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new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce

Posted by Anonymous User 
Well, actually no its not strangers who ask to move in with my mother - its women she has known for years. These women were SAHs. She doesn't feel obligated to take care of them. These women never worked, my mom worked her whole life. She does not want to take care of other people at her age, and doesn't want them moving in with her. These women should have planned and worked at some type of career when they were younger, they could have even started working once their kids were in school - but they didn't.

In fact, one of my mom's SAH women friends never even learned to drive a car, so after her husband died, she was always calling friends to come pick her up and drive her places.
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 12, 2008
casseyrod Wrote:
> Amethusos - I too, have some CF friends who are
> SAH. One of them hasn't worked in 10 years. Even
> when her husband was threatened with a possible
> lay-off at his job - she still would not go out
> and look for work. In a few years, he will be
> taking care of his aging mother, since he is an
> only child. So, he will have two dependent adults
> to care for. I don't envy his situation.

My former friend did the same thing when her husband took on a job paying something like $9/hourly for his computer skills. He was really being taken advantage of since he moved out-of-state without a job invite.

Hell, he worked in a warehouse as a temp until the computer gig. Instead of seeking work herself, the woman bitched and bitched until the guy found a better job in another state. I also do not envy this guy's situation.

> Divorce rate in the U.S. is somewhere around 50%.
> A very sobering statistic. I feel its an unwise
> choice to not work for years and just think a
> husband is going to always be there.

It is a trip how even some childfree-by-choice women believe divorce will never happen to them and they refuse to work at all. The guy can drop dead and the woman is still SOL. I am better off without this person in my life as a friend even though it was not funny at first.
giselle Wrote:
> I still work in a professional capacity at the age
> of 72 years I can still outwork, outclass these
> parasites who have no intention of working a full
> week if they can possibly avoid it.
> I earn every cent of my pay.
> its nothing to do with being at home with children
> its about the avoidance of doing a full weeks work
> never mind the continual being away for a year at
> a time and then not even putting in a full weeks
> work on their return.

You speak the truth about the laziness. I just went to this 8:00 am orientation & sat at a table with this SAHM twit who never even had a lemonade stand let alone a job to be at. She was going for a 4-9 job where all she had to do was keep nurses schedules, a 10 year old could do it.

She's sitting there at a table of 5 others & me (who all take 5:30am trains & think 8:00 is nothing) & whining "I NEVER get up & out this early & get all dressed up!" The looks she got were classic. (Does she sleep til noon when the soaps start?)

Then she starts asking us all how many kids we have & telling us how Jimmy has a soccer game on this day at 5 & she'll have to ask to come in late for that. And she hasn't even started the job yet!!! Well, I'm sure that gig ended soon, too much for her.

OK, I'm done, my BP is rising just thinking about this.
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 12, 2008
giselle Wrote:
> I still work in a professional capacity at the age
> of 72 years I can still outwork, outclass these
> parasites who have no intention of working a full
> week if they can possibly avoid it.


Dang...that is amazing! :sw
Casseyrod posted: "In fact, one of my mom's SAH women friends never even learned to drive a car, so after her husband died, she was always calling friends to come pick her up and drive her places."

However, in some parts of the country, especially in the South, it was common not to teach daughters to drive way back when, and it was unfair to these women. My mother's brothers all were taught to drive and got their licenses in high school in the 1950s-early 1960s, but Mom wasn't. Instead, her parents told her, "Your husband will drive you if you need to go somewhere."

This soon backfired, as my natural father turned nasty and abusive soon after he married Mom and she gave birth to me. She divorced, but could not find a job because she didn't drive. Out of necessity at the time, she ended up getting back together with my father, who was nasty and abusive to his two kids when we were coming up. This was the early '60s in the South, and not the deep South either.

Later she finally did start driving, and the worst part was that her nasty mother, who played a role in her not getting a license in the first place, then wanted Mom to drive her around everywhere...

Mom finally left Dad for good after he pointed a gun at her. By then, of course, she had long been driving and had no difficulty getting the hell out. He tried to claim later he was "just kidding". (And we wonder why so many people believe in gun control, when some gun owners act like frickin' idiots. He shot me in the knee deliberately with a pellet gun when I was 8 or 9 and thought it was a big laff, but I've had lifelong problems with that knee since.)

But the silver lining was that Mom later met and married my stepfather, about whom I posted here when he passed away six months ago. He was a sweet, decent man, everything my natural father wasn't, and I miss him terribly.

