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Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks (Tit picture alert!)

Posted by aliceblue 
Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks (Tit picture alert!)
February 09, 2015
Moo and Duh have a builder come to their home. Duh sends builder into room where he knows moo is bfing the loaf. Builder is grossed out and comments on his own FB page (Do make sure to read all his posts - the last about the saggy and disproportionate milk sacks made me laugh. waving hellolarious ) Someone shares the comments. Cows are lowing everywhere about shaming a moo for bfing in her own home.

Uhh, hello? Sure it is her home but she/they invited the poor guy in. Why the fuck wouldn't you give the guy a heads-up? Even a man who is 100% cool with bfing wouldn't be able to tell if the woman was OK with some strange guy seeing her doing it. I'd imagine that he might feel a bit awkward wondering if he was intruding and if he should stay/go/look away. A simple "my wife's in there feeding the loaf" would have let the guy know that the parents don't care. It would also give him a chance to look away (you know, like the tit police are telling people to do if they don;t like it?) if he was religious or just found it gross. It is just polite.

Plus, not only was moo rude but she was hypocritical. If you want to dangle your udders about where strangers can see them then strangers get to make comments. Sure they shouldn't threaten you or insult you in public but they can certainly roll their eyes, look away, or post comments to social media. It is the same as if you wear a fugly outfit or dress like a denizen of Walmoo. Can't have it both way bovines. :BS

Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 09, 2015
Haha, suck it up, mooos. Udder-feeding isn't beeeoootiful except to you and your breeder-pleasing minions. If you choose to flash 'em in front of some random guy, expect there to be negative consequences. bouncing and laughing
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 09, 2015
Moos are stupid. He can't just "look away", cause he was there to do a job. And if he is there to do a job, why does she have to be in the exact only room he needs to be in. Sounds like exhibitionism on the part of moo and duh. They probably get off on a stranger seeing moo with her tits out and getting sucked on.

I have the right to take a piss or a shower in my own home, of course, but, I don't have the right to leave the door wide open and do it in front of service people.

Captcha hiliarity : peDyw
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 09, 2015
Sending the guy where she was beefing was tacky but IMHO so was the contractor. I work a lot of nights and have been known to answer early hours electricians and such in pajama pants and a t shirt. The man was there to do a job, not look at boobs. This is one case where, as painful as it is, this guy was out of line. She was beefing in her own home in a single room. If he had a problem, he needed to leave and keep it to himself.
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 09, 2015
I swear, some of these Moos do this because they want to pull the "outraged" shit. Whip your tits out in front of enough random strangers, and at some point, someone will say something you don't like and BAM!

There is absolutely no way on this earth that I would expose my boobs in front of a random stranger doing work in my house, and most of the women that I know and like who are mothers would be embarrassed if a workman saw them beefing. A woman with any sense and dignity would go to a more private place, like the bedroom, but noooo, today's moos want exposure and udder rubs, and they complain to high heaven when they don't get it. I do think the guy was an arse to do what he did, but I have my suspicions that Moos do this shit for attention as well.
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 09, 2015
I wouldn't whip out my boobs on purpose either, but if my husband accidentally sent a contractor into a room while I was changing clothes and he commented on my body on the internet, positive or negative, I would be pissed. Yes, yes he or she can look away because they are there to look at my house, not my body. All he had to do was say "excuse me" and go about his business in another place until she was done. No need to post on the Internet. Unprofessional and pervy. This is a non-issue in my book, other than I would never hire such an unprofessional contractor.
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 09, 2015
I'm all for shaming these BF'ing bitches wherever the choose to whip it out. Maybe if we shame them enough, they'll go back to using a bottle when they feed. Brat doesn't want a bottle? Let him yell. If he gets hungry enough, he will take the damn bottle. Jesus Kee-rist! The early 21st Century and these cows want to push their grossness wherever they can. Moo could have had modestly, but more BF'ers are exhibitionists. I suspect the cow loves the attention. Nothing uglier than a cow feeding its calf at the udder. So the more shame, the better.
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 09, 2015
Just because I was cleaning the one bathroom today ~

I am reminded of when I had work done in there. My friend / neighbor recommended these guys, ok. I usually get the Boss Man himself too, I think he has the hots for me, uh oh. He's way into Senior Citizen range, but is also very fit, always dressed up like an LL Bean ad depicting an outdoorsman or rugged manly physical worker, and he is quite good looking - has that shaggy grey hair that I like so much ~

But on the other hand he also kind of looks like Bob Uecker ~

Don't get me started on the Plumbers aforementioned friend recommended. They do good work and are reasonably priced - but I think the both of them are straight up batshit nuts.

