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21st century version of "mother's little helper."

Posted by Dorisan 
21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 27, 2016
Sitting here, shaking my head eye rolling smiley

Beverly Hill's mothers - of course they call it "cannabis," nothing so ill-bred as saying "a joint," unless it's out of the book you read your kid before bed. And "cannabis infused dinner party." How très chic.

I wonder if she got the .. what is that? Water bong, hookah? On Rodeo Drive.

Even the Beverly Hills moms, for all their money that likely gives them access to the best in paid child care, admit that parenting sucks. I mean if you have to light up a joint to make yourself more rational, less angry and stressed ....

Pot makes me a better parent
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 27, 2016
facebook moo says as someone who regularly gets stoned and continues to function and care for children flawlessly.

weed helps. children are stressful and annoying and they make you want to hide in a closet and be five again. no matter how much you love them you can only take the why phase for so long

44 Likes· February 25 at 10:36pm

Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 27, 2016
The truth is surfacing!

More fakebook moos and duhs:

Some people need Xanax (and other prescription drugs) to be able to parent well, so does that mean no one on anti depressants should be a mother??? Stop judging people when you have no idea what they are coping or dealing with!

Do you have kids or at least know how shitty they are

People need to stop perpetuating the belief that motherhood is "fun and glamorous."

My parents smoked pot all day everyday while raising me and my brother.

Weed can probably save a person thats suicidal. It helps with depression, stress, ptsd, anxiety, moodswings, seizures, cancer, ect. Do u even know how hard is to be a mother? I smoke weed. It helps me soo much.

Everyone saying "if you need pot to cope with being a parent" clearly isn't a parent... the stresses of raising kids is beyond enormous. I'd rather a mother smoke a joint or hit a bong a few times a day than to constantly pop Xanax to "cope."

I wonder I the people in the comments tearing these women to shreds are ok with millions of mothers already taking Big Pharma anti-depressants every day.

The people commenting about not needing kids probably don't have any. When you trying to juggle a job a husband or wife and then multiple kids you may need a coping skill and weed is a good one.

I'd rather smoke weed around my kid then drink...I would never want anyone's kids seeing me drunk, it's worse and there's a huge chance that when you get drunk you also get violent...so yeah I don't see anything wrong with this at all.

You're all shitting on them for smoking a natural plant yet wouldn't have a problem if they took headache pills and insomnia meds to help with their children screaming and their own anxiety that sometimes comes with being a mom.

Do you have any idea how stressful, tiring and draining it can be to be a mother and do all that we do?

BUT it may make some parents feel less stressed after a very long hardworking day as a life of a mom.

Women used to take worse drugs from doctors with similar effects to be better parents.

Kids can be little shits and marijuana just might give you the patience to not kick your child out the window.

So many people saying these moms shouldn't be parents. How many times do we hear about a mom going insane and snapping on her kids because the stress is too much? These moms are preventing that situation.

Watching my son while totally stoned is a piece of cake.

All I do is smoke weed and I'm a way better father.

So for people who have kids already...should they just continue to be a stressed out asshole to their kids or try this remedy?

Firs off, if you DONT have kids and ARE NOT a stay at home Mom, DO NOT comment. You have no idea how much stress it is.

I like it, I enjoy being medicated around my kids. whats wrong with it?

Some of my earliest memories of my mother are of her smoking pot and catching bugs with me.

For a generation whose mothers probably locked themselves in the bathroom with alcohol or pills, you're all very judgmental.

I smoke every day and look after.my child.
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 27, 2016
Damn, now I wish my mom had smoked pot when I was growing up. She might have been a lot mellower and easier to live with.
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 28, 2016
My SIL has become quite the drinker since her child was born. She also relies on anti-anxiety meds. Heavily relies on them. Yet she's always talking about how rewarding being a parent is. Just like I'm sure these smokers do.

Actions speak louder than words.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 28, 2016
Comment after comment about how stressful and terrible parenting is and that kids are little shits to the point that they're justifying the use of what is still an illegal drug on the federal level (and that it's better than prescription sedatives and alcohol, which they probably switched from when they took up weed).

But then we say we're opting out of such an unnecessary source of stress and unhappiness and we're suddenly the irrational, immature assholes. How can they sit there and say, "It's all worth it!" with a straight face in an attempt to coerce the childfree and fencesitters into having kids when confronted with their own words about how much it all sucks?