But back to the point: many (now older) women never learned to drive because it was the culture of the time. I agree that at some point they should have taken some initiative and learned anyway. But in some cases, I'll bet their husbands discouraged it as a means of keeping the wife under his thumb. Again, the prevailing culture...
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 13, 2008
My sister in law is making an online family tree to avoid looking for a job.....so far she has her whole family fooled. I came right out and told the husband that she ought to be looking for a job. He just smiled-
By Grizzlycat:

"You speak the truth about the laziness. I just went to this 8:00 am orientation & sat at a table with this SAHM twit who never even had a lemonade stand let alone a job to be at. She was going for a 4-9 job where all she had to do was keep nurses schedules, a 10 year old could do it.

She's sitting there at a table of 5 others & me (who all take 5:30am trains & think 8:00 is nothing) & whining "I NEVER get up & out this early & get all dressed up!" The looks she got were classic. (Does she sleep til noon when the soaps start?)"

Really, only if it would be the SAHM's and SAHFemales who are lazy asses... At the moment I got an internship and I got a co-"worker" who spends all his time in the internet while I work my ass off. I've finished one brochure and half of one book, started the new brochure for the company and a poster promoting the work of one workshop.

This guy?

His only job is to finish the new brochure for the company, but he's STILL planning it. Been on it ever since I started (two weeks ago) and apparently ALOT longer, and he has NOTHING concrete of it yet. Any small and simple job he gets, he complains about. He complains when he voluntarily stayed up late the previous night and now he's tired and he has to come to work.

I know I'm not perfect and I'm not saying I am, but this is getting bloody ridiculous already.
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 13, 2008
Something I've personally witnessed about the chicks here at work that come back from maternity leave is that they want all sorts of special things now. I know this comes as no surprise to any of you. I just thank the Gods that none of them are in my department - my department is 95% men. Most of them are Admin, Marketing, HR, etc.

The most recent one cut her hours down to like 32 a week then got pissed when her benefits were cut off. Sorry, bitch, benefits are for full timers only.

The ones that have positions where they have to travel, suddenly "can't" travel anymore. Somebody else should do it cuz they have a FAMBLEE now.

Another one "needs" to work an earlier schedule than anyone else in her department because of the shit loaf.
Of course for Moo's day this weekend, salary.com again put out the press release that if SAHMs got paid it would be 74k (yeah right, I make close to that with 8 yrs education and working a 50+ week, etc., etc.)

They listed all the crap like laundry and cooking in my city's newspaper, I almost wrote in to the paper and wanted to ask....doesn't EVERYONE, not only moms, do laundry, buy groceries, run errands, clean their homes, etc.,? So, do I get like 60K on top of my salary to do all that garbage, and just subtract the childcare that I don't do?

what a crock, then these moo's actually believe it when they want a *real* job.
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 13, 2008
I am packing up a house for an out-of-state move. Does that make me a professional mover or decorator?
I don't understand why they believe their own bullshit.

They truly think their day translates into a managerial job,etc. ?

Don't these moos know that real life managers or whatever...

--actually get out of their PJs;

--don't wear a scrunchie bun in dirty hair;


--when they do change out of PJs, it is not into sweats or jeans and a T-Shirt top with slip on Crocs or gym shoes;

--put down the cell and actually concentrate on what they are doing;

--don't drop everything because Johnny got an 'owie'.

If moos don't realize this, then they are in denial what the rest of the world is doing, when they are at home 'working'(doing all the things I have to do after work or the weekends anyway and don't call it 'work').

P.S. Hey, I did my own taxes this year by hand. Am I an CPA now? Where's my paycheck?
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 13, 2008
CF Uter Wrote:
> Of course for Moo's day this weekend, salary.com
> again put out the press release that if SAHMs got
> paid it would be 74k (yeah right, I make close to
> that with 8 yrs education and working a 50+ week,
> etc., etc.)
> They listed all the crap like laundry and cooking
> in my city's newspaper, I almost wrote in to the
> paper and wanted to ask....doesn't EVERYONE, not
> only moms, do laundry, buy groceries, run errands,
> clean their homes, etc.,? So, do I get like 60K
> on top of my salary to do all that garbage, and
> just subtract the childcare that I don't do?
> what a crock, then these moo's actually believe it
> when they want a *real* job.