For *any* of these people - this is what I would do -

Speaking of the bath room - entire room will be thoroughly cleaned! Before any workers come. Esp. the toilet - even if they are coming to re plaster a wall because I know they will throw buckets of water down it. Everything must be clean. Bulbs in light fixtures replaced so they can see.

Old news papers and paper towels set out for their use. As well as a garbage can. Maybe a few 'rags' if they need those too. Need a 5 gal. bucket? I've got plenty of those too. And I will be right over here - some other room / out of your way - but if you need anything, yell and I will go get it for you, or haul out some garbage, etc.

Also, I always make sure there are drinks at least - coffee for the AM, pops, water for the afternoon. For large projects I will do fast food runs or call for delivery.

And I've had two different construction biz's offer me a job! No kidding! So I must be doing something right ~

I always get 'discounts' too, and people are quick to help. I don't get 'Next Wednesday' I get - we can be there this afternoon thumbs upwink

Be courteous and you'll get the same in return! smiling smiley

Semi Interesting Factoid about myself - I've been through several 'disaster range' floods in three different (US) states. Yes, 'declared' Disaster Areas. This is scary, an indescribable mess, and such huge work to clean up and fix up - I can't even describe it. It's an awful mess, I don't even know how to describe it. I mention this because - what alot of Construction Biz's do is - they are out *immediately* after flood waters recede - looking for work. They come to you. They're out hustling for work, gotta give 'em credit for that.

Unlike Cows who feel everyone should work around them. Look at these people who are being 'pro active' and trying to help? They'll wade through the muck, no problem.

What about me and people like me who WILL get out of your way? And pitch in to help too, if needed?

These guys will go out after even 'moderate' storms - trawling for work. The 'Old Man' showed up at my house recently to see "how my gutters were holding up".

Oh. ? OK ~

Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 10, 2015
yee gods, how inappropriate,

  1. the duh should have warned the poor fellow that the moo was beefing in a certain room, its polite, he may have had a religion that was against exposing the female body, or just a person desire not to see that
  2. aware that they had a worker coming, the moo should have covered up or moved to a privet location, its called being dignified, not hard, but apparently not natural to moos
  3. why the fuck was she beefing in a location that was being worked on, the loud noise, dust, chemicals or materials, would clearly be harmful to anyone let alone a fresh loaf trying to feed
  4. for what reason would anyone want to be underfoot to a worker? sure asking if they'd like a drink, snack/meal now and then is polite, but generally its just strange almost rude to just be underfoot for no reason while they work
  5. the guy has every right to shame them in his personal time on his personal page, why were they looking him up afterwards? was it to see how he reacted to the shock beefing, maybe moo wanted to hear what another guy thought of her tits, found out he didnt like them and had a bitch about it
  6. i dont know of any man that wants his partners bits n pieaces seen by another guy, unless they have a fetish for it otherwise it must just be a breeder thing
  7. also... saggy tits.. hahaha
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 10, 2015
I wonder why the husband told the builder to go in that room? If he knew his wife was in there beefing the loaf, wouldn't it have been logical for him to warn her first, let her get dressed and only then tell the builder to go in there? Seems to me like duh isn't entirely innocent in this situation...waving hellolarious

Also, you don't know what views other people have, you don't know if nudity of any kind offends them. Or maybe they are a galactophobe (irrational fear of titteh jooce) or an infantophobe (irrational fear of bebehs)...I mean, you never know!

If I had the builders over at my house and I needed to get changed, I'd go do that in the bathroom and lock the door. In my opinion that's what normal people do, because yes, mistakes can happen, and someone can walk in on you accidentally.

