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Future Teen Moo Steals $10k from Grandma, Absconds to Florida :wtf

Posted by drlove0378 
Future Teen Moo Steals $10k from Grandma, Absconds to Florida :wtf
December 13, 2014

An 11-year-old girl from Arkansas gave her family the scare of their lives last week when she ran away from home after stealing $10,000 and jumped into a cab hoping to travel to Florida to meet a boy.

When Brent Waller discovered that his daughter Alexis was gone December 5, his first, terrifying thought was that she had been abducted.

But the father soon learned that the 11-year-old was not the victim of a kidnapping, but rather the culprit.

rest at link

I don't even know what to say about this. The boy she wanted to see was 16 -- that means when they met, she was 9 and he was 14. They met while she was on vacation two years ago.

I guaran-damn-tee you, though, if she had made it to Florida, she would have ended up pregnant. (What do you think she wanted to travel such a long distance for? Milk and cookies?) And we would surely have paid for the results.

To her credit, she did met the boy in real life, and not on the Internet (which is how a LOT of people get rolled.) Still, this is one spectacular fuck-up for an 11-year-old, and could have VERY easily ended in tragedy.

She looks WAY older than 11, as can be seen in the article photos. What idiot lets their 11-year-old daughter wear makeup and take provocative selfies?
Re: Future Teen Moo Steals $10k from Grandma, Absconds to Florida :wtf
December 14, 2014
Massive parenting fail here. For one thing, taking away Bratlina’s phone and makeup won’t do a hell of a lot of good. Second, why isn’t Grandma pressing charges? That would have possibly scared Bratlina into never pulling a stunt like this again. And like typical breeders, they put the blame on someone else.
I admit I attempted to run away from home when I was like twelve. I wasn’t going to see a boy and I certainly didn’t steal any money, just mad at my parents for some stupid little thing. I didn’t get far. Somebody called the police and I ended up going home in a cop car. That, plus the fact my mom was practically in tears made me think twice about doing anything like that again.

“I guaran-damn-tee you, though, if she had made it to Florida, she would have ended up pregnant. (What do you think she wanted to travel such a long distance for? Milk and cookies?) And we would surely have paid for the results.”

It’s mock news article time!

It’s the first day of school and the seventh graders at Bratford Middle School are concerned with seemingly trivial things like making new friends, wearing the right clothes, and whether or not their teachers are nice. But Alexis Waller has a lot more to worry about. The 12-year-old recently gave birth to a baby fathered by a much older boy. Alexis’s infant son, Graysyn Brentley Majesty Waller, weighs a healthy seven pounds and six ounces, and the seventh grader couldn’t be happier.
“I love him,” Waller said. “I mean, he’s my little man. He’s perfect. I’ll do anything for him and give him everything he wants. I know I’m only 12, but I already have a job – I babysit twice a week and deliver papers on the weekends. I can totally support him!”
The young mom was just 11 years old when she became pregnant by her 16-year-old boyfriend, whom she has named her son after. She had first met Majesty King on vacation when she was nine and he was fourteen. For the next two years they communicated by phone and Internet until one day she decided to steal ten thousand dollars from her grandmother and run away to Florida to see him.
“I kind of wish I hadn’t run away,” Waller said. “But in a way I’m glad I did because now I have Graysyn!”
“We’ll support our daughter no matter what,” said Waller’s father. “But it’s not fair. Girls her age shouldn’t be having babies. If I had known what was going on, I would have stepped in and put a stop to it. But Graysyn is here, and she really is trying to be a good mother to him, and I’m happy about that.”
In a shocking move, the Wallers allowed Majesty King to move in with them to help take care of his son.
“He has a job,” said Mrs. Waller. “He’s making good money and supporting his son. He’s also trying to be a good dad to Graysyn, playing with him and buying him lots of toys.”
We at the Daily Turd were curious to know exactly what King’s job was. The now 17-year-old had long since dropped out of high school and is currently being sued for failing to pay child support for a two-year-old daughter from a previous relationship. Oh, and we think domestic violence was in there as well, but when we inquired about that, King wasn’t exactly forthcoming.
“I never hit anyone,” King said. “I don’t know what that bitch Jenna told you about me, but she’s a fucking liar. And I am paying child support! It’s not my fault the kid’s retarded and her medical bills are so fucking high.” He’s talking about his daughter, by the way.
We also inquired about how he’s supporting his son, but he told us to “mind our own fucking business.” Suspicious? Well if we were real journalists, we’d probably investigate further, but the Daily Turd consists of a bunch of wannabes who can’t be arsed to do proper research, so this is all you get.

We can only hope Bratlina learned her lesson and she smartens up, but I’m not keeping my hopes up. This is yet another reason why I don’t want kids. As someone stated in the comments, kids aren’t the little miracles everyone thinks they are.
Re: Future Teen Moo Steals $10k from Grandma, Absconds to Florida :wtf
December 14, 2014
She's 11? WTF are kids being fed these days that makes them zoom from 5 to 20 in just a few years? doh face

Oh man. More reason that I could never parent. To me, an 11-year-old should be dreaming about her first training bra, not look like she's a regular shopper at Victoria's Secret.
Re: Future Teen Moo Steals $10k from Grandma, Absconds to Florida :wtf
December 14, 2014
Hey she's from Arkansas, the Duggar state. Seriously, who leaves that kind of money laying around in a sock drawer?

She will be a teen Moo though at the rate she is going.
Re: Future Teen Moo Steals $10k from Grandma, Absconds to Florida :wtf
December 14, 2014
That kid is so lucky nothing horrible happened to her. She put herself in extreme danger by hitchhiking in the middle of the night while carrying 10k. 11 is such a young age to start acting so boycrazy, I think the parents are in for many more years of misery with this one. I am so thankful that will never be me.

