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Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies

Posted by Cambion 
Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 16, 2016

I know we've seen plenty of similar bullshit before - how mommies own the monopoly on exhaustion and bein' bizzy, and we don't know shit about shit because we didn't make the same mistakes they did. We know this song and dance by now. My
comments are in red.

Being exhausted
Of course you are allowed to tell people you're tired, but you might want to think twice when telling your BFF, who happens to be a new and very sleep deprived mother, that you're, "just the most exhausted," because you didn't get home from a party until 2 AM. Typical CF stereotyping - we're tired because we're sex-crazed party animals. I have insomnia and thyroid disease that wipe me the fuck out, so don't you tell me that your exhaustion is more valid than mine because you shat a loaf, you fucking cunt. You chose to not sleep; your mom friend definitely didn't have a choice in the matter because her baby was screaming and hungry and has not yet developed the ability to feed themselves. But she chose to have a kid. Her ass could sleep in on weekends if she just used a condom or got an abortion like a smart person. Her exhaustion is 100 percent her own fault and I have no sympathy for someone who chooses to have kids and then bitches about how tired they are. Come here and tell me I chose two conditions that make me exhausted to my face and see how many fewer teeth you'll have. There are plenty of things besides brats and wild parties that cause exhaustion: work, health problems, taking care of someone or something, etc. It's okay to be tired from a fun night out, but make sure your mom friend has had a nap before you talk to her about it. I'll just not stay friends with a Moo. Problem solved.

Breastfeeding Opinions
Before I had kids, I remember saying that I, "could never breastfeed in public because, gross." Yes, really, I was that person. What I said couldn't have been more smug or wrong or ridiculous, so please learn from my mistake and just support every woman that is keeping her baby's tummy full, whether it's from a breast or a bottle, publicly or privately. In my opinion, it's not so much the tit-feeding that I hate. It's the inequality. If a woman whips her tits out without a brat attached, it's indecent exposure. If a Moo whips her tits out to shove into a brat's piehole, it's okey-dokey. Tits are either totally fine or totally not fine. Stop making exceptions for Moos - they get enough undeserved special attention as it is. Also, leaky udders in restaurants where people are eating should never be allowed. I don't care if it's magical tit juice - it's a bodily fluid that can carry disease, so therefore, it's a biohazard. I don't feel like getting hantavirus courtesy of some bizzy Moo who's too good to sit her ass in the car or bathroom to boobfeed her maggot.

How to Discipline Kids
I recently watched a video of a comedian (who I actually do agree with on a lot of subjects) going on a rant about how we need to start spanking children again. If this comedian had kids, I might have taken her argument more seriously, but she didn't. For someone who has never had to deal with the irrational tantrums of a toddler, who isn't yet old enough to understand why someone would spank them, she sure did know a lot about child psychology. It doesn't take a genius to know that spanking is an effective form of punishment, especially for toddlers who don't understand reason. When they're bad, you need to do something quick, firm and that gets their attention. A smack will do just that. Most people in years past were spanked and turned into well-adjusted adults. Compare to today's gentle discipline movement and take note of how many more "autistic" children and little sociopaths we have running around. I don't need to have kids to know that a slap on the ass will fix most behavioral problems in kids. As long as you aren't beating the shit out of them for no reason at all, kids will learn that you won't take their shit and they'll (gasp) behave! Weird. Seriously, if you don't have kids (and if you're not a child psychologist), you probably don't understand how to effectively tame their tantrums and wrangle their behavior into submission, so you probably shouldn't try to tell a parent how to discipline their own kids. There's no reason to "wrangle" anything. You slap the fucker until they behave, do time-outs, grounding and loss or privileges and possessions that can be earned back via good behavior. Even the dumbest kids will figure out that acting like little shits will make their lives miserable and they'll shape up right quick. Parents (well, Moos really; Duhs are much more likely to yell at and spank their kids, which is why kids listen to their dads more than their moms) are so scared of genuinely disciplining their kids anymore because they're worried they won't be their kids' BFFs anymore. They'd rather all say their kids have autism so they don't have to get off their tank asses and tell the fuckers NO.