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 28, 2016
I have no doubt that being a parent is really stressful, largely because it's a load of cuntwork with a few rewards (and those rewards are meaningless to me, although I guess some people like them). Yet none of this experience seems to engage their critical thinking facilities. If being a parent is so stressful, and if I need to get stoned to cope with it, perhaps I'm not really cut out for parenthood?

Of course it is too late for them, but instead of putting all that energy into defending their coping mechanisms, perhaps they could promote the idea that parenthood isn't for everyone. But informed people making good choices is not what they want - getting validation for their decisions is what they want. It's all about them.

I don't think there's anything wrong with drinking a bit or smoking a bit of marijuana, provided you don't need it. If you find yourself turning to it more than once or twice a week "to relax" that seems to me a sign that you are depending on it. For me, such stress would be a sign that I need to change something about my personal life. I will only accept high-stress situations for a short (~2 month) period and only when necessary to achieve a goal or when I cannot change my situation (serious illness). I do not want to depend on prescription drugs, alcohol, smoking plants or eating to relieve stress and go about my day. It's probably better than going postal, but it's a far cry from optimal.
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 28, 2016

Damn, now I wish my mom had smoked pot when I was growing up. She might have been a lot mellower and easier to live with.

Hilarious! thumbs up

If only Prozac and some other anti-anxiety drugs had been around in the 60's and 70's. My childhood would have been a Hell of a lot easier.
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 29, 2016
I think the most cruel thing ever done to mothers and children was to greatly limit access to Valium. My Mother was so much easier to live with when she was prescribed it. I am sure we were not alone. The SAHMs were insane back in the 70s. Kids didn't need to be subjected to that.

I need anti-depressants and therapy now. Post Valium, my Mom was a Banshee.

The war against sedatives in our society really hurts people, I seriously believe that.
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 29, 2016
You mean

True Moms Confessions:
"I think I found the secret of getting through parenting. Zoloft and Ativan."
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 29, 2016
crazy old crone
I think the most cruel thing ever done to mothers and children was to greatly limit access to Valium. My Mother was so much easier to live with when she was prescribed it. I am sure we were not alone. The SAHMs were insane back in the 70s. Kids didn't need to be subjected to that.

I need anti-depressants and therapy now. Post Valium, my Mom was a Banshee.

The war against sedatives in our society really hurts people, I seriously believe that.

Valium turns many people into zombies. It sounds like your mother needed real help, but for a time Valium had been given to women without such big issues and they were walking around drugged. SAHMs where I grew up had it made, kids go outside to play all day, mother shops, hangs out with friends and relatives, cooks decent meals, keeps a clean house, entertains, etc. Husband pays for everything, and has to discipline the kids ("Wait til your father gets home"). We used to walk home from school, and our mothers would be lying by the pool. Truth is they didn't have us brats around all the time, which was good for all. They were there when we needed them, but they didn't helicopter. They had nothing to complain about, they got jobs if they wanted to, mine had the option of going to school and she chose not to. If a mother was found out to be on pills, it was a quiet scandal.
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 29, 2016
"Mother's little helper" pot makes one a better parent? Sure...

What a drag it is getting old.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
February 29, 2016
"(Theme From) Valley Of The Dolls"

Gotta get off, gonna get Have to get off from this ride
Gotta get hold, gonna get Need to get hold of my pride
When did I get, where did I
How was I caught in this game
When will I know, where will I
How will I think of my name

When did I stop feeling sure, feeling safe
And start wondering why, wondering why
Is this a dream, am I here, where are you
What's in back of the sky, why do we cry

Gotta get off, gonna get Out of this merry-go-round
Gotta get off, gonna get Need to get on where I'm bound
When did I get, where did I Why am I lost as a lamb
When will I know, where will I How will I learn who I am
Is this a dream, am I here, where are you
Tell me, when will I know, how will I know
When will I know why?

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
March 01, 2016
Yes the Moos usually go to pills. Weed isn't strong enough.

Jah knows I'd become a junkie (Heroin) if I had to deal with kids. Even in some type of a job where I had to deal with kids.

I'd go right to the needle.

My father is a junkie and so is one of my brothers.


Weed is like a strong cig to me. And I buy high end hydro.