YES YES YES I wanna get paid for all the extra crap I do while he surfs the net. Ok, I still don't know how to run the lawnmower. Better learn.
It seems like a lot of the childfree are real catty toward others that don't love the wage slave lifestyle. I'm childfree and have worked the last twenty years with a lot of backstabbing competing women. I have taken the last four months off to get my sanity back. I will be looking for work again, but I don't really buy into the purintanical work ethic. It seems to bring the visousness out in people especially women. Just my opinion.
I've noticed over many years that its mainly mombies who dress down at work. They wear sweat pants, big over-sized sweatshirts, flip flops, hair scrunchies, stretch pants, and worse - t-shirts with winnie the pooh, eyeore & tigger on them. This looks absolutely HORRIBLE in a professional business office !!! Sometimes they are in meetings sitting next to people wearing business suits, and it looks even more glaringly unprofessional. Then, they wonder why they don't get promoted or don't get raises.

And I don't know who started making all these clothes for women that have winnie the pooh characters on them. It might be appropriate to wear if you work, say, in a day care center or pediatrician's office. BUT NOT IN ANY OTHER LINE OF WORK. If you are a grown-up, you need to DRESS LIKE ONE!! Why do they choose to infantilize themselves? I also can't imagine that their husbands find them sexy when they are wearing pooh characters.

These women need to learn that walking around a business office wearing sweatshirts, flip flops and loudly smacking their gum, is unprofessional and behavior more suited to teenaged girls, not grown women. The pooh clothes are embarassing when we have important clients coming in to the office. I think this behavior hurts other women as well, even those of us who choose to dress and act more professionally. No wonder women still earn less money per dollar than men do. In some ways, its our own fault !

oh, and another thing - when they have to excuse themselves to use the restroom, they say "I need to go potty". Like a 3 year old.
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 13, 2008
SammyB Wrote:
> It seems like a lot of the childfree are real
> catty toward others that don't love the wage slave
> lifestyle. I'm childfree and have worked the last
> twenty years with a lot of backstabbing competing
> women. I have taken the last four months off to
> get my sanity back. I will be looking for work
> again, but I don't really buy into the
> purintanical work ethic. It seems to bring the
> visousness out in people especially women. Just
> my opinion.

Taking time off from work is nothing to be ashamed of at all. I am only tired of the 'taken-care-of' women who look down on struggling and working women as if they are above it all. Their own house of cards can fall if a marriage ends. Look at the divorce rates. Also, the spouse can die. How many women end up $$$ screwed when a husband leaves for another woman or just wants out of the marriage without having a lady on the side.

Backstabbing on the job is a horrible thing to deal with as you are not alone, Sammy. I am glad you are able to take some time off to get a mental break from the insanity that some workplaces promote. Men also deal with the bullshit of selective rules for selective people. It is not a matter of the childfree being catty. There are people who do not want to work but feel entitled for others to take care of them financially. Too bad for them if the earner goes away.

You may want to read some of these posts again. It is easy to live so Zen and be so pompous when someone else is paying the bills. I do not want to hear shit from a non-working woman about the jobs I have worked. Is that such a big deal or "catty"? Perhaps, the ones in those little situations are the catty ones. I cannot count the time I have dealt with housewives in retail, restaurant, or call center work and the attitude I and other co-workers get when they have not ever broken a fingernail doing work.

I mention again how the "chosen" women tend to be very condescending towards other ladies who supposedly work "menial" jobs. Read Casseyrod's post how a SAHM looked down on her work. Same goes for CF women who are SAH's and do the same. Nothing is wrong with not wanting a life without being a wage slave but do not act superior for escaping work...even if one is able to do it on her own without a man supporting her.
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 13, 2008
I don't think it's us looking down on people who are choosing not to work, at least I don't...seriously, quit your job, slack off and stick it to the man.
However, it's difficult to not look down at people who have not only chosen to avoid work for pay, but on top of it decide that A. they're better than everyone else because they're staying at home doing the most important, and difficult, and rewarding, blah blah job in the world. and B. when they do return to work with no skills, woefully behind the rest of their industry, they expect to have a cush job with a high salary handed to them on a silver platter because, you know, they did the most important job in the world, ever.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Thank you amethusos excellent post. I'm set straight and get what your saying as I've been on the short end of the stick with snobby SAH mom's more then once. I didn't mean to offend. I do need to take this time off right now and got a little defensive as I don't want to see it as me being lazy. Anyway I get it carry on.

I understand exactly what you mean, part of the reason why im CF is so Im not a slave to some job (other than that i hate kids lol) me being childfree has aloowed me to take time off, start of my businesses and allows me to travel and be free!!! Im not forced to work for a certain wage because i have to care for a broken condom, i work for myself, my own hours, i give my time to helping the sea turtles, things i could never do if i was forced to raise a cunt nugget.
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 13, 2008
I've noticed this too. No matter what you are paid, you should come to work looking like a professional in whatever field it is you are in. Just because you have to dress Shitford in the morning and schlep his smelly little ass off to daycare doesn't mean you get to come to work looking like you've just crawled out of bed.

