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My Tubal Story

Posted by LucyTrainWreck 
My Tubal Story
January 17, 2014
I have been sterile for over 24 hours!:jump

I wanted to write about my experience a little bit, mainly to help someone who is contemplating the procedure. Reading this site and online blogs like juliewashere88's page were helpful when I was mentally preparing for the surgery. So here's a breakdown of most of the things that happened:

Scheduling the Procedure
Starting this past year, I became really dissatisfied with hormonal birth control. I was on Ocella for the last several years and done with worrying about blood clots, the weight gain, brain fog, and lack of libido. I had my annual checkup with my gynecologist, and told him that I was ready for a different form of birth control. We discussed IUD's, and other temporary things, but deep down, I wanted something permanent.

I had him write on my record from the previous year's checkup that I was considering a tubal. I am chickenshit when it comes to surgery, so I put it off, but I had finally decided it was time. My gyno (I'll refer to him as Dr. D) was really cool about it. I think the combined factors of my age (31) and the confidence in my voice convinced him to do the procedure. He said, "you're in your thirties and you know your own mind. Just call me when you want to schedule the surgery."

I chose January 16 because this time of the year is sort of low-key anyway. The craziness of the holidays subsides and it's just winter. I also wanted to take advantage of a long weekend. My place of employment is closed on Martin Luther King Day.

Last weekend, I cleaned my apartment and made sure I had everything I needed grocery-wise. I stocked up on easily microwavable foods like Lean Cuisines and soups. I normally don't eat that stuff, but it has come in handy. It's light, easily cooked food. I arranged a ride from my friend and MIA Bratfree member The Noodler. You will need someone to take you there and back home, as well as stay with you for a little while. I also set out an array of lounge pants and other comfortable clothes.

The day before the surgery, I had to get bloodwork done at the hospital, as well as sign some paperwork. I was given a bracelet to wear that had a barcode with the information about the results of the bloodwork. I was told not to take it off or get it wet. I was later told to keep it on the day after the surgery as well.

The morning of the surgery, I woke up at 5:00 a.m., put on coffee for The Noodler. I had to fast since midnight, so I couldn't have any. I took a shower, but did not put on any lotions, perfume, deodorant, or makeup. I also wore glasses instead of contacts.

The Surgery

We arrived at the outpatient surgery center at 6:30 a.m. I checked in and was taken back into the preparation area almost immediately. I had to change into a hospital gown and then a nurse came over to do the IV. This was just sugar water. Then they told The Noodler that she could come back and keep me company until the anesthesiologist (sp?) came over. He asked me about allergies, previous surgeries, etc. Then Dr. D. talked to me for a little bit. I was wheeled to the operating room. By that point, everything is hazy. I think they put some intravenous sedative in right when I got in there, then I remember the nurses chatting with me. A mask went over my face for the anesthesia.

I remember being wheeled to the recovery area. I felt drunk, but without the gross feeling. The Noodler came out at some point. She told me that Dr. D. came out to tell her I birthed twins LOL. After about an hour, I had some ginger ale. My throat was dry from the tube. Thank dog I don't remember that thing going in or coming out. I got dressed and was home by around 10:30.

I was sort of dopey all day yesterday. The Noodler bought some BK breakfast sandwiches. I took forever to eat mine, as I was sort of queasy. We sat on my couch, put on "The Hunger Games" and made fun of it. I felt a lot more alive by 1:00, so she went home. I sort of slept on and off all day, answered calls and texts,and watched random things on Netflix. I'm glad I stocked up on light foods, because I'm not ready to eat anything heavy.

I just took a shower, which you can do after 24 hours. There is an incision in my navel, and one right on the pubic line. I am still wearing lounge pants, as I am sort of bloated and swollen.(Sexy!) I am cleared to drive, but I still have to take it easy the rest of today and tomorrow.

Sorry this was long, but I wanted to let anyone who is thinking of getting this done that it is not that bad. I don't regret it one bit!

Anonymous User
Re: My Tubal Story
January 17, 2014
thanks for taking the time to walk thru this step by step
I am hoping to finally have this procedure done this year at age 39, for many of the same reaction to hormonal BC you mentioned
if you don't mind, can you add to your post as you heal up and as the hormonal BC gets out of your system?
it seems all I read online is scare-mongering (a lot of it written by idiots who apparently didn't know what a tubal IS) and some perspective would be nice
wishing you fast healing!
Re: My Tubal Story
January 17, 2014
Thanks for sharing your experience. Glad it went smoothly and you're doing well.
Re: My Tubal Story
January 18, 2014
Thanks for sharing your experience. Glad it went smoothly and you're doing well.

Thank you!