The Vaccination Debate
If you don't have kids, the vaccination debate has a very minimal chance of actually affecting you. Never mind the chance that someone's little unvaxed germ vector might give me measles or pertussis. Or someone who can't be vaccinated, like someone with an egg allergy, an elderly or immuno-compromised person or an infant who's too young for shots. But it's okay to kill someone's newborn with whooping cough because your noogums is too special for autism-causing shots, right? Unvaccinated kids present a risk to public health in general, and that includes CF people; herd immunity only works when the vast majority of the herd is vaccinated, but with more and more parents neglecting their kids' health and not getting them vaccinated, herd immunity becomes less and less effective. I've got kids, both of whom are vaccinated, and I'm still not comfortable weighing in on the argument with someone who has views that oppose mine because, yes, the debate is that intense. So if you don't have kids, just don't. (And seriously, why would you want to? This debate isn't fun. Trust me.) I will agree with this part, only because I wouldn't waste my time arguing with a retarded mommy over how vaccines don't cause autism. Stupid people are very convinced that their stupidity is law and I refuse to destroy brain cells arguing with someone with a room-temperature IQ. If Moos don't want to vaccinate their future cancer curers, then I think they should be quarantined until such a time that they grow a brain cell and get their kids shots. Let them have their little vaccine/autism fantasy, but keep them the fuck away from the rest of us.

Kids being spoiled
"Spoiling" a child is a subjective concept. To one person, taking their child out for ice cream as a reward for good behavior is just a way of positively reinforcing that behavior, but to another person that's "spoiling" a child. I think I actually can speak for every parent when I say that we all want to give our children the best that we can. We want to see them happy, and if we were all able to give them everything their heart ever wanted without facing the consequence of possibly making them feel entitled, we definitely would. The thing is a lot of parents will try to buy their children's affections because they're so scared of hearing "I HATE YOU!" So they'll buy their kids new toys or expensive snacks or what-the-fuck-ever on such a regular basis that the treats become the norm. For people like me (who aren't always financially able to "spoil" our children all that often) when we've got a little extra cash to get our kids that toy they've been wanting, please don't ruin it for us by telling us that we're spoiling our children. Then I don't want to fucking hear it when your kids are in a constant state of "gimme gimme gimme" and you have to wonder why you're so poor. Why can't the kids save up their allowance for the shit they want? Or are they too special for chores? Why can't you give them the toy for their birthdays or Christmas instead of "just because?" If you're giving your kids something they really want, shouldn't there be a reason?

Comparing Puppies To Babies
Look, I get it: I had a puppy before I had a baby, and I also tried to compare a pet to a child and claim them equals. They're not. You're right - puppies are actually worthwhile and bring genuine happiness, unlike children. Sure, puppies poop and pee and you have to feed them and walk them and bathe them, but it's just not the same thing as feeding and changing a baby. Yeah, but dogs still maintain some independence - you put their food and water out and they feed themselves. Cats learn pretty quickly how to do their business in a designated place while kids can take years to be potty-trained. Pets aren't completely helpless. Carefully cleaning an explosive diaper to protect your baby from germs Oh please, kids eat their own shit and don't get so much as a sniffle. Kids are germs. or measuring how much your baby is eating and growing or trying to teach them how to roll over or sit up or communicate, isn't the same as taking care of a dog. I never lost any sleep at night worrying about whether or not my puppy was breathing, but I sure as hell did with both of my babies. Because people with sick or elderly pets never wonder if tonight will be the night their pet passes away. A puppy might be a baby step towards caring for an actual human, but it is most definitely not the same. Shut your hole, bitch. Taking care of a pet can be just as demanding as caring for a brat, if not more so. Ask anyone who has an exotic pet that requires expensive bedding/food/treatment, or someone who has a disabled pet or a pet that requires long-term medication/treatment/therapy. And unlike most kids, we have to watch our beloved pets die after what feels like a few short years. Meanwhile, right when our pets are dying, your kids are in their teen years. Why can't kids die at age 15 and our pets live to be 70 or 80?

