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2600 Dear Margo

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
2600 Dear Margo
February 08, 2008
Wow, that is NOT normal. She is damaging those boys so badly with her needy struggle for male companionship. Plus she might be doing it to piss off the husband. She can't control him so she had to have at least 1 male to control.

I wouldn't be surprised if down the line we hear she's arrested for inappropriate sexual behavior with young boys.
Anonymous User
Re: 2600 Dear Margo
February 08, 2008
It's abuse, plain and simple.

It's emotional abuse, so many folks will give mealy-mouthed advice about broaching the subject "gently" when they'd be screaming "call the police/child protection service immediately" if the child had visible injuries. Emotional abuse is a gray area and easier to dismiss as an isolated case, as the child's fault, as a misunderstanding, or as "no parent is perfect".

Children are not intended to give emotional help, support, and attention to their parents. Parents must get those things from other adults. Parents must provide those things to their children. When the roles get reversed, children get abused.
Anonymous User
Re: 2600 Dear Margo
February 08, 2008
This moo is so sick and evil I'd like to puke.
Friend can say what she wants, it will NOT make ANY dent on this individual.. because, like any self-centered, narcissistic whacko moo, there is nothing wrong with what she is doing.
Down to the third and fourth generation. Shame..
Re: 2600 Dear Margo
February 08, 2008
Don't be surprised if she starts breastfeeding those kids again. LOL
Re: 2600 Dear Margo
February 08, 2008
In my book, abuse is abuse. If I'm the friend, I'd be calling CPS immediately to report the whacked out moo. Plus, what crazy duh lets his wife sleep in the bedroom with his 10- and 16-year-old? I wonder if the moo goes in there after duh goes to sleep? Because if he knows about it, he's guilty in a way for allowing it.
Re: 2600 Dear Margo
February 08, 2008
It's creepy and wrong and now I need a shower.
two faces puking

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: 2600 Dear Margo
February 08, 2008
This is sickening. Many single and even married mothers do use their kids as their "best friends" or the "man of the house" if the child is male. A child and a teen should be allowed to enjoy their youth rather than having to act as a surrogate parent or substitute spouse to his/her mother or father. The woman with the daughter may want to suggest to the girl that perhaps seeing the boy on a more casual basis would be better for her. I doubt this behaviour is going to change soon. Many of these non-married moms of teenage boys (and some adult sons) act as if a romantic interest is some sort of competition. The young lady does not need this hassle at this time in her life as if anyone of any age needs to deal with that emotional insanity.
Anonymous User
Re: 2600 Dear Margo
February 08, 2008
I feel most sorry for the 10-year old -- because you KNOW the older boy is going to hightail it out of there the second he turns 18, which means moo is going to be even more clingy with little bro.
Re: 2600 Dear Margo
February 08, 2008
Does anyone think this wouldn't see as creepy if this Moo's kids were daughters rather than sons?

She's putting an excessive burden on her children's shoulders, not to mention she harbors a sick obsession with the oldest one. Maybe I'm being extreme, but I think what she's doing is bordering on pedophilia. If she is dependent on her children for emotional support to the point of not allowing them to have social lives or making them put her needs first, then she is totally mentally unstable and needs to have her kids taken away.

I wonder what the woman is doing that the writer of the letter did not include. Why do I suspect the Moo is probably sexually abusing her kids because she clearly prefers them to her husband/wallet? Just...eww. Sick all around. I hope those kids will be able to be examined by damn good therapists to try and remove the twisted values their mother has instilled in them.
Anonymous User
Re: 2600 Dear Margo
February 09, 2008
Cambion Wrote:
> Does anyone think this wouldn't see as creepy if
> this Moo's kids were daughters rather than sons?

I'd personally still see it as abuse, regardless of the gender or age of the minor. Even if nothing sexual is going on, there is still abuse happening.

Innocently sharing a bed with a parent is cultural, as some cultures do it all the time, but our does not. The age of the children involved makes it more suspect in this example. However, forcing a child to put a parent's needs ahead of the child's own needs and provide emotional support to the parent is abusive in Western society. Children need to become individuals in our society. The survival traits and interpersonal skills a child learns by going through this kind of abuse leaves him/her extremely maladapted to the world outside his/her home. The child may be very dependent upon others, or incredibly easy to take advantage of/abuse. It can leave the child without a sense of self, because the child's self has been repressed in order to align with the parent's self. The child won't know what he/she wants because he/she has not been allowed to think for him/herself. Etc.
Re: 2600 Dear Margo
February 11, 2008
Yeah, I'd still see it as creepy, though there wouldn't be the thinly veiled sexual "I need to feel the warmth of a man as I sleep".
I'd just say if things were so bad that you can't even sleep on the couch, it's time to grow a pair and move out of the house. Obviously though this lady has some issues that keep her from caring for herself or her children appropriately.

And there's reason #2309 why not to have children, Sure, your's may end up fine, but you'll have to interact with some fucked up kids and breeders whether or not you want to.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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