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Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress

Posted by cfdavep 
Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 15, 2015
There is no link, but a parent of an awtard now has PTSD from raising his snowflake. The duh admitted he now needs therapy due to the stress and the normal brother needs therapy, due to the fact there is nothing left over from his parents to give to him as it all goes to the tard:

"I am glad he wrote this. We need more candid stories of what autism is really like. I have an 8 year old son with high functioning autism. Its not sunshine and rainbows. Yes, he is cute and quirky. A lot of people and kids adore him. He is a rebel and everyone loves a rebel without a cause. But he also has fun times like smacking his teacher across the face with his lunchbox or flipping a desk or being in physical pain from loud gyms or auditoriums or crowds. Or not being understood. or dancing and stimming right out in front of a moving car. or running away from school and running across parking lots. Or making i tso we can't take his twin brother to fun kid experiences because he flips out and we have to leave.

For my son he has progressively gotten worse and we cannot understand why. He is highly intelligent but his moods are very unstable. The littest things will set him off.

To me the worst part is lack of government or insurance support to get him all the therapy he needs. We will have to literally bankrupt ourselves to pay for it all but since we do have a decent income we don't qualify for medicare or SS or welfare. So we are that unfortunate middle class that gets left behind.

balancing the needs of my other son with his brother is getting harder and harder. His brother is going to have to go into therapy because he is starting to resent his brother.

I am going into therapy because I am starting to go insane from stress. Its cost me relationships. People don't want to be friends with us because we are not "Fun" enough and they get uncomfortable.

other parents at the school resent us for how much attention my son gets and get mad when his autism behaviors disrupt the classroom.

Its bad and I feel this country does not care about us. Society does not care about us. Our family does not do enough. Our friends don't do enough. I feel often abandoned. I can't work because I am constantly on call for IEP meetings and have to take him to all his therapies and be on call for when he gets in trouble or gets suspened for crisis situations.

everyone wants to see sunshine and rainbows and unicorns for autism but ignore my son trying to kill himself or that I have PTSD now from always waiting for the next meltdown and always being on edge. I cant be positive about it. "
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 15, 2015
Im a sibling of an autistic girl and I have ptsd, however my parents denied me therapy and meds
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 15, 2015
The comment was taken from today's Cracked.com, which I can't stop reading. One commenter said that if this article is not an advert for condom's, he didn't know what was. Naturally he got the red thumbs down. You would think the normal kids with a chance in life would get the resources and not the tard who is destined for a group home. Yet nowadays they mess up the normal sibling and leave them with nothing while Tardly is given everything, only for him to face institutionalization.

There is a fancy little co-op store near here were there is a guy with Downs who is a cashier. The guy does a good job, but I think the parents gave him EVERYTHING they had to get him that far
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 15, 2015
To me the worst part is lack of government or insurance support to get him all the therapy he needs. We will have to literally bankrupt ourselves to pay for it all but since we do have a decent income we don't qualify for medicare or SS or welfare. So we are that unfortunate middle class that gets left behind.

Its bad and I feel this country does not care about us. Society does not care about us. Our family does not do enough. Our friends don't do enough. I feel often abandoned. I can't work because I am constantly on call for IEP meetings and have to take him to all his therapies and be on call for when he gets in trouble or gets suspened for crisis situations.

They gambled and lost. I see this mostly as whining for free money and free daycare in guise of "care". And money wouldn't even begin to solve the problems he signed up for the day he spun the roulette wheel and bred. And as for his family and friends: he expects support from them when his defecto is giving him PTSD, does he really think it acceptable to demand they help out with his defecto? The parents of him and his spouse should have to deal with his defecto so he doesn't go crazy instead of enjoying their lives? Cousins and aunts and uncles terrified of the defecto should just let him run wild and do monetary/emotional damage because he is a relative? Obviously his terror has pushed the buttons and committed enough destruction that family and friends have had to set boundaries and this kids is only 8.

Note he barely mentioned the other son, who in my opinion is the real victim here. And I'd guess part of the PTSD is from this duh realizing his defecto is only 8 and the reality of 10 more years of torment at minimum. It is easy for me to say but I wouldn't make any heroic efforts to keep the defecto from a Darwin. Makes me wonder when/if defecto testing is available.
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 15, 2015
There is no link, but a parent of an awtard now has PTSD from raising his snowflake. The duh admitted he now needs therapy due to the stress and the normal brother needs therapy, due to the fact there is nothing left over from his parents to give to him as it all goes to the tard:

"I am glad he wrote this. We need more candid stories of what autism is really like. I have an 8 year old son with high functioning autism. Its not sunshine and rainbows. Yes, he is cute and quirky. A lot of people and kids adore him. He is a rebel and everyone loves a rebel without a cause. But he also has fun times like smacking his teacher across the face with his lunchbox or flipping a desk or being in physical pain from loud gyms or auditoriums or crowds. Or not being understood. or dancing and stimming right out in front of a moving car. or running away from school and running across parking lots. Or making i tso we can't take his twin brother to fun kid experiences because he flips out and we have to leave.

