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Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?

Posted by yurble 
Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 06, 2015
Your 8-year-old daughter, it seems, if you're a moo with a disability and two younger children (one with disabilities as well) to boot. The article talks about how there are 700,000 people under 18 in the UK who are serving as unpaid carers for family members.

And we're supposed to be the selfish ones? How is it not child abuse to force a child into this role, especially when there's mental illness involved? The moo hopes her daughter won't be resentful when she grows up...well, good luck with that.
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 06, 2015
Hmm...forced into a role of servitude with no pay...so, slavery?


It was while Sarah’s was pregnant with Tyler that the scoliosis began. “At first, doctors thought it was just my pregnancy causing hip pain, particularly as I was born with clicky hips (hip dysplasia). But after he was born, a scan revealed what was really wrong, roughly about the same time I found out I was pregnant again, this time unplanned. It was a really difficult time,” says Sarah.

So not only did the Moo sluice AFTER fucking up her kidneys, and then her second inpigness fucked her up even more and she still dropped ANOTHER loaf? At the very least, the last loaf should have been an abortion, then maybe she could afford to actually hire a caretaker instead of FORCING her eight-year-old into the role. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 06, 2015
I fucking hate breeders who glorify child slavery :headbrick
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 06, 2015
Hmm...forced into a role of servitude with no pay...so, slavery?


It was while Sarah’s was pregnant with Tyler that the scoliosis began. “At first, doctors thought it was just my pregnancy causing hip pain, particularly as I was born with clicky hips (hip dysplasia). But after he was born, a scan revealed what was really wrong, roughly about the same time I found out I was pregnant again, this time unplanned. It was a really difficult time,” says Sarah.

So not only did the Moo sluice AFTER fucking up her kidneys, and then her second inpigness fucked her up even more and she still dropped ANOTHER loaf? At the very least, the last loaf should have been an abortion, then maybe she could afford to actually hire a caretaker instead of FORCING her eight-year-old into the role. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

This. When I read the article talking about the kids and saw the ages, I was like saying 'wtf' . I also noticed no mention of any duh. Colour me surprised smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 06, 2015
A child should never be forced into a carer role. If a breeder can't care for the children they had, the kids need to be removed from the home.

Lilli doesn't get to do anything fun aside from her support group. Her life is caring for her useless cow of a mother and her younger siblings, one of whom is special needs. Who the hell is caring for Lilli? You don't want your child resenting you as she gets older? Get your shit together then and stop expecting your EIGHT-YEAR OLD CHILD to make the sacrifices you should be making for the children you decided to have. And moo needs to be sterilized. She's too disabled to do the cuntwork of raising children, but she won't be when she wants to find a new fuckboy. Not too disabled to spread her legs and get knocked up and have another child for Lilli to take care of.

One of my favorite TV shows is the American version of Shameless and it does a pretty good job of showing the realistic negative effects of a young carer as an adult, still in the carer role. The main character of Fiona has had to raise her five younger siblings since she was a child herself in addition to dealing with a drug-addled alcoholic abusive father and a bipolar mother who abandoned her children twice. Fiona is unable to form meaningful relationships, is self-sabotaging, has incredibly low self-esteem, is stressed and anxious, is resentful and angry towards her parents, etc.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 06, 2015
That article really angered me.

The moo could not take care of herself in almost every category and yet had THREE kids and is forcing the oldest child from a very young age to do all of the function of the mother for two younger lids, herself and the mother.

This is not a situation to be proud of !!!

There has been some documentation of the severe health effects on adult carers assisting a single adult.

Why are there not authorities getting these children taken care of properly and some kind of charges of neglect to the moo?
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 07, 2015
Why are there not authorities getting these children taken care of properly and some kind of charges of neglect to the moo?

That's what I thought. They clearly know about her situation: she gets some kind of recognition ceremony and a support group. That is not at all what she should be getting from authorities.

