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Jahi McMath Back in the News

Posted by MerlynHerne 
Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 02, 2014
Now her family wants a reversal of the brain death ruling. saying 'wtf'

Link to More Delusion
Anonymous User
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 03, 2014
How I loathe this "family"...If what I've read is true, her vile "family" is directly to blame for her state. According to those claiming to have been in the waiting area the day she died, her family ignored the rules about the number of people allowed in to see a patient at a time, were very loud and raucous , even rude to the point of abusiveness to the hospital staff , and they deliberately disobeyed orders on feeding her and that's what led to her throat hemorrhage .If this is true (and most hospitals have cameras now so the claims should be provable or disprovable ) , then far from getting a settlement, they should have long since been up on charges.

Earlier this year, I saw the posts her uncle put up (before taking them down) about the ten million dollars minimum the family expected to get for JM.

Even after all this time, articles are STILL calling her surgeries a "routine tonsillectomy" . Even more aggravatingly, commenters on those articles keep refering to JM as a "little girl". She was NOT a "little girl" ; she was a TEENAGER, a young woman. WHY do posters want to infantilize a teenager by refering to her in terms more suitable for a 6 or 7 year old? Do they think the death of a 6-7 year old is a tragedy, but the death of a 13-14 year old is a statistic?
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 03, 2014
Let's say she does have some brain function. (Ignoring medical science for a moment.)

Why would you want your family member to live like that?

This only confirms the average yahoo commentor is brain dead. There are more than a few stories how someone's mother/father/cousin/garbageman was in a COMA and miraculously came "back to life." SMDH.
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 03, 2014
The slush fund must be running out. Need to get another 15 minutes of fame so we can replenish the GoFundMe coffers.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 04, 2014
Yuck, this makes the chyld worshippers come out of the woodwork like crazy too. On any news story about this girl there'll be some comments that I consider sensible but then there'll be the ones who want to throw millions of dollars at Jahi because she is was a chyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyld, no matter that she is brain dead and any money that has gone toward her since her death back in December 2013 could have been put to much better use being spent on almost anything else. There I said it.

Even if she was misdiagnosed and is not actually brain dead, it sounds like she is minimally responsive and is still probably not likely to pop up from her bed and go back to school anytime soon. But let anyone state the obvious and they will be shouted down for being mean to a chyyyyyyyyyyyyld and her griefstricken fambleeeeeeeee and "gawd is the only one who has the right to decide" gets thrown in for bonus points sometimes.

Just had to get that rant out. :scr

PS I would really love to see who these supposed experts are and what they say about these supposed miraculous brain scans. To me the videos they've released that supposedly show Jahi moving on command look like a demonstration of reflex movements.
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 05, 2014
These people are fucked in the head. Even if this girl was, in fact, somehow alive and showed brain activity, how could they possibly want her to wake up given her current state? She most likely would have sustained massive brain damage during the time she wasn't fully alive, to the point she'd be a vegetable, incapable of doing even the most simple of basic life functions by herself. Her skin is visibly necrosed in many places, which would probably require amputation if she woke up. Her body being physically "offline" for so long likely means that there's going to be organ damage and putrefaction, which, if they were to save her insides, would probably mean several transplants and painful reconstruction surgeries. Her muscles would not only be wasted away, but any existing ones would be atrophied. I don't know if corpses get bed sores, but I bet she has some impressive ones. If she DID wake up and retain a smidgen of mental function, I bet she'd require YEARS of therapy to learn to regain a fraction of her normal abilities, and even then, I guarantee she'd be a tard at best.

There's a such thing as quality of life, and I don't think this deranged family understands that. Either that, or they can't cope with the fact that their brilliant decision to feed the girl a cheeseburger immediately after she underwent very complicated throat surgery killed her. It was fucking stupid of them, but the fact is this girl is dead and has been such for going on a year now. She's not coming back. I wish someone in authority would step in, remove Jahi's body from this fucked-up family and give her a proper burial. Then the family needs some therapy to learn to cope with the girl's death... though I imagine, at this point, this is nothing more than a media circus and there's no grief anymore.

They expect us to honestly believe that she's up and moving around, but refuse to offer proof. If this shit was true, would they not only want to prove it to the naysayers, but give the supporters something to be happy about? Also, if this kid was dead for a year and still showing signs of life, why hasn't national news picked up the story? They loved the Terri Schiavo thing, so why isn't the family letting big-name reporters in to see Jahi? We all know the answer.

The family is just gonna continue milking this for all it's worth, occasionally showing back up on Yahoo News to remind everyone that, hey, Jahi's still here and we think she moved her finger! I just cannot believe that what they're doing isn't illegal.
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 06, 2014

Even if she was misdiagnosed and is not actually brain dead, it sounds like she is minimally responsive and is still probably not likely to pop up from her bed and go back to school anytime soon. But let anyone state the obvious and they will be shouted down for being mean to a chyyyyyyyyyyyyld and her griefstricken fambleeeeeeeee and "gawd is the only one who has the right to decide" gets thrown in for bonus points sometimes.

