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941 Australia Tax Credits

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
941 Australia Tax Credits
February 06, 2006
What I'd like to know is, if there are so many struggling FAMBLEES, what the FUCK are they doing having kids in the first place? If you can't feed them, don't breed them! I'm tired of picking up the tab for the breeders and their fuck trophies.
mercurior 1
Re: 953 Australia Tax Credits
February 06, 2006
because its easier to open their legs than actually go out to work, its and SEP someone elses problem.
Re: 953 Australia Tax Credits
February 06, 2006
Jeeze, original ranter, can we STOP the fat bashing??? Not everyone is a size 0, and not every fat person is a moo. The word obese is just pathetic.
Re: 941 Australia Tax Credits
February 06, 2006
KidFreeLuvnLife, the reason why they have so many fucktrophies is because they're too fucking lazy to do anything that pays better. The breeders shit out the kids, and we pay the tab. Moo says, "I just had another crackmonster--ka-ching!!" It takes absolutely no skill; even someone in a coma can have a crotchdropping.

If the breeders had to pay for their fucking brats, there would be more CF people. If nontaxpayers--like breeders--didn't have votes, there would be no need for politicians to bribe the breeders with handouts to buy their votes.
Re: 941 Australia Tax Credits
February 06, 2006
That's right, Catmeow! All I've been hearing about from the breeders is how they're getting back more than they paid in taxes.
Re: 941 Australia Tax Credits
February 07, 2006
The scary thing about the $3K (now $4K) from the Oz Govt was that it went to ALL breeders - whether they were bathing nightly in Moet Chandon or whether they could afford much more than a park bench to live on. In other words many used the money for a nice tropical holiday or widescreen TV and in the case of others the money was no where near what they would need to raise a child. So it wasn't just the usual suspects - the poor, or 'welfare' breeders who benefitted. FURTHER they got the money whether the mother worked or not (so it was not about lazy breeders not working). And of course clothing size (sigh) had nothing to do with it and never does.
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