No 8-year-old should need to have a plan for how to keep things going when mommy's in a manic phase. We know how it would be viewed if she had to have a plan for when mommy passes out drunk or when mommy brings her methhead friends home with her. Why is this any different? Just because it is a mental illness rather than substance abuse does not change how the child is being affected by having to take on responsibilities far beyond her age and having to create plans for coping with fearful/dangerous situations.

And who knows what else she's learning...like perhaps that her only value lies in taking care of other people.
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 07, 2015
That article really angered me.

The moo could not take care of herself in almost every category and yet had THREE kids and is forcing the oldest child from a very young age to do all of the function of the mother for two younger lids, herself and the mother.

This is not a situation to be proud of !!!

There has been some documentation of the severe health effects on adult carers assisting a single adult.

Why are there not authorities getting these children taken care of properly and some kind of charges of neglect to the moo?

Because the "authorities" are usually too 'out to lunch' to do their jobs. Children die all the time in extreme abuse situations while the "authorities" sit on their hands.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 07, 2015
I am just not believing the slant of this article. "Oh, look at how wuuunderful it is that Lili is there and takes such good care of everything and everyone! Let us praise her!" Well, what fucking choice does she have, really? Moo should be ashamed instead of beaming in the pics, as if to say "look at the sweet gig I've got going on". So much praise and validation for such a sad situation. I feel so bad for Lili. She really needs to be taken away from the leech and placed with a family that will allow her to be an 8 year old.
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 08, 2015
The poor kids! Lili will never forgive moo for treating her like a robot servant/caretaker/wise woman.
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 08, 2015
Why are there not authorities getting these children taken care of properly and some kind of charges of neglect to the moo?

That's what I thought. They clearly know about her situation: she gets some kind of recognition ceremony and a support group. That is not at all what she should be getting from authorities.

No 8-year-old should need to have a plan for how to keep things going when mommy's in a manic phase. We know how it would be viewed if she had to have a plan for when mommy passes out drunk or when mommy brings her methhead friends home with her. Why is this any different? Just because it is a mental illness rather than substance abuse does not change how the child is being affected by having to take on responsibilities far beyond her age and having to create plans for coping with fearful/dangerous situations.

And who knows what else she's learning...like perhaps that her only value lies in taking care of other people.

Because children are seen as proprierty to their breeders.

And if social services would be involved, you know there would be a stamped of "But she loves her CHYULDREN!" "YOU MEANIE HATES THE DISABLE!1! ABLEISM!!1111!" and suchlike.


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 09, 2015
Mom's got quite the nice ride there: has her oldest daughter raising her two toddlers and caring for her busted ass, all for FREE. I seriously doubt this kid is thrilled about having to pretty much be an adult. I guarantee she doesn't get to ever go anywhere or do anything that's fun, like being with her friends, having sleepovers or doing something extra-curricular. She probably can't bring friends to her house because she has to help Moo and mind her siblings and would wind up sorely neglecting her guests. The neighbor kid comes over now and then, but sometimes Moo refuses because she can't deal with four kids in the house. Ohhh, moo-hoo-hoo! Whose fault is it that there are kids in the house at all?

This is just a plain sad story. This girl is only in, what, third grade? And she has to be a caregiver to a crippled bipolar bear, a tard, and a normal toddler. She didn't ask to be born and her siblings are her mother's responsibility because SHE chose to have them in spite of her disabilities. Because this dumb cunt won't consider or can't afford an actual aide, she'd rather take away her daughter's childhood. Things like field trips, dances, the prom, senior trip, all things a normal kid would do, Lili most likely won't get to do any of it because she's gotta go home and feed her tard brother and give Mommy a bath. She does the housework, the shopping, child care, adult care, cooking... and has to go to school. How's this not abuse? Most adults struggle with a workload like that. I'm all for kids having chores or helping out a bit, but this is too much to expect from such a young kid.