For my son he has progressively gotten worse and we cannot understand why. He is highly intelligent but his moods are very unstable. The littest things will set him off.

To me the worst part is lack of government or insurance support to get him all the therapy he needs. We will have to literally bankrupt ourselves to pay for it all but since we do have a decent income we don't qualify for medicare or SS or welfare. So we are that unfortunate middle class that gets left behind.

balancing the needs of my other son with his brother is getting harder and harder. His brother is going to have to go into therapy because he is starting to resent his brother.

I am going into therapy because I am starting to go insane from stress. Its cost me relationships. People don't want to be friends with us because we are not "Fun" enough and they get uncomfortable.

other parents at the school resent us for how much attention my son gets and get mad when his autism behaviors disrupt the classroom.

Its bad and I feel this country does not care about us. Society does not care about us. Our family does not do enough. Our friends don't do enough. I feel often abandoned. I can't work because I am constantly on call for IEP meetings and have to take him to all his therapies and be on call for when he gets in trouble or gets suspened for crisis situations.

everyone wants to see sunshine and rainbows and unicorns for autism but ignore my son trying to kill himself or that I have PTSD now from always waiting for the next meltdown and always being on edge. I cant be positive about it. "

What people fail to realize--and by people, I generally mean most people from all walks of life--is that there is no more money left. It's gone. And the Social Security, Medicare, and disability money is already earmarked or going flying out of the system at an alarming rate to the Baby Boomers.

We're broke. And if your plan for the coming years is to roll the dice and hope that Uncle Sam can bail you out, I think you're going to find yourself very disappointed with that life strategy. Between our stressed social safety nets plus our crumbling infrastructure, plus the national debt.... there's just no money left.

And what kind of precedent would be set if this family suddenly qualified for money? How many others would have PTSD? Legitimate or not?

They say that society doesn't care about them. I believe they're right, but society doesn't care about me, or anyone else, either. People have their own problems and their own stressors. That's just the unfortunate nature of life.
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 15, 2015

dancing and stimming right out in front of a moving car. or running away from school and running across parking lots.

I think someone is hoping for a post-natal abortion accompanied by a large insurance payout to compensate for the "grief" (yeahright) of losing him. Or maybe the tard will display that violent behavior in front of a cop and be shot. Again with the boolah from punitive and compensatory damages.
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 15, 2015
But they should be happy that one thing they don't have to deal with is "monthly feminine needs"confused smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 15, 2015
Hah! You think you've got PTSD and need therapy now, Duh? Wait till puberty! HULK SMASH! HURRR...

dancing and stimming right out in front of a moving car. or running away from school and running across parking lots.

Uh-huh. So WHEN this little defecto gets run over by someone who couldn't stop in time, how quickly will the GoFundMe account and/or annual event for "Remember Tardley" fall into place?

I am so done with these "intelligent, quirky" kids who can't be arsed to sit in a fucking chair for a haircut or accept the fact that other people are not for hitting. News flash, assholes: Life on this planet (especially the more crowded it gets) consists of getting along with the people around you to some degree.

There is going to come a time, hopefully sooner rather than later, when there's going to be a 180-degree shift so that "not being a psychotic asshole" will finally trump being "quirky". And that movement will be led by people like this tard's poor brother, who refuse to buy into the "autism = get out of responsibility free card" gestalt we all enjoy today.
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 15, 2015
Sounds like a future school shooter ala Adam Lanza, another "quirky, intelligent" snowflake.

other parents at the school resent us for how much attention my son gets and get mad when his autism behaviors disrupt the classroom.

I don't blame them. They should be in a separate class, so as not to interfere or hurt other kids or teachers. His brother didn't ask for this mess, yet the parents pour all their energy into his sibling.

At some point, people are going to have say "enough" bending and twisting to accommodate disruptive students like this.

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Evan Davis
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 15, 2015
Often heard when describing an awtard or downy is the adjective "intelligent." It no longer carries any weight and is often used as a defense mechanism "downy kid wears a diaper and can't write or read at the age of 10 blah blah blah but he/she is intelligent!"

