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2269 Father's Rights

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
2269 Father's Rights
April 11, 2007
How refreshing! I bet that guy is so relieved. Cry me a river, Natalie. She'd only use the kid to suck the financial life out of her ex-partner. If she was smart, she'd have just frozen her eggs.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 11, 2007
I get the idea she was more upset at losing the inevitable child support payments than not having a baybee.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 11, 2007
I am so glad to see that people who adopt aren't really parents, and that an infertile woman who adopts could never, ever in a million years be considered a mother. I guess I should tell that to my fiancees parents who adopted all three of their children. After all, unless it's YOUR genetic material that you push out your hole, you are just it's caretaker...

What a selfish cow. She doesn't deserve ANY children, her own or others.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 11, 2007
ooh boy, you should read the comments, really man hating, and some are breeder bingo some are quiverful

1. Why do people keep saying this woman does not have a 'right' to bear a child? It is everybody's God-given right to have children. The bible says go out and multiply, although unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong, eveyone naturally is entitled to that right.

2. Why does the word adoption keep coming up? If adoption held the same feeling of having your own natural child why don't all fertile couples stop having kids and start adopting the millions of kids who are parentless? Do you see my point? There is a special bond you feel when the child is truly yours and when it is someone else's.

Miss Evans wants a child of her own who is truly hers, no one should have the right to deny her that especially because of her circumstances. The man in this case is especially mean because if her had not consented in the first place Miss Evans would have had just her eggs frozen without is sperm and would not be in the situation she is in today. God grant her a miracle. Amen.

- Judith, Leeds

some are good

I agree with the article and some of the comments. I feel disgusted with the word 'right' being used in context of creating a child in a lab.

Briefly, let's just think about the child for a moment. What mother has the right to bring a child into the world under these circumstances? It all sounds ridiculously selfish.

This is not about whether a woman has the right to have a child. This is about whether a woman has the right to create a child unnaturally against the father's wishes.

- John, Manchester

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 11, 2007
I do not understand the thinking of these loser women AT ALL!

If your body can't produce a child, move on, already!!! I decided not to have a child for the ridiculously stupid selfish reason that I couldn't afford it, and believe that children should have two parents, not one. Oh, by the way, where in the Bible does it say go forth and multiply if you're a single parent???? Ha, betcha I'd stump the Bible thumpers on that one.

What bugs me about these obsessive mammas to be, is that as soon as they were to give birth to their very own CHILD, they'd lose interest.

Kids are kids. Adopt one, volunteer at a day care center, teach high school (that would get rid of baby rabies extremely FAST!). But shut up, and get on with your life, dumbass.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 11, 2007
And get a load of the entry after Mercurior's...the woman who said, why can't he just give in to her and that she could raise the kid alone.

If she had been successful, do you think she would have been content with raising his kid alone? Yeah, right. She would have been whining about how haaaaard it was and how expeeeeeeensive it all is and she would have been through his wallet like Sherman through Georgia. And there isn't a court in England that wouldn't have made him do it.

I'm glad he was able to stop it when he did.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 11, 2007
Exactly. If she's that desperate to be a moo, she should adopt. There's no (right) reason it has to be her owwwwnnnnn.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 12, 2007
bell_flower Wrote:
> And get a load of the entry after
> Mercurior's...the woman who said, why can't he
> just give in to her and that she could raise the
> kid alone.
> If she had been successful, do you think she would
> have been content with raising his kid alone?
> Yeah, right. She would have been whining about
> how haaaaard it was and how expeeeeeeensive it all
> is and she would have been through his wallet like
> Sherman through Georgia. And there isn't a court
> in England that wouldn't have made him do it.
> I'm glad he was able to stop it when he did.