I wonder if it ever occurs to them that if they let "gawd" decide then they would use any machines, feeding tubes, NOTHING, and the person they are talking about would be in a grave already?

This is a "show me the money" situation. Something tells me that if they got the money they wanted, then they would be having a funeral not long afterward.
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 07, 2014
crazy old crone
I wonder if it ever occurs to them that if they let "gawd" decide then they would use any machines, feeding tubes, NOTHING, and the person they are talking about would be in a grave already?

This is a "show me the money" situation. Something tells me that if they got the money they wanted, then they would be having a funeral not long afterward.


I say prove she is not brain dead...pull the plug. She was not paralyzed so if her brain still has life, then she will breathe on her own.

This has happened with other patients.

Some moron used Christopher Reeve as an example of a not dead person who needs a ventilator; all while ignoring that Reeve had a functioning brain telling him to breathe, but the spine was severed so it could not.

So pull the plug. If she is merely PVS and still alive, she will breathe. If not, well, then you have your answer.

(On another note, if her family was only this "caring" when she was alive and weighed as much as an NFL linebacker at 13, she would likely not have needed surgery.)

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 09, 2014
I saw this article in the news this morning.
Not sure if it is exactly the same as the one MerlynHerne posted, I can't get to that one for some reason.
Seems to express the same details. Family claims swelling has receded and there is some brain activity. But I'm with bellflower, tiredchicken, and Cambion. Who would want their child to live in this minimally "alive" vegetative state? Oh that right, there are larger fines for children injured in medical accidents than there are for those who die.
Feeding her a big mac just doesn't count as a medical accident, so good luck with that one.
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 09, 2014
It is saying 'Article no longer available' for me.
Anonymous User
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 09, 2014
Hmmmm...I just tried to access the SJM article,same notice.So I searched the SJM site twice, using first Jahi then McMath. The most recently posted article I was able to access wasfrom August. IOW, they've scrubbed all of their recent JM coverage.

Here's an article posted at the UK Daily Mail site, on the Jahi Travesty:


And dated only 4 hours ago:

Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 09, 2014
It does seem like all the events point back to the family as the reason this happened. They conditioned the girl to overeat, thus the excess weight causing sleep apnea, chose the surgery (over CPAP treatment and weight loss program) then the probability that they fed her after the surgery leading to her death. They can't accept their responsibility
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 09, 2014
I'm sorry, I typed the link wrong, it was missing a '9'. I think it should work now.

Captcha j4gym, Jahi ain't going to the gym no more! smile rolling left righteyes2
Anonymous User
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 09, 2014
Here's what gets me about the whole thing, and why I haven't really said much about it before now aside from a couple of comments:

My grandfather passed away in a hospital when we as a family made the decision to let him go. He had no real brain activity, he'd died en-route to the hospital, and the only thing keeping his heart beating and his lungs working was medical science. We couldn't let him live like that, and we made the decision within an hour of being told the truth by a very compassionate ICU doctor. I'm not saying that to make us sound crass. I'm saying it because we knew from the start that he wouldn't want to live if it meant being hooked to a machine and forced to breathe. We accepted that he was gone, and we made the right decision to let him go. It didn't make it any easier, and Grandma struggled for months because she felt like she'd killed him. Sometimes, in irrational moments, I have to face that dark truth, too. It's taking time to accept that we didn't kill him, we allowed him to die.

And reading about this group of goddamn trash heaps forcing someone to stay alive as their body deteriorates infuriates be beyond all belief. It's not just the inhumane horror the kid's being put through, it's the undertone that I can't help but read into from families like this. That undertone of "Well, anyone who REALLY loved their family member would NEVER give up on them!"

Fuck them. We let Papaw go BECAUSE we loved him. Putting a "loved one" through this insanity is not out of love, it's pure selfishness.

Fuck these assholes and the BRAIN DEAD (SO FUCKING DEAL, ALREADY!) horse they rode in on!

Sigh. Sorry, kinda went off on a tangent, there. This is the most I've talked about my grandfather's death with anyone.
Anonymous User
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 10, 2014
byrdisthe word, I had to go through the same thing, with my husband of 15 years. This was 11 years ago . He went into the hospital for surgery,he developed sepsis which went undetected for too long , and his complications led to him being hooked upon 'life support' while they tried to save him. It didn't work, and he flat lined. I started that morning thinking he'd be coming home in 2-3 days, and by sundown or not long after , I had to make the decision to turn off the machines.

Over the next few years, I had to wonder again and again and again: Did I murder him? The Terry Sciavo case was really hard to endure at times. I have to keep reminding myself that he was brain DEAD, and that is NOT the same as 'in a coma' or 'comatose', or 'brain DAMAGED' or 'in a vegetative state' which is all too obviously what most of the dumb-dumbs commenting on the JM articles think. (You know, the "Gawd can wake her up!" crowd, the ones who post links to stories about people "declared brain dead" who suddenly "woke up!".)

Sloppy word usage leads to sloppy thinking,and sloppy thinking leads to sloppy word usage: People have been using all those terms as if they're synonymous when they're NOT, so it's (wrongly) clouded the issues. Worse, people have been using 'brain dead' in a colloquial sense for "stupid" , as well as using it as if it means the same as vegetative state or comatose. So now people think that being brain dead is just an extreme form of being brain damaged. Argh!

