
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
July 09, 2013
Is it bad to hope you're pregnant? At 14? I'm really hoping that's a troll post...
Somebody made the comment "FAKE". I doubt it's fake. It's as real as rain. Too much Maury PoBITCH. Too much TLC. Too much "Pregnant & Dating". Too much glorifying pignancy.
This goddamned society glorifies it and the brats lap it up like soda pop. Also, no positive role models anymore. Their moos are all brain dead, baybee rabid welfare-WIC whores.
Give it another five years and 10-year-olds will be having baybees.

It's coming. I tell ya!

It's not too much ignorance, it's just like what bell_flower said. America thinks that women are only useful as baby factories and I personally find it sad. I'd rather see a woman be free, to find a non-breeding carreer to her life, and be strong. And people like me get laughed at because I can find non-reproductive non-excretory body parts of a woman to look pretty and beautiful.

Give me a world where we can all hug and be friends without everybody thinking of the nasty stuff. And if the men are mean, be like Etaoin Shrdlu from the Centurion movie and don't take crap from anybody.
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
August 13, 2013
Heeerrrrreeee we go again! smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
August 13, 2013
I've been given more insanity to hurt my brain with. What have I done to deserve it??? I'd like to know so I don't do it anymore.

Paranoia, paranoia, paranoia, paranoid. I'm not sick, but I'm not well. They're all out to get me they're all out to get me, so are you. So are you. (Sung to the tune of Frere Jaques.)
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
August 13, 2013
Why do crazy newbies like to nerco threads?

I miss my little feather baby.
I read all of that new user's posts. My brain hurts. I have no clue what he's talking about in any of them.

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
August 13, 2013
"And people like me get laughed at because I can find non-reproductive non-excretory body parts of a woman to look pretty and beautiful."

Honey, I got elbows that would knock your socks off!

I get complimented on them all the time. Seriously. I'm not trying to brag or anything.

If I were able to grow many more arms - I would do so right now.

I would so be a Centipede, if I could be.
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
August 13, 2013
I've been given more insanity to hurt my brain with. What have I done to deserve it??? I'd like to know so I don't do it anymore.

I think it's finally gone away.
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
August 13, 2013
Why do crazy newbies like to nerco threads?

Basic netiquette never necromance a thread unless you have some very important update on the topic such as lung girl dies.
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
August 13, 2013
shy lurker
Why do crazy newbies like to nerco threads?

Basic netiquette never necromance a thread unless you have some very important update on the topic such as lung girl dies.

I hope the mods take care of this loonie soon.
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
August 13, 2013
"And people like me get laughed at because I can find non-reproductive non-excretory body parts of a woman to look pretty and beautiful."

Honey, I got elbows that would knock your socks off!

I get complimented on them all the time. Seriously. I'm not trying to brag or anything.

If I were able to grow many more arms - I would do so right now.

I would so be a Centipede, if I could be.

And my deltoids are prime wank material, if I do say so myself. smug


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
August 13, 2013
strange aeons
"And people like me get laughed at because I can find non-reproductive non-excretory body parts of a woman to look pretty and beautiful."

Honey, I got elbows that would knock your socks off!

I get complimented on them all the time. Seriously. I'm not trying to brag or anything.

If I were able to grow many more arms - I would do so right now.

I would so be a Centipede, if I could be.

And my deltoids are prime wank material, if I do say so myself. smug

Pics or it didn't happen :biggrin2

(Just kidding)
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
August 13, 2013
Is it bad that I hope you're smart? Yes, considering you just destroyed my hope, silly stupid teen!

If being a parent makes you a better person, where does that place 14 year old idiots?

Re: The only reason she hopes she's pregnant is fame.
August 14, 2013
It's not too much ignorance, it's just like what bell_flower said. America thinks that women are only useful as baby factories and I personally find it sad. I'd rather see a woman be free, to find a non-breeding carreer to her life, and be strong. And people like me get laughed at because I can find non-reproductive non-excretory body parts of a woman to look pretty and beautiful.



Give me a world where we can all hug and be friends without everybody thinking of the nasty stuff. And if the men are mean, be like Etaoin Shrdlu from the Centurion movie and don't take crap from anybody.

So what are you doing to make the world - or at least yourcorner of it better? Or are you just sitting your hippie ass in a drum circle waiting for Iron John?


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Wannabe Teen Moo Asks: "Is it bad that I hope I am pregnant?"
August 14, 2013
This is what we in the U.S. deserve as a culture because we glorify pregnancy. A woman can be smart, successful and racking up accolades left and right, but nothing is as important as gestating a loaf or what kind of may-n she's caught while doing it.

Every pregnancy is Gawd's gift and all that bullshit. No, sometimes a pregnancy is just two people doing something stupid. Fourteen year old kids aren't blind--they see getting pregnant as a quick, easy way to get accolades without having to do anything special.

We should be telling the truth about pregnancy, that is strains healthy marriages, that baybees are expensive and they can wreck your former life, etc.

Right! I don't know why our culture turned to child worship, but it needs to turn back. Children are a part of the world, but not the center. I'm not sure what brought on this, but I tend to think the growing profile sentiment pushed by fundies, who have infiltrated our government, have a lot to do with it.

Wow. Wait until this little princess finds out the hard way that babby =/= My Little Pony or Bratz doll. And if she's among the many not chosen to be the whore du jour on some "reality" show, then what? No glory, no fun, and she's got this squalling loaf that won't shut up and will drain her of life and money until IT'S 18.

Stupid cunt-ette.
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