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Abortion usually not a cause for regret

Posted by cfdavep 
Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 15, 2015

This article admits that the vast majority of women do not regret abortions. It says that even women who want to be moos later are totally over the abortion within three years or sooner and obviously anyone not wanting kids are relieved from the get go. I think either the media protrays rare women who abort and truly reget it for life as the norm or many women lie and say they regret it to reduce hostility from others.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 15, 2015
Well, let me say I'm one of the women out there who had an abortion and I'm glad I did.

It was the smartest thing I ever did, IMO. If I could go back and do it over again, of course, I never would have gotten inpig in the first place but shit happens. Thank Goodness that abortion exists and is legal in Canada. Because of that, I was given a chance for a decent life, and I was able to spare a child a life of poverty and grief.
Anonymous User
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 15, 2015
I had an abortion 25 years ago, at six weeks, after being raped. At that time, I hadn't even started college yet. I was just beginning to heal a lifetime of physical and verbal abuse from a dad who had dropped dead two years previously, not to mention 12 years of relentless bullying in school. Even if I'd wanted to keep it, I was not exactly mommy material-- at least, not by my own standards.

I'm sure I would've gotten metric shit-tons of udder rubs and free crap (up to and including most, if not all, college expenses paid), but the fact of the matter is that kid and I would've had to live with each other for 18+ years. No amount of WIC or udder rubs can be substitutes for loving, centered, at-least-somewhat-confident parenting (listen and learn, lurking moos!).

That's just one of the many, many reasons I haven't squirted out DNA replicants.

And no, I don't regret it for a second. I think about it every now and then, but not with regret.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 15, 2015
I'm lucky to be seeing a man who is very comfortable money-wise, knows how I feel about kids and would pay for an abortion, should I ever need one.

Regret? Psh! Why feel regret for a non-sentient potential person? My quality of life is much more important than the life of a fetus, a mass of tissue that feels no pain, nothing, when most abortions are performed.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 15, 2015
I luckily never had to have an abortion, but plenty of my friends have, especially in college. My roommate my sophomore year was one of those girls who was DEVASTATED by her abortion. She was one of those chicks that loved kids and wanted to be a teacher. Anyway, as soon as she found out she was preggers, it was a fucking shit-show. Crying jags, drinking sprees, dramatic emotional hysterics, and a drawn-out collaboration with the guy she fucked to pay his half and take her to the clinic (he was a really stand-up guy about the whole thing). It dragged on for months after she had the procedure, and finally the school year ended and she went home to wherever the fuck she was from for the summer.

Meanwhile, my other friends were having abortions left and right (one girl got inpig while on those useless Depo-Provera shots) and not batting an eye over the proceedings. Mostly they would go in first thing in the morning and then be ready to hit the bar by dinner time. We didn't fuck around when it came time to party. All of them are mawms now, after they got married, etc. and nobody regrets those early 20s abortions.

It's funny because the girl who couldn't handle it had a special needs brother that the family secreted away in some institution and didn't tell anybody about him (which I could have high-fived them for), so I don't understand why she didn't get that abortion was a great option.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 15, 2015
Back when I was in high school, we had people from Planned Parenthood visit. They would talk about birth control, STD's and pignasty termination. Many facts were provided and the idea was that abortion really gives a young couple a chance at becoming a useful member of the society. All the facts could be checked and verified and people spoke the truth.

Then, the Right To Life idiots showed up. This was an inner city school and I had no clue who the fuck they were. All I remember is that it was a very unattractive female, thick glasses, overweight, short gray curly hair, without a smile on her face. In the first 2 minutes I wanted to spit in the palm of her hand and close her hand. Stupid bitch. She carried on about how women regret abortions and how men who knock up such women go impotent. One of my friends asked the bitch if her husband was impotent because if he is, that's because he has to fuck her and that would be difficult for any man to get a boner if they saw her naked. She got pissy and said that if her husband heard that, he'd beat my friend up. My friend told her that such would be impossible because chances are, her husband is busy fucking college women and taking them to abortion clinic. I think I would be upset if such was said to people from PP, but when it came to Right to Lie, all bets were off. Besides, that Right to Lie bitch, she had "natural" birth control. Naturally, nobody would fuck her, that's why she did not need abortions or anything else. I did wish she would ride a good dildo and shut the fuck up, but, that was wishful thinking. If we had more male prostitutes, bitches like that would not be going from school to school spewing garbage.