You are right-on, bell_flower! The wannabe-moolette claims she would raise that baybee alone but that poor guy would be on the hook for brat support once Moo realized how expensive it is to buy shit-cloths (diapers) and infant formula. The scary thing is that the courts probably would fuck the man by making him pay big time since he consented to have this done when they were still together! Men always get fucked in these deals, whether in the UK or here across the pond in the USA. Even women who go the sperm bank route have tried to raid the donors' wallets via support even though tons of paperwork are signed waiving the rights to sprog payments since this is supposed to be an anonymous deal. No man in his right mind will donate his sperm.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 12, 2007
YAY for the man, and boo sux to Nathalia Mr. T: I pitty tha fools

Why should a man have no rights when it comes to some selfish bitch's neeeeeeeeeed to breed. If she got to breed, the man would be on the hook for all kinds of £££. He DEFINITELY should have a say in that.

Don't you just love how moos are so damn selfish, and how so many idiots support that view? eye rolling smiley You're right, Mercurior, some of those comments are two faces puking
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
Elizabeth, you are right how men often have NO rights when it comes to women and those babies. A woman can lie and say she is using contraception only to trick the fellow. The man still has to pay up with the child support regardless of these sneaky cunts. In casual relationships, I always caution men to take precautions via condoms. Even in long-term settings, a man still has to be damned careful with these dames!

It is sad because women will do this in a committed relationship. Even after taking their birth control pills for a long time, the girlfriends or wives will just pitch them believing they are entitled to a baby and coercing the man to marry them or be stuck with acrimony and child support for 18+ years. After the kid comes of age, the man is still stuck with his ex-partner because of being noosed due to that child.

As for this fucking embryo thing, the man's consent was GONE once the two people ended their relationship. This cunt had no right to ANYTHING of the man's...and that includes his sperm...once they broke up. Most women *are* selfish when it comes to these things...yet they wonder why many blokes do not want to marry. Fuck...I would NOT marry if I was male. Hell, I do not want to do the "I do" thing again as a female! I also got $$$ ripped off...
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
Oh yeah, and I found that blog entry where the Moobitch asked why the man couldn't just give Natalie a baybee because that overrode his needs not to be a father. Because I don't believe in trolling or bombing blogs, I made a respectful comment like, "You asked why he can't put his desire not to be a father aside for her, but one could ask the same of her. Why can't she consider his wishes whether he wants to be a father or not? Shouldn't she have to?"

Of course, even this respectful question was taken down. Stupid Moo bitches.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
Bell_Flower, of course your respectful message was taken down by these moo women. Most moos remind me of pro-lifers who screech to fucking high heaven how pro-choicers "need" to be open-minded to their message...BUT...the same people will never allow a pro-choice person speak in their space. When I used to go to Roman Catholic Church, the priest of this one parish and the forced birth parishioners said how we pro-choicers need to hear their message. However, one pro-choice parishioner called the pastor asking that she be allowed to speak at Mass to have the same respect returned to our side about open-mindedness. Of course, the priest denied the lady's request!
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
Men get their asses fucked royally in any case involving a kid of theirs. SO is currently working to get the paperwork finalized so he will be done paying child support for his daughter who is 21 and just completed her 4th year of college, and his son. Ex moo is whining that she should still get that money because daughter did not graduate yet. Daughter has changed her major every year and will probably be a student for the next 10 years. Meanwhile, daughter has been living 1500 miles away and working and attending school. She's been back to visit once. Tell me why SO should continue to pay $600 a month for her?

His 18 year-old son is graduating HS next month and does not want to go to college. This means the money from SO to ex moo would be done. Well, ex moo doesn't WANT that to happen so she's trying to talk son into going to college. Told him "you don't even need to pick a major, just enroll in classes that will make you a full time student - quit half way thru the year if you want." Nevermind son wanting a life of his own, just do whatever pleases the moo.

Any man that does not take precautions to prevent fathering a child, or one that consciously fathers one, is seriously disturbed. They may as well just slit their throats.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
kfll, some men have done that, they can also be fucked and yet not get laid, there are cases of false paternity, cases of a man never actually meeting the woman or even being in the same state ever.

its all about the almighty baby, and the rights of the mother, they dont mention men only when it comes to "dead" beat dads.

(the daily mail, has a review policy, it doesnt post every comment, which for a national newspaper)

but there is another good site that has this story mentioned,


well worth a read, she is cf,

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
Mercuior, you are so right. It's disgusting.