On top of all that, the girl can't sleep and has anxiety, neither of which are treated, I'm sure. But oh, she gets a break twice a month when Moo gets shipped off to her relatives' houses. Glad they could spare her that much time off. So you mean to tell me this little girl has been caring for her mother's ass for who knows how many years - I assume with her family knowing about it - and nobody in the whole family thought that maybe it's wrong for a kid who isn't even old enough to menstruate to be doing her mother's job for her and caring for said mother? Why doesn't the father have custody or take her away from the mother? I'm sure a judge would find the Moo too crippled to raise her kids.

Moo complains that Lili throws occasional hissy fits. I'm the first one to suggest slapping a kid silly when they act like rotten shits, but I think this girl's tantrums are absolutely justified. You can bet your ass she's gonna resent the ever-loving fuck out of her mother, especially if/when she gets a little taste of freedom. Speaking of which, what happens when Lili graduates high school? Will she get to go to college, or will she be her mother's caregiver until Moo dies? OR will the younger sister become the new slave? By the time Lili is 18 and graduates, Kaya will be 12, so she'll be plenty old enough to take over Lili's duties. The brother will be worthless because he's the goldenpenis and a tard.

I can only hope Moo dies sooner rather than later so this poor kid can have a life that doesn't revolve around grocery shopping and tard wrangling.
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 09, 2015
I don't think its ethical to make a chyuld or a teenager care for fucked up moo, siblings normal or tards, & do all the housework, because moo is too irresponsible to get her shit together, using her disability as an excuse to be lazy & make her kids her slaves, so she doesn't have to take responsibility for herself. Typical fucking selfish breeder. angry flipping off
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 09, 2015
I bet Moo and family have been laying on the guilt brainwashing for some time now on Lili. If Lili wants to go somewhere to have fun, like a sleepover, she gets, "But what about your little brother and sister? What about me? I can't take of them and myself on my own. You want to go have fun while your little siblings starve for the night and have to sleep in a shitty diaper," and so on and so forth until Lili feels too guilty and ashamed for even entertaining the thought that she's allowed to have fun.

Start the caregiver brainwashing early so that when she's old enough to get the hell out, she's been programmed to not do so. And the rest of the family is quite fine with the 8-year old doing all the cuntwork because otherwise, they'd have to step in.

Instead of charities for young caregivers (like a majority of that money is going to kids like Lili anyway), money should be providing temporary adult caregivers that are being paid by the state so the burden doesn't lie solely on a child. And temporary because if a Moo like this one doesn't get her shit together in the time she has the caregiver, then her children are taken away and she's put into an assisted living facility. No disability checks, no getting to sit on her ass at home while the 8-year old takes care of all the childcare and domestic chores.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Who will take care of you when you're middle-aged?
January 09, 2015
As someone who formerly worked in youth services and now works in a charity working with adults with mental health difficulties, here's my ten pence worth.

Mental health is underfunded, and under-resourced. It is difficult to get the right levels of care and support for people who are physically ill and disabled, let alone mental illness, which is often misunderstood, and people blamed for their own condition. The charity I now work for is working with a full spectrum of mental health disorders, from PD's to bipolar to mild anxiety and depression to PTSD and schizophrenia.

The vast majority of our clients have no kids, because they are simply too unwell to contemplate caring for a child. Those who do have children are mostly non-resident parents, because they recognise that they cannot cope with caring for a child full time, and the child either resides with their other parent, or other family (grandparents). Very few of our clients would ever expect their own children to care for them. This is something that most people with mental illnesses find quite abhorrent, and they get quite angry at any suggestion of their children doing any sort of care for them. This Moo is the sort of person who would induce some of our people to fling plates, quite frankly.

Overwhelmingly, our client base, because we are an environmental volunteer centre, is men, because the work and opportunities on offer are mostly involving physical work, it tends to attract more men. I guess that influences the POV on this subject.