Envy for being able to "chill out at home all day with the kids" Why would I envy being stuck in a house with a bunch of brats? I don't like the little bastards.
I've been a mother who stays at home and cares for the kids. I've been a mother who dropped my kids off at daycare so that I could clock into work outside of the home. I'm currently a mother who works from home while my kids are here with me. Having been in every one of these scenarios, I can attest to the fact that every mother is a working mother. Except for SAHMs and professional welfare recipients. Most stay-at-home mothers sit on their asses all day doing fuck all, and they continue to SAHM after the kids are in school. WTF are they doing all day? Creating your own problem and then dealing with it because you have no other choice doesn't make you a hard worker, especially since most parents do a half-assed job of raising their kids anyway. I can most definitely assure you that a stay-at-home mom isn't simply sitting on her couch and watching Grey's Anatomy while her kids fend for themselves. Not all of them, but quite a few are doing just that because their kids are a convenient excuse for them to not get fucking jobs so they can leech off their mens' wallets or the taxpayers' dollars. There are plenty of SAHMs who sit around doing fuck-all all day long and their men have to go to work, come home, do the chores and cook dinner because Moo couldn't be bothered to stop playing Farmville for a couple hours. She's working hard to provide for her family inside the home, and it's a struggle that you can't really understand until you have kids of your own. But SAHMing doesn't actually pay money, even though all the self-important mommies think they deserve six-figure salaries for their "hard work." I know for a fact that not all SAHMs actually work at home, and also, fuck you right in your eye socket for implying that someone who doesn't have brats doesn't know what it means to work to provide for their family. Childfree people have bills to pay and mouths to feed too. In fact, I guarantee the person picking up Mommy's slack at work is an "immature" unchilded person with "no responsibilities." CFers can't get benefits as easily as a Moo can, so when we fall on hard times, we sometimes can't get help. But if some irresponsible, broke heifer decides to shit a loaf, she's got the government throwing money at her for her crappy life choice. But those of us who are responsible get punished.

How to raise someone else's kid
If you don't have kids, you don't know how to raise them. I'm sorry, you just don't. I'd venture a guess that, if childfree people wanted kids, they'd be far better parents than most parents are because they wouldn't put up with their kids' bullshit. Hell, as a parent I'm still attempting to figure out how to properly raise children. Well maybe you shouldn't have had any if you don't know what you're doing, though you'll probably be ensuring that psychologists will continue having patients in about 20 years. You can have opinions and offer up advice that you think might help, but if you've never been down this road, how could you possibly understand how to navigate it? I don't necessarily need to have first-hand experience with something to know how to deal with it or when it's being done wrong. I don't need to work in transportation to know that somebody fucked up if a semi has been driven through the wall of a hospital.

Moms need all the support they can get, especially from their friends who don't have kids. You mean people they can hit up for free babysitting because CF people obviously have no obligations or responsibilities since they have no kids, right? You guys are the ones that help us to remember who we are when we feel like we've lost ourselves in an abyss of breast milk and dirty diapers. I doubt it. You Moos are so full of yourselves and are so proud of being ass-wipers that there's no chance of bringing you back to reality. Like I said, it's just easier to not bother being friends with Moos, especially ones like this bitch who will sit there and tell me I know nothing about life because I haven't sprogged.

What Someone Should Feed Their Kid
We all have good intentions when trying to feed our kids, but sometimes those good intentions are trumped by strong wills and tight schedules and exhaustion and chicken nuggets. In other words, Mommy's too lazy to feed her kid real food. Trust me, even the pickest little shit stain will shut the hell up and eat a fuckin' carrot after going long enough without food. Hunger is the best seasoning. Feeding a picky child is one of the greatest battles any mother will ever face. That's because too many mothers put up with picky eaters. You tell a kid he can eat what you cooked or he doesn't eat. Let his ass starve for a little bit and suddenly what Mommy cooked will seem mighty tasty. Also, when my one cat was sick, he became an insanely picky eater - unless his food was room temperature and fresh out of the can, he wouldn't eat it. Wouldn't touch cold food or warmed-up food. And even if it was in the "ideal" state, there was only about a 50 percent chance he'd eat it. I threw out a lot of cat food trying to get him to eat for about a year. None of us want our kids to be addicted to mac-and-cheese, but we also don't want our babies to starve so, you know, just lay off of the nutritional opinions and hand us a glass of wine while we look up ways to trick our picky eater into eating turnips. Get your own fuckin' whine wine. I mean, don't force your kids to clean their plates or eat stuff they obviously don't like because we've all got those foods we don't like. Encourage them to try food and see how they like it. Don't bribe them with promises of toys or what-not if they eat half a bite of broccoli, but ask them to try a taste of new foods. If they refuse to eat, they can either go hungry or go make themselves a sandwich. You're going to be a little bitch and not eat dinner because it's green or because your ass has "texture issues," then go make yourself a PB&J, you spoiled little asshole.