No, by the very definition of intelligent neither of them remotely qualify. Most people aren't intelligent, most people are average. I don't care what that stupid IQ internet quiz tells them, if Mensa wouldn't accept you then you aren't that intelligent. And neither awtards or downy have the mental capacity to take the test, let alone do well.

I used to have a cat which understood the word "no" and she would protest but obey, showing restraint. The ability to understand cause and affect gives her an higher IQ than the awtards, downys and some seemingly normal people! She was also house trained but I just couldn't inspire her to read winking smiley.
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 15, 2015
Often heard when describing an awtard or downy is the adjective "intelligent." It no longer carries any weight and is often used as a defense mechanism "downy kid wears a diaper and can't write or read at the age of 10 blah blah blah but he/she is intelligent!"

No, by the very definition of intelligent neither of them remotely qualify. Most people aren't intelligent, most people are average. I don't care what that stupid IQ internet quiz tells them, if Mensa wouldn't accept you then you aren't that intelligent. And neither awtards or downy have the mental capacity to take the test, let alone do well.

I used to have a cat which understood the word "no" and she would protest but obey, showing restraint. The ability to understand cause and affect gives her an higher IQ than the awtards, downys and some seemingly normal people! She was also house trained but I just couldn't inspire her to read winking smiley.

My cat cleo is super intelligent also. She LOVES to kneed and her claws hurt, so I put a blanket or pillow between her and my lap, now she waits for me to place said pillow or blanket. When she wants to hop up she'll continually rub against my legs until I put it on my lap then she'll hop up.
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 16, 2015
The friends and family don't help enough huh?
Did they ask around to see if the kid would be able to fit into all of their schedules before fucking bareback? Nah didn't think so. Not their responsibility.


Roy: Linda just had a baby? Wow, well you'd never know.
Moss: Ugggggggggh.
Roy: What?
Moss: Too much information!
Jen: What, that she had a baby?
Moss: Ugggggggggggggggggggh! Come on!
Jen: Moss, it's a natural part of life.
Moss: It's not a natural part of my life. And I aim to keep it that way.
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 16, 2015

My cat cleo is super intelligent also. She LOVES to kneed and her claws hurt, so I put a blanket or pillow between her and my lap, now she waits for me to place said pillow or blanket. When she wants to hop up she'll continually rub against my legs until I put it on my lap then she'll hop up.

Super intelligent and a very considerate kitty too!
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 16, 2015
My parrot has a greater level of intelligence than most tards too. He has a great vocabulary, he flies AWAY from danger, and he is very personable and polite (for the most part.) I've even managed to semi-potty train him, and he is pretty good with that too, save the occasional accident on my husband's shoulder. Right now he's sitting on my lap, and he's not a bother at all.

I would have PTSD from being stuck with a tard, too. I don't feel sorry for the breeders, as they CHOSE to procreate, therefore they are taking a gamble with another human being's life.

Who I feel bad for is the siblings of these tards. Those kids have NO recourse, as the parunts are so busy dealing with / wrangling the tard, that they give no thought to their normal kids. Those are the ones who are slapped, punched, bitten, beaten, etc. etc. and the parunts allow it, because Tardley's peewins would be hurt if he is ever punished. It would be Hell on Earth to be a sibling to a tard.

The duh, giving all his money to the tard, is an asshole. That tarded kid should be institutionalized and the money given to the normal kyd so he has something. The normal kid is going to resent his entire famblee for treating him like a second class citizen.
Re: Parent of Awtard has PTSD from stress
November 16, 2015
Generally, the idea is that a kid will "pay back" for what it cost to educate him/her somewhere down the line, in some way or another. Problem that started with passage of public law 94-142 (SpEd law, requiring kids be educated in least restrictive environment) is that the public school is now responsible for a much, much broader swath than ever, and that the kids who require the most $$$ and investment are the most severely disabled. Like this autistic kid. He will likely never hold a job or live independently. He will cost $$ his whole life.

People don't like hearing that some kids are more $$ than they're worth down the road. And I can see why...it's a harsh thing to hear. But society doesn't care about how your child gently pets the chickens in the yard, how he can memorize a book with a single reading, and that he loves to hug people if he can't fit into the whole social picture of how to get along and follow rules of basic human behavior on a consistent basis. Petting the chickens doesn't fix the hole he made the classroom wall, and it doesn't make up for the classroom hours lost dealing with running, shrieking, and wailing. When a deeply autistic kid "flips", it's BAD.

There are plenty of guys like the dad who wrote that comment. They're afraid to speak out because there's no support and no answers. No one truly knows what to do with kids like his, in the long run, except put them in a supervised living center their entire adult lives.
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