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More breeder stupidity, in case you needed it

Posted by k-man 
This is from another forum not related to childfree issues, and the poster is a man. I have lightly edited his post, which had serious capitalization and punctuation problems, to make it easier to read. Emphasis in italics like this is mine. Words in ALL CAPS LIKE THIS were that way in the original post.

Here we go:

"My sister's husband babies their kids that same way. The kids are not allowed to do anything fun, which means nothing even slightly dangerous. When I was their age, I was out riding ATVs, skateboarding, bike riding, etc. These kids never get to really 'play', so they don't know what real pain feels like. Sure they must get hurt a little bit once in a while, but I guarantee these kids have never had a sprain or any cuts requiring stitches.

"So what I came to realise is that since these kids don't know the meaning of pain, they are nearly fearless. I was making dinner at their house one time, and the older one comes over and grabs the handle of a pot of boiling water on the stove. He almost pulled it onto himself, except that I saw it and smacked his hand VERY hard with mine. So what happens? The kid starts crying, saying, I hurt him and I'm not supposed to hit kids. Then my sister's husband comes over and tells me that 'We don't abuse children in our household,' and that I can only use the burners nearest the wall and the pot handles must face away from anyone standing there.

"Basically the kids get babied so much that in spite of their ages (3 and 5), they have no fear of pain. All the corners in the entire house are rubber padded. There's carpet and padding everywhere so that no one can get hurt. Any normal 5 year old knows what hot water feels like and would not willingly try to dump a pot of it on himself. This kid is 5 and was going to scald his skin! I come to find out that their bathtub is rigged to only provide lukewarm water. You can't make it hot even if you try.

"The thing that really got my goat is the notion that I was somehow at fault. As if it's my fault for using the wrong burner on the stove, [and] it's my fault for having the handle pointed the wrong way?

"To sum things up quickly because I'm sure I'm wasting everyone's time who bothered to read through all this, I won't babysit for them again. That was the straw that did it for me. Actually I try to not even go over there at all if I can help it. The whole situation freaks me out when one of them snots can run up and smack me in the balls and go unpunished.

"The thing is, I feel bad for these kids because when they grow up they are going to get a really hard dose of reality the first time they are away from my sister's husband and no one's there to tell them what hurts and what doesn't. Kids NEED to get occasionally hurt. They need stitches and sprained ankles. It's part of growing up. In the meantime, their parents are going nuts and rarely have company."


Did you catch all that? Smacking a chyld's hand when that chyld was at risk of injuring himself is "abuse", and the house has been padded and "hurtproofed" so little Shitford never need feel any pain? Egads! And this is the up-and-coming generation, folks! We're really screwed.
They started that at the health clubs I go to...not letting you turn the hot water pass the point of warm. So if you like a really warm/hot shower after a workout, you must go home I guess.

I am guessing it is protection against possible lawsuits, but I am thinking, people have been taking showers for eons, and today's society needs protection from hot water because they either don't know how to turn the hot water by yourself, or don't know how to turn it off, or step outta the way if it is getting too hot. They mustn't learn this when they are small or at home. dumb.

Now breeders don't have to watch their brats in the tub, because there is no risk of them accidentially scalding themselves. God forbid if the kids actually have to be watched, and god forbid if there is any risk in life.
Those brats are in for the shock of their miserable, moaning little lives when they get out into the real world. The world doesn't give a flying fuck about their pain-free upbringing, and will quickly tell them so. First time they get the crap beaten out of them for their entitlement-poisoned grabbing, maybe they will get the message.
Re: More breeder stupidity, in case you needed it
October 08, 2007
I wonder if these parents know that keeping children away from things that cause pain will just arouse their curiousity so much that the kids will be craving those things. Shit, I remember when I was four or five, I desperately wanted to touch the iron when it was on and my mom stopped me. Finally oen day she got fed up with stopping me and just let me touch it. I burned my finger pretty good and I wailed about it, but I never touched that fuckin' iron ever again. Pain is part of the learning process that will last not only through childhood, but through the person's entire life.

Too bad these parents didn't get the memo. That kid will probably need some major therapy when he gets hurt in life and normal people he will whine to won't care because it's supposed to be a normal sensation.
Re: More breeder stupidity, in case you needed it
October 08, 2007
"Too bad these parents didn't get the memo. That kid will probably need some major therapy when he gets hurt in life and normal people he will whine to won't care because it's supposed to be a normal sensation."

Too bad for US...it's just another thing that makes breeders so stupid. They'll do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to keep their children from experiencing pain, physical or mental, that they're actually raising people who will have no ability to cope with any sort of adversity. I mean seriously, I know retarded people who function better in society and can deal with hardship about 100 times better than most young people who are supposed to be their intellectual superiors. Society is totally going down the shitter, I'm PROUD to not be bringing any people into whatever mess awaits.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: More breeder stupidity, in case you needed it
October 08, 2007
IMHO, slapping the child's hand away from the pot of boiling water did very little good. All the child knows is that it will be punished for trying to touch the pot. Let the child burn itself (as long as it won't be horribly disfigured or otherwise warrant a trip to the emergency room). I agree with Cambion's mother's actions. Let the child feel the pain. It won't seriously injure itself, but it will learn not to touch things that are on the stove. In my mind, that's the only way to make the child learn WHY it shouldn't touch hot things.

Besides, if I were in the child's place, I'd rather be burned by a hot pot than smacked for trying to touch it. At least I'd learn a valuable lesson.
Anonymous User
Re: More breeder stupidity, in case you needed it
October 09, 2007
Hell, if a kid has to learn not to kill itself through fear, I'm willing to let it be afraid until it understands why that fear was instilled. If appealing to its reasoning by saying "don't run into the street because you could get hurt" doesn't work, then scaring it by grabbing it and smacking it on the ass might. I learned a lot of life lessons purely through fear of getting in trouble...and when older, realized why those things were instilled in me by my mother.

Besides, the person in k-man's post couldn't let the kid get burned...then the parents would've freaked out in a hugeass way.

Besides, a pot of boiling water on one's head is no minor thing. I found out the hard way with a cup of tea when I was little, and I still have the scars on my leg--my mom tells me that when my parents pulled off my pants, the skin came with it. I spent the night in the hospital. That wasn't a "learning experience," it was a major injury. A whole pan of boiling water, possibly on a kid's face, would be far, far worse and is definitely to be avoided. (although everyone knows that when a kid's around, you turn the pan handles in. Probably best to do when by yourself as well lest you bump it on the way past)
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