ETA: I forgot to put a comment in red. OOPS.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 16, 2016
This womban and all like her can go fuck themselves with a barb-wired cock. I HATE the smug how dare the CF say anything about their lives this group oozes. Tired? Bitch doesn't know tired. When your skin hurts, then you know what it is to be tired. When you think you just saw someone jump from a bridge or when you start to make faces out of taillights...you get the drift. Also, how about discipline your little spawn so we don't have to say something? Contrary to what this Syphilis-ridden whore of a dog believes, the majority of the CF are not looking to talk to you about your walking sore that is happily throwing clothes around the store while screeching out the mating call of howler monkeys. If someone says something, chances are you REALLY need to do something about it. Feeding your spawn Twinkies and chicken nuggets isn't a good diet no matter what your "instincts" say. If I were to walk into your house and see that, I would probably say something as well. And why would we CF "envy" you for chilling out all day at home with the brats? Actually, I'm ecstatic that you and the brats stay home. It means I might be able to go shopping without your turd running into me with the basket. If your kids didn't spread their diseases, I could care less if you vaccinated your brat. After the first few thousand died off, most would get the hint and vaccinate their kids. But alas, like the plague they are, the ones that suffer will be the ones to actually contribute to society and you pahrunts would give a shit about them. You put down animals, yet even those slated for slaughter contribute more to society than your germ vector ever could. Pets are awesome creatures who give true unconditional love. Your brats only love you until you can no longer buy the newest toy....then they kill you. This entire blog post is saturated with envy in the hopes of making someone feel better because they shat out a loaf and are now regretting it. It sucks to be you.


"It is better not to look like what you are; it is better to look like a bourgeois woman because then all the doors are open for you and then you can just go and make hell." - Marjane Satrapi
Comparing Puppies To Babies
Look, I get it: I had a puppy before I had a baby, and I also tried to compare a pet to a child and claim them equals. They're not.

No, they aren't. Puppies are immeasurably better than babies.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 16, 2016
Maybe she grew up with an idyllic childhood where she didn't have to do shit regarding kids and assumes everyone else also lead such a charmed existence. Maybe such an existence is only charmed while it happens and doesn't prepare one for the realities of having children and the shock of it not being a continuous Kodak moment.

If I would have wanted children then there is very little I didn't have experience in regarding children (basically birth and probably a few other things). I grew up in a generation where parents expected their children to take care of younger siblings and take them out playing with them. Parents rarely if ever entertained them. Also, by age of 7 I knew how to clean a house top to bottom and was used to doing piles of laundry.

The SAHmoo racket then was as soon as duh left the house moo would have 2-3 hour phone conversations with her friends while kid cleaned the house, whining about how difficult kids were to deal with and how tired she was. Kid immediately leaves afterwards (being within the vicinity just guaranteed more housework) and guess who looked like she worked so hard keeping the house spotless? Today the moo just sits on social media, the modern day equivalent of the phone, and loos about her bizzy life while also playing Farmville or other nonsense.

We were voluntold to babysit other people's kids on a regular basis (any day we were around in the summertime, during the school year at night and on weekends) while moos sat around within earshot talking, socializing and whining about how difficult their lives were. If moos weren't together then they were plotting their next gathering or whining for hours on the phone to each other about their hard lives. The older kids were the ones always dealing with the little kids. We had no choice. Plenty of us cleaned the house, were then kicked out of the house and told to not return until dinner and watch your sister(s)/brother(s). Moos would also have their hobbies/classes of some kind a couple nights a week where they had even more personal time. On holidays, moos would stress out because they weren't used to doing shit and duh was around so they'd try to guilt us into doing a bunch of work. If we didn't agree then moo would turn into the sighing martyr in front of duh, because she has to do everythiinnnng. Exactly who was doing the childrearing?

They made us do everything they could get away with, whined nonstop about what burdens we were and wonder why we didn't rush out to have kids? Really? Because it seems to me moos were the ones who made out on that deal. Maybe some of us didn't think treating kids like indentured servants and scullery maids was humane.

And SAHM who never worked are the most spoiled bitches I've ever met as a group. Because they've never worked and been self-sufficient they are under the impression that there is some fairy just handing money out and if they want it their duh should provide it. Or better yet, if they can afford the payment they buy it. Stupid SAHM married to my sibling started working a minimum wage job to buy a $65K car for herself, because her other very nice late model car just wasn't new enough anymore.

I'm sure there are a handful of responsible SAHM out there who aren't pushing their famblees into bankruptcy but as I said, the biggest concentration of unthankful money grubbers I've met have been in this group.

