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:cen This is why parunts need to watch their fucking brats

Posted by cfaspiegirl26 
:cen This is why parunts need to watch their fucking brats
May 26, 2015
But I only looked away for a second!!!!

your children are overrated and overvalued, and
you've turned them into little cult objects. George Carlin

Not a single gram of fuck shall be given today
Re: :cen This is why parunts need to watch their fucking brats
May 26, 2015

And that was some WORLD CLASS pearl clutching on the part of the news readers too.
The dramatic background music was a nice touch smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: :cen This is why parunts need to watch their fucking brats
May 26, 2015
news article
The video is hard to watch, but the young boy did survive.

really I didn't find that hard to watch at all, I've seen more cringe worthy things on funniest home videos as a child.

ok, so im to assume within the next 5 years, escalators will now be banned or fully encased so this shit cant possibly happen, which further proceeds parents efforts to bubble wrap the earth, rather than actually keeping an eye on their kids, and teaching them not to run off.

im amazed the kid doesn't have brain damage, wonder if the parents tried to sue the mall for having escalators yet?
Don't you know, that's what The Village is for. smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: :cen This is why parunts need to watch their fucking brats
May 27, 2015
That's horrible.

There you are walking along, mixing your own business, when it suddenly and without warning starts raining crotch nuggets.
Re: :cen This is why parunts need to watch their fucking brats
May 27, 2015
Damn, that's a winner! saying 'wtf' It's just too hard to keep an eye on one's kyd...

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: :cen This is why parunts need to watch their fucking brats
May 27, 2015
That's horrible.

There you are walking along, mixing your own business, when it suddenly and without warning starts raining crotch nuggets.

Exactly, what if one falls from the third floor or higher and kills or causes severe brain damage to a passerby? :hs
Re: :cen This is why parunts need to watch their fucking brats
May 28, 2015
That's horrible.

There you are walking along, mixing your own business, when it suddenly and without warning starts raining crotch nuggets.

oh god your comment made me laugh so hard thumbs upwink
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