Contrast this with the attitude of social services, and the system in general, which has gone from being all too willing to take children away from parents suffering a bit of mild depression back in the day, to now believing that a child is, in most circumstances except the very extreme ones, better off with the birth family (conveniently, that is also the cheaper option for them). They won't give a fuck if the kids suffer because they have to care for younger siblings or their parent, usually the older kids, so long as their role and level of intervention is minimal, and the costs kept down. There are few consequences for parents who knowingly have children when they are fully aware they cannot adequately care for them, Moos in particular. We seem to, as a society, see breeding as a woman's divine right, no matter what life the children are to be brought into. Mentally ill men get harsher treatment, but Moos get all kinds of udder rubs and help, and called "brave" for having three children when they can barely get out of bed. It's fucked up.

One of the guys at my place has a five year old, and he will openly say he regrets having a child, because of the impact on his son of his mental illness. While it's a sad story, the guy also has a level of awareness that this fucktard Moo never will have, because he understands that his son did not ask to be born to a father with severe and disabling depression and anxiety, and that he isn't the parent he would want to be. He's had the snip, too. This Moo should have had herself fixed after number one. She is a selfish cunt.

Climbs down off soap box.
Some of my jobs have and continue to be either freelance or State caregiving (elderly).
Some of the freelance caregiving is paid for in whole or part by those who have paid for caregiving (or long term care health) insurance.
This, actuallly, supplies the perfect answer to idiots who ask CFers, "Who will take care of you when you get old?"

To be honest here, though, seeing some of what quality of care other so-called "caregivers" provide, I hope I just drop dead and never need it. I can name only two out of the many I know who I would trust, the rest steal (money, items and drugs), leave people sitting or laying in their own urine and filth, lie to the insurance companies, bring their convicted child-molester boyfriends over, overdose to keep their client quiet, feed poorly, ignore schedules, shout at their client because they have dementia and don't understand, and so on.
And the worst of them-even those paid for it? Yeah, famblee members- those wonderful children and grandchildren!! Because they can get away with it the easiest. (shudders)
My advice? STAY HEALTHY.
Why is the Mayor giving out awards to these child slaves? Because he's grateful they're doing it for free and the government doesn't have to pay for it? And "awareness"? How about "ACTION"?

I had a lot of chores from the time I could do them, including caring for a herd of cattle, cleaning the house, all the laundry, and taking care of my bipolar mother (although, to her credit, she held down a full time job. Nights and weekends, she slept and we were on our own, no fun outings, no one allowed over). Luckily, I had an older sister who helped me and I wasn't diapering anyone.

I was always exhausted at school and people laughed at me for falling asleep in class. And the disgust that was SO apparent from my peers and even teachers, don't get me started. They just thought I wasn't trying hard enough.

And if Lili is "so close to her father", why doesn't that asshole step in and take her out of the situation? I assume the other 2 kids are products of FOTW, so somebody should chase down their sperm donors as well. I feel so sorry for these kids. Lili might survive and escape, but her sister might have a harder time.

YES - THIS. It is horrendous in the USA. My parents live in a rural area. My mother passed away in 2012 and the stream of crooked caregivers for cash was endless, even Hospice sent their fair share of wackos. The caregivers had their SO's over late at night and cleaned out the fridge, MULTIPLE TIMES, because as soon as one was fired and another hired, shit kept going out the door just the same. Food, toiletries, including my mother's Fentanyl, which they overdosed her on because she sundowned at night. (Google "sundowning", friends).

I think that's the main reason the elderly are overmedicated, sedated, is because they start hollering at sunset and disrupt the entire floor of a home or hospital, or the nighttime babysitter screams at them, like you said, etc.

Currently my dad has 2 caregivers at about $2,000/mo. total, and they are not 24/7. My mother's care in a home was about $100/day.

One caregiver decided to squat, as in not leave. Squatting is easy to do in my state. Luckily, we got her out before she spent another night. I've also heard of family members squatting.

Unfortunately, childed or not, we have to have a reliable advocate if we live to get old. Best answer is an expiration date on the human body.
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