And that's only 'once in awhile' and I keep that low. I am in high stress work - I burn off my my stress by doing housework and hiking in the outdoors.

Oh FUN TIMES! I need a Housewife Helper! Downstairs toilet is leaking again! But I figured it out - it's where the tank is bolted to the bottom of the toilet - the outside gasket on this bolt is degraded / crapped out and hence - leakage. I could probably fix this myself. I should. To save $. It's an easy fix.

However - I can do it on paper but for Clod Me something always goes horribly WRONG! I could see massive fires and explosions resulting from me attempting to fix this. So, I will likely 'call someone' (plumber or const. guy) (or not, because I fear the one guy is going to 'put the moves on me' - so I have to watch out for that.)

I think I can DIY it.

Do I need to take any drugs, booze, pills - to deal with such a thing? Uh, no. I can probably correct it myself in 20 minutes.

Hey - when you're not a Mother - you don't need a "Mothers little helper" - how about it?

Seems like *the kids* may be the issue ~

I have little patience and all kinds of shit hits the fan for me too. I deal. My 'daily life' is about sim to ~
Consider an old Simpsons episode where a simple thing knocked over catches fire. Or floods. I think this must be the story of my life ~

The S hits the F, it's daily, it's constant, I AM UBER CLOD! Plus - All Known Universes, and All Beings contained within - are conspiring against me! I *know* this is true because the voices in my head SAID SO.

And let us not forget the wall to wall ASSHOLES I have to deal with - day in, and day out.

Yet - 99 days out of 100 - I am stone cold sober.

Not a junkie, not on pills. Huh.

I did almost get into a brawl at the grocery store today ~
Hey, a guy in front of me started with some asshole in front of us and I was thinking - Go Bearded Hipster GO! Give it to this FUCKER! It was just an argument but I was ready to throw *down*. Ima back you up Brah, and we're going to go right here! Ima strangle this mufukka!

Maybe I actually need some pills?


I keep myself contained.

And I don't have any kids. THE WORST aggravators.

If I had kids I'd have to placed in a drug induced coma. Hardest of the hard. You'd have to make me comatose. Is there such a thing? That can make you comatose, yet semi functioning, at the same time? If so, I'd probably still need stronger.

Weed? Ha. That's fine and nice but would not help me AT ALL for dealing with kids! I'd need *at least* Dilaudid. Better - that junk going around laced up with something that'll kill you. Yes - THAT.

Actually, I could use some of that stuff for when I have to go to the Dentist next week. THEY don't seem to know where to get any - and for some reason seem to think that drugs that can kill you - are a bad idea. What kind of Medical Professional is this? What, I have to BYO?

I think this is some kind of a failure of the Hippocratic Oath or something. And / or - a conspiracy of Big Pharma.

I can't with this. I need to go into a Rest Home.

And Cow's think THEY have issues?

If weed solves your problems you are a Lucky, Lucky, Cow indeed!
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
March 01, 2016
Damn, now I wish my mom had smoked pot when I was growing up. She might have been a lot mellower and easier to live with.

Hilarious! thumbs up

If only Prozac and some other anti-anxiety drugs had been around in the 60's and 70's. My childhood would have been a Hell of a lot easier.
Me three. She was a helicopter moo before it was popular, and a compound shy of being a fundy.
If only she could get off on something other than religion and stirring shit up so she can take on her sainted martyr role.
No alcohol, no tobacco, not even tea, and certainly no pick me up little-piece-of-heaven-in-a-cup of coffee. No distractions, all head games all the time.
Re: 21st century version of "mother's little helper."
March 02, 2016
Damn, now I wish my mom had smoked pot when I was growing up. She might have been a lot mellower and easier to live with.

Hilarious! thumbs up

If only Prozac and some other anti-anxiety drugs had been around in the 60's and 70's. My childhood would have been a Hell of a lot easier.
Me three. She was a helicopter moo before it was popular, and a compound shy of being a fundy.
If only she could get off on something other than religion and stirring shit up so she can take on her sainted martyr role.
No alcohol, no tobacco, not even tea, and certainly no pick me up little-piece-of-heaven-in-a-cup of coffee. No distractions, all head games all the time.

Why do I immediately picture the mother in Carrie with the torture prayer closet. Some moos really would do better to be zombified on drugs.
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