I used to work for a high profile accounting firm in their IT department and when the receptionist came back from maternity leave, she thought it perfectly acceptable to wear yoga pants, big shirts and running sneakers to work. After unsuccessful "talks" to have her change her appearance - keep in mind she dressed fairly professional before that - she was let go. She pretty much told them - in the shitty attitude she sported 24/7 - that she doesn't have money for new clothes now that they have a baybee and it's much easier to navigate with the kid in comfortable clothing. Can you imagine that reasoning like this was being passed off as believable?

casseyrod Wrote:
> "I've noticed over many years that its mainly
> mombies who dress down at work. They wear sweat
> pants, big over-sized sweatshirts, flip flops,
> hair scrunchies, stretch pants, and worse -
> t-shirts with winnie the pooh, eyeore & tigger on
> them. This looks absolutely HORRIBLE in a
> professional business office !!! Sometimes they
> are in meetings sitting next to people wearing
> business suits, and it looks even more glaringly
> unprofessional. Then, they wonder why they don't
> get promoted or don't get raises."
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 13, 2008
I want a job, i need a job, but its been hard for me to find them.

firstly, i work in a predominantly female area, its rare in the uk to find male administration officers. the basic grunt workers in offices.

I apply for full time and part time jobs, temporary and permanent, BUT i see that a lot of these jobs goes to the girls, and if they are single moos, or just plain moos they get preferential treatment, at least in the respect of government jobs.

BUT also, the uk economy, has been crashing for several years, the figures are massaged. In every temp job i had, its always been due to maternity leave, i get glowing reports, i am the come too guy.. but.. as soon as these waste of skins come back, i am gone.. as i said i live in the UK, and i am male

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
To be honest, its none of my business if someone chooses not to work. Where it does piss me off, though, is when

a) someone who doesn't work, looks down their nose at my career or criticizes the work I do.

b) someone who doesn't work, tries to mooch money off me. This can take MANY different forms. I know a SAH who always wants someone else to drive when we go places (saves her gas money this way); she will meet with friends at restaurants and "forget" to bring her purse with her; if she does bring her own money for lunch, she refuses to leave tips for the waitstaff (has virtually no respect for working people); she will join pampered chef and avon, etc. and get upset with her friends who don't buy stuff from her, even if they don't want, need or can't afford to buy anything.

Personally, I've found that many SAHs are moochers. I am sure there are exceptions to that, but most of the ones I've known are moochers.
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 13, 2008
Casseyrod, Amen to that!!!! Most SAHMs I know are also mooches. Always having some sort of sale/demonstration (Tupperware, Avon, Silpada Jewelry, etc.) and get totally cheesed off when you don't buy anything.

Meanwhile, these are the most unreliable people on the planet, standing you up for lunch dates, etc.

I used to belong to a professional/social networking group that had 2 married members in it that were breeders. I hosted an event at a place that really was not for kids and a lunch afterward at a local pub. This cunt brought the hellspawn and bitched and moaned 10 ways to Sunday about the location of the lunch, the fact that it was a bar, and wah wah wah. Then she didn't bring enough money with her for lunch so somebody else pitched in. I outright refused. In addition, her hellspawn sat and threw it's spaghetti all over the place and she didn't even as much as clean it up. This one's also a useless SAHM.
It seems like SAHMs never do want to pay their own way. I get tired of buying their lunch, their coffee, etc. They seem to think us working women owe them part of our salaries.
Re: new here w/ gripe about sahms entering workforce
May 14, 2008
casseyrod Wrote:
> To be honest, its none of my business if someone
> chooses not to work. Where it does piss me off,
> though, is when
> a) someone who doesn't work, looks down their nose
> at my career or criticizes the work I do.
> b) someone who doesn't work, tries to mooch money
> off me. This can take MANY different forms. I know
> a SAH who always wants someone else to drive when
> we go places (saves her gas money this way); she
> will meet with friends at restaurants and
> "forget" to bring her purse with her; if she does
> bring her own money for lunch, she refuses to
> leave tips for the waitstaff (has virtually no
> respect for working people); she will join
> pampered chef and avon, etc. and get upset with
> her friends who don't buy stuff from her, even if
> they don't want, need or can't afford to buy
> anything.
> Personally, I've found that many SAHs are
> moochers. I am sure there are exceptions to that,
> but most of the ones I've known are moochers.

But isn't it all about the schwag??? (bats eyes)
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