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Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .

Posted by me 
Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .
November 22, 2013
or worry, or anxiety, or name the emotion. Because if you don't have a KID, it's just not as bad.

Sorry, needed to rant after reading some Facebook remarks. GRRRRRRR!
Re: Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .
November 22, 2013
Kind of on the order of 'you will never know real love till you have a kid' remark. Now 'you will never know real grief cause you dont have a kid.'
Freekin' 'greater than Thou' attitude of these breeders.
Re: Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .
November 22, 2013
Just got the love one a few minutes ago. ranting Facebook popping with gems tonight. I don't usually have much of that on my feed.
Re: Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .
November 22, 2013
Breeders feel that they have the monopoly on several things: Pain, difficulty, love, and grief are the big ones. I'm sure these all sound very familiar:

"You think your kidney stone hurt? Try giving birth!"
"You think YOUR life is hard? Try having kids!"
"You'll never know what true love is until you have kids!"
"Having a child* die is the worst pain ever!"

*"Child" in this case can refer to fetuses too, because of course miscarrying is so much worse than losing a born, sentient loved one.

And they're not the least bit shy about letting everybody know that they aren't allowed to be upset, complain, or love someone without kids being part of the equation. No one's pain, suffering, hardship, sadness, and love are as intense or meaningful as that of a breeder.You're about to graduate with a doctorate? Pfft, Moo just had a baaaaaaby! Her life is so haaaard, and so much haaaaarder than yours could ever be with your silly piece of paper!

Oh, what's that? Your grandfather - who raised you from the time you were nine and were extremely close to - died? Who cares?! Moo miscarried her three-weeks-gestation "baby!" Why yes it was a baby, and Moo could just sense that it was a little girl whom she named Carnation Moonbeam-Syphilis. It's so hard for her to cope. You can have your entire family die, but you'll never know true, genuine grief until you've had your child die! Even if the child was never actually born! Still more important than anyone who was!

Fuck you and your kids too, Moos. No one made you breed, and breeding doesn't make you or your feelings more important than mine.
Re: Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .
November 23, 2013
"You think your kidney stone hurt? Try giving birth!"

I've actually talked to a woman who had two babies in the past, and who now has a kidney stone needing to be removed via surgery. According to her, the kidney stone hurts waaaaay worse than childbirth.
Re: Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .
November 23, 2013
"You think your kidney stone hurt? Try giving birth!"

I've actually talked to a woman who had two babies in the past, and who now has a kidney stone needing to be removed via surgery. According to her, the kidney stone hurts waaaaay worse than childbirth.

Or sciatica. Or shingles. I've been treated for both, having separated doctors (for each malady) tell me "yeah, I know that hurts like a sumbitch. I've had women tell me they'd rather go through childbirth again than have that kind of pain."

Thing is with the childbirth remarks -- ummm, for the most part, those women CHOOSE to continue a pregnancy and give birth. My response is typically "hey, you wanted that kid. I sure as hell didn't ask to suffer constant pain (which lasts for WEEKS, ya daffy bint). And the kid is usually considered the reward for suffering. All I get is a doctor's bill, missed income from work, and new pain lines on my face."
Re: Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .
November 23, 2013
Just got the love one a few minutes ago. ranting Facebook popping with gems tonight. I don't usually have much of that on my feed.

Gotta any quotes you can give us? It's more fun to heckle if you can see exactly what they wrote. smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .
November 23, 2013
From another thread there was a link to "dcurbanmom" (?) relationship forum and I was looking through some of the posts there (sad!!). Anyway, there was a thread regarding cancer and some moms told some not-mom to STFU about her suffering from cancer because it "didn't compare" to their cancer because she didn't have any kids. smile rolling left righteyes2

sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken
indecision may or may not be my problem
From another thread there was a link to "dcurbanmom" (?) relationship forum and I was looking through some of the posts there (sad!!). Anyway, there was a thread regarding cancer and some moms told some not-mom to STFU about her suffering from cancer because it "didn't compare" to their cancer because she didn't have any kids. smile rolling left righteyes2

Wow, really? What a bunch of malicious cunts.

"Yes, fellow readers, nothing says 'devoted father of a special needs kid' quite like drinking, snorting cocaine, and then taking the boat out for a spin."
- Tiquer
Re: Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .
November 23, 2013
"You think your kidney stone hurt? Try giving birth!"

I've actually talked to a woman who had two babies in the past, and who now has a kidney stone needing to be removed via surgery. According to her, the kidney stone hurts waaaaay worse than childbirth.

I had calcified kidney stones which had to be surgically removed many years ago too. True, I never gave birth to a crotchmaggot in my entire life, but kidney stones of that nature are EXTREMELY painful so much so that I would not wish them upon my worst enemy.
Re: Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .
November 23, 2013
From another thread there was a link to "dcurbanmom" (?) relationship forum and I was looking through some of the posts there (sad!!). Anyway, there was a thread regarding cancer and some moms told some not-mom to STFU about her suffering from cancer because it "didn't compare" to their cancer because she didn't have any kids. smile rolling left righteyes2

So the local teenage boy who, during the past year, was diagnosed with leukemia, and endured radiation and chemo, bone marrow transplants, septic shock, and eventual amputation of both hands and feet hasn't suffered as much a moo who had cancer because he's not a mommy?


Talk about being small-minded.
One of these days we'll be hearing "You think your cancer was bad?? Try raising children!" But none of that applies if said cub gets it.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: Parents who think they are the only ones who can know grief . . . .
November 24, 2013
I find it highly insulting when those types of things are spewed forth from the Piehole of Moo™ What they are basically saying is their feelings, actions, and their very life is more important than all others. All life events are more intensified than anyone else's too including a father's or adoptive parent's life because the core belief is that sluicing has to be involved to become a member of that club. In no other group of people do we see the level of self accolades than with the Moo Brigade. I'd imagine that's because no one else gives a shit they sluiced and that's the only way they can get any perceived attention and praise. From their own cake holes come the complaints of how their own husbands don't appreciate them or their Moo-Ness, so that's probably as good a theory of why they back pat themselves as any other.sarcastic clapping

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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