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Kid killed by Doberman

Posted by cfdavep 
Kid killed by Doberman
October 26, 2016

The parents lost a Doberman to cancer and then apparently took in a fully grown Doberman. The dog went for the kid's throat in minutes and that was that. Commenters are saying that unless a dog grows up with kids from the puppy stage things can get ugly especially with certain breeds or big dogs.
Re: Kid killed by Doberman
October 26, 2016
I call bs. The loaf probably did something to provoke the dog. Maybe my opinion is biased given that I own a dobe, but I don't think it's a Doberman thing, I think it's an animal thing. When I was 11 we had a lab. One day he snapped at my niece {didn't bite her, just snapped the air next to her face}. She told everyone he "attacked," her, but my mom and uncles saw her through the window, and she had been pressing on his arthritic hips.

I don't think it's a Doberman thing, it's an animal thing, because animals won't think 'I can't react naturally to this because I'll be put down,' like people do with going to prison or facing social stigmatization.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Kid killed by Doberman
October 26, 2016
This comment made a lot of sense to me:


You bought an animal and didn't even bother to go pick them up and check out how the animal was being raised. You then had a 4yr old child feed the dog in the first few minutes of their arrival. STUPID doesn't even cover it.

You adopt from reputable animal shelters and rescue groups. You NEVER leave a child alone with a new pet until the adults have had days to get to know the animal and see what fears and behaviors the animal has. The last thing a child should be doing is feeding a new animal from their hands!

Sadly, people who would be turned down for adoption because of bad histories are usually the ones who go running to buy new animals.
Re: Kid killed by Doberman
October 27, 2016
I was nearly mauled to death by a German shepherd when I was around five years old. It was my sister's neighbor's dog. The poor dog had been tied to a post and neglected for years, and it saw me playing in my sister's yard and got off the chain and came after me for apparently no reason. When the dog owner approached me before I went to the hospital told me he was going to have his dog put to sleep, I told him that HE should be put to sleep, because I knew what he did to that dog. I now have a fear of dogs.

The parents should have NEVER introduced a strange dog to their child, because they couldn't have known what that dog was capable of. Even the most loving, loyal dogs can turn vicious if they are abused. I feel bad for that kid, because I remember the fear and pain I went through as a result of having tear marks in my flesh all over my back. I remember going into shock. I remember being in the hospital getting all bandaged up. The lucky thing was that my sister saw what happened from her kitchen window and saved my life. This poor kid didn't stand a chance.
Re: Kid killed by Doberman
October 28, 2016
Only a low IQ mouth breathing idiot would let a kid feed a dog by hand that they just got. I'm a bit biased against Dobies. I think they are beautiful, intelligent dogs but I can't bear to be near one. We lived in Charleston, South Carolina in base housing and the neighbor behind had two Dobies. The brat next door climbed the fence and before she could get down, they had her off the fence tearing into her. I was 6 at the time so all I could do was scream. Never been able to get over it but even I know not to blame all Dobermans for this.


"It is better not to look like what you are; it is better to look like a bourgeois woman because then all the doors are open for you and then you can just go and make hell." - Marjane Satrapi
Re: Kid killed by Doberman
October 31, 2016
It had nothing to do with not growing up with the kids as a puppy, We had my childhood mutt already when my sister was born, but she never harmed him, or fed him out of her hands or anything. Too many parents expect an animal to be a human and adore, or even babysit, the bratts. These kind of idiots shouldn't have kids!!!!! It was parental neglect that caused this.
Re: Kid killed by Doberman
October 31, 2016
crazy old crone
. Too many parents expect an animal to be a human and adore, or even babysit, the bratts. These kind of idiots shouldn't have kids!!!!! It was parental neglect that caused this.

Thank you! It really saddens me that the animal will be destroyed. Not only just because I have a dobe, but because of the principle. I didn't think they should go killing off alligators either, when tardley was PNAd at Disney. I don't understand people. How could you kill an animal for acting like *gasp* an animal.

In other news, a tree was spotted shedding leaves. Let's chop it down. Note, I am not trying to say that attacking people is a fundamental attribute of all animals. I am just saying that it is a possibility that you have to be aware of, like plane crashes. Heck, even people, who breeders insist they save from extinction with their sprog, can be killers. Why is it that if an animal.attacks people it is destroyed, but not all killers and rapists are killed?

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Kid killed by Doberman
October 31, 2016
In other news, a tree was spotted shedding leaves. Let's chop it down. Note, I am not trying to say that attacking people is a fundamental attribute of all animals. I am just saying that it is a possibility that you have to be aware of, like plane crashes. Heck, even people, who breeders insist they save from extinction with their sprog, can be killers. Why is it that if an animal.attacks people it is destroyed, but not all killers and rapists are killed?

Yes, the old saw of hunting down and killing an animal (domestic or wild) because it harmed or killed a person needs to stop. Especially considering the Suffered Enough TM excuse that birth parents use when their kids die under questionable circumstances.
Re: Kid killed by Doberman
November 01, 2016
You can raise a dog around kids and it will still bite if provoked enough. It's nothing that has to do with a specific breed - I know Dobermans have a bad rep as being "vicious" along with pit bulls and Rottweilers. Some dogs are behaved overall, but may be very protective of their food or have food issues because they were neglected/starved at some point. It is very very rare for an otherwise tame dog to just lash out and attack a kid for no reason. The parents got it from some guy instead of a shelter, and if the dog was for sale and not free, I'm sure the former owner left out plenty of details about the dog's history so he could get rid of it.

About 99.99 percent of the time, when a dog "unexpectedly" mauls a kid, it's because the kid was doing something to bother or hurt the dog. Parents won't teach their kids how to approach or interact with animals because they're lazy and/or think that pets are nothing but interactive toys placed on this earth for their brats' enjoyment. Then they act all shocked and butthurt when an animal hurts their fucking kids. When you bring any new pet home, you can't just give young kids full access to it. It has to be a slow, supervised introduction AND teaching the kid how to treat the pet, like don't hit them, don't yank their tail, don't try to ride on them or fuck with their food.

In this case, the dog may have come from an abusive or neglectful home and had issues with strange people and/or food. No normal dog will go right for the throat for no reason, regardless of breed. So either the kid did something to the dog to piss it off ("giving the dog a treat" in breederspeak is usually "kid shoving its fingers in the dog's mouth and trying to pry its jaws open") or the last owner abused it. Were the parents not supervising the kid and dog at all?

I feel bad for the kid and for the dog, but not the breeders. The kid didn't know any better and the dog was probably fucked up due to shitty past owners. However, I do blame the parents... for not getting the dog from a more reputable place and for throwing a strange animal right into the house with their child and not watching them. Because they probably snapped up the first Doberman they could find because they were so eager to replace their old one, their kid died what I assume was a very painful, bloody death. There are breed-specific rescues they could have gone to for a Doberman that was more adoptable, but NOPE. As usual, the breeders took the easy way out. Well, I hope it was worth it.
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