I have my own thought on "deadbeat dads"..........

I have known men who wanted to be part of their child's life after he and the moo divorced, but the moo made it so ungodly miserable and difficult for these men that they just don't bother after a while. They continue to pay support but don't really try to be a real part of their kid's life because the moo is always such a pain in the ass. Now, of course, they are looked at as deadbeats. All the moos want is the kid 24/7 when it's convenient for them AND the money. They want the dad out of their life - regardless of what the kids want. The sad thing is, I have divorced female friends in this situation who have exhibited this behavior and pretty much admitted to deliberately making it miserable. Needless to say, I am not friends with these cunt-faces anymore.

I hope I don't get bashed for this but in my opinion these guys aren't deadbeats. The moo has made their life a living hell and they're tired of it. Who can blame them?

This was the case with SO and ex moo. She bashed SO to those kids so bad and made it so miserable with every visit; it has taken a toll on the kids and SO, and the relationships have deteriorated to the point where he never hears from them and they have no respect for him. He's done caring. But then when there is a mess to clean up, they need money or help with something, he's good enough.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
admittedly, some men can be termed dead beats, they are worthless men,

i admit that, but its not as many as a lot of people think. there are some decent people out there, unfortunatly the selfish people are breeding so to speak, i knew of at least a good dozen men who are good fathers, and about the same who are complete tossers, so there are good and bad, unfortunatly the good ones are usually so demoralised as men. that they dare not say anything for being branded a dead beat in waiting.

(there are always exceptions to every stereotype) some men, are bad, some women are bad.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
All this talk reminds me of the Anna Nicole drama. How she had Howard K. Stern believing that her baby was also his. It looked like he was doubting that when he saw how confident Larry Birkhead was that he was the baby daddy. Can't help but wonder how many dads currently are getting duped into this stuff. Even families in which the couple is together. Hey, Merc, didn't you post a stat on this? I don't think there's any way of knowing for sure.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007

was it this one nour, i will search for it if you want

What Pierce didn't realize, and what nearly 10 million American men have discovered to their chagrin since the welfare reform legislation of 1996, is that when the government accuses you of fathering a child, no matter how flimsy the evidence, you are one month away from having your life wrecked. Federal law gives a man just 30 days to file a written challenge; if he doesn't, he is presumed guilty. And once that steamroller of justice starts rolling, dozens of statutory lubricants help make it extremely difficult, and prohibitively expensive, to stop -- even, in most cases, if there's conclusive DNA proof that the man is not the child's father.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
KFLL, I have known fellows who truly wanted to be an active father in their children's lives even if they were divorced from the mothers. I do understand WHY many of the divorced dads do just give up after awhile. The moos demanding more and more money while using the kids as pawns will make even the sanest and kindest man just throw their hands up and say, "Forget it. It is not worth the hassle." In most cases, it is NOT worth the hassle as the children are coached by their moos to become "gimme pigs". I saw it with my former husband's niece and nephew.

In my Day, sprog support ended once the sproggie turned 18, the age where a person is a legal adult. That is when the extortion should end...er, I mean chy-uhld support. God...I am such the bitch, aren't I? But...I love it. grinning smiley Nowadays, courts are making divorced men pay for their ungrateful sprogs college support and paying extra to keep these overgrown brats on the job's health coverage until something fucking whacko like age 25. Yet, most of the college "kids" whine how they want to be treated like adults. My answer to them, "Get a fucking JOB and act like an adult!"

KFLL, I am glad you have a mate that you care deeply about and are happy with but I hope you know what you are in for the long haul, meaning his kids and the ex-wife. You will never get any peace even when the "children" are in their 30's. Ex-Bitch will always be in your man's face about something. The adult "kids" will always want their hands out for some-damned-thing. My best wishes go out to you in this situation. Just wait 'til the weddings and births of grandbrats... yawning smiley
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
Nour Wrote:
> All this talk reminds me of the Anna Nicole drama.
> How she had Howard K. Stern believing that her
> baby was also his. It looked like he was doubting
> that when he saw how confident Larry Birkhead was
> that he was the baby daddy. Can't help but wonder
> how many dads currently are getting duped into
> this stuff. Even families in which the couple is
> together. Hey, Merc, didn't you post a stat on
> this? I don't think there's any way of knowing for
> sure.

