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946 Teenage Breeders

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
946 Teenage Breeders
February 07, 2006
Miss Emilia sounds like first-class trash, all the way baby. Poor Kyle, what kind of dumb schmuck is this guy, anyway? Little Miss Breeder wants to have her cake and eat it too, the guy of her dreams plus a BAYBEE. Teenagers of today have no clue about life, and neither do their pahrunts.
Lady Cooper
Re: 946 Teenage Breeders
February 07, 2006
Gah, don't get me started on Preggie Teens. Whenever I get one of the many stupid "OmGz iM 15 N pReGO wHt dO i dO??11!" emails for Dear Lady Cooper, I just copy and paste links to old messages, like the one where I got that Tammy bitch after me because, shoot, I think a stupid knocked up 15 year old should get an abortion.

The stupid preggie teens also keep on adding me to my msn, and I do chat with them, just to gloat a bit about being CF, and I was talking to one who just had twins (in addition to the other sprog she has), and she talks about how her "BaBee dAdee" left her because he wasn't ready for three kids, and how she's realising that kids aren't that fun and that she's fucked up big time. The good thing is that she's trying to convince her sister, who's one of those teens that wants a baby at 16 or so, that breeding is not that cool, especially as a teen.
Re: 946 Teenage Breeders
February 07, 2006
I swear, for the life of me, I have never known quite why dumb teenage girls feel that urge to have a baby because "something's missing in their lives". Why bring the burden of a child upon yourself when you could be out having fun with friends? Oh crap, I forgot - teenage girls are usually under the impression that babies are like cute little dolls that they will only have to coo over and cuddle with for a few years. Absolutely none of them ever know how hard it is to raise a child until after they've been knocked up.

On a health forum I'm a member of, I check out the Teen Pregnancy message board from time to time, and there's always girls ranging from 13 to 18 on there asking about pregnancy - frequently do I see topics like "Help me now idn wot 2 d0 16 n prego". And in all those topics, there are retards telling the teen girl congratulations on her pregnancy and that she's going to have so much fun being a mom. I, however, do not hesitate to give her a little insight into the harsh reality of dirty diapers, vomit, incessant screaming, and no sleep. And then, of course, sometimes I will get flamed by other members (probably more teen Moos) who tell me that having a "baybeee" is so wonderful and that I'm such an angry child hater. Pff.

Honestly, I do have some form of sympathy for the teens who use protection and it fails - they were making an effort to prevent pregnancy. I do not have one ounce of pity for the stupid bints who fuck around without any kind of contraception and then wonder why they got knocked up.

*end rant*
Re: 946 Teenage Breeders
February 07, 2006
Thank you to the orginal poster for posting that! I HATE teen moos with a passion! Moreso, I hate all the propoganda that they are fed that having a baybee makes them all grown up and that baybees are cute and cuddly and will love you forever and ever!
I've ranted about my moo super's teen sprog getting knocked up before. It just makes me sick that this moo was and still is giving her teen moo sporg everything she could possibly want and treating this bastard grandsporg like it's the next coming of Christ. The un-knocked up (so far) sprog of the moo super ended up saying to her moo "What do I have to do to get all these gifts and attention: get pregnant?" I'm hoping this girl will see how hard it is to rasie a chyld and will wise up before SHE becomes another statistic as well.
Anonymous User
Re