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Kyd's artwork on Duh's passport leaves them stranded in a foreign country :wtf

Ah, yes...kids are SO charming, aren't they? smile rolling left righteyes2

Get the little shit some drawing paper next time!
Kids love to draw and child psychologists even say that it is good for their development. However, there is a time and place for everything.

One four-year-old child of China, left his father stranded after he scribbled all over the passport when the two were on a trip to South Korea.

The child used the passport as a coloring book and colored into his father’s eyes, and drew him whiskers and a beard.

Way to go, you little shit! spanking with a whip on the ass


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
It warms my cold black heart to know that some customs official looked at the duh's passport and didn't laugh. newsflash for the idiot duh, that's an official document you fucking moron.

You really need to click the link to see the pictures. So this man is on a family trip to South Korea, and his child draws all over his passport and defaces his picture, and now he's stuck without a legal passport and can't travel home.

Awesome. Aren't kids just the best?
I saw a bit about this story here

in which a few people are saying it could be a hoax. They linked to this:

which suggests how it could have been done with a graphics editor. I don't know, but I know there are graphics design people on here--and it does look on the far right-hand side like the drawing does continue off the edge of the passport itself.

Did the Duh only post this to Weibo? if it's only being reported by the Metro, not not anything more legit...?

This pic is a bit clearer to me. (the NYDailyNews only picked up the story from the Metro)
My older brother used to routinely deface his class photos from school with beards, warts, eyebrows, etc. Must be a guy thing.......
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