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No, you child can't come into the BDSM con to use the restroom.

Posted by randomcfchick 
No, you child can't come into the BDSM con to use the restroom.
March 01, 2015
So as I have mentioned in some other threads, I am more than a little on the kinky side. This weekend my husband and I were at a weekend-long event...seminars, vendors, speakers, and of course several big-ass dungeon parties. The event used an entire convention center -type building. That actually made security easier because all we had to do was watch the front doors. Rest of the building was ours.

On day 2 of the convention, I went to get my sweatshirt from my car. As I walked back in, I saw an older woman with two small boys walking across the parking lot. I figured she was probably headed to the building next to ours, but in the back of my head I knew that the parking lot wasn't full enough for there to be an event in the next building. I walked in, and sure enough the lady tried to follow me. I turned around with one hand on the door handle (so she couldn't get past me) and said something like "Whoa, you can't bring minors in here!". My friend L was about five feet away in the lobby and swooped in to help. The lady said she was looking for (insert public event here), and L said, "Nope, not here. This is a private event for adults only." Neither of us moved from the door. The lady walked away across the parking lot...L and I stood and watched to make sure she wasn't going to come back. Good thing we have drapes across lobby behind the registration table. L and I had some laughs about it. I went to meet my husband who was coming out of a seminar.

I told him and our friend J about the wandering vanilla with two minors in tow. J is head of the volunteer group that runs security. He shook his head and told me he'd just had to block her from taking those kids to the bathroom.

Apparently she'd somehow gotten in the front door and seen the restrooms sign (it was visible from the outside of the privacy drape in the lobby) and decided to take her kids to the restroom. J went sprinting across the lobby going, "Oh, no no no nonononono!!!" and caught them just in time. J told me she said that the boys had to use the restroom, and when she was told this is private, adults-only event with no public restrooms she actually tried to argue. J escorted her out.

I've seen parents play the "my child has to use the potty" card before...this has to be the most ridiculous one I've witnessed.

J added another couple of security people to the lobby after that, in case the lady "accidentally" came back again.
Good thing you guys had security in place for stuff like this. I can't even imagine the hell this bitch would have rained down had her brats witnessed anything "unsavory." Of course, it wouldn't have been HER fault for parading her kids around a BDSM convention after being explicitly told she couldn't have them there.

PS, high five for kink. I wish I lived in an area that had any sort of community like that.
Re: No, you child can't come into the BDSM con to use the restroom.
March 01, 2015
I wanna go.. I can't wait until I get my top surgery and my transition is complete. I'll become all into the kink.
Re: No, you child can't come into the BDSM con to use the restroom.
March 02, 2015
LOL a dozen times LOL! You couldn't get so far as having a dildo out in the open much less a convention here! This town's nothing but a giant nursery with a side of cactus.

I only stick around because I'm attached to the medical and psych services I have and the local YMCA that has a heated indoor pool. The PC keeps me sane.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
I swear kyds and their tiny bladder. There are many kinksters on this forum. :satan Yet another trait that the childfree have in common. winking smiley I'm so jelly. I would love a partner to do kinky stuff with.
I don't think this was an "accident" at all. The parent wanted her child to be exposed to this stuff, so she could run to the media and say, "OMG can you believe these people are in town?!? What about the children???" No reputable news outlet would run a story based on a lunatic's ranting that BDSM folks are simply having a gathering. But the story could be spun in a way that portrayed the BDSM folks as practically inviting the young child in to use the bathroom, even though we all know that this really wasn't the case.

I'd also like to add that convention centers are usually located in cities, or at least in areas where other businesses are nearby. I find it very hard to believe that there wasn't a fast food joint in the area where the kid could use the restroom.
I agree with studio, the moo probably initially turned up for the other function, but decided to go in after someone told her not to. We all know the malignant entitlement these moos feel, and she no doubt thought "how dare anyone tell me something I can't do, I'm a moother - I WILL whatever I damned please". Also, no doubt she put two and two together, and knew there was an adults only sex related convention, and would've taken her brood in specifically to be offended, so she could run off to social media and low her disgust. Problem is that ordinarily the media don't usually do stories on isolated nuts on their soapboxes, however they do when enough lowing occurs on social media.
I agree with Studio. But I do believe she knew what was going on either through someone or perhaps was put up to it by someone. Once told no minors allowed, with the drapes blocking any view, that should have been the signal for most thinking parents that junior probably shouldn't be there. With all the attention that 50 shades of crap has gotten, it would not surprise me at all that some bored cow or religious group wanted to stir up trouble.
Re: No, you child can't come into the BDSM con to use the restroom.
March 02, 2015
I agree, its so obvious that she chose that particular place and event, its almost impossible these days to go anywhere without a 24 hr fast food vendor being within reach, and this being during the day at the time she tried it, I doubt maccas wasn't open.

also, I've noticed a lot that perants tend to use the oh I just gotta take johnny to the toilet over there card, to get into events for free, only to come out when the front desk or ticket place isn't looking, and go further into the event to see as much as possible before getting escorted out, claiming they don't have money enough for entry fees.

also, if I was told no minors at an event, I would think that it might have swearing/some nudity/or sexual themes, because I cant think of anything else safe for adults that isn't for kids, that doesn't revolve around those or things being sold for over 18s, like alcohol, and tobacco.
Re: No, you child can't come into the BDSM con to use the restroom.
March 02, 2015
Have to agree with Studio and the rest. I staff science fiction conventions that block off a part of the venue. At one convention we had a door dragon (badge checker) set up just past the restrooms. Moo said bratleigh had to go to the restroom. No problem I said Ladies room is right there. She wanted to use a restroom in function space. I told her if she wanted to attend the convention she needed to go to registration and pay for a Saturday only membership and if she tries to get in without a badge I would call hotel security.

