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And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....

Posted by cfdavep 
And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 10, 2015

....can be a dad one day. I guess you can always be sure about baybees at any age, but not about being CF, til you are 40 or so. Ugh
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 10, 2015
One thing I cannot help but think:

So their ovaries shut down and then they can't conceive and bake a loaf. So what. Men can't be pregnant. This person has to accept that is what being a male means: No pregnancy.

This is some screwy logic this person has , yeah? :eh??
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 10, 2015
"preserving his ability to have children that he’ll be biologically related to, whether he chooses to carry a child himself or turn to a surrogate."

This is the creepiest part. He actually plans to become PREGNANT, as a man?

“Some transgender people who realized after gender reassignment surgery that they wanted kids of their own had no chance, because they already had their reproductive organs removed.”

One would think that people are aware well before the surgery that they won't be able to have kids without their reproductive organs...
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 10, 2015
I think if someone wants a vasectomy, that is rarely challenged. If someone wants a tubal, all depends where you live and so forth... Yes, there is gender bias.
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 11, 2015
tea princess
"preserving his ability to have children that he’ll be biologically related to, whether he chooses to carry a child himself or turn to a surrogate."

This is the creepiest part. He actually plans to become PREGNANT, as a man?

“Some transgender people who realized after gender reassignment surgery that they wanted kids of their own had no chance, because they already had their reproductive organs removed.”

One would think that people are aware well before the surgery that they won't be able to have kids without their reproductive organs...
That's what I was thinking too. Plus, wouldn't they have to stop their regular intake of synthetic male hormones to avoid messing up the fetus, and then intake another set of synthetic hormones to sustain the pregnancy, because the now inert ovaries probably no longer produce those critical hormones?

And why would a trans male want to do something so specifically female (bake a loaf) when they tried so hard to be considered male? Isn't that ultimately sending a confusing message?
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 11, 2015
People nowadays do not want to pay a price for anything they do. A female wants to be a total guy, yet wants to be female again for just that part of life. When my uncle did the sex change he knew the "price tag." was no bio sprogs. Of course he never stopped wailing about the horror of it all and his conservative relatives who think that transgendered people are mental had NO sympathy telling him that no bio sprogs will be a part of the deal.
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 11, 2015
Getting a vasectomy is no big deal for men. It took my husband less than one month from referral to the urologist to getting the snip. Our insurance paid for it all.
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 11, 2015
Correct. Somehow our medical community sees that men can decide if they want kids or not. Not always the same story for women.
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 11, 2015
Reminds me of that pregnant "man" that was on some talk shows a few years ago. In general I have no problem with using the gendered pronoun of a person's choice and otherwise accepting someone by the gender of choice, but when you choose to engage in biological funtions which are specific to one gender while claiming to be the other, I think it's bullshit. I also don't have a problem with gender fluidity in terms of presenting as one gender or the other at different points in life.

But I cannot reconcile feeling so strongly that you are male that you pursue hormonal treatment, while at the same time preserving female reproductive organs. Bleh. Just goes to show: breeders are breeders, regardless of gender.
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 12, 2015
I find it interesting that, while trans people are allowed to transition at a young age with parental approval (frankly I don't think they should need parental approval, just doctor approval), childfree people aren't allowed to get sterilized as consenting adults! I just don't get it. confused smiley I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want to so long as they aren't hurting anyone else, offense and worry don't count as hurt, just cause you worry about someone regretting their decision, or are offended by it, that doesn't mean you get to control them.
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 12, 2015
childfree people aren't allowed to get sterilized as consenting adults

By law, they are allowed to get sterilized. If you are a male - very easy - very rarely challenged. If you are a female, not every doctor will do it, but if you look around, you will find one that will do it. Yes, it is bullshit that women get challenged, but, that's the world that we live in.
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 12, 2015
ECB and Techie, men don't necessarily get vasectomies without hassle. Some time back I posted links to copies of specific urologists' forms requiring a wife's signature giving consent for a husband to get a vasectomy, and others have said here they themselves had had hassles from doctors refusing to maker the snip. The part of the country, the doctor's age and attitude about being childfree, and the area (urban or rural) all seem to play some role in this.

The problem is that a doctor telling a competent adult s/he needs another adult's permission (signature) to get any medical procedure is a blatant violation of the US medical privacy provisions in the HIPAA law. A wife can have an abortion without her husband's permission or even knowledge, but she needs his okay to get a tubal ligation or he needs hers to get a vasectomy? Makes no sense, but that's still reality in some areas.

Side note: I have voiced suspicion here that some doctors do sham "sterilizations" without actually doing so because they really don't want to sterilize someone who has no sprogs. Too many anecdotes are out there about pregnancies despite sterilization...
Re: And yet if someone wants a vasectomy or tubal.....
August 12, 2015
Kman, I can agree that in a small number of cases men do get hassled about getting a snip. But compared to women, ratio of harassment is probably 1 case for a man for each 1000 cases for a woman. Men just don't get pressured as much by society into breeding as women do.

For me personally, I mostly got hell from women that I dated. The rest of the world, they can pretty much not give a crap if I breed or not. In some small cases that does happen, but not very often. I know several men who got fixed in their early 20's - no kids. They did not get ANY crap from the doctor. A men can find a doctor who can perform vasectomy at age of 18. Believe it or not, it will not be that difficult. I don't know about small towns, I have always lived in a big city, but from my experience, pressure for men to breed is not very high.
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