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Cell phone addled Breeders!

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 04, 2008
I had to pull some punches with this column, but thought I'd repost it here since many of you probably have noticed the correlation between awful (inattentive/reckless) driving - and Breeders in SUVs and minivans gabbling away on their cells....

A study of the obvious: Cell phones and driving don't mix
By Eric Peters
for immediate release

In the "no kidding?" hall of fame, a special place has been reserved for the just-released Transportation Research Board (an arm of the National Academy of Sciences) study that found cell phones (wait for it, now) addle drivers. Yes, Virginia - it's true!

"The distracted driver tends to drive slower and have delayed reactions," said psychology professor David Strayer, who authored this puppy.

Gee. Ya think?

It's just incredible that we need a National Academy of Sciences research project to belabor what ought to be obvious - nay, what is obvious - to anyone who's been out on the roads recently, at any rate. And who has a smidgen of observational power - and a dollop of common sense.

How many times have you witnessed the following:

* You're waiting for a red light to change; when it finally does, there's a lag time of several seconds before the car ahead of you begins to move. Its driver, of course, is engaged in a cell phone tet-a-tet and didn't notice the light had changed... because (duh) he/she wasn't paying attention to the light. Sometimes, because of the delay, the light changes just as you reach it. The cell phone distracted dawdler makes it through, though. 

* You're driving along with another car beside you. It suddenly begins to drift into your lane - almost hitting you before its driver notices you're in the path of his SUV (ok, it's not always an SUV.... but still). He was too busy talking to check his mirrors.

* You're on the highway in the (supposedly) "fast" far left lane - but there's a car ahead doing just exactly the speed limit (or a few MPH under it) oblivious to the dozen other cars stacking up behind - because he's (or she's) preoccupied by Urgent Business (which is probably nothing more "urgent" than babbling with a friend about last night's game).

Et Cetera 

The study bears all this out - and then some. It found that cell phone jabbering drivers tend to drive significantly below the pace of traffic - adding about 20 hours a year to the commute times of those not on the phone stuck behind the rolling roadblock. The study also discovered that drivers on the phone exercise less initiative in reacting to changing road/traffic conditions - adding to the sclerosis that's rapidly bringing driving in and around major suburban areas to a miserable crawl.

"Overall, cellphone drivers took about 3 percent longer to drive the same highly traffic-clogged route - and about 2 percent longer to drive a medium-congested route - than people who were not on the phone." 

Wonderful, eh?

Study author Strayer says that, all told, the gabblings of the cell phone drivers out there are increasing commute times by 5-10 percent, with that figure apt to rise as more people gabble for longer on their chirping, video-enabled, e-mail capable iPhones and similar souped-up cells.

Previous studies of driver performance have found a marked reduction in capacity - specifically, ability to notice and respond to changing conditions quickly - when the driver is trying to talk on the phone and drive at the same time. It's no small thing, either. the reduction in capability is comparable to having a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08, the legal threshold defining drunk driving in every state.

And yet, while we (rightly) go after drunk drivers with the everything the legal system can bring to bear, virtually nothing is said (let alone done) about people who (like drunks) choose to engage in an activity that is a demonstrable threat to the safety of other motorists - in addition to being a massive annoyance for those of us not addled by cell phones, who are actually driving when we're behind the wheel of our vehicles. 

Why is this?

Drinking alcohol has become politically incorrect; not too far removed from pederasty in the hierarchy of eeeevil. We've adopted a virtual zero-tolerance attitude toward any drinking before driving - which may or may not be a bit over the top. But if it isn't, then how come we tolerate people smacking away on their cells when it's clear - the facts are beyond dispute - that talking while driving is at least within the same ballpark, risk-wise, as having a glass or two of wine over dinner and then driving home?

Answer? Cell phones have become a mass "given" of our Electronic Age. An entitlement. A necessary accessory. Everyone - from pre-teens to senile citizens - not only seems to have one but feels the need to be constantly talking on the things. Even when there is nothing especially important - let alone urgent - that we need to discuss right this very second. Many of us now spend so much time in our cars that it's simply unthinkable to waste the time when we could be multi-tasking. Doing deals, contacting business associates. Or just warbling away with a friend over a topic of absolutely no importance whatever.

