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Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)

Posted by catharsist 
Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 11, 2014
So, I found this out last week on Thursday but haven't spoken about it here because Friday I went to motherfucking PUT IN BAY and had seriously the best vacation of my young life. Seriously, there was wine tasting, gem mining, golf carting, kayaking, a LOVELY cliff side campsite overlooking a small, calm, lovely bay.

Honestly folks, if you guys want a nice little vaycay at a relatively low price, go here. There was even a bar where you could drink a mojito.. On swings... On sand.. I mean Jesus. However, it's sortof a touristy, summer break sorta place so do be warned. Overall, it give it five stars! And there really weren't that many breeders there! Speaking of which, I digress. I wanted to relax before I bitched. Lol!

So here I was at my job and I noticed that one of my coworkers was... A little fatter than she was before. But didn't look fat fat but.. Oh gods. So I find out that there is a 19 year old teen moo at my fucking job. And btw she JUST got this job, so she probably knew she was knocked up and scrambled to get a job before anyone could notice her infection. So.. Now that the jig is up... ALL SHE TALKED ABOUT was this pignancy... The whole time. Like seriously. Mr. T: I pitty tha fools

And this all started because I complemented her hair color.. Girl can at least dye, I'll give her that. Should go into cosmetology so the loaf can at least have pot to piss in.

So there was this one fateful moment in which I needed to get ice and fill up our little soda machine, no biggie. She was in the back, bothering our expediter with her issues. She spoke about her vomiting and how when it's all over she'll have to "push this huge thing out of her".. Gross? I agree. She said to our expediter that she doesn't want an epidural and a NACHURAL child birth is best because an epidural will give your child Down syndrome (FUCKING STUPID! Put it out of its misery! :headbrick) And as the fed up expediter escaped with a piping hot tray of food (good idea), she rounds on me and does the single most stupid thing.. She starts "cursing her womanly fortunes" and basically bitched how all women must go through with it (pregnancy) because eve bit the apple first... :cen Oh bitch you did it now and I can't STANDS NO MORE! :gun1

My mouth opened. I told her that not everyone HAS to have a baby, as it IS preventable.. And look at me I'm living proof, childfree and not pregnant. She said after this stupid little "I'm offended" giggle "what got something against kids?" And I was like "I know way to much about parenthood to got through that." She then got this really weird face (seriously can't describe it) and told me that I would have a kid and be like "damn it". Attacking my agency too? FINISH HER. I said to her "that's what Roe v. Wade is for. I would be less concerned about me and more about you, you think pregnancy is bad? That's not even the worst part! Parenthood is *MUCH* worse than this little inconvenience." And I, with a barely concealed smirk at the WUT look on her face went to calmly complete my job. Bitch.

BIBLICAL RANT (feel free to not read):

I can't stand people who misinterpret the bible and spread their ignorance like wildfire. You can be an atheist, you can deface a church, you can burn the fucking bible in front of my face to ash.. I wouldn't be offended. Nope. The only time I'm offended is when someone tries to turn me away from my faith (which is often and I resent it because I don't do that shit to others, although I bear the brunt of the jackasses before me), and misinterpreting the bible because reverend misogyny told you that everything that's wrong is your fault because EXHIBIT A: you have tits. Let's clear this up.

The bible, in multiple places and accounts, REPEATEDLY blames ADAM for everything that went down in the garden, he was there to protect and lead humanity and he FAILED. He was the one who was ordered to not eat of the tree, not Eve. So she could have chewed that thing down to a fucking toothpick and nothing would have happened. It was only until after ADAM ate of the fruit that shit got fucked. She only got in trouble because she disobeyed him, which only made childbearing hurt, not HAPPEN, seriously. There you go. Small sermon.

This is also the reason why I can stand those "be fruitful and multiply" bastards. THAT WAS NOT A COMMAND IT WAS A BLESSING YOU DUMB FUCKS! It was a well wishes sort of thing because it doesn't stand to reason that a prosperous nation would up and die! And just simply fuck anti-choice assholes. The object of my devotion slaughtered the whole fucking world with a flood, killed all the firstborns in Egypt, tore apart 24 children with she-bears because they were bothering one of his prophets, and as an added bonus, MISCARRIAGE EXISTS! Our bodies ABORT our children FOR us. Jesus god! And if he didn't want us using contraception, why did contraceptives practically grow out of the fucking ground!? There are contraceptive plants that our ancestors literally fucked to extinction because hell yeah!