Re: My Tubal Story
January 18, 2014
thanks for taking the time to walk thru this step by step
I am hoping to finally have this procedure done this year at age 39, for many of the same reaction to hormonal BC you mentioned
if you don't mind, can you add to your post as you heal up and as the hormonal BC gets out of your system?
it seems all I read online is scare-mongering (a lot of it written by idiots who apparently didn't know what a tubal IS) and some perspective would be nice
wishing you fast healing!

I'd be glad to discuss those things you mentioned.

I feel even better today than I did yesterday. I took the advice of my doctor and the nurses, and I've been taking it easy. They'll probably tell you to rest for three days. I felt almost good enough to go out for coffee or dinner later. My incisions hurt a lot less. I'm not quite ready to go back to my martial arts classes, but if I keep improving at this rate, I may be back by Thursday or Friday.

As far as the birth control pill goes, I stopped taking it back in the beginning of September. I did a lot of research online and like you, found a lot of scare mongering and horror stories. I didn't quit it cold turkey; I finished the whole pack. I had a plan in place to start taking supplements. I had also decided to take a break from dating, as I had sort of recently broke up with someone, and really wanted to focus on improving my health and getting the tubal.

My libido came back almost immediately after stopping the pill. I felt like a cat in heat the whole month of September. Also, I felt more "with it" or something, more human...I can't quite put my finger on it...

Many people will tell you the shit really hits the fan around three months after stopping the pill. The only thing that has happened to me is a little bit of acne on the sides of my face, but nothing major. I had pretty nice skin on the pill, and hardly ever broke out. Now, I have these little stubborn zits and whiteheads on the sides of my face. I've found that cutting down on dairy helps a little bit, as well as being less lazy with my cleaning regimen. I haven't had the problems with hair loss and mood swings, and I think that is because of the supplement regiment I'm on:

A.M (after breakfast)
Vitex (chasteberry): capsule form
Milk Thistle: Gel capsule
Vitamin D: Gel capsule
Vitamin B6: pill

P.M. (after dinner"

I feel fantastic on these vitamins. Vitex has proven to be wonderful in controlling PMS and mood swings, and I think my acne would be worse without it. B6 has really given me mental clarity. I hear that Zinc helps with hair shedding. I've also noticed that the spider veins (ick!) I developed while on the pill have faded. I'll take a few zits over worrying about blood clots, not having interest in nooky, and getting "mommy brain" when I'm freakin' childfree. I know not everyone reacts to the pill like this, but I should have gotten off of it a long time ago.

From what I read, many people break out terribly, get horrible mood swings, and lose hair in clumps around the third month, and then go back on the pill to correct these problems, thus screwing up their systems even more. The vitamins should lessen these symptoms, though they are a sign that the hormones are leaving your body. I also read that these issues go away eventually.

Re: My Tubal Story
January 18, 2014
I forgot to add, that you'll find a lot of nonsense about Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. That is probably pill withdrawal symptoms that women attribute to the surgery. Cutting the fallopian tubes does not affect the activities of the ovaries.

Anonymous User
Re: My Tubal Story
January 20, 2014
Congrats on your infertility :-D
I'm going to do my tubal next year (25 is the minimum age) and it's great to read first hand accounts. It doesn't sound bad at all. Thank you ^_^
Re: My Tubal Story
January 20, 2014
Good to know you are recovering well and that you have been able to follow this course that is so important to you.
I wish you a continued speedy recovery. Thank you for sharing the process you went through here.
Re: My Tubal Story
January 23, 2014
I'm MIA? LOL! Actually, my previous job didn't have internet access for peons like myself, and with dial-up at the house, going online is quite a chore. I've missed all your rants, though. Am at a new job but am leary about going on anything other than the local paper or cnn.com.... And, I've been facebook free for over TWO YEARS! Am totally not missing THAT drama....

Anyway, I was happy to be of help to LucyTrainWreck. She has been such a great friend to me, so giving her a ride to the same day surgery place was my pleasure.

LTW, glad to hear you're doing okay. How are "the twins"? LOL ( I love funny doctors. I may have this doctor actually take out my left ovary which has been bothering me for years now. The last doc I had do work "down there" completely forgot that I mentioned hubby having a vasectomy and that we're childfree in the initial consultation, and yet, just before going in for surgery, he asked us "What kind of birth control do you use?" Yup. They just. don't. listen. When I said, "Um, his vasectomy?" the doc sheepishly left the room.)

Okay, that's my update. Glad to be back, sort of. Better delete my cookies so the IT people can't see where I've been in my cyber adventures....
Re: My Tubal Story
January 24, 2014
I'm happy for you, OP. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
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