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Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals

Posted by blackpearl 
So I'm guessing that the bitchy breeder has a houseful of 3rd world children that s/he personally rescued?? Oh wait...
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 15, 2012
dear dumbass,

compassion is not a finite concept; if you believe it is then you should not have children.

the rest of the world
i agree with animals > people. i say it all the time.

in any event...what i don't understand is how these breeder assholes bitch about "savin' da childruunnnn!11``~" when they themselves do not. and i'm not just talking about volunteering their time as several already stated. if these jack asses were truly interested in "THA CHILLLDRUNNNNN", they would be adopting those that are in need of homes rather than creating more. but you know, logical thinking isn't exactly a breeder's forte.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 16, 2012
On a side note, there's this scene I've encountered in many movies, meant to be heartwarming. It usually sees the frantic, hysterical mother standing outside a burning building, screaming "My baby's in there!". The hero then rushes into the burning building, fighting his way through the flames and just when all seems lost, he appears with the baby clutched in his arms. Of course the mother is overwhelmed with gratitude and cries hysterically, practically smothering her precious bundle with kisses. I always wonder, how the fuck did a baby end up alone in a burning building? Was it alone to begin with or did the mother actually think it could climb out of its crib and crawl out of a burning building?


Or why was the building burning in the first place? One subject where breeders don't know or care much is safety whether it be food safety, electrical safety, auto safety or in this case fire safety. Why don't these parents decide when they have kids to make sure all the electrical work in their house is safe, all the heating equipment works properly and don't run the fireplace until the kids are older. Oh, and it would help to stop the smoking too but somehow no one thinks this way.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 16, 2012
I must say, breeders are really some of the dumbest people in the world. I mean, who the funk said anything about children!?

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 16, 2012
To hell with the kids. I'd bulldoze a daycare to build an animal shelter.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 16, 2012
or he's trying to appear as a macho baby saver to any potential sperm recepticles.

I wouldn't be surprised.
Not only that, maybe if people would keep their pets and treat them right instead of dumping them off at the nearest shelter as soon as Bratlina gets sick of them, we wouldn't be putting so many animals to death in shelters.

This drives me FUCKING CRAZY.

I am desperately trying to find a home for a cat that my friend's sister got (she's a teenager, by the way). She liked her when she was a cute little kitten, but now that she's a grown cat, she's lost interest. She dumped her at her parent's place after taking her with her to college (and failing out in the first semester), where they have a bunch of dogs who don't like cats. So now the cat is locked in the basement and never gets any attention.

My friend is this close to just taking her to a shelter. If she doesn't get killed, she'll probably die from some kennel infection before she gets adopted. She's an adult cat that's shy due to neglect. She has no hope in a shelter.

I would take her myself, but I have a very old cat who is too delicate both physically and mentally to have a new, young cat around. I just can't take her without endangering the health of my own cat. But believe me, I really, really want to.

I am so pissed. This sweet cat has been ruined by 2 years of abandonment and neglect. Yes, the cat's been shut in the fucking basement for a year and a half.

Right now, I am seeing if my dad wants to take her as a last-ditch effort. He mentioned recently that he's been thinking about getting a cat again. He's worked wonders with shy, neglected, and stray cats. So, maybe... keep your fingers crossed for me.

God, I'm almost ready to cry just writing about it. I fucking hate people who treat animals like this. I fucking hate them.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 17, 2012
lilin- Oh my god, your post brought tears. That poor little kitty-girl. I wish I could take her. Nice of the brat to get tired of her when she is no longer a kitten. My heart aches to think about her by herself in that basement. This really upsets mesad smiley

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 17, 2012
I've gotten to where I'm kind of the opposite. I love my animals when they're babies, but I'm usually ready for that stage to be over - the constant needing to go out, cleaning accidents, crying if they're not in bed with you all night and having to do the 'cry it out' thing. When they're grown, they're pretty much just as cute, and you're old established pals at that point. They've learned your routine and they like it. And no more poop and pee on the carpet and chewed up belongings ^_^
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 17, 2012
This drives me FUCKING CRAZY.

