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Just need to vent

Posted by annie35 
Just need to vent
March 31, 2008
We had a family emergency, which turned out not to be an emergency ( whole other story).
While at the hospital in the ER and waiting SIL brought up that she is still trying to get pregnant. She does not need kids right now, no job, illegal husband, no insurance, and don't have enough money to makes ends meet. The marriage is in major stress due to her princess attitude and lack of interest in work, cleaning, cooking, or anything else that invloves something other than shopping or spending her day in bed. Well a lady with a sick baby came in and that poor baby cried and whaled the whole time we were there. I asked SIL if she was ready for that, she replied when the baby acts like that, her husband will be called to come home from work and take care of it or he will get out of bed an take care of it. She said she will do her part by giving brith and the rest is up to him. He just sat there like a total idiot. My husband asked him if he was going to let her work him into an early grave or if he was going to grow a set and set her straight.
She is a total princess and is in love with the attention she gets by announcing she is pregnant and the attention she will get while pregnant and after when total strangers walk up and invade your space. She doesn't want to be a mom, she just wants attention. She is totally pathetic and a waste of air and space.
CF Uter
Re: Just need to vent
March 31, 2008
when breeders say something as incredibly stupid as that, they are the ones in for the biggest fall and the rudest of awakenings.

Remember everything she said today, and when she is mooing and lowing about all her probs post babbyee, kill her kindly w/ her own words.

I will feel soooo gooooood.
CF Uter
Re: Just need to vent
March 31, 2008
*IT* will feel sooooo gooooood, that should be!!!!
Re: Just need to vent
March 31, 2008
Maybe cleaning the brains out of the garage after her husband makes his final escape will end her entitled attitude, because that's how I assume those kinds of relationships usually end...or else he goes out for "formula" one day and never comes back. Either way, she'll end up doing it alone...and a crappy job I'm sure. If she just wants to push something out her vagina, she could just shove some ping pong balls up there. If she just wants attention, losing a limb or getting AIDS would be a much more ethical way of getting that. What a waste of air.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: Just need to vent
April 01, 2008
She will just end up being a welfare moo, sponging off whoever and wherever; passing brat(s) off on whomever.
Of course, it may not come to pass, since the poop for brains guy just sat there like a ball-less wonder.
All he's looking is for a ticket into this country. If it requires the almighty loaf, so be it; never mind what is going to be inflicted on this child. That is where the real sympathy should lie.. that and the unfortunates in the orbit of this baby rabid SIL.
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