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Must breeeeed... must be breedable.... sterilization baaaaaad

Posted by nowhiggers 

Somebody please tell me how keeping a severely disabled person like this, who isn't aware of breeder politics, but can sure as fuck suffer from pain, depression, anxiety, and all the other shit that goes along with being a "fertile" woman, how is this "protecting her civil/human rights" to force her to go through menstruation and doG forbid, get pregnant somehow and go through 9 months of hell she doesn't understand so that she can shit another "gifted" person into the world?
The mother has her daughter's best interests in mind. I am convinced of that, and I doubt that anyone seriously expects the girl to breed later. The problem is the long, sorry history of sterilization for "eugenics" that occurred in the US and in many European countries until as recently as the 1970s. The Nazis—and the injustices that occurred in countries where no Nazis existed—tainted the whole concept of therapeutic sterilization, which is what this mother is effectively advocating. Without that slimy history, I'd bet that few in the medical field would have a problem with giving the girl a hysterectomy.

But the belief that Nowhiggers mentions does exist. Several years back some newspaper articles here in the US told how some parents of profoundly retarded adult children were trying to get them into relationships to have children of their own, even though in many instances these adult children couldn't even figure how to use a telephone. So how on earth would they have raised a baby? And that doesn't even consider the genetic possibility that the children might have been retarded as well.
Fertility clinics and sperm banks practice the kind of eugenics that would have made Hitler proud, yet none of the mealy mouthed NPR idiots would ever say a fucking goddamned word about that, now would they??!! lol. grinning smiley
BTW, one of my cousins is what they call "slow" IQ of around 75, attended special ed in school, and lives a pretty productive life at home with her parents stocking shelves at the local SquallMart. Her parents also came from that time period when developmentally disabled, (people who cannot think for themselves and make rational adult decisions due to their disability) were sterilized. Be it bad or good (and it's probably good) they kept her at home and kept her on birth control (the doctors would not tie her tubes) and now she's too old to breed anyhow and pre-menopausal. Good for her and them! She has a good family, lots of love, home and a stable life.
and anyhow, the breeders want it both ways. They want to gasp in horror over the suggestion that the retarded should be sterilized, but also would gasp in horror if the local fert clinic decided one day that, hey, the NPR idiots are right, eugenics is wrong, and we got to stop practicing it here at Blonde Blue High IQ Fertility Clinic and Sperm Bank Inc. All sperm donations will be selected at random from the local homeless and retarded male population and mixed in with the regular selections. You don't get to pick the sperm, you get a fair chance of being inseminated by a "diversity" of the male population. grinning smiley
So if all of us liberals are idiots, how come most of the breeders are raving conservatives?
Just to clarify, I also classify myself as a liberal. The difference between liberals like myself, and the "NPR liberal" (that's an euphemism I use to generally describe liberals like some of my relatives, who agree with the current ruling liberal establishment that the childfree should just go without healthcare or pay for the healthcare of others while denied access to the health services we pay for, ie; medicaid.) Obama is the favorite choice of the NPR liberals right now, and his healthcare policy is free healthcare for ALL children and fuck the adults. Hillary isn't much better. And basically the only liberal candidates I've seen so far that support universal healthcare for everyone (not mandatory, like Hillary proposes) are Gravel and Edwards.
Dennis Kucinich wants a universal single-payer system with no role for private insurance companies. However, he has the proverbial snowball's chance...
Re: Must breeeeed... must be breedable.... sterilization baaaaaad
October 16, 2007
I beg of all child free Americans to do your research and vote for the candidate who best reflects Your beliefs, whether or not they have a snowball's chance in hell. It's really the only way we're going to get away from the one party/two name system we have right now.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
I do not know why politicians spend so much time pandering to breeders when they are not the majority voting demographic. Senior citizens, older boomers and single adults form the core of the most likely voters. We also hold the core of most financial assets like savings accounts and have less debt than breeders.

So we are more involved in civic affairs from a participatory and voting angle, and also less likely to spend ourselves into oblivion.

I still wonder why politicians would waste their time speaking to an audience more concerned with fashion labels for their brats and not in voting or civic affairs.
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