Because we can.

All of which proves that "safety" is, at best, an arbitrary Decider (to use an infelicitous neologism) of what is and isn't permissible behind the wheel. Twenty years ago, driving drunk was considered funny. (Doubt that? Go and rent the original "Cannonball Run." ) Today, it's just about the worst possible sin one can commit behind the wheel.

Maybe in another 20 years, we'll have come around on talking while driving, too.

Might take some more study, though... .

Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 08, 2008
Another thing to add here are all the teens who drive while sending text messages on their cell phones. I heard of one case in which a kid was doing this and hit and killed a woman in a wheelchair.
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 08, 2008
Last summer a kid on a scooter, wearing an ipod but no helmet, and texting (or playing a game) on his cell phone rear ended my car. We can only hope someone who is that stupid was sterilized while he was in the hospital.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 08, 2008
When I walk down the street, at least 80 percent of the moos I see "multitask" as they push their brat buggies with one hand while yapping on the cell phones they hold tightly pushed up to their ears.

Yeah, they do The Most Important Job In The World! two faces puking

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
CF Uter
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 09, 2008
I hate cells in general. Moos are a big problem but obviously CFs use them too.

I just don't understand who these people are constantally talking to while walking, driving, whatever.... Use a cell for a real purpose, emergencies, being late, directions, but beyond that, I can't see why 90% of calls are being made while the risk of hurting someone exists, or just being rude to the people around you.angry smiley

As for moos, it is making their brats even more stupid and co-dependant because they never ever have to think for themselves w/o asking mom on the cell, plus then every moo I know lunges for the phone because "it could be an emergency" w/ the brat. Who lives in 24 hours a day fear of pending emergencies? confused smiley One out of hundred calls probably is a TRUE emergency.

But moos have to feel self-important taking all these emergency calls. I swear one of my moo friends gets more cell calls in an afternoon while I'm trying to converse w/ her, than I get at work ALL day or more. bizarre.
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 09, 2008
Nour Wrote:
> Another thing to add here are all the teens who
> drive while sending text messages on their cell
> phones.

It ain't just teenagers doing this. One time, a grown-ass man was sending me text messages while he was driving. I was like, "You better put that Crackberry down and drive properly before you kill someone!" What a fool.
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 09, 2008
CF Uter Wrote:
> I just don't understand who these people are
> constantally talking to while walking, driving,
> whatever.... Use a cell for a real purpose,
> emergencies, being late, directions, but beyond
> that, I can't see why 90% of calls are being made
> while the risk of hurting someone exists, or just
> being rude to the people around you.angry smiley
What the hell are they talking about anyway? Who needs to be available to everyone 24-7?

My SO has a theory on cells, and email, and how it's just made it impossible for people to actually gain knowledge from human interaction any more because it's so constant and 90% of the time completely pointless. People tune out, and get so good at tuning out the constant drone of interpersonal communications, that they miss the important information. So if you want to actually make sure someone shows up to something, you basically have to email, confirm they got the email, confirm to them that you got their response, and maybe even give them a reminder call on their cell, and follow that up with a text.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 09, 2008
Your humble correspondent (that's me) is proud to say that he has no cell phone and has no plans to get one. Just call me Amish... grinning smiley

I have a good friend who lives out of town. We've known each other for over 30 years. Once a year around the holidays, we get together for lunch, get caught up, and discuss current events and interests. This takes three hours or so tops. Barring a major event, we get together again the next year.

So: if you're on a cell phone constantly with the same people over and over again for hours every day, what on earth are you talking about? What could there possibly be left to talk about?

I jumped on my brother's case years ago when he ran up huge (landline) long-distance phone bills just before the holidays talking to his out-of-state girlfriend of the moment. I posed him the same question, and he just couldn't answer it. At some point, someone in his position is reduced to saying "I wuv oo" over and over again and making baby talk on that phone long distance because all the blood flow has left his brain for the nether regions that he is actually "thinking" with.