Anyone ever noticed that most Right to Lie fuckers are butt ugly? I think they have no chance of ever getting laid so they get jealous of those who do. They look for legal way to punish people who get to have sex.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 15, 2015
This very issue is what got C. Everett Koop dismissed as Reagan's Surgeon General. Koop was told to investigate that women who had abortions were traumatized and full of regrets. Koop was pro-life and plunged into reading reports and interviews, fully expecting to find horror stories and negatives.

Nope. Fewer than 3% expressed any negatives and most of those few said that the experience was unpleasant but they'd do it again without blinking ("It saved my life," "Best thing I could have done,"). Koop remained pro-life, but he was an honest doctor and refused to report that abortion traumatized women. Because he refused to lie, he was fired.

How discouraging that people have to keep reinventing the wheel.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 16, 2015
George Carlin: Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place? :-)
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 16, 2015
Gee, what a surprise. People largely don't regret abortions and they largely don't regret sterilization, and the only people who regret either are nothing like us. I wonder if they asked how many people delighted in their abortions. Not that I want to have one, but if for some reason I did I would enjoy verbally throwing the fetus corpse at pro-liars. It wouldn't make up for the physical pain but overall my emotions would be on the opposite end of the scale from regret: relief plus smugness. I just hate those forced birthers so much.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 16, 2015
Gee, what a surprise. People largely don't regret abortions and they largely don't regret sterilization, and the only people who regret either are nothing like us. I wonder if they asked how many people delighted in their abortions. Not that I want to have one, but if for some reason I did I would enjoy verbally throwing the fetus corpse at pro-liars. It wouldn't make up for the physical pain but overall my emotions would be on the opposite end of the scale from regret: relief plus smugness. I just hate those forced birthers so much.

I don't know how many people are delighted, but there is a website which lists a large number of testimonials from women who claim they they would do it again.

Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 16, 2015
I don't know how many people are delighted, but there is a website which lists a large number of testimonials from women who claim they they would do it again.


Nobody is going to do a study on how many are delighted because that's not congruent with the narrative of how you're supposed to feel about this oh-so-serious decision. You're supposed to feel guilty according to pro-liars and to have made a difficult decision according to pro-choicers.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 16, 2015
My abortion was late term, and excruciatingly painful because I had a very rigid cervix and they had to insert laminaria tents inside of me the night before the procedure. I was literally screaming in pain. On the way to the clinic, we had to stop the car several times because I had to vomit due to the pain.

When I woke up after the procedure, I remember feeling an intense relief, not only from the pain, but also from realizing that my life was going to be back on track. I certainly wasn't delighted with having to get it done, and after that, I worked to make extra sure that I would never get inpig again. I never did, which is awesome.

I wouldn't recommend abortion as a form of birth control, simply because of what I went through with it, but I'm glad that it was an option for me when I needed it. It was also covered by my medical insurance, which was a bonus. I didn't have to pay a penny out of pocket.

ETA: My abortion was somewhat unusual due to the late-term situation and my anatomy, so this post is in no way a reflection of what the average abortion is like. I am definitely pro choice, and my stance on that has never changed. If I ever had to do it again, I most certainly would...however, Mr. M6 has had the snip, so I know I will never have to go through that again.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 16, 2015
I never wanted to ever have an abortion. I took extreme measures to not get inpiged in the first place. Thankfully, my insurance covered because I had other issues with my uterus, the thing now rests in a medical waste pile.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 16, 2015
Well, let me say I'm one of the women out there who had an abortion and I'm glad I did.

It was the smartest thing I ever did, IMO. If I could go back and do it over again, of course, I never would have gotten inpig in the first place but shit happens. Thank Goodness that abortion exists and is legal in Canada. Because of that, I was given a chance for a decent life, and I was able to spare a child a life of poverty and grief.

Sing it, Sister!