Moo wanted to gawk a the "freaks" or wished she could be there. Figured she could use the brats to get in for free or play the outraged bovine to the media. Breeders don't like the idea of being denied access to an event even if it's a private event held on private property.
Re: No, you child can't come into the BDSM con to use the restroom.
March 02, 2015
I don't think this was an "accident" at all. The parent wanted her child to be exposed to this stuff, so she could run to the media and say, "OMG can you believe these people are in town?!? What about the children???" No reputable news outlet would run a story based on a lunatic's ranting that BDSM folks are simply having a gathering. But the story could be spun in a way that portrayed the BDSM folks as practically inviting the young child in to use the bathroom, even though we all know that this really wasn't the case.

I'd also like to add that convention centers are usually located in cities, or at least in areas where other businesses are nearby. I find it very hard to believe that there wasn't a fast food joint in the area where the kid could use the restroom.

Heck the moos even bitch about this and it's in vegas!

'cause halloween is for the kyds doncaha know...

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
I don't think this was an "accident" at all. The parent wanted her child to be exposed to this stuff, so she could run to the media and say, "OMG can you believe these people are in town?!? What about the children???" No reputable news outlet would run a story based on a lunatic's ranting that BDSM folks are simply having a gathering. But the story could be spun in a way that portrayed the BDSM folks as practically inviting the young child in to use the bathroom, even though we all know that this really wasn't the case.

I'd also like to add that convention centers are usually located in cities, or at least in areas where other businesses are nearby. I find it very hard to believe that there wasn't a fast food joint in the area where the kid could use the restroom.

J, L, and acquaintance T were all discussing this very possibility. T was all but certain that the lady was some kind of undercover whistleblower/whatever. J pointed out that bringing minors along is the quickest way to blow that smokescreen, as ALL event staff are on the lookout for that. It's very easy to spot people coming into that building, too. The entire front lobby is glass. The registration and hospitality desks were situated so that they could easily see who was approaching through the giant parking lot (which makes me wonder how she even got the kids into the lobby the second time...maybe they were RIGHT behind her and thus couldn't be seen? dunno). Anyway, if she was trying to set up a pearl-clutch she was really, really bad at it. Only thing she saw was a bunch of people milling around a lobby, with lots of them wearing black. And maybe more dudes in Utilikilts than usual.

As for CF being kinksters...I have noticed that, too. I think some of us are more likely to be out about it (though I cannot be, ever, due to my profession), and have the time/money to go to cons. I do know childed kinksters, and the ones with small children simply don't have the time/money/energy to go to very many parties, let alone big-ass, weekend-long cons.

Oh, and remember the threads we've seen here about ways to meet other CF people (or at the very least, people whose lives don't revolve around their kids)? Kink community has been a FINE resource for that for me. Talk about a hobby that's not compatible with kids!
Re: No, you child can't come into the BDSM con to use the restroom.
March 02, 2015
Was this the fetish flea in Rhode island by chance
WTF. Don't moos want their little chilluns to be protected from shit like sex and violence on TV, Breaking Bad Figurines in Toys R Us, the evil gays... But then they do shit like this.
Re: No, you child can't come into the BDSM con to use the restroom.
March 04, 2015
Moo not use to being told "No. You may not go in there".

How dare those meanies tell me I cannot see the wizard behind the curtain.
Re: No, you child can't come into the BDSM con to use the restroom.
March 06, 2015
I agree the moo did it on purpose, either for attention or to deliberately hurt the con or both.

We help staff a con, which, while not really sexual in nature, has some adult themed things in it. (All of my panels are adults only, but that's because I teach ballroom dancing and don't feel like free babysitting should be part of the job. I also use music with adult themes and words, because sometimes that is fun to dance to.) There were definitely a few sexually themed panels and some adult artwork in a couple of places, so it's not entirely 100% wholesome failbly entertainment either.

On the whole, we are CONSTANTLY bombarded with media and such trying to paint a perverted slant on the con and denounce us to the world as horrible people. We've had a couple of failblies come to attend the con, but not many over the years we've run it. This year we had one particular cow who brought her litter of 3 brats in, losing 2 of said sprogs entirely, and then running about madly screaming "TWO LITTLE GIRLS!" repeatedly to everyone before running off to yell the same useless phrase to the next hapless victim. Someone did find the brats and (I kid you not...) turned them in to the "lost and found" department, who, considered placing them in the box, but decided better of it and just handed them some free cheapo gumball toys and sat them in a corner until the cow came to claim them. All was well. The moo was (in the end) happy, the brats were thrilled with the toys and nobody got hurt (including the con). This kind of story makes me wonder though if some cow would deliberately try to cause a scene similar to this to try and prove what horrible people we are. It's things like this that make me glad I chose to only run panels for adults. (and anyone who knows the tango, the first year when we didn't have satisfactory door staff, someone almost did a corte' on some brats head who ran into the room, unattended.)
Re: No, you child can't come into the BDSM con to use the restroom.
March 07, 2015
I think that breeders just like to be victims. Victims get all of the attention. And you can only be a victim of you have kids of course.
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