But after the gloss is off the relationship, why is it necessary for boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife to be in touch with each other for hours on a cell phone every day? Again, what is there left to talk about? Does anyone have an answer to this one? And just how much gossip can a person share with friends on a continual basis? It all baffles me.

And don't get me started on chyldren wanting their own cell phones...
Anonymous User
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 09, 2008
eric Wrote:
> Answer? Cell phones have become a mass "given" of
> our Electronic Age. An entitlement. A necessary
> accessory. Everyone - from pre-teens to senile
> citizens - not only seems to have one but feels
> the need to be constantly talking on the things.
> Even when there is nothing especially important -
> let alone urgent - that we need to discuss right
> this very second. Many of us now spend so much
> time in our cars that it's simply unthinkable to
> waste the time when we could be multi-tasking.
> Doing deals, contacting business associates. Or
> just warbling away with a friend over a topic of
> absolutely no importance whatever.

I liked the article. What punches did you pull? smiling smiley

I have a cell phone. When it rings, I let voice mail get it. Period. I do not drop what I am doing to answer a telephone. That would mean interrupting a conversation with a real-life person, or talking while driving, or talking while grocery shopping, etc.

When I am done with my tasks and in a discreet place, with no urgent tasks demanding my attention, I call the person back. If I detect they are in public or in a car, I end the conversation quickly. I do not want to be complicit in their annoying "multitasking".

If I need to use my phone when I am on the road, I pull into a parking lot.

We just need to convince the rest of humanity to use similar etiquette!

(My mom, who became angry whenever she would hear the sound of a cellphone in a restaurant or movie theater, vowed never to become somebody who would yak into a phone while in public. She did not keep her vow, and now routinely yaks on her phone in the car, in restaurants, and in grocery stores.) sad smiley
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 09, 2008
k-man Wrote:
> Your humble correspondent (that's me) is proud to
> say that he has no cell phone and has no plans to
> get one. Just call me Amish... grinning smiley

> But after the gloss is off the relationship, why
> is it necessary for boyfriend/girlfriend or
> husband/wife to be in touch with each other for
> hours on a cell phone every day? Again, what is
> there left to talk about? Does anyone have an
> answer to this one? And just how much gossip can
> a person share with friends on a continual basis?
> It all baffles me.

I'm one of those who have a cell phone and no landline. I have a plan that costs $29.99 + taxes and it works fine for me.

Breeders and many others believe that they are "important" if their cell phones ring a lot. It doesn't matter whether or not they have something to talk about; all they care about is the image.

Sometimes I leave my phone home or shut my phone off when I am at home. If someone calls and wants to speak to me during those times, they leave a voicemail message and I call back--take a note, self-importants! If I went out with someone who preferred to yap on a cell phone, I would leave that person alone with the phone!

I also use e-mail communications from home, but that isn't good for these delusional people because it doesn't have the showiness they love.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 10, 2008
Many of these ass hat breeders think that the cell phone is an imaginary umbillical link from them to their crotch fruit.

And don't you know, they're the only ones entitled to be talking whilst driving because they are on the phone doing TMIJITW. Rules don't apply to them.
CF Uter
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 10, 2008
>>>>>>My SO has a theory on cells, and email, and how it's just made it impossible for people to actually gain knowledge from human >>>>>interaction any more because it's so constant and 90% of the time completely pointless. People tune out, and get so good at tuning >>>>>out the constant drone of interpersonal communications, that they miss the important information. So if you want to actually make >>>>>sure someone shows up to something, you basically have to email, confirm they got the email, confirm to them that you got their >>>>>response, and maybe even give them a reminder call on their cell, and follow that up with a text.

I totally agree, I notice no matter how usually intelligent a friend could be, no matter what info I put in and HIGHLIGHT in a email, etc., something always goes wrong when I meet friends because they don't listen to what the communication says whatsoever.