I heartily second your sentiments. My abortion was the smartest decision I ever made. Two forms of birth control failed me, and the instant I suspected I was pregnant, a drumbeat of "GET-IT-OUT-GET-IT-OUT-GET-IT-OUT" started in my head.

Felt nothing but relief afterwards, or for the ensuing 40 years.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 16, 2015
Well, let me say I'm one of the women out there who had an abortion and I'm glad I did.

It was the smartest thing I ever did, IMO. If I could go back and do it over again, of course, I never would have gotten inpig in the first place but shit happens. Thank Goodness that abortion exists and is legal in Canada. Because of that, I was given a chance for a decent life, and I was able to spare a child a life of poverty and grief.

Sing it, Sister!

I heartily second your sentiments. My abortion was the smartest decision I ever made. Two forms of birth control failed me, and the instant I suspected I was pregnant, a drumbeat of "GET-IT-OUT-GET-IT-OUT-GET-IT-OUT" started in my head.

Felt nothing but relief afterwards, or for the ensuing 40 years.

I hear you. The first words out of my mouth after I found out I was pregnant? "I am getting an abortion."
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 16, 2015
I believe that a real adult simply thinks everything through, makes a decision
and sticks to it. It's not a rocket science. There is no place for some regrets.
Shoulda coulda woulda.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 16, 2015
Well, let me say I'm one of the women out there who had an abortion and I'm glad I did.

It was the smartest thing I ever did, IMO. If I could go back and do it over again, of course, I never would have gotten inpig in the first place but shit happens. Thank Goodness that abortion exists and is legal in Canada. Because of that, I was given a chance for a decent life, and I was able to spare a child a life of poverty and grief.

Sing it, Sister!

I heartily second your sentiments. My abortion was the smartest decision I ever made. Two forms of birth control failed me, and the instant I suspected I was pregnant, a drumbeat of "GET-IT-OUT-GET-IT-OUT-GET-IT-OUT" started in my head.

Felt nothing but relief afterwards, or for the ensuing 40 years.

Exactly. When I was on the phone making the appointment for the abortion my only thought was get this thing out of me. So glad I made a separate emergency abortion fund account when I graduated college. Only good thing my sperm and egg donors did was emphasize planning for emergencies, I decided that the worst emergency was getting inpig and made sure I have the money for an abortion plus travel, hotel, and whatever else I needed to pay for to get an abortion.

Best damn decision I ever made.
Re: Abortion usually not a cause for regret
July 16, 2015
My abortion was the smartest decision I ever made. Two forms of birth control failed me, and the instant I suspected I was pregnant, a drumbeat of "GET-IT-OUT-GET-IT-OUT-GET-IT-OUT" started in my head.

Felt nothing but relief afterwards, or for the ensuing 40 years.

I've had cysts removed from various parts of my body. The most morbid experience was when I developed one above the thyroid gland in my neck. It took weeks to get the thing dealt with, the doctor called for numerous tests to make sure it wasn't malignant. All the while, it was getting bigger and BIGGER, finally becoming noticeable to other people who asked if I had a goiter. I almost lost my mind, constantly feeling it, looking at the growing mass in the mirror, crying to Dh "gawd, this is so gross. I feel like a parasite is growing inside me. LOOK HOW BIG IT'S GETTING!" :bawl

On the day I was finally told that it was going to be surgically removed, the doctor wanted to make sure I was OK with the likelihood of a distinct scar. In the few seconds before I coughed out an answer, scenes ran through my mind of jumping off the table, grabbing the wretch by the collar and shaking the crap out of him, all the while screeching "SCAR? You think I'm worried about a FUCKING SCAR? GET THIS OUT OF ME RIGHT NOW!!" Instead I took a deep breath and said that I was A-OK with a raised line across my neck.

The detached, intellectual part of me acknowledges that becoming a parent is simply not the path that I want to take. That's the statement I make to explain my CF orientation. However, the part of me that deals with physical sensibilities is revolted at the aspect of carrying a fetus, feeling the ever growing mass, knowing that at some point it's going to start moving around inside me and that expelling it is going to be a painful, foul process. I think I'd lose my mind if I found myself in that state and was prevented from terminating it.
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