Anna Nicole had mega-$$$ so it is not as if she had trouble finding a man. Maybe most of the men really did not like her except for sex due to her body. However, I do believe this woman was not happy at all regardless of her riches and fame. The men only wanted to be the fathers of this baby for the millions she will inherit. If this was an average kid with no ca$h, no man would want anything to do with it. End of story.

As for couples, there are many women who fuck around but make it appear that Steady Freddie Hubby is the father rather than the idiots they are banging. Even in "happy" marriages, the husbands should demand paternity tests. If Mommy-to-Be does not like it, she can get the fuck out and raise the kid on her own. Once the husband takes on the kid as his own, he is often still forced to pay support for the "other man's" kid in the event of divorce for the supposed "sake of the child". Pretty fucked, eh?
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Mercuior, you are so right. It's disgusting.
> I have my own thought on "deadbeat
> dads"..........
> I have known men who wanted to be part of their
> child's life after he and the moo divorced, but
> the moo made it so ungodly miserable and difficult
> for these men that they just don't bother after a
> while. They continue to pay support but don't
> really try to be a real part of their kid's life
> because the moo is always such a pain in the ass.
> Now, of course, they are looked at as deadbeats.
> All the moos want is the kid 24/7 when it's
> convenient for them AND the money. They want the
> dad out of their life - regardless of what the
> kids want. The sad thing is, I have divorced
> female friends in this situation who have
> exhibited this behavior and pretty much admitted
> to deliberately making it miserable. Needless to
> say, I am not friends with these cunt-faces
> anymore.
> I hope I don't get bashed for this but in my
> opinion these guys aren't deadbeats. The moo has
> made their life a living hell and they're tired of
> it. Who can blame them?
> This was the case with SO and ex moo. She bashed
> SO to those kids so bad and made it so miserable
> with every visit; it has taken a toll on the kids
> and SO, and the relationships have deteriorated to
> the point where he never hears from them and they
> have no respect for him. He's done caring. But
> then when there is a mess to clean up, they need
> money or help with something, he's good enough.

I am 100% on your side, KFLL. No bashing from me, Girlfriend! Read my previous post on this issue. I also believe that most "deadbeat" dads are just average men who are fucking DONE with the manipulations and hassles of the ex-moos. Many kids are okay when they are young and truly want Daddy around. However, the children become just as much of ass-pains when they are in their teens and young adulthood expecting their fathers to be nothing more than walking ATM machines for them. At 18, the support should end regardless of "furthering their education". Moo gets too dependent on the money that she does not even use for the sprogs.
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
This is a topic that is near and not dear to my heart. Like KFLL, my SO also has 2 kids.

KidFreeLuvnLife wrote:

>All the moos want is the kid 24/7 when it's convenient for them AND the money.

Isn't that the damn truth. With money being the most important thing of course.

KidFreeLuvnLife wrote:

>This was the case with SO and ex moo. She bashed SO to those kids so bad and made it so miserable with every visit; it has taken a toll >on the kids and SO, and the relationships have deteriorated to the point where he never hears from them and they have no respect for >him. He's done caring. But then when there is a mess to clean up, they need money or help with something, he's good enough.

I hate hearing this because it is the norm rather than the exception. Luckily (I guess) for SO he still has a decent relationship with his kids. Though ex-bitch definitely did plenty of bashing it has ultimately backfired on her fat ass! The kids have no more illusions as to what kind of wacked out crazy lying bitch their mother is (definitely NOT a case of parenting making one a better person).

The fact that fathers are always getting screwed when it comes to having to support their ungrateful sprogs well into adulthood just chaps my ass in the worst way! The state we live in is definitely moo friendly when it comes to brats! SO's son (also 18) doesn't want to go to college (Yeah!) but all the $$ just gets transferred to younger kid. The whole child support system just pisses me off!