But people don't understand all these probs for some reason, and will deny they are doing it. hot smiley If I even light-heartedly complain about a rude blabbermouth cell friend, to another, I have actually heard, "What can you do...it's the culture." Mr. T: I pitty tha fools What kind of answer is that?

People get almost violent about it. I remember it came up on Brats! once and someone told me I was so stupid because I could have a phone and turn it off or not answer it, etc. No shit, but no one does that, I wish my friends would let the calls go to voice mail, but they NEVER do, no matter what.

But I agree with you guys above, people who USED to hate cells, and say they won't do this or that, END UP doing that rude stuff W/ abandon. I do not have a cell and I'm a trial lawyer in a major city. If I don't have one, I can't imagine why people really believe they NEED one. Yes, there were occassions that one would be very helpful, but if one is proactive, I don't have much need for one.

I will probably get one some day. But my plan is to put it on VIBRATE at all times, and let every call go to voice mail unless I'm expecting something highly important. But, since all my formally polite friends have become rude blabbermouths, and call family members over every single thought that comes into their heads, how do I know I won't become one to? shrug

So, I'm putting it off as long as I can. I joke w/ my hubby and friends, once I get one, I'm calling them at 6 AM and 11 PM no matter where I am, and talking and texting for hours. tongue sticking out smiley I see commuters doing this all the time, and I'm thinking...who do you need to call at 6 AM while you go to work? confused smiley
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 10, 2008
I have my cell for emergencies, and to play tetris while waiting in lines. I am comforted to know that I can call someone if the need arises, and can stack blocks when I'm bored. I always have my phone on silent so I never actually know when someone is calling until I dig it out of my bag and look at it. I've never understood people who complain on one hand how they're always getting calls, and on the other hand answer the damn phone (cell or land) every time it rings no matter what they're doing or who is calling. It just encourages folks to call more I think.

I did pretty much every kind of phone work for 8 years: surveys, market research, catalog orders, donation soliciation, and developed a well known aversion to doing any business on the phone as a result. Folks who know me and have to call know I'll be keeping it short because I HATE being on the phone. If I want to chit chat, I'll arrange to meet them to hang out in person.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 10, 2008
Feh said: "I did pretty much every kind of phone work for 8 years: surveys, market research, catalog orders, donation soliciation, and developed a well known aversion to doing any business on the phone as a result. Folks who know me and have to call know I'll be keeping it short because I HATE being on the phone."

Feh, that's my main reason for not owning or wanting a cell phone either. I worked in customer service for several years and stayed on the phone for long periods every day dealing with customers and solving problems. I hate being on the phone, too! (But I also hate idle chit-chat just as much.) In fact, after a while I got to where half the time I wouldn't even answer it at home. Caller ID makes screening calls so much easier these days...
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 11, 2008
i have 4 mobiles, only beause i keep forgetting to get them charged up or the sim card runs out or i lose them.

i have 6 phone numbers on my phone.. and 4 of them are my home and one of my other mobiles.. i dont talk to many people but i am a bit of a gadget freak. and someone who loses phones and gets lost.. so i have one phone at all times with me, so i can call a taxi or directions.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Anonymous User
Re: Cell phone addled Breeders!
January 11, 2008
Feh Wrote:
> I've never understood people who
> complain on one hand how they're always getting
> calls, and on the other hand answer the damn phone
> (cell or land) every time it rings no matter what
> they're doing or who is calling. It just
> encourages folks to call more I think.

Agree! I let mine go to voice mail every single time so that people learn that I am not enslaved to my telephone and their every whim. It seems to work. I'm available online most of the day to my friends and family, and if they want to chit-chat they can catch me during those times.

I can't imagine any kind of emergency that can't wait for five minutes while I listen to their message and call them back.

Common nuisance callers have their own special profiles in my phone that have "Silent" as the ringtone. They always talk to voice mail.

Common important callers, ones who do not abuse their telephone privileges, have a quiet ringtone I can hear.

Everyone else is on "Vibrate".

I guess this is my guide on how to avoid going insane, becoming enslaved to your phone, and being a menace to society. winking smiley
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