I am desperately trying to find a home for a cat that my friend's sister got (she's a teenager, by the way). She liked her when she was a cute little kitten, but now that she's a grown cat, she's lost interest. She dumped her at her parent's place after taking her with her to college (and failing out in the first semester), where they have a bunch of dogs who don't like cats. So now the cat is locked in the basement and never gets any attention.

My friend is this close to just taking her to a shelter. If she doesn't get killed, she'll probably die from some kennel infection before she gets adopted. She's an adult cat that's shy due to neglect. She has no hope in a shelter.

I would take her myself, but I have a very old cat who is too delicate both physically and mentally to have a new, young cat around. I just can't take her without endangering the health of my own cat. But believe me, I really, really want to.

I am so pissed. This sweet cat has been ruined by 2 years of abandonment and neglect. Yes, the cat's been shut in the fucking basement for a year and a half.

Right now, I am seeing if my dad wants to take her as a last-ditch effort. He mentioned recently that he's been thinking about getting a cat again. He's worked wonders with shy, neglected, and stray cats. So, maybe... keep your fingers crossed for me.

God, I'm almost ready to cry just writing about it. I fucking hate people who treat animals like this. I fucking hate them.

Please keep us updated, I hope your Dad is able to take her in.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 17, 2012
Breeders expressing contempt for animals. Where have I heard that before?? Oh yeah, from serial killers.

There is nothing new under the sun with these contemptible bits of worthless protoplasm. Karma is a bitch, though - they'll have self-replicated yet will be old and alone, abandoned in the nursing home.

Meanwhile, GO LILIN'S DAD! Adopt that sweet kitteh...it's not like you'll regret it...
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 17, 2012
Yeah - I just blatted all over reading the kitty story too.
I hope the little furball gets a loving forever home.
Hey, guys. Just got back from taking my dad to visit the kitty.

You will be happy to know that he's adopting her. Kitty will be moving in with him right after Thanksgiving (he has lots of old books and he needs to cat-proof his home again).

She's really a sweet kitty, but she's just so painfully shy and stoic from being ignored for so long. We hung out with her for a while, staying still while she peeked at us. By the end of it she was playing.

I'm so happy! Thanks everyone for the well-wishes.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 17, 2012
WOO HOO!! I love a happy ending! smiling smiley
Thanks for the update - and thank goodness your dad is so awesome!
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 17, 2012
She'll come around, I'm sure. My friend was 'babysitting' a cat for a friend of hers, and when it first got there, it hid all the time and was really aloof. Now when I go over there, it smothers me. She's had it for several months now so she'll probably end up keeping it.
WOO HOO!! I love a happy ending! smiling smiley
Thanks for the update - and thank goodness your dad is so awesome!

He is. He and I are both cat people. My friend (who seems to be the only one in the family who gives a fuck about the cat) is a dog person.

Kitty was being all shy and skittish for a while. She said, "Why don't you go after her?"

My dad and I just shook our heads and said, "Dog people." smile rolling left righteyes2

It was a good day. I'm so glad she's not going to rot in a shelter somewhere. I have no doubt this will be her forever home.

With time, I think she'll warm up and socialize really well. She's definitely friendly and wants love. My dad's home is quiet. No other people or animals, simple routine. She'll get all the attention and she'll know exactly when to expect it. Exactly what she needs.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 17, 2012
You and your dad are people after my own heart - I'm a total cat person myself (I have 7 that I just love to bits). I just know the little sweetie will have a wonderful home and a lot of love. :sw
You and your dad are people after my own heart - I'm a total cat person myself (I have 7 that I just love to bits). I just know the little sweetie will have a wonderful home and a lot of love. :sw

Me too. He makes a habit of adopting cats that have had a rough start in life. I know she'll do fine.

Just went and hugged my old kitty. She's been a pampered little princess her entire life. She deserves it, but no more than any other animal. For some reason, even though I'm sure she has no idea so many animals get mistreated, I just feel this need to assure her it won't ever happen to her in what's left of her life.
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 18, 2012
Yay! Go dad!
Re: Breeder gets angry over a photo with saved animals
November 18, 2012
Hurray! Happy ending for the kitty!
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