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How do you feel about corporal punishment (as if I had to ask!!)

Posted by Anonymous User 
"Some of the behaviors my son displays:
-he is very agressive when angry, throws things, kicks at anything near him, hits, screams, tries to hurt me or anyone who goes near him.
-most of the time, when he is told he cannot do what he is doing or cannot have what he wants, he is immediately defiant
-he will often do things he knows he is not allowed to do or take things he`s not supposed to, even when he knows he will be disciplined or have the item taken away that he took
-he often will blame things on others or just lie about it
-he is always a "pest". he is always doing things to deliberately annoy/anger people, especially when he knows it bothers you
-he has no concept of physical boundaries at all, when he talks to you, he has to be like 2 inches from your face.
-he has no self control of his impulses at all, but keep in mind, he has ADHD as well, so some of these characteristics are from that as well.
-he cannot sit still, he's always on the go and is like the energizer bunny, never slows down
-he can tantrum for an hour or more, all because he couldn't have a cookie or because his favorite pants are in the wash. You never know what will set him off in a tantrum.
-he just barrels through everyone, almost like he just doesn't see them, like a toddler does. If you're in the path of him getting to the object of his attention, he goes right through you, or tries to.
-some days, he can behave great, and others are just horrid and I have no idea how I'll get through. He can be the most compassionate little boy then all of a sudden, he's back into this possessed child.
-He gets over stimulated in stores or places with lots of things going on.
Often, I feel like we have to walk on eggshells on bad days because you never know what will set him off in a tantrum. even good days, I find myself wondering if something will happen to change his mood, or if he naps, I worry he'll wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It's like living with a ticking time bomb."
UM YEAH, you have failed in epic proportions. Swat that ass! Slap that mouth! Then clearly state why you did so and send that little shit off to their room and let it cry it out for 12 hours.
I know, I was a very fucked up kid. But then I LEARNED through a few pops in the mouth and being shunned by classmates, yeah I was bullied but I was irritating as hell as well! Too damn sensitive, etc. blah blah. I learned. Hopefully these shits do as well.
I'm alllll for it!

However, there's a huge difference between "spanking" and "beating". Where I'm from, kids were beat with switches from the tree, extension cords, belts and other objects for minor infractions. Parents beat them as a way to vent their own rage, not to teach the kyd a lesson. More selfish parunt behavior, and abusive to boot. Spanking is done in a controlled manner for the purpose of deterring the brat from bratty behavior.

Spanking = yes; beating = nah.

...in most cases.
Re: How do you feel about corporal punishment (as if I had to ask!!)
August 13, 2014
^^^^ she said it.

YARIDHK, the fact that if they act like that, I'll just dissolve into being an abusive ass. Seriously, I wish I could spank bad children in public as a job, I would be happy.. But only if I get to mildly cattle prod their parents while I do it.
Re: How do you feel about corporal punishment (as if I had to ask!!)
August 13, 2014
My ass would've been black and blue from my daddy's belt.

I got spanked a couple of times with a paddle my dad made (never with the belt, got threatened with it, but never got it), but even my mom said they didn't need to spank me a lot because after a couple of times, I got the message.

What is a home without children? Quiet. ~Henny Youngman

I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine

"I took the batteries out of my biological clock and put them in my vibrator"
Re: How do you feel about corporal punishment (as if I had to ask!!)
August 13, 2014
My brother and I got spanked with the flyswatter when we were little. If we were reallllllly bad my mom would pull down our pants and hit our bare ass with it. I only remember getting spanked a couple of times, and it was always with fair warning that we had better stop whatever we had been doing. As I got smarter the threat of the flyswatter was enough to make me behave, because I knew my mom would follow through with her threats.

I think the follow through is the key. Most moos today don't follow through with whatever punishment they choose, be it spanking or sitting on the corner or whatever it may be (making us sit in the corner was another one of my mom's specialties. I think I disliked that one more than the spanking because it felt like it lasted forever).

ETA: I forgot to say that I don't feel like I have any lasting mental or emotional scars from my few outings with the flyswatter. I don't think there's anything wrong with a few quick swats to the ass if that's what it takes to get the attention of an unruly child.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: How do you feel about corporal punishment (as if I had to ask!!)
August 13, 2014
-He gets over stimulated in stores or places with lots of things going on.

