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Gross/Bitchy TMCs

Posted by Tahki (NLI) 
Tahki (NLI)
Gross/Bitchy TMCs
March 15, 2008
Since we had a thread about ridiculous ones, here's some icky-poo/bitchmoo ones--point and laugh and say 'I'm glad I'm not doing TMIJITW!'...or just rant about what cunts these breeders are! grinning smiley My comments are in ***...


'My three year old stuck his arm in the toilet this morning and then cried when his arm was smelly and wet.' (Me Too - O)

'My dh was being such a jerk the other day. I was on my way out for the day, and decided to hide all of the remotes on top of the refrigerator. I knew he wouldn't think to look up there,and that it would drive him crazy not being able to change the channel or watch anything on the dvr. LOL I was smiling all day! smiling smiley' (Me Too - 0)

'So far today, I have: Gotten up at the crack of dawn with the kids. Fed them breakfast. Loaded the dishwasher. Taken out the recycling. Got them dressed and groomed. Had a shower and made myself look decent. Taken them to two different gymnastics classes. Done a quick "party dress" switch in the parking lot and taken them to a birthday party. Then, out for a quick bite to eat and took them with me grocery shopping. I've tidied the house. Unloaded the dishwasher. Folded laundry. Prepared the food for a potluck supper tonight. And returned 2 voicemails.
And It is only 1:25 pm.

Yet, it is my HUSBAND who is napping.' (Me Too - 3) ***Oh, WAAAAAAAH. If you hadn't had those twatfruit, then there wouldn't be so much workload, lazy-ass SAHM! Get a job...***

'My husband wants to know why I'm grumpy. Could it be that while you were away for 5 days relaxing, drinking and having fun. I was stuck at home with a vomiting child, sore leg(from falling) and packing all our possesions so we can move? FUCK YOU BUDDY' (Me Too - 1)

'I think my 7 month old daughter feels that she can only poop in a clean diaper. EVERYTIME I change her diaper and her butt is nice and clean she poops. I wish she knew how much diapers cost especially on one income.' (Me Too - 2) ***One income? I know who's bringing that in!!***

'Pimples and Hello Kitty Band-Aids...
Two things I didn't have before kids...

Now I have both...

On my Ass....' (Me Too - 1)

'I could never admit this in real life, it's so embarassing.
I got hemmorhoids when I was pregnant with my son. They didn't go away, and he is a year old. Ever since I've had them, I feel like I can't wipe well enough down there, and that I am never clean.' (Me Too - 5)

'Yes honey, I AM goting to be pissed off today. Why? Did you really just ask why? Lets see because you turned me down 2 nights in a row. THEN I walk in on you jerking off this morning. No hun, I dont want to have sex with your fat boring ass anyways. Ill just go get my vibrator today. Jackass' (Me Too - 0) ***I'm quite sure Rosie Palm and her five sisters are a whole lot more attractive than your nasty post-preggo udders/stretchmarks...***

'When driving, I often have some aggressive jerk riding my ass, even though he/she can clearly see that I have a car seat in my vehicle -- hence, a child on board.
Nothing makes me more furious than the complete disregard for not only my safety, but that of my little one.

BACK OFF, ASSHOLE!!! I HAVE A BABY IN THE CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' (Me Too - 5) ***Cool! Now I know to look for those Baby On Board signs and seats next time I feel like rear-ending something!! [And damn, woman, stop with the exclamation points...]***

'i remember the first nurse i had right when i went into labor, the bitch refused to put me into a room unless she gave me Pitosin. to this DAY I am convinced i would've been able to have my son naturally if she hadn't given me that shit. fuck you, bitch ass nurse Julie.
but then, there was this great other nurse who took care of me in recovery. she brought me everything i asked for, talked to me, asked me if i needed anything else, everything i could've wanted. she was great. thank God for her.

but the first nurse, my husband and mom BOTH yelled at, at the same time, to help me the way i needed. LADIES, DO NOT be afraid to tell them what you need and want. they have to listen to you, you are the patient. Get loud, cuss scream whatEVER. Make yourself heard, dont' let anyone push you around into doing things you don't want. you'll wish you had later.' (Me Too - 0) ***...and you'll also get your bitch ass thrown out of the hospital!***

'When I was pregnant with baby #3, morning sickness would strike at all times of the day. Once, I was driving my kids home from dinner and got so queasy that I had to pull over to the side of the road and vomit in an empty kiddy cup. I wasn't blocking traffic, but someone honked at me as they drove by. I looked up and saw it was a minivan and was outraged- if you have a minivan, you *probably* have kids, shouldn't you be more sympathetic when you someone blowing chunks in the car with two kids in the backseat? I wanted to throw my kiddy cup of barf at them.' (Me Too - 1)
Re: Gross/Bitchy TMCs
March 15, 2008
To the bitch who complains about people riding her ass even though she has her pwecious widdle poopykins in the car:

Fuck you, bitch. You know why people ride your ass? 9 times out of 10, it's because you're doing 10 under the speed limit in the goddamn fast lane. So here's an idea. Either get your war tank gas guzzler over to the far right lane and stay there, or stop fiddling with your crotch dropping's car seat and go the fucking speed limit.
Re: Gross/Bitchy TMCs
March 15, 2008
The woman complaining about her husband turning her down - why do I have a feeling she probably had an attractive body before sawning and now she's bloated and repulsive and her tits are stretch-marked and sagging below her navel and her snatch feel like a wet parachute? And she thinks she still looks as hot as she did before craping out kids? And if she's half as bitchy to her spouse as she was in her post, I totally don't blame him for not wanting to hit that.
Re: Gross/Bitchy TMCs
March 16, 2008
"it's because you're doing 10 under the speed limit in the goddamn fast lane. So here's an idea. Either get your war tank gas guzzler over to the far right lane and stay there, or stop fiddling with your crotch dropping's car seat and go the fucking speed limit."