This is why I'm a Christian.. But they're dogma pissed me off. Which is really funny because the way I go about Christianity as I've studied it, I literally follow the 7 tenants of satanism without even meaning to. So I've been trying to reconcile my titles.:satanThank you bratfree for mentioning that satanist post, you have further helped me orient myself in my quest for wisdom. You're awesome, as if there was ever any doubt.:beer

Edit: with my Adam and Eve rant, do not misinterpret me as saying that men should be treated like humans treat women. It's not okay regardless, just wanted to point that out. And to add, anti-choice propaganda pisses me off for WAY more reasons than simple Christian-brand stupidity. They are also violating free will, autonomy and basic human rights.

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 11, 2014
She said to our expediter that she doesn't want an epidural and a NACHURAL child birth is best because an epidural will give your child Down syndrome

spewing water due to laughing

She starts "cursing her womanly fortunes" and basically bitched how all women must go through with it (pregnancy) because eve bit the apple first...

waving hellolarious

I told her that not everyone HAS to have a baby, as it IS preventable.. And look at me I'm living proof, childfree and not pregnant. She said after this stupid little "I'm offended" giggle "what got something against kids?" And I was like "I know way to much about parenthood to got through that." She then got this really weird face (seriously can't describe it) and told me that I would have a kid and be like "damn it". Attacking my agency too? FINISH HER. I said to her "that's what Roe v. Wade is for. I would be less concerned about me and more about you, you think pregnancy is bad? That's not even the worst part! Parenthood is *MUCH* worse than this little inconvenience." And I, with a barely concealed smirk at the WUT look on her face went to calmly complete my job. Bitch.


What a smug bitch. You may be dismayed at her presence at your work, Catharsist, but personally I'm delighted! I can't wait for updates on this bint. eating popcorn
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 11, 2014
Updates will be coming.

I work tonight so hopefully she isn't there, and if she is there hopefully she's quiet. I've been worried that someone overheard me since I outed myself as both CF AND militantly pro-choice without apology. I just don't want to be shunned too hard. A little shunning is good though. Builds character.

Also, something strange. She said she's due valentines day.. Which is, I dunno, like seven months from now or some shit? How is she already this big? I think someone's about to get super-fucked with a litter... *shudder*

But right now I'm just happy that I have Bratfree.. It keeps me sane anymore.
I just LOVE it when people start telling me that men are better than women because "Well, EVE ate tha apple first! So's tha' must mean men is smarter! Hur durrrrr!"

My response is always along the lines of, "As I recall, Satan himself had to work Eve over to get her to take a bite of that apple. All Adam needed was for a nude bitch to toss him a fruit and say 'Here, take a bite of this!'."
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 11, 2014
My response is always along the lines of, "As I recall, Satan himself had to work Eve over to get her to take a bite of that apple. All Adam needed was for a nude bitch to toss him a fruit and say 'Here, take a bite of this!'."

Excellent, I'll be stealing that if it's okay.
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 11, 2014
The way I interpret the forbidden fruit eating contest is Adam used Eve as a Guinea Pig, so to speak, and stood idly by and watched her eat the fruit to see what would happen to her. When nothing did, immediately, he too believed the serpent and chomped a piece out for himself. I think Adam thought that possibly the serpent was correct and that if they ate the fruit then at least he'd be all knowing, like God. I think he thought if something happened to Eve when she ate it and he hadn't eaten it too then only Eve would have been punished. I also think God knew Adam was thinking that which is why he waited until Adam ate of it too before he let them know they were busted, otherwise Adam would have declined to eat the fruit. shrug

Of course immediately after taking a bite he knew he'd been scammed by the serpent but by then it was way too late. I don't believe the punishment for eating the fruit would have been as severe had Adam not eaten it too. God probably would have just given Adam a slap on the wrist for not stopping Eve and it would have gone down in history as a misdemeanor instead of the felony it turned out to be. Adam not only failed God, but he failed Eve too. However, anyone who believes that only women are "cursed" by biology in comparison to men are fools. Not only do men have their own biology to worry with, primarily testosterone related, they have external and visible sexual organs swinging between their legs(that can't always be comfortable!) that during their younger years they can't control, and they also have to deal with women and their fucked up hormones. I don't mean that to sound sexist against either gender, it's just a nasty little fact of biology that any male in a relationship with a female will suffer as much or more than she suffers.bouncing and laughing