I wish the hospital would fight these creatures. I'd like to see a trial at which those surveillance camera footages are shown (I hope the hospital has cameras , and they had the foresight to save that day's footage.) I'd like to see the people who were also in the waiting room that day testify about this "families" behavior towards other families and staff, which [allegedly] included preventing other families from seeing their loved ones by crowding too many people into the room despite rules, being abusive and even threatening to staff, LAUGHING about bringing in "smelly" food despite the rules , the feeding of JM, whether a cheeseburger or an icicle, their CNA or LPN grandma suctioning JM's throat, which is a duty only allocated to RNs...But I am afraid the hospital,when sued, is going to quietly make this "family" millionaires just to make them go away.
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 10, 2014
I suspect that there won't be a suit. From all I have read, the hospital was investigated and no fault was found in the case of her medical care.

THis leaves the family. And way too many witnesses with kids in the same PICU saying the same thing: they gave her food because she whined about being hungry. THey had her talking and laughing and irritating the area operated on mere minutes before.

Basically they don't have a suit. Even if they did, they would only get 250K if she is dead. If she is alive, the state could be on the hook indefinitely.

I suspect the slush fund is running out, the "nonprofit" is wanting more money and the donations are drying up...they get 20 bucks here and there still, but that won't pay for mama's Michael Kors/steak and lobster fetishes.

Jahi is this decade's Natalee Holloway; both dead due to unfortunate circumstances, turned into unfortunate cash cows for avaricious mothers.

{{{hugs}}} to Byrd and those who had to make the decision to terminate life support; know that you gave them the gift of a peaceful end.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 10, 2014
When my moo was just recently taken to the hospital, she was very sick and the doctors didn't know if she would make it or not. One of the questions asked of my sister and I was if she were to be resuscitated, if we would choose life support for her.

My sister and I BOTH agreed that they should resuscitate her if she could go back to the same quality of life that she had prior to the health incident. My moo told us both that she didn't want to be hooked up to machines, and that she wants to die in peace. Luckily, she made it and is now back in the home, stirring up shit as usual.

Keeping this poor girl hooked up is a selfish, cruel act and the family is milking it for all its worth. They are the ones who fed her the fatal cheeseburger, and they are now defiling her on social media and in the news for attention-whoring purposes and money. The only RIGHT thing to do is unhook her and let her die peacefully.
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 17, 2014
Has anyone watched the video the family released where Jahi allegedly is moving her foot and hand upon her moo's command? I saw it yesterday but can't find it now. It is ABSURD and I am wondering how long she had to stand there and give "commands" until the poor kid's body made an involuntary twitch so she could get it on camera and claim it was proof of life?

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 17, 2014
Has anyone watched the video the family released where Jahi allegedly is moving her foot and hand upon her moo's command? I saw it yesterday but can't find it now. It is ABSURD and I am wondering how long she had to stand there and give "commands" until the poor kid's body made an involuntary twitch so she could get it on camera and claim it was proof of life?

I wouldn't put it past the moo to provide an extremely edited tape a la Terri Schiavo. They probably will take 4 hours of footage and edit it down into a two minute video "proving" that Jahi responds to commands.
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 17, 2014
Has anyone watched the video the family released where Jahi allegedly is moving her foot and hand upon her moo's command? I saw it yesterday but can't find it now. It is ABSURD and I am wondering how long she had to stand there and give "commands" until the poor kid's body made an involuntary twitch so she could get it on camera and claim it was proof of life?

I wouldn't put it past the moo to provide an extremely edited tape a la Terri Schiavo. They probably will take 4 hours of footage and edit it down into a two minute video "proving" that Jahi responds to commands.

It's out on youtube and appears to be a continous (though brief) stream. But, to me, the movement looked more like a spasm. And what is shown on youtube is a focus on that part of the body. You don't see what other actions might be taking place outside of the camera to have caused what looks like a simple reflex action.
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 17, 2014
Ugh. Cases like this make me sick. It's usually the same people who denounce abortion as "killing God's creations," yet they use artificial means to keep someone from dying when God has obviously determined it was their time to go. Can't have it both ways, fuckos. Either God's will is always to be respected or never.

I knew a family whose son was left in a vegetative state(?) after a horrendous car wreck. Not sure if that's the right term, but he had a total lack of awareness and no chance of "waking up". Not only did they refuse to let him die, they wheeled him around to basketball games as if he had any clue what's going on around him. His face is seemingly frozen in the expression he had at the moment of his car wreck, which is terrifying to look at. They talk about him like nothing's wrong...total denial. I can't imagine doing that to someone I love (or hate for that matter).
Re: Jahi McMath Back in the News
October 18, 2014
Ex lurker, I'm sorry to hear about your husband, that's an awful experience to go through.

My nightmare is going to the hospital and having to share a room with a patient that has a classless, inbred family like this one. How do the doctors and nurses put up with this crap every day?

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
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