I'm not particularly fond of the hard times I've had in my life but at least I have empathy, figured out I'm misanthropic at an early age, have the ability to budget, developed an understanding of the difference between a need and a want, and had enough exposure to kids at a young age to realize it isn't for me.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 16, 2016
Im iron deficiency anemic and b12 deficient (recovering vegan, its my fault i shouldve never done it) and im getting better but recovery isnt overnight. at my worst a trip to the grocery store would make me want to spend the rest of the day in bed recuperating. And no amount of sleep made me feel better, so i dare this cunt to talk to me about exhsustion.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 17, 2016
Where in the world does this bint get off, thinking that only her and her stretched Veve friends can tell the world what they can and can't say to them, simply because their genitals coughed up a clump.

Being exhausted:

Like AR said, this bint doesn't know tired when you're hallucinating from working 36 hours straight, with the remnants of stale coffee in your system, only to return 4 hours later for a further 19 hours... (no, no other illegal or legal substances used during this period). I bet this bint thinks that waking up a couple of times a night is 'tiring'. Try waking up 127 times, whilst stopping breathing 42 times an hour, because your fucked brain decides to tell your lungs to stop breathing. Try and function on 30 minutes of sleep, in a job where a mistake can cost lives. This bint doesn't know tired.

Breastfeeding Opinions

People wouldn't have opinions, if these attention-whores actually decided to beef their dumplings in a respectful and dignified manner. It's the greatest hypocrisy that they would shriek disgust at any CF dangling their tits in public, yet they intentionally flop out their leaky udders in the most public of arenas the first chance they get.

How to Discipline Kids

Well if they actually disciplined their mongrel spawn as a responsible parent, people wouldn't comment on it. Letting their hell-spawn, crack-monkeys run riot is not discipline.

The Vaccination Debate

There is no debate, there is only retards who think they know better than people obviously much smarter than them, and they are willing to bet the lives of their snot-bags and everyone else on this abject stupidity.

Kids being spoiled

Same as discipline. Crotch maggots are not your friends, and need discipline and guidance. It's about raising a human being not another Donald Trump.

Comparing Puppies To Babies

No comparison. One there is unconditional love, companionship and loyalty - the other is a shrill, germy, mucasy turd machine needing constant supervision, to prevent it accidentally killing itself.

How to raise someone else's kid

Again if they actually 'raised' their kid like a responsible parent, then others wouldn't be motivated to actually tell you to get off your ass and learn some responsibility.

What Someone Should Feed Their Kid

Again, if they did their duty as a parent and not feed their cherubs the toxic chemical soup, people wouldn't be motivated to say something.

Plus taking dietary advice and cues from a clump that would happily eat its own feces is idiocy at best. Brat taste buds can't distinguish anything of nutritional value as their brains haven't progressed enough to build a taste memories.

Yes, there are picky eaters, but brats will generally eat nearly anything if parents are persistent enough. Forgetting food allergies, no brat is so picky that they will only eat nuggets and nothing else. Sorry, but the whole argument that their brat is super picky is bullshit, if the said brat only eats nuggets.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 17, 2016
Yeah, we've seen all this garbage before, and you all always rebut it very well. The only thing of my own I would like to add is this:

Seriously, if you don't have kids (and if you're not a child psychologist), you probably don't understand how to effectively tame their tantrums and wrangle their behavior into submission.

If breeders somehow magically learn how to "tame" and "wrangle" their brats when they drop, then for godssake, WHY DON'T THEY DO IT? If having the little banshee somehow makes you suddenly privy to this miraculous knowledge, please, please use it! tongue sticking out smiley
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 17, 2016
Whenever a mother complains of exhaustion around me, I say, "PLEASE. Talk to me when you've been on a week long coke binge. You chose to have a baby. Addiction is a disease!*"

I mean, really, most people have gone to work on two hours of sleep after drinking all night. Four hours of sleep because you tit-fed has got to feel worlds better than that. Both are examples of poor choices, it's just that no one points it out about the latter.

*I don't actually believe that addiction is a disease, but it does tend to shut them up.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 18, 2016
When I read the title of this thread, I immediately thought of Game of Thrones. I know a moo who flips out every time the show gets mentioned because they murdered a baby during the first season. The show is now in season seven, but this dead baby is still a Big Deal.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 18, 2016
When I read the title of this thread, I immediately thought of Game of Thrones. I know a moo who flips out every time the show gets mentioned because they murdered a baby during the first season. The show is now in season seven, but this dead baby is still a Big Deal.

I'm surpriseds she didn't completely lose it when Robb's pregnant wife got killed the way she did.


