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Yes on One? No Thank You!

Posted by redheadedharlot 
Yes on One? No Thank You!
October 13, 2014
I live in Tennessee, and there is a proposition coming up on the ballot, Prop #1. What it is supposed to do is remove from Tennessee's Constitution any agreement with the United States Constitution for support of abortion rights. Everyone is going around all "there's no reason to oppose it, all it does is make Tennessee's Constitution neutral on the subject of abortion (but open the door for all sorts of anti-choice bullshit to follow), abortion in Tennessee will still be just as legal, actually (one of my favorite back door ploys) it will uphold new regulations for clinics that make them safer (read completely unnecessary regulations deliberately placed to close clinics under the guise of safety)".

The campaigning for it is heavy. I had to run some errands and go to some appointments today, in my town and a neighboring town. They have these retarded hot pink signs every-fucking-where, "YES ON ONE!" They are literally EVERYWHERE! I saw enough to pull them all up and have a bonfire, and man, do I EVER want to do so! Along a main drag, we have an electronic billboard. Instead of paper, it cycles through different in-town news. It's all eat up with "Tennessee shouldn't be an abortion destination. Agree?" with the stupid little "YES ON ONE!" logo under it. Here's my question...If it is only supposed to make the Constitution neutral, then what does a statement like that mean? Of course, we all know.

When you come up on a church (99.999999999% Baptist) their lawns are COVERED in them, and you can't swing a dead cat anywhere without hitting about three churches. I'm a Christian, but one of the very rare mind-my-own-business ones. This is one of the things that piss me off to no end - it makes people think that all Christians are anti-choice freaks trying to control all women. We are not all like that.

But probably the most infuriating thing about having to drive through this sea of hot pink stupidity is knowing that in this Bible-Belt ass-backwards state, it will probably pass.

Any fellow Tennesseans (or anyone else, for that matter) care to commiserate?
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You!
October 14, 2014
Isn't this the same shit American forced birthers do every year? Every year they chip away with laws designed to reduce access to abortion, and every year those laws are challenged and some are repealed but not all, so the situation continues to deteriorate.

At least that's how it looks from the outside. Maybe this one's different? I can see why people would get annoyed about it; I'd be scared if I lived in the US and wasn't sterilized. Hell, I'd probably be scared even if I was sterilized unless I lived in a major coastal city.
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You!
October 14, 2014
You must be in a different part than I am, because here in Nashville the ONLY place that has a sign is one Catholic church. I drive by 3 daily. Don't lose hope. The last Vanderbilt poll shows 70 something percent of registered voters are against it. I know red to the bone Republicans who say they are voting against it. They only want to pass a bunch of unconstitutional laws overturned by the state Supreme Court in 2000. As you know I am sure, our Lt. Gov. Ramsey that we are not allowed to directly elect gave $500, 000 from his own PAC and is responsible for the breeder Duggars coming in to raise more funds for this amendment. Abortion clinics are already regulated as much or more by the state health department and medical board. If this passes, the state will find its self spending millions defending unconstitutional legislation. This of course, will require a state income tax. Mention this to everyone. The state may be anti abortion but they are far more anti income tax.
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You!
October 14, 2014
Yes Yurble, this is slightly different as states have a great deal of autonomy when in comes to regulating abortion. Much of it has been held in check because the state supreme court basically said the state had no right to over regulate abortion with shit like not allowing anyone to come from out of state, 72 hour 2 aiming periods and the like. This is very important because the 2 largest cities, Nashville and Memphis are the closest providers for many people out of state and in area without so much as a bus station.
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You!
October 14, 2014
Well, I have little doubt my home state, Kentucky, will follow your lead. We are getting the rain you had yesterday after-all. And we have the same Baptist Fundie clones.
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You!
October 14, 2014
I live in Tennessee, and there is a proposition coming up on the ballot, Prop #1. What it is supposed to do is remove from Tennessee's Constitution any agreement with the United States Constitution for support of abortion rights. Everyone is going around all "there's no reason to oppose it, all it does is make Tennessee's Constitution neutral on the subject of abortion (but open the door for all sorts of anti-choice bullshit to follow), abortion in Tennessee will still be just as legal, actually (one of my favorite back door ploys) it will uphold new regulations for clinics that make them safer (read completely unnecessary regulations deliberately placed to close clinics under the guise of safety)".

The campaigning for it is heavy. I had to run some errands and go to some appointments today, in my town and a neighboring town. They have these retarded hot pink signs every-fucking-where, "YES ON ONE!" They are literally EVERYWHERE! I saw enough to pull them all up and have a bonfire, and man, do I EVER want to do so! Along a main drag, we have an electronic billboard. Instead of paper, it cycles through different in-town news. It's all eat up with "Tennessee shouldn't be an abortion destination. Agree?" with the stupid little "YES ON ONE!" logo under it. Here's my question...If it is only supposed to make the Constitution neutral, then what does a statement like that mean? Of course, we all know.