I have twin nieces about that age and they are interested in things you would expect an average 11/12 year old to be into, like playing sports and having sleepovers with their girlfriends.
Re: Future Teen Moo Steals $10k from Grandma, Absconds to Florida :wtf
December 14, 2014
She's 11? WTF are kids being fed these days that makes them zoom from 5 to 20 in just a few years? doh face

Oh man. More reason that I could never parent. To me, an 11-year-old should be dreaming about her first training bra, not look like she's a regular shopper at Victoria's Secret.

Sugar and growth hormones used to fatten animals quick for slaughter.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Future Teen Moo Steals $10k from Grandma, Absconds to Florida :wtf
December 14, 2014
She's 11? WTF are kids being fed these days that makes them zoom from 5 to 20 in just a few years? doh face

Oh man. More reason that I could never parent. To me, an 11-year-old should be dreaming about her first training bra, not look like she's a regular shopper at Victoria's Secret.

Sugar and growth hormones used to fatten animals quick for slaughter.

::shoots and scores!:::

waving hellolarious
from the article
The Waller family now plan to push for legislation that would require cabbies to ask their passengers, especially minors, for identification.

Fantastic! Yet another threat of more legislation for the rest of us to live with, due to the actions of some overprivileged and/or Darwinistic little snot, aka "one bad apple". angry face saying 'eat me'

How's that "gentle parenting" and "being your kid's buddy" working out for ya, Duh? Time to nut up, dumbass-- and with a quickness. (And have fun dealing with the blowback from that, since she seems to have the Lolita/sociopath thing down pretty solid already.)
Re: Future Teen Moo Steals $10k from Grandma, Absconds to Florida :wtf
December 14, 2014
Wow, I would never guess that girl is only 11 from those photos. Throw in heavy makeup and I could see how she'd pass for a tarted-up older teen. I also wonder if her honeypoo in Floriduh knew she was so young, as she could easily pass for 16. Plus, is it normal for a cab to drive 830 miles one way, even if the passenger can afford cab fare?

It's not Granny's fault her grand-shit stole from her, but I think she should consider keeping her money in a bank or a safe from now on. And I hope the brat or the brat's parents reimburse her for any money spent on this impromptu little field trip.

Shit, at age 11, I don't think I even knew how to properly masturbate yet, let alone be obsessed with boys to the point of running away from home with ten large in my pocket. I don't know how true it is that the boy didn't expect her to find him, but honestly, what would have happened if she made the trip and showed up on his doorstep? Did she think she'd be living with him and his parents and they'd welcome her with open arms? If he wasn't aware of her age, would he have said NO upon learning she wasn't even a teen yet? For all I know, he might already have a girlfriend and Alexis was just some chick he was messing with online for fun and he figured that there was enough distance between them that he could safely have fun with her verbally and maybe digitally.

There are so many things that could have gone wrong that didn't. I expect an 11-year-old to take an interest in makeup and want to play with Mom's lipstick or something, not tart herself up for boys. Duh should be grounding her indefinitely, taking away makeup, giving her a prepaid phone with no internet, supervised computer time, no TV, no seeing friends, no NOTHING, extra chores without an allowance (if she had no chores before, she gets some now). This was a huge fuck-up on the girl's part and a lot of bad things could have happened. She needs to learn a goddamn lesson.

I guarantee this girl will get knocked up before she's legal. And being a horny teen, even if Duh took away all privileges, I bet she'd still find a way to sneak off to a bathroom and fuck some 24-year-old guy.
Re: Future Teen Moo Steals $10k from Grandma, Absconds to Florida :wtf
December 14, 2014
Who the hell does she think she is? Dawn Schafer from the Babysitters' Club book series? The thirteen-year-old girl who was pissed by her divorced dad being engaged to marry another woman so she stole dad's credit card and snuck away to board a plane from California to Connecticut to be with her mom. Dawn's parents were pissed and made her fly back to California because she hadn't finished the six months she wanted to spend with Dad and there she had to work off her two plane tickets as punishment.
Re: Future Teen Moo Steals $10k from Grandma, Absconds to Florida :wtf
December 25, 2014
I can't say that I fault the grandmother for keeping all that money in the house, because (depending on how old she is) she or her parents might have grown up during the Great Depression, and therefore didn't trust banks. We've had the FDIC since 1933? but today, the "full faith and credit of the United States Government" means jack shit.

Today it's far different. If a person makes large deposits (especially in excess of $10,000), they'll be taxed on it -- also, they may be accused of money laundering or drug crimes, and be subjected to asset forfeiture -- and there's often not a damn thing the account holder can do about it. (Depositing less than $10K at a time doesn't work either -- they call that "structuring" to avoid the filing of a Currency Transaction Report with the government, and may have their money seized for that too.)

All that being said, this is still ALL on Alexis for stealing from her grandmother. Unless there are punishments her father declined to mention on camera (i.e. the ferocious beating she deserves), taking away her makeup and cell phone aren't NEAR enough of a punishment.

Even though they got back all the money, Alexis STILL shouldn't get a damn thing for Christmas. Among other punishments, all she should get are forced Norplant until age 18, the door taken off her room, and a couple of "Scared Straight" experiences: a night in prison (to show her what hell awaits her if she keeps up her criminal activity), and a visit to the morgue (to show her what happens to people who hitchhike in the middle of the night, and take a cab halfway across the country -- all while carrying $10K in their pocket.)
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