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Have children and the money will come

Posted by freya 
Have children and the money will come
July 03, 2022
Ummm... okay? Are they referring to government assistance here?

First saw this quote here: https://www.financialsamurai.com/unexpected-financial-benefits-of-having-children/

“Have children and the money will come,” is an old saying across many cultures.

I've never heard this. I've heard that if one waits until prepared to have brats they will never have them (maybe this is a clue to not have brats) or gawd provides.
It sounds like absolute BS. Why weren't the cultures named?

There’s nothing a parent wants more than to provide for their family and ensure their kids get the best opportunities possible. Therefore, you will naturally find ways to make more money.

A small percentage of parents want to provide for their family and ensure their kids get the best opportunities. Some will stop at nothing to do this...see college admissions scandal for more details. Or my favorite, the drug dealing parunts, everything always turns out great in these instances right? They're just naturally finding ways to make more money.


Lots of people naturally find ways to make more money...it is called career progression or a second job. This isn't specific to parunts. Any adult can do this. Some jobs favor parunts and will promote them or show favors to them over the childfree. They confuse voluntary responsibility with being responsible. Many adults in the early stages of their career have two jobs in order to survive and this isn't a new phenomenon. Neither is both spouses working, this has been the norm for most families with some wealthy exceptions...it isn't new to millennials or gen z.

So I did a further search on "have children and the money will come" and found this:

childfree quote
I read r/personalfinance frequently and today there is a poster whining about how he and his wife can't afford their two children on their low incomes, and asking how people afford children. Several posters commented that many people choose not to have children because they can't afford them, and that choosing to not have kids can result in a higher quality of life. Those comments got deleted by mods.

It's very annoying to me. This is a sub where people suggest posters drive 20-year-old beaters and work second and third jobs and live off ramen and leech off their parents until middle age to save money, yet choosing to not have children crosses a line. Sorry that the truth hurts, but the reality for many people is that they have to choose between a decent quality of life without kids, or having kids and struggling forever.

I really hope anyone hell-bent on retiring early has enough smarts to question how their quality of life will change if they have brats. I didn't realize r/personalfinance is censoring the brat conversation. My guess is the moderators have brats and are hesitant to encourage others to not have brats lest they eclipse their financial efforts. A far and impartial blog on personal finance wouldn't censor a conversation as obvious as how having brats affects finances.
Re: Have children and the money will come
July 03, 2022
Dave Ramsey will harp on people for paying $20 worth of car loan interest but he will never question anyone about having a 3rd or a 4th kid, even if their finances are in shambles. Breeder mentality is such that having a kid which could cost $150,000 to raise is completely ok, while someone buying a $30,000 car to drive to $100,000 per year job is completely unacceptable. He did tell a breeder once that an IVF did not justify spending emergency fund money, which, surprised me.
Re: Have children and the money will come
July 04, 2022
Dave Ramsey will harp on people for paying $20 worth of car loan interest but he will never question anyone about having a 3rd or a 4th kid, even if their finances are in shambles. Breeder mentality is such that having a kid which could cost $150,000 to raise is completely ok, while someone buying a $30,000 car to drive to $100,000 per year job is completely unacceptable. He did tell a breeder once that an IVF did justify spending emergency fund money, which, surprised me.

While it is good for the religious to receive financial training leaving the cost of brats out of the equation is just cruel. I'd guess most of the ones who need the basic level of financial education of his target audience have already had way too many brats because gawd will provide.
Re: Have children and the money will come
July 05, 2022
Dave Ramsey will harp on people for paying $20 worth of car loan interest but he will never question anyone about having a 3rd or a 4th kid, even if their finances are in shambles. Breeder mentality is such that having a kid which could cost $150,000 to raise is completely ok, while someone buying a $30,000 car to drive to $100,000 per year job is completely unacceptable. He did tell a breeder once that an IVF did justify spending emergency fund money, which, surprised me.

While it is good for the religious to receive financial training leaving the cost of brats out of the equation is just cruel. I'd guess most of the ones who need the basic level of financial education of his target audience have already had way too many brats because gawd will provide.