Or they are yakking on the cell, yelling at the kids and not paying attention, weaving all over the road, etc.
Re: Gross/Bitchy TMCs
March 17, 2008
What a bunch of whiney-assed cunts on that site. I LOVE to read their train-wrecky drama as if somebody is actually supposed to give a shit. I couldn't care LESS about any breeder, their drama, trials and tribulations, or any other kid-related bullshit. You made your bed, now lie in it.
CF Uter
Re: Gross/Bitchy TMCs
March 17, 2008
As for this one...

>>>>>>'So far today, I have: Gotten up at the crack of dawn with the kids. Fed them breakfast. Loaded the dishwasher. Taken out the recycling. Got them dressed and groomed. Had a shower and made myself look decent. Taken them to two different gymnastics classes. Done a quick "party dress" switch in the parking lot and taken them to a birthday party. Then, out for a quick bite to eat and took them with me grocery shopping. I've tidied the house. Unloaded the dishwasher. Folded laundry. Prepared the food for a potluck supper tonight. And returned 2 voicemails.
And It is only 1:25 pm.

1. everyone has errands and chores to do, and we do them AFTER work, they are not considered our ONLY work for the day

2. What is w/ modern moos? My mom never got up at what could be considered the "crack" of dawn. Why do these moos think they have to?

3. To tell you the truth, my mom never made a big deal outta breakfast, it usually was a glass of milk, or pour your own cereal. I survived and was a ton thinner than modern brats.

4. We didn't have a dishwasher so I guess my mom did them by hand.

5. We took out the garbage and survived this 60 second chore.

6. Maybe she should have showered at bedtime.

7. Maybe as a parunt, she should NOT allow them to be in 2 different gymnastic classes. Or wait till they're old enough to get their own asses their by foot or bike or carpool w/ a friend.

8. Maybe as a parunt, she should have made them make a choice...either gymnastics today or a b-day party, but not both. I know of NO parunt that allowed their kyds to have a better social life then themselves back in the day.

9. Why a quick bite to eat? Didn't they just come from a party? Or she could have packed a bologna sandwich to eat in the minivan.

10. OK, for this one, but it seems like she could have dropped them off at the party and did the shopping herself.

11. Everyone must do chores, but again with the food. Maybe if she knew she was having a busy day, she should had declined the invite for a potluck dinner. I know when I'm busy, (at work where you can't run your errands, etc.) I decline even super fun things. If you can't handle the hassle, then don't do it.

Everyone has busywork to do, why do moos think they have the corner on this market? Besides, if she didn't let her brats' schedules dictate her every move, I think all her problems would be solved. But that would be too logical and non-breederish.
Re: Gross/Bitchy TMCs
March 17, 2008
Right on CF Uter!
Isn't is pathetic that this lady has to go online and brag that she took a shower and took out the garbage?
Re: Gross/Bitchy TMCs
March 18, 2008
Well! I have one over on her. I take TWO showers a day. It seems that I can find the time to do this because I spend less time taking out the trash (and making the trash to take out) because I forgot to have kydz. Oh-noze.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Gross/Bitchy TMCs
March 18, 2008
A shower and taking out the garbage??? In ONE DAY???! Wow, Mooos really are better than the rest of us. How on earth do they manage?

I have a retarded cousin who takes a shower and takes out the garbage at his group home every day...yet even he doesn't consider these to be accomplishments worth bragging about.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Gross/Bitchy TMCs
March 18, 2008
I picked my grandfather up off the living room floor today, then I wrapped the coffee table in towels. Someone pat me on the back quick!

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Gross/Bitchy TMCs
March 19, 2008
poofy_puff Wrote:
> I picked my grandfather up off the living room
> floor today, then I wrapped the coffee table in
> towels. Someone pat me on the back quick!

Ohhh...my arm hurts from all the back patting!
smiling smiley

Here's some from today...
" I flush the toilet (in the guest bathroom)when my husband is taking a shower because I resent the fact that he actually gets any time alone without the kids bothering him. I know he get a shot of cold water because he screams. I smile. smiling smiley"(5 me toos)
BITCHCUNT! Why don't you SPEAK TO YOUR SPERM DONOR about keeping the kids busy while you shower? It's not that hard as kids are stupid and easily amused. Oh, that's right, you've always told him everything he does with the kids is WRONG and YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO DOES IT RIGHT. Enjoy that hell you've made for yourself, and more likely than not, he's showering off the stink of the other woman.

Amazingly enough, there's a couple awesome ones!
"Vasectomies are hot. " (5 me toos)

"Mothers who let their kids run wild and do whatever they want because they don't want to tell them no or have any discipline piss me off " (20 me toos)

"If I give a kid a pop on the butt, keep your opinions to yourself. He is not harmed. I was popped on the butt for acting up from time to time and while it startled me, it never really hurt. It sure got me to stop acting up though. Sometimes a kid is so wound up and hyper that reasoning is just not going to work. Now I didn't say BEATING a kid is OK. There's a difference between a pop and a beating. Again, if you're tooa fraid of discipline to use it on your kid, then go ahead and raise a snotty little brat. I see so much of that nowadays. My kid is not abused and I will continue to pop his butt when he acts like a little turd." (17 me toos)

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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