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Another question????

Posted by amethusos* 
Another question????
February 09, 2007
As we speak more of illegals ruining nice neighbourhoods and expecting handouts, I read a Hispanic columnist in yesterday's paper stating how employers love illegals. Why? Because these people basically steal Americans' jobs with their willingness to work for shit pay.

The Spanish guy went on how illegals are wonderful as employees because they ask, "How much work can you give me," questions rather than asking, "How much does the job pay? What are the health benefits and vacation policies?" This ass is happy that his own people are willing to be doormats for an employer who makes money off of production of the people.

What the FUCK is wrong with a person asking in the interview process about pay and benefits? The interviewer definitely sticks an applicant in the hot seat by demanding to know what this person can offer the company which is also a reasonable request. I've jumped through hoops at interviews to prove I can do the job as well or better than the other candidates.

However, I have also asked questions regarding my pay, health insurance, and other company benefits. If I have a certain skill or license, I damned well expect to be paid properly for the work I am more than willing to do to get a check every week or two weeks. The employers make money off of the workers as a pimp does off of a prostitute so it is every American's right to ask about their benefits.

It is not my or any other US citizen's problem that these illegals are willing to work for $5/hourly with no breaks, health insurance, or even one paid day off a year because they want to come here and breed while hoping to get some freebies along with their claim to be so poor. "Cry me a fucking river," is what I would like to say to this man who wrote the column... :bawl

Re: Another question????
February 09, 2007
I would say that asking about pay, benefits, etc. is a completely reasonable question, especially if you feel that you are in the running for the position, and may have other job options beyond the one you are interviewing for. It can help you make a decision, hint to a potential employer that they aren't the only ones after you, or send out a signal that you are serious enough about wanting a job to consider the benefits of it. In my experience, wage and benefit information are in the job posting, making questions about those things moot.

Again, illegal immigrants will work for anything, because anything is better than the nothing they get in their country. Employers LOVE undocumented workers because they don't have to pay all the taxes/insurance they need to pay for legal workers, and of course, they don't have to pay anywhere near the wage that the work is worth or follow any sort of employment laws in regards to over times, breaks and whatnot. The reason why it is a problem for us legal workers is that it drives down workers rights, wages and benefits overall. This is the exact same reason why workers rights all over the world should be of concern to "first world" workers. When companies chase the lowest wages to other countries, companies in the "first world" countries feel they have to decrease their wages and benefits to maintain the almighty profit margin.

The "problem" of undocumented workers could be solved overnight by focusing on the employers who willingly break the law to recruit (and yes, american companies do recruit illegal workers) and hire undocumented (or provide false documentation for) workers. If these employers knew they were at risk for spending some serious time behind bars for breaking already existing employment laws, I can guarantee that the jobs available to undocumented workers would dry up. With no jobs, and no potential for income, they may as well return home to their families...or stay there in the first place. Unfortunately, since employers contribute thousands of dollars to political campaigns of all stripes, the chance of that actually happening is practically nill.
Anonymous User
Re: Another question????
February 09, 2007
Here's a site that exposes employers that hire illegals.

Re: Another question????
February 09, 2007
Shit like this makes the rest of us look like a bunch of greedy slobs, and you have employers who eat it up (employers eating shit, what a concept!).

The reason we ask about health benefits and pay and all is because 1. we don't live like a pack of rats with 16+ adults in a house all footing the bills. 2. we NEED health care because we don't expect the government to pick up the tab when we need care and 3. we choose to have a decent standard of life, not just eek by daily.

Oh sure, it's TERRIBLE for us, the working schmoes of the world to ask about this stuff, BUT! those employers sitting behind the desks in their expensive suits certainly don't complain about THEIR 6 PLUS figure salaries, ridiculously generous benefits and high quality of life!!!!!
Re: Another question????
February 09, 2007
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:

> Oh sure, it's TERRIBLE for us, the working schmoes
> of the world to ask about this stuff, BUT! those
> employers sitting behind the desks in their
> expensive suits certainly don't complain about
> THEIR 6 PLUS figure salaries, ridiculously
> generous benefits and high quality of life!!!!!

Ain't that the fucking truth! Why is it acceptable for CEOs to make in a month what an average person may never make in ten years but it is not okay for a white American to ask about salaries and benefits??? Yes...we want more than to live like the illegals who live 16+ to an apartment with one bathroom and squalling sprogs all over the place!

Like you, KFLL, I don't want to depend on Uncle Sam to take care of me if I get sick. I want health insurance from a job! I almost went bankrupt when I supported my soon-to-be ex when he got sick and was in between jobs which meant zero health coverage. I ran up charge cards to pay the doctors and medication. I finally paid off a huge debt last year. It was horrid!

I doubt the Hispanic columnist lives anything like his brethren he supports climbing over the fence, swimming in the river, or slipping past border patrol to work for $5 an hour. Until he is ready to work like "his people" for pennies on the dollar, he can shut the fuck up about illegals being an employer's dream.

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