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Parents spoiling the kids

Posted by annie35 
Parents spoiling the kids
April 02, 2008
The other evening I waas flipping channels as I excercised and I came across the Tyra Banks show. Her show wasa about moms who spend way too much on their kids and spoil them.
This one one spent $10,000 on her daughters birthday parties. Her kids we under 10 and had already travelled the world and had very expensive parties. These kids were spoiled and mommy lived that everyone was jealous of her kids.
Another mom talked of her 11 year olds Coach bags and other designer stuff. She also paid her darling daughter to do her homework.
They also had some kids stylists on the show that charge as much as $2000 a day. these stylists told of a 5 year old who would not wear any other coat that a coat she was in a magazine. The coat was from Europe, so the mom sent the stylist to find this coat.
Kids are now the ulitmate "look at me" posession. Used to be if you wanted to show status, you bought a fine home in the finest neighborhood, bought a high end luxury sudan or SUV, and showed your status through the country club. Now you squeeze out a few kids, adorn them with the most expensive stuff and throw it up in the other mommies faces.
Thank God I am childfree!!!!!
Re: Parents spoiling the kids
April 02, 2008
These assholes need to be curbed, literally. They exemplify EVERY THING THAT'S WRONG WITH SOCIETY TODAY, and deserve EVERY OUNCE OF MISERY that comes their way. I hope the wallets are working 900 fucking hours a week to maintain this, and I hope the moocows are going through the horrors of plastic surgery and facial injections, on a regular basis. I hope they're all cheating on each other, and never ever have another person to actually put their trust in. I hope they never have a moment of relaxation because they're constantly working some how to maintain their almighty image. I hope their thankless children take everything and abandon them the moment they sign over power of attorney. I hope their children have lives of constant work, plastic surgery and misery just like their stupid, vapid, image obsessed parents. People like that live in a special circle of hell, and I'm glad.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: Parents spoiling the kids
April 02, 2008
This reminded me of a long ago incident.
Back in 1976 Long Island was hit by a moderate hurricane. The eye actually passed over at am which is an eerie occurance.

Anyway, the power went out on monday and did not come back til thursday of the same week. Not bad actually. Our block was pretty self-sufficient. People just broke out their grills, and whatnot (or visited folk in unaffected areas).
However, as time went on, the news was full of incidents where folk started getting really nasty. Next door to us was some ex-moo of a pro baseball player who was shacked up with some idiot. She had a loaf that was only a month or two old at the time.

Sometime on Wednesday a rep from the local power company came through in a car, for what reason I don't remember. Quite a number of the occupants came out and were chatting amiably with this guy. We had only been yaking about 3 minutes or so, when the duh from this house comes out and literally runs down his driveway. Not so much as a 'howdee doo' he just starts ranting and yelling about the fact that there's no power, that there is a poor widdle baayyybeee in the house, they can't heat anything up for said baayybeee, etc etc etc.

Now, everyone else had kids, yet they weren't complaining or hollering. Everyone just stared at this numbnut and, I think I said something like 'don't you have a charcoal grill even? or something?'. Wrong thing to say.. he just started ranting again about how he couldn't heat up baby bottles. .. He saw he wasn't getting anywhere with anyone, no one would join him in his little one man bitch parade, so he finally just left.
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