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entry 491

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
entry 491
February 06, 2006
Yes I am from Australia aswell and it really sucks what is happening.Have you noticed how many women are preggo these days?It cant be a coincidence....Its gotta be the money they are getting.These are exactley the people we dont want having kids.
Kids are to important to be raised by breeders who dont give a shit.

I get so mad when I hear all the concessions they get and we have to fucking pay for it all.Ok now if I was to get to retierment age and I was supported on a pension by the working public that would be okay but the fact is anyone my age (30) wont be getting jack shit because the pension will be cut off for anyone born after dec 31 1964.

So Its ok for me to pay to raise other peoples kids but when I need help its gonna be like fuck you jack!

I hear your anger and I sympathise with you totally.


mercurior 1
Re: entry 491
February 07, 2006
its the bread and circuses syndrome, it means that unless things change the aussie civilisation will collapse.


**As vital as the bread and the oil for keeping the people happy, were the numerous and frequent circuses scattered all over the city, where gladiators fought wild beasts and each other. This free entertainment, too, was provided by the Emperor. In the modern welfare state, the equivalent of the gladiators are professional football players and athletes, and the equivalent of the circuses are mainly provided by the television networks out of the advertising revenue they attract. Like in ancient Rome, so in our modern civilisation, it is ultimately the final producers of all goods who provide both the bread and the circuses. They do so both for themselves and for those who do not produce.**

and we all know what happened to rome, if its happening in austrailia, it will happen in america, and maybe britain, if they all do it, it will be a decline of massive proportions, end of the world as we know it, everyone takes no one gives. (apart from us cf and singles)..
Anonymous User
Re: entry 491
February 07, 2006
Hmm very interesting article indeed.Makes alot of sense.
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