UM YEAH, you have failed in epic proportions. Swat that ass! Slap that mouth! Then clearly state why you did so and send that little shit off to their room and let it cry it out for 12 hours.
I know, I was a very fucked up kid. But then I LEARNED through a few pops in the mouth and being shunned by classmates, yeah I was bullied but I was irritating as hell as well! Too damn sensitive, etc. blah blah. I learned. Hopefully these shits do as well.

I think there may be sensory issues going on if we are dealing with genuine over-stimulation in places with lots going on. If this kid does have a problem he needs help, not fail, spoiling, and coddling.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: How do you feel about corporal punishment (as if I had to ask!!)
August 13, 2014
Bratfree's all-purpose guide to how to handle common childhood disciplinary issues:

-he is very agressive when angry, throws things, kicks at anything near him, hits, screams, tries to hurt me or anyone who goes near him. Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.
-most of the time, when he is told he cannot do what he is doing or cannot have what he wants, he is immediately defiant Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.
-he will often do things he knows he is not allowed to do or take things he`s not supposed to, even when he knows he will be disciplined or have the item taken away that he took Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.
-he often will blame things on others or just lie about it Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.
-he is always a "pest". he is always doing things to deliberately annoy/anger people, especially when he knows it bothers you Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.
-he has no concept of physical boundaries at all, when he talks to you, he has to be like 2 inches from your face. Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.
-he has no self control of his impulses at all, but keep in mind, he has ADHD as well, so some of these characteristics are from that as well. Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.
-he cannot sit still, he's always on the go and is like the energizer bunny, never slows down Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.
-he can tantrum for an hour or more, all because he couldn't have a cookie or because his favorite pants are in the wash. You never know what will set him off in a tantrum. Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.
-he just barrels through everyone, almost like he just doesn't see them, like a toddler does. If you're in the path of him getting to the object of his attention, he goes right through you, or tries to. Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.
-some days, he can behave great, and others are just horrid and I have no idea how I'll get through. He can be the most compassionate little boy then all of a sudden, he's back into this possessed child. Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.
-He gets over stimulated in stores or places with lots of things going on. Solution: SPANK EARLY AND OFTEN.

These are a few examples. Test to follow, but everyone here on this forum is pretty certain to pass. grinning smiley
Re: How do you feel about corporal punishment (as if I had to ask!!)
August 13, 2014
Better yet, bypass this shit and don't burf the fucker!

spanking with a whip on the assthe world 'fail' on flames:yeah


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: How do you feel about corporal punishment (as if I had to ask!!)
August 13, 2014
I always feel that those parents with a propensity to emotionally or physically harm their child will do so regardless of what the law or the prevailing social attitudes to child rearing. Give those people support to learn better skills, absolutely. But as is often said and has been said here, there is a world of difference between proportionate discipline (be it physical or otherwise) and harmful and abusive actions.

I have worked with a lot of people who display extremely challenging behaviours, but that kid mentioned above would not be welcome in my home. They need to address any underlying issues, but they also need to get a bloody clue and start holding the kid to greater account. Smack his bum already! (Or be prepared to raise a kid who will be really rather isolated due to his actions and impact upon those around him, which is far crueller than a sore bum.)
Re: How do you feel about corporal punishment (as if I had to ask!!)
August 14, 2014
We've all read about this shit on the Commode where these mothers absolutely refuse to spank their kids for any reason claiming it's "abuse." What I think happens in these cases is these grown-ass women have been holding grudges against their own parents since childhood. A lot of them come out and say they have mental problems which they feel stem from their own parents spanking them. So in an attempt to not mentally damage their children and be their kids' BFFs, the modern Moo will not wail her kid's ass under any circumstances. Some won't even discipline the kids verbally or tell them to sit in the corner. Then when the kid turns out to be a shit, they diagnose him with autism and doctor-shop until they find someone willing to prescribe tard pills.

This kind of grudge is seriously unhealthy, and while I feel being upset with one's parents over genuine abuse is rational, claiming that a smack on the ass caused Mommy's bipolar disorder is messed up. But what these idiots don't get is that by failing to discipline the kids in any way, the kids never learn to act like civilized human beings. They grow up with no fear of authority or consequences, and it's difficult - if not impossible - to instill those things in a child once they're older.

Short answer, smack the kid on the ass. Don't beat them black and blue, but I guarantee after a few good slaps, the kid's shitty behavior will improve. Give the kid a warning and then follow through with threats if the kid continues being a shit. I agree that's the part where a lot of parents fail. They think counting to three and doing fuck all is going to scare the kid into behaving. Uhh, no, you have to give actual consequences. Show them what happens when you count to three and THEN they learn to be scared of it. This is not difficult, but breeders make it that way.
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