Many of his callers actually make really good money. Or at least the ones that he decides to air. But their problem is common: they make really good money but cannot seem to keep up with bills. If each kid costs $1000 per month, I can see why bills are not easy to cover.
Re: Have children and the money will come
July 05, 2022
We’ve talked about Ramsey before. I’m surprised he told someone IVF was not necessary. He once told someone who was up to his eyeballs in debt to not lose $500 on an IVF deposit.

Re: Have children and the money will come
July 05, 2022
We’ve talked about Ramsey before. I’m surprised he told someone IVF was not necessary. He once told someone who was up to his eyeballs in debt to not lose $500 on an IVF deposit.


Some nice posts there, I missed them when they were posted. Some of his advice is good, some of his advice is absolute nonsense. Telling someone to proceed with an IVF when they are $70,000 in the hole is absolute insanity
Re: Have children and the money will come
July 06, 2022
I'm guessing it's like you said, either a reference to welfare checks or "Gawd will provide." People live in fairyland when they decide to have kids or to keep surprise pregnancies and figure things will just fall into place and everything will be okay. People will swoop to their rescue - Gawd, relatives, the government, schools, you name it, because nobody will let a child suffer for their parents' irresponsible decisions.

Only that's not how it works out. When everyone couple of fuckwits thinks everyone else will provide for their sproggen, resources will be stretched thin. If a handful of people need help? Yeah, sure, that's doable. But when 99 percent of breeders need help because they figured someone else would foot the bill, there won't be as much assistance or money to go around.

I love this moron's financial "benefits" of breeding:

1. Not traveling by plane (like having brats stops people from flying)

2. Eating out less often (BULLSHIT parents order out constantly because they're lazy, tiiiiiired or their ickle noogums won't eat anything other than McDonald's)

3. Going to entertainment venues less often like movies and sporting events (again, BULLSHIT - parents drag their sprogs everywhere to avoid paying for sitters because they don't want to give up their freedom)

4. Full use of their house after adding another human being to fill one of the empty rooms (LOL wut this is the one of the worst reasons I've ever heard for reproducing)

5. Saving on daycare because both of them are SAHPs (this motherfucker claims to have a net worth in excess of a million dollars. Of course this asshole can afford to be a stay-at-home parent if he's a fucking millionaire!)

This sounds like one of those articles written by a boomer telling millennials that all their financial troubles will be cured if they just stop eating avocado toast and give up Netflix. Unless you are prostituting your children, they will not make you money. Kids are a horrible investment. Besides, all these "helpful" suggestions are ways in which the author feels money has been saved thanks to having kids. Saving money and making money are two very different things. You'd think someone who considers themselves a financial expert would understand the difference.

f you’re afraid of having children due to the added financial responsibilities, I wouldn’t worry so much. After food, clothing, bottles, and toys, babies/toddlers can be as cheap as you want to be. You will figure out how to provide for your family because you will do whatever it takes.

Having a kid incentives you to work hard, work smart, and stay in better shape. They provide you with an immense amount of purpose. Before having kids, all I did was make money for myself and partly for my girlfriend. And once I had enough to live a comfortable lifestyle, the motivation to work and make lots of money faded.

Allow me to reiterate that this asshole IS A MILLIONAIRE. Of course he doesn't have to worry about financial responsibilities! I also like the assumption that every child will be flawless and healthy and will never ever ever get sick or hurt. Yes, having kids makes you feel the need to work harder because if you don't, CPS will remove your kids because you neglect them. Parents who work hard do so because they have no choice, not out of motivation. They also don't stay in shape because they don't have time to exercise after working three jobs to feed the kids they can't afford.

Kids might not be as expensive as you think

Absolutely correct - they will be FAR MORE expensive than you ever thought possible. Just look how much the average parent spends per month on disposable diapers and tell me kids aren't that expensive. You need so much shit to raise, feed, clothe and keep a kid safe for 18 years and none of it is a long-term purchase because the kid will outgrow everything on a weekly basis either physically or mentally.

I'm glad this asshat has had such an easy time raising brats. But it's so insanely irresponsible to suggest that having kids isn't that expensive and that you should just go ahead and have kids simply because the author had no trouble at all paying for sprogs.
Re: Have children and the money will come
July 06, 2022
I think they're talking about things like baybee showers and the social credit of being a parunt. In most of the world, married duhs are favored over single CF men in professional spaces. Single CF men are often viewed as immature or immoral, despite so many duhs behaving the way we see on breakingmoo.
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