I have my own interpretations of just about every book, chapter, and verse in The Holy Bible, should anyone ever care to ask.angel with halo

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
My response is always along the lines of, "As I recall, Satan himself had to work Eve over to get her to take a bite of that apple. All Adam needed was for a nude bitch to toss him a fruit and say 'Here, take a bite of this!'."

Excellent, I'll be stealing that if it's okay.

Go for it! thumbs upwink
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 11, 2014
That really sucks, Catharsist. Sorry you have to deal with a teen Moo at work.

One thing I have always found handy with the two different Genesis creation stories is this: The next time someone tries that "commandment"(?) bit from the Chapter 1 story, respond with the Chapter 2 bit of:

"God didn't tell Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, he told them not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge."

The Ch 2 story is the older of the two but it'll catch the person off guard. Yep that's all from too many years of Biblical theology and CCD....

In the meantime don't let the TeenMoo drive you too crazy.
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 11, 2014
That really sucks, Catharsist. Sorry you have to deal with a teen Moo at work.

One thing I have always found handy with the two different Genesis creation stories is this: The next time someone tries that "commandment"(?) bit from the Chapter 1 story, respond with the Chapter 2 bit of:

"God didn't tell Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, he told them not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge."

The Ch 2 story is the older of the two but it'll catch the person off guard. Yep that's all from too many years of Biblical theology and CCD....

In the meantime don't let the TeenMoo drive you too crazy.

Dude.. Awesome observation. I'll have to reread those chapters.. Very interesting! :1wv
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 11, 2014

So.. Wonder of wonders.. I believe I may have actually been REWARDED for standing up to teen moo. This confuses me. The reason I think so is this: I've been working 3 day work weeks recently which sorta sucks because I obviously don't get paid too much.. I haven't complained to the managers or anyone else for that matter, and we also did hire more people recently.. Lo and behold I go into work today and I have a SIX DAY week. Now, I know what everyone is thinking..

That's not an indication of my standing.. But here's the thing.. They make our schedules on Fridays... This was directly after the little episode. The managers are also NOT above rewarding those they like with more hours. But other than that my colleagues have been a lot more cool to me, as we usually don't pal around a bunch but today I was startlingly well liked. Also, the managers have been awesome to me all around...

Does not compute.. I'm used to being shamed, not praised. What trickery is this shit?
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 11, 2014

So.. Wonder of wonders.. I believe I may have actually been REWARDED for standing up to teen moo. This confuses me. The reason I think so is this: I've been working 3 day work weeks recently which sorta sucks because I obviously don't get paid too much.. I haven't complained to the managers or anyone else for that matter, and we also did hire more people recently.. Lo and behold I go into work today and I have a SIX DAY week. Now, I know what everyone is thinking..

That's not an indication of my standing.. But here's the thing.. They make our schedules on Fridays... This was directly after the little episode. The managers are also NOT above rewarding those they like with more hours. But other than that my colleagues have been a lot more cool to me, as we usually don't pal around a bunch but today I was startlingly well liked. Also, the managers have been awesome to me all around...

Does not compute.. I'm used to being shamed, not praised. What trickery is this shit? confused smiley
It's just so weird and unexpected.. I guess the times are actually changing...
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 11, 2014
Maybe moo treats them like shit and they were afraid to stand up to her until you bitched her out.
The next time she opens her mouth to complain I'd be tempted to ask why she doesn't just abort the little bastard. devil with smile

Sorry you have to deal with this insufferable cow.
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 12, 2014
mistress rotwang
Maybe moo treats them like shit and they were afraid to stand up to her until you bitched her out.

Sounds plausible.

Congratulations on getting more hours, Catharsist! smiling smiley
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 12, 2014
mistress rotwang
Maybe moo treats them like shit and they were afraid to stand up to her until you bitched her out.

Sounds plausible.

Congratulations on getting more hours, Catharsist! smiling smiley

Thank you! I'm very pleased myself!