"It is better not to look like what you are; it is better to look like a bourgeois woman because then all the doors are open for you and then you can just go and make hell." - Marjane Satrapi
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 18, 2016
In other words, don't be friends with Mommies because you might say something to upset them. OK.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 18, 2016
crazy old crone
In other words, don't be friends with Mommies because you might say something to upset them. OK.

Yep.. which I know I've done many times. Oh well.. if they're that sensitive then... I don't need 'em anyway.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 18, 2016
addiea raine
When I read the title of this thread, I immediately thought of Game of Thrones. I know a moo who flips out every time the show gets mentioned because they murdered a baby during the first season. The show is now in season seven, but this dead baby is still a Big Deal.

I'm surpriseds she didn't completely lose it when Robb's pregnant wife got killed the way she did.

Oh I don't doubt that would set her off, but I doubt she knows about it. She's never gotten that far. When ever it comes up in conversation she starts clutching her pearls about how she can't watch that show, they killed a BABBY!!!!!!1!1one

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 18, 2016
addiea raine
When I read the title of this thread, I immediately thought of Game of Thrones. I know a moo who flips out every time the show gets mentioned because they murdered a baby during the first season. The show is now in season seven, but this dead baby is still a Big Deal.

I'm surpriseds she didn't completely lose it when Robb's pregnant wife got killed the way she did.

Oh I don't doubt that would set her off, but I doubt she knows about it. She's never gotten that far. When ever it comes up in conversation she starts clutching her pearls about how she can't watch that show, they killed a BABBY!!!!!!1!1one

. . . . .you know what you must do now grinning smiley. . . .


"It is better not to look like what you are; it is better to look like a bourgeois woman because then all the doors are open for you and then you can just go and make hell." - Marjane Satrapi
I never understood people that get upset over the death of babies. IMO the 'loss' of a baby isn't particularly saddening. More are sprogged every however many seconds, babies are a low value renewable thing*. The death of an adult is more saddening, as it is knowledge and experience lost. It's kind of like working on Krita, or Photoshop and getting the 'not responding' message. It is a small annoyance to have your work lost after 2 minutes, and it is an infuriating rage to have your work lost after two hours*.

*I say thing, not commodity or resource, because those words imply value.
** I know that a lot of programs have recovery options, and you should save frequently anyway. I say this lest lurking moos attempt to get high off of seeing my post and thinking themselves superior.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 18, 2016
Whenever a mother complains of exhaustion around me, I say, "PLEASE. Talk to me when you've been on a week long coke binge. You chose to have a baby. Addiction is a disease!*"

Annnnd there goes my coffee through my nose.
Rehab is for quitters, man.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 19, 2016
Moos find me to be impervious to their childishness. I'll say whatever I please, and moos can suck it.
Nobody - especially some jumped-up little breeder tart named Hannah - is going to censor me; I don't care how many moos and toadlers have their tender fee-fees offended. That's just life, moo. Deal with it just like the rest of us have to.

Oh, and no, you do not 'get' anything about childfree people because you're a breeder, Hannah. THAT is the only experience and knowledge you have. You don't get it because you were always childLESS, not childFREE. And you had a puppy? Well, you traded down quite a bit there, didn't you? No, you can't 'compare' them because puppies are wildly superior to hew-mon larvae. You're an abject idiot to even try.

How about this, Hannah - there are things you are and are not allowed to talk about around me. First and foremost, your kids. I don't care, and I'm not going to pretend to, either.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 19, 2016

How about this, Hannah - there are things you are and are not allowed to talk about around me. First and foremost, your kids. I don't care, and I'm not going to pretend to, either.

This is exactly how I feel, too! I won't talk about shit that bugs moos in front of them, which apparently is EVERYTHING, and they don't have to talk about the one thing that irritates me. Their sprogs, which is EVERYTHING to them! Seems like a fair exchange to me!

I guess that means I shouldn't talk to moos, and they shouldn't talk to me. And that's okay by me.
Re: Things you're not allowed to talk about around mommies
July 19, 2016
How about this, Hannah - there are things you are and are not allowed to talk about around me. First and foremost, your kids. I don't care, and I'm not going to pretend to, either.

Most of the moos I've been friends with in the past do not have conversations. Beyond responding to the polite "how are you?" they will launch into a monologue about how they miss their kids (time away: 15 minutes) and will completely monopolize the conversation about moo, moo, moo. Often this moo is the same one who was just whining about her kids and how annoying they are 10 minutes prior to this.

I've known of one or two that weren't moo-centric and they were terrific to hang out with, three-dimensional people with a life outside of kids.
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