But I still don't understand why people must get offended at everything nowadays? Okay, so he made a stupid comment on facebook, but so what? If being a parunt makes you so matoooore then why just not laugh about it and get on with your day? She'll probably never see the guy again anyway so what does it matter? Plus she should have a word with that husband of hers.
The hypocrisy is what gets me every time situations like this arise. The guy is being vilified because he called her tits 'saggy' but the tennis-ball-in-sock-titted moos have carte blanche to criticize every single attractive female they come across with no repercussions. smile rolling left righteyes2

Also, why are people who say negative things about beefing always called 'backward' and 'dinosaurs' and things like that? As far as I'm concerned there is nothing more backward and animalistic than beefing.
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 10, 2015
I struggle to stay out of the nursing home and there is physically very little I can do to smooth over a task someone is doing for me, such as Zzelda was able to do for the plumber. Hell, this damned pain makes it difficult to keep this house ahead of the health inspector.

However, a verbal "Don't work too hard. Take care of your self out there!" is more appreciated than most realize. Too many have their heads firmly up their own business and disregard the wellbeing of others.

Some cows don't even keep their spawn out of the professional's equipment! Nor is there rotting food about in my mess. It is just cardboard, papers, and dear Dog! My parents died without taking care of their stuff, and I've two storage units and an apartment full of their stuff.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 10, 2015
This all could have been a part of a bigger scheme. Maybe hubby set this up so he could collect some $$$ from the builder for who knows what.
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks
February 10, 2015
"Have you ever seen a carrier bag full of ready brek?


Aside, breastfeeding IS natural.. just like shitting, puking, pissing, fucking, and explosive diarrhea caused by Mexican parasites. The fact is, if you wouldn't fuck your sig other or pee or void yourself with magnificent fanfare before a builder, why the fuck would breastfeeding be somehow better? I think it's because he called her tits out on their "naturalness". Lol!

And I just love how totally unapologetic he is. A man after my own heart.
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks (Tit picture alert!)
February 10, 2015
Oh ... whoa! My eyes!

Alice - I edited your header to put an alert out. First thing one sees when jumping to that link is latched on kid. I saw brown.

On the builder's part, that was pretty dumb. The fact that the article points out that he posted it on his 'public' profile is to say "damn, dude, that was a stupid move." Probably bad for business as well, hence the abject apology at the bottom. Doesn't matter what a tradesperson sees when they go into someone's home, they keep their opinions to their self. (ETA: Unless they are observing harm being done to others or certain illegal activities.)

That being said, chalk it up to the usual self-absorption of moos that they think no one should have a problem with seeing a tit hanging out; kid latched on. If I was a visitor at someone's home, directed to go into a certain room, and walked in on that, I know I'd put a hand up to shield my face, saying "umm, excuse me, I'll come back later when you are done" and leave. I don't wanna see that. I'd be pissed that I wasn't given fair warning. And if the moo squawked, I'd be blunt. Nursing moos don't get a pass for lacking respect for the sensibilities of others.
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks (Tit picture alert!)
February 10, 2015
Can somebody tell me what ready brek is?

It must be pretty nasty, if he's comparing it to her udders.
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks (Tit picture alert!)
February 10, 2015
Can somebody tell me what ready brek is?

It must be pretty nasty, if he's comparing it to her udders.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks (Tit picture alert!)
February 10, 2015
Can somebody tell me what ready brek is?

It must be pretty nasty, if he's comparing it to her udders.

Speaking of construction - that looks like it'd work as wall paper paste. And possibly a plaster substitute.
Re: Moo "outraged" about comments on her milksacks (Tit picture alert!)
February 10, 2015
Can somebody tell me what ready brek is?

It must be pretty nasty, if he's comparing it to her udders.

Speaking of construction - that looks like it'd work as wall paper paste. And possibly a plaster substitute.

waving hellolarious
Can somebody tell me what ready brek is?

It must be pretty nasty, if he's comparing it to her udders.

Speaking of construction - that looks like it'd work as wall paper paste. And possibly a plaster substitute.

waving hellolarious

Looks like what happened when I tried to make oatmeal in a crockpot. Here's breakfast!
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