When you come up on a church (99.999999999% Baptist) their lawns are COVERED in them, and you can't swing a dead cat anywhere without hitting about three churches. I'm a Christian, but one of the very rare mind-my-own-business ones. This is one of the things that piss me off to no end - it makes people think that all Christians are anti-choice freaks trying to control all women. We are not all like that.

But probably the most infuriating thing about having to drive through this sea of hot pink stupidity is knowing that in this Bible-Belt ass-backwards state, it will probably pass.

Any fellow Tennesseans (or anyone else, for that matter) care to commiserate?

I used to be Christian but I officially switched camps because of THIS very reason. I feel that Christians (a majority) are doing a great amount of evil things and I am FED up. And when I saw that The Satanic Temple decided to use their status as a religion to exempt people from the rules as an opposition against the fundies.. Well, I couldn't help myself. :satan
My sentiments exactly
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You!
October 17, 2014
I'm in the extreme Northeast, Kingsport to be exact. Kingsport is part of the tri-cities, Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol. Bristol is part in TN and part in VA. Don't know if that helps. It's a low population area, and VERY backwards.

You must be in a different part than I am, because here in Nashville the ONLY place that has a sign is one Catholic church. I drive by 3 daily. Don't lose hope. The last Vanderbilt poll shows 70 something percent of registered voters are against it. I know red to the bone Republicans who say they are voting against it. They only want to pass a bunch of unconstitutional laws overturned by the state Supreme Court in 2000. As you know I am sure, our Lt. Gov. Ramsey that we are not allowed to directly elect gave $500, 000 from his own PAC and is responsible for the breeder Duggars coming in to raise more funds for this amendment. Abortion clinics are already regulated as much or more by the state health department and medical board. If this passes, the state will find its self spending millions defending unconstitutional legislation. This of course, will require a state income tax. Mention this to everyone. The state may be anti abortion but they are far more anti income tax.
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You! - IT FUCKING PASSED angry smiley
November 05, 2014
Just go up early this morning to search the Internet to find out the result of the vote.


I am just feeling so pissed off and disgusted right now that I could smash the computer!

The worst part of it is all of the ads they've been running that are designed to be misleading to voters. I wonder how many that voted yes because they were led to believe that Amendment 1 "made clinics safer" and "did not take away the right to choose" would change their vote if they had all of the information and an explanation of how they were being misled. Would that have made a difference?

As an old friend said "I'm mad enough to eat steel and spit tacks".

Anyone want to rant with me?
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You!
November 05, 2014
I'm in the extreme Northeast, Kingsport to be exact. Kingsport is part of the tri-cities, Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol. Bristol is part in TN and part in VA. Don't know if that helps. It's a low population area, and VERY backwards.

Small towns have a different mindset compared to a big city. It is not unusual that your area may be filled with a certain type agenda promoting while big cities like Nashville and Memphis are completely opposite. I live in a big city and it differs greatly from even its suburbs. Basically, I am not surprised.
Anonymous User
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You!
November 05, 2014
I'm sorry. I thought it would fail, the way those stupid "heartbeat bills" have failed every time they've been placed on the ballot (even in MS, and in CO where the "cause" started). I vacationed in the Smokies just a few weeks ago andI made a point of looking for yard signs supporting the prop; I saw very few , so I really thought it was another bill backed by a vocal minority. Hopefully it'll be quashed by the courts.

My state sucks, too : MO's Prop 2 is the most outrageously unconstitutional "for the children" BS amendment imaginable.Basically, if you're accused of a sex crime in which the victim is under 18, past ALLEGATIONS of sexual misconduct with minors can be entered into evidence against you. Got that? Allegations, not even convictions. So if you have sex with a 16 year old who claimed to be 19* and you're brought to trial, your angry ex spouse's claim of impropriety against your child brought about during the custody** battle, false claims that went nowhere , could suddenly turn into "evidence".

Did it pass? I can't bear to look...I'm sure many MO voters just saw that it was to "protect children" and voted yes.It's blatantly unconstitutional so hopefully if it passed it's dead in the water , but even so-!

I just gathered my courage and checked : it passed "easily", per Columbia's paper. God damn it. It's patently unconstitutional , and if we can now bring in past accusations as proof for this crime, then why not for any crime? I hope MO's ACLU is gearing up for a fight already. So sick of stupid moron voters who would gladly repeal the 13th Amendment to the USConstitution, if told that would help the children".

* I was at my full adult height and weight-5' 3", 105 lbs-and wore a c cup underwire when I was 11 years old..