MR: as far as I can tell, she isn't MEAN per say, but she IS as rudeawakening put it, insufferable. But I know why. She's terrified at the prospect. All she does is bleat about her pregnancy and speaking on it like it's no big deal. She's just trying to convince herself that it's not. Also, with her "you'll be cursed with children" type comment, she's just projecting on me because she's envious and I represent that which she will never be again. And she knows this.. My question is why go through with it if you don't have to? Obviously, this is all supposition so I may be totally wrong, but I cannot deny it fits the bill of many other cases we have seen.
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 12, 2014
She would rather ruin her life to the tune of approval from people around her than suffer their disapproval for removing the clump.
She probably doesn't feel like she has a choice if she's been well conditioned by assholes who want their approval/disapproval to make or break her.

Probably made the mistake of pissing positive and then running to moomy crying, "What am I going to dooooo???"
And moomy would have been all: "Keep it, of course, my precious sweet little baby girl! There's no choice for you to make here, there's my good little darling!". *pours on some more syrup and headpats*

The silent message of course is that the choice that "is no choice to make" would result in humongous disapproval. Once she confided in an anti-choicer whose opinion she cared about, it was all over. Rest of her life has been decided. All over the opinion of someone who doesn't have to live her life.
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 13, 2014
That really sucks, Catharsist. Sorry you have to deal with a teen Moo at work.

One thing I have always found handy with the two different Genesis creation stories is this: The next time someone tries that "commandment"(?) bit from the Chapter 1 story, respond with the Chapter 2 bit of:

"God didn't tell Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, he told them not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge."

The Ch 2 story is the older of the two but it'll catch the person off guard. Yep that's all from too many years of Biblical theology and CCD....

In the meantime don't let the TeenMoo drive you too crazy.

If TeenMoo is baking a litter she's going to be the one driven crazy... straight to the nut hut!

Karma's a certified bitch!

:bedmadelie popcorn and jerry springer signjerry



Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 14, 2014
^^^ yes.. That's why I'm like.. "Why are you so fucking huge?" I hope she isn't, but it would sorta make for great schadenfreude if she did. She also wouldn't have time to bother me. Lol!
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 14, 2014
Maybe she's playing in to the 'eating for 2' thing (let's hope) I have a couple friends who had twins many years ago and they didn't 'show' till 4 months. So..big belly may just be a few extra burgers and fries.
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 14, 2014
Maybe she's playing in to the 'eating for 2' thing (let's hope) I have a couple friends who had twins many years ago and they didn't 'show' till 4 months. So..big belly may just be a few extra burgers and fries.

Yeah, I'm just concerned for her. Im hoping a bunch that it's just her pigging out, but she doesn't look and fatter in the face or arms or any of those places that gain weight easily, that's the whole reason I though it was multiples.. Ugh.. What kind of rotten luck is THAT, getting knocked up with a litter at 19! I don't even want to consider it a possibility but you know it is. two faces puking
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 14, 2014
Maybe she's more inpig then she's telling everyone. Teen moos...lies...fantasy...drama... they all go together.
I don't know, from your description she doesn't sound like the sharpest tool in the shed, so maybe she just doesn't know how far along she is. Maybe she found out 2-3 months ago so she says that's how far along she is, without considering the fact that she would have been several weeks along when she found out?

As hilarious as it would be, I hope she doesn't actually have a litter because it would just be more people leeching off the system.
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 14, 2014

I think I broke her. All she's done today is stare at me while my back is turned and look away when I saw her, she's been slinking around me and she won't make eye contact. She's actually being really weird.. Do you guys think I should be concerned? I don't think she's mad cow, but if she is, yeesh!
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 14, 2014
Oh and something else that keeps pissing me off. She keeps doing this obvious "I'm pregnant" stance around me and rubbing her gut.. What the hell is that about? Why would she bother fetus stalking when I have already said that "IM NOT INTERESTED IN KIDS." Breeders make NO SENSE. I just remembered this so I wanted to add it (I've been trying to block it out but it pisses me off too much).
Re: Fucking hell (there's a teen breeder at my job, why god why?)
August 14, 2014
Why, oh why do you have this teen breeder at work? It sounds like you work in the food service industry. You don't find the "sharpest tools in the shed there".
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