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If you are a vegan, you can't have an abortion confused smiley

Posted by Dorisan 
If you are a vegan, you can't have an abortion confused smiley
January 26, 2015


The logic is so boggling, I can't work up a rebuttal. How does a person even make that connection? The only thing I could offer back would be something snarky, like this person


Look on the bright side OP, she's not eating her fetus. Still vegan.
Re: If you are a vegan, you can't have an abortion confused smiley
January 26, 2015
I....ummm.....I can't....

The stupid burns.

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: If you are a vegan, you can't have an abortion confused smiley
January 26, 2015
I like how the comments are ripping her a new ass grinning smiley

This one especially for the whole "vegan" thing:


Here's the connection, since you insist that there is one. She believes in bodily autonomy for animals who don't choose to become your next meal, and for herself. Aside from that, no, there is no connection.
Re: If you are a vegan, you can't have an abortion confused smiley
January 27, 2015
I'm a vegetarian, not a vegan, but still.....nope, there is no connection.

Plenty of animals eat their own young. Just sayin'.....
Re: If you are a vegan, you can't have an abortion confused smiley
January 27, 2015
Um...the closest I can figure is that a lot of vegans tend to be opposed to violence/killing in general (death penalty, war, boxing/MMA etc). I do know some vegans...but I'm not sure where they come down on the abortion issue. I should ask them if there's a correlation, because that whole post had me scratching my head.

I'm with you, yummynotmummy. I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian, not vegan...and I just find that comment fuckin' weird.
Re: If you are a vegan, you can't have an abortion confused smiley
January 27, 2015
It seems like this nutter is going off the ASSumption that fetus=prescious human lyyyyyfe, also known as "personhood"

It's a clump of parasitic cells. It could eventually become a future meat-eater. Any way you look at it, a new human is a huge drain on resources. The vegans should be FOR abortion. Saves the animals.
Re: If you are a vegan, you can't have an abortion confused smiley
January 28, 2015
Um...the closest I can figure is that a lot of vegans tend to be opposed to violence/killing in general (death penalty, war, boxing/MMA etc). I do know some vegans...but I'm not sure where they come down on the abortion issue. I should ask them if there's a correlation, because that whole post had me scratching my head.

I'm with you, yummynotmummy. I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian, not vegan...and I just find that comment fuckin' weird.

I'm a partial vegetarian myself. People look at me funny when I say that I only eat pepperoni on pizza and very rarely beef jerky. I would only get an abortion if plan B and herbal miscarriages were to fail. To me abortion would be a last resort i.e the cost and the fundy protesters. Adoption would be my very last choice if I was unable to get an abortion due to time and money. I believe that life begins at conception at a cellular level, but you are not a full person with rights until birth. Abortion does kill a potential person just like medicine kills tapeworms. It is the woman who chooses what to do with the contents of her uterus. The clump would have no recollection of pain or existence. Most of of us barely remember our earliest memory. I have many including my first birthday.

Just because all of my physical needs are met in the first world country does not mean I still suffer (which I do due to bipolar, debt due to mania, and career woes/disappointment). We all suffer in some shape or form. Life is a fatal STD, all you can do is make the most of what you have, live life to the fullest, and count your blessings.
Re: If you are a vegan, you can't have an abortion confused smiley
January 28, 2015
OK, so I asked a vegan. I work at an environmental centre so there are vegans aplenty.

Nope, no correlation, according to that vegan. She is pretty opposed to violence, killing, and stuff, but is also opposed to bringing unwanted life into the world or unnecessary suffering. Most vegans are, for example, in favour of neutering/spaying their pets, and euthanizing them if they get old/sick and are in pain. So, in the case of a pregnant woman who does not want or cannot care for her child, abortion is the lesser evil that minimises suffering to all involved.

So, pretty much the opinion of most reasonable human beings, really.
Re: If you are a vegan, you can't have an abortion confused smiley
January 28, 2015
She's a wackadoo.
Vegan here. Abortions are fine. What a bunch of BS. No connection at all. The stupid/crazy burns.
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