** I once read a divorce lawyer's take on custody battle claims of sexual abuse; he estimated at least 50% of such claims were false and called it the "nuclear option".This was back in the 1980s, during the Great Witch Hunt.
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You!
November 05, 2014
Fundie Xians just set me off. They're at least part of why I am a Pagan. Tired of their forced birther, heterosexual marriage-only, anti-trans bullshit (full disclosure: my wife and I identify more as transmen but because we cannot use T or have the surgery...both of us have severe health issues, I'm not sure what to call us...any help from our trangender members?). Anyhow, I am just sick to death of their sanctimonious bullshit.

Sure hope this crap didn't pass. This is just ridiculous...but very scary at the same time.

We are considering moving to either of the coasts since we have more chance of finding gay/trans friendly people there than where we live (CO).
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You!
November 05, 2014
Fundie Xians just set me off. They're at least part of why I am a Pagan. Tired of their forced birther, heterosexual marriage-only, anti-trans bullshit (full disclosure: my wife and I identify more as transmen but because we cannot use T or have the surgery...both of us have severe health issues, I'm not sure what to call us...any help from our trangender members?). Anyhow, I am just sick to death of their sanctimonious bullshit.

Sure hope this crap didn't pass. This is just ridiculous...but very scary at the same time.

We are considering moving to either of the coasts since we have more chance of finding gay/trans friendly people there than where we live (CO).

I would say stay away from South Coast. Try to live in a big city around more affluent downtown areas and you will do well. Basically, lower income small towns are not friendly to anyone who is different from them.

I am a CF straight white male who lives in a big city and I see all kinds of people here - nobody really bothers anyone. Everyone kind of does their own thing. The only downside is that it can be a bit pricey to live in a big city.
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You! - IT FUCKING PASSED angry smiley
November 05, 2014
The worst part of it is all of the ads they've been running that are designed to be misleading to voters. I wonder how many that voted yes because they were led to believe that Amendment 1 "made clinics safer" and "did not take away the right to choose" would change their vote if they had all of the information and an explanation of how they were being misled. Would that have made a difference?

This is the same line of bullshit they fed to Tex-ass, who collectively ate it with a spoon. They deemed outlying medical clinics unsafe and required them to be ambulatory care facilities.

First hard sell: "Don't you want them to be licensed and clean and safe?" (As though medical offices are not inspected.)

It should be noted that no other clinic in the state, even those performing riskier procedures, are held to these standards.

It should also be noted that Joan Rivers died in an ambulatory care center, so safety is not the issue at all.

Then there is "but it will still be legal to get one."

Only if you have money. You see, the cost to procure a medical procedure deemed legal is now tripled. Plus, these specialized facilities are clustered around big cities. The poor with limited transportation may have to travel a few hundred miles each way.

But wait, she first has to get raped by an ultrasound wand as they describe the widdle biddy baybee, then sit through state mandated counseling talking about how she shouldn't kill her widdle biddy baybee. The doctors actually have to spread false info like abortions cause all sorts of health issues, even breast cancer. (I read where one doc told a prosepctive patient "this is complete bullshit, but I have to do this." Then she has to wait 24 hours after BOTH of these.

No one noticed that a high level executive of these ambulatory places was none other than Gov. Perry's sister. She also sits on their board of directors. No one noticed that Mr. Pro Life is making a killing off "murdered baybees" with his nepotism.

Now we have Hot Wheels...just like Gov. Goodhair without the hair or personality.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Yes on One? No Thank You! - IT FUCKING PASSED angry smiley
November 05, 2014
(sarcasm alert...)

The liars will love my proposal:ban it all. Yep, I said it...no exceptions.

I promise there will be blood.

So, Mr. Conservative, you daughter was gang raped at a frat party? Whoops. It is a widdle biddy baybee and not its fault. It is innocent, not like your skank of a daughter. If she had been at Bible study then it wouldn't have happened.

Your wife is inpig and found out she has cancer? Ectopic pregnancy? Sorry, dude, no exceptions. Sorry about the collateral damage and all. Don't want to hurt the widdle biddy baybee. It is a beating heart.

THen the most extreme part: duhs don't get off scot free...if woman is inpig and says you are the duh, your pay is garnished for 25 percent every month from conception to delivery. A DNA is performed. If you are not duh, you get money back. If you are, your pay is garnished for the next 18 years. Why should taxpayers have to clean up your mess? We don't get to claim it on taxes.

Oh wait, you can't contribute because you don't have a job? Off to jail then. They will put you up for the night so you don't have to worry about pesky rent and shit, and then you can go to work beautifying the highways and other tasks normally done by prisoners, and the money you make goes to the widdle biddy baybee's trust account.

Give 'em change they have to live with.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
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