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It's not just me...

Posted by RandomCFChick 
It's not just me...
December 28, 2006
You know that someone's life is really sad when even other childed people think that person needs to get a life. Former friend from college (call her 'B') vanished into the vortex of parenthood...I have mentioned her before, she's the one who e-mailed me endless, rambling updates on her first kid, right down to his sleep schedule and what shots he got at the Dr's office that day.

Well, B and her spouse went on to produce another kid...and surprise, surprise when the previous problems they'd had only got worse. So what do they do? Yep, yet another kid.

After the arrival of their second kid, I sadly set up an e-mail filter. I knew I wasn't going to hear anything interesting from B again, and we'd been drifting apart for years. I figured that it was just that I'm CF, and she's Suburban SAHMoo.

Turns out that it's not entirely due to my CFness...another childed friend of mine (who's still cool and still manages to have a life outside of her kids..definite PNcool smiley is just as fed up with B's drama. She thinks that B is a moron for having a third child, when B's husband has already proven to be a lame-o dad. PNB even said "They need to stop procreating!".

So it's not just me, and it's just just a childed vs. CF problem.

But I gotta admit I get a certain smug entertainment from any news about B that I might hear second-hand.
Re: It's not just me...
December 28, 2006
I was very close to my cousin Lynne until she popped out two sprogs. Our relationship quickly eroded when she told me that if I didn't have children, we no longer had anything in common. Her conversations with my parents turned quickly into a quagmire of all things brat-related, and she became just another boring shitbag moo, mindlessly following all of the other breeder lemmings off the cliff. That was a decade ago, and I still miss her at times.

FWIW, her brats are unholy terrors that have been kicked out of two private schools and dumped off innumerable sports teams and other activities because they are little fucking thugs. Of course she moos and lows that her brats are just misunderstood, but her husband openly admits they are shitty parents.
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