KidFreeLuvnLife wrote:
>Any man that does not take precautions to prevent fathering a child, or one that consciously fathers one, is seriously disturbed. They >may as well just slit their throats.

With all due respect to dear SO, I have to agree with this as well!

Amethusos wrote:
>At 18, the support should end regardless of "furthering their education". Moo gets too dependent on the money that she does not even >use for the sprogs.

This is absolutely correct. Much more true than one can possibly know. And since when did a higher education become a right and not a privelege?

As far as the original post; I am definitely glad that the man won this case!
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 13, 2007
Female entitlement has gotten so bad over the past ten years. What the early feminists fought for, which was true equality, has been replaced with that damned "entitlement" mentality among women.

I spoke on the phone with a former co-worker who told me of this childfree/childless (don't know what it is) woman, another co-worker, who is about 40. She broke up with her live-in lover because she did not want to relocate back to South Florida even though it was HIS job that earned the Big Money. Her little job only went for her cigarettes and shopping trips at Marshalls. He also wanted to be closer to his kids, something she tried to keep him separate from. Nice, huh?

After a big drama of a break-up when the guy finally went with another woman in Miami and moved in with her, this dame sold her furniture she had with the guy and rented a room in a house with others. That did not work out at all for whatever reason. Lucky for this woman, her ex-boyfriend helped her get a studio apartment for $600 a month, which is still A LOT of rent for what she earns.

The woman I was talking to said that this guy SHOULD help his former lover. I am like, "Why? He does not owe her anything just because he fucked her pussy for two years. This man paid the rent and all of the living expenses as well as buy this ingrate a CAR so he owes her shit!" I do not understand why a woman feels she is entitled to be somehow compensated after a relationship ends. Funny thing is that this bitch used to make comments about "sluts" and "whores". Well...a hooker is more honest about her intentions.

This attitude among females is only getting worse. With these former co-workers, there are no kids involved. Imagine if this man had children with that cunt, where her co-workers felt it was his duty to take care of his ex-girlfriend even though she milked him $$$ during the relationship. It is like higher education, being helped by another human being is a privilege and not a fucking right! I can see why men are giving up on women altogether. I am often ashamed of my gender with how they act!
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 14, 2007
i have to say sometimes, as a man, i am ashamed of my sex, its not all women, and its not all men, the ones who do this stuff ruin it for everyone.

and it gives a lot of modern feminists, the idea that ALL men are like this, (and since they have more political power today, they get it enshrined into LAW), and the modern feminists, by taking the rights of men away from them, by this law, it gives a lot of men, the idea that ALL women are like this.

when a man loses his right to be a man, whether its not having men only clubs, when women can have women only clubs, when a man is expected to pay and pay for children that may not be his, that may be oopsed, it makes men angry, and so the process begins again, a sort of self fulfilling prophecy.

so dont call us, sexist, we agree that men are bad as well, and women as equally as bad, but we say what we see, and at this moment in time, there are more anti male, (read pro family and pro child) stories.

everyone should admit that there are bad women out there as well as bad men, to say there are no bad women or bad men, and blame the opposite sex, is misguided, at best or misogny, or misandry.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 2269 Father's Rights
April 14, 2007
I agree, Mercurior! There are bad in both genders. I have had the misfortune to know sexist men and men who also financially gouge women. It goes both ways.

However, I wish I could say I was surprised as well but it never ceases to amaze me how many women -- even childfree or childless -- have such "entitlement" issues when it comes to men.

The co-worker who got her ex-boyfriend to sign for her apartment used to make fun of another woman at work claiming how she did not have a man to maintain her. Well...Karma got her ass and she has been struggling. If the ex is helping her to pay the $600 rent, we all know she is "earning her keep" by fucking him when he is in town and not with his Miami live-in.

I am certain that she is like many people and somehow believes she is a "special case" where it is really "different" for her. She better enjoy it while she can as she is 40. By the time this dame is 50, there will be no man willing to make her a "kept woman"! Same goes for the single moos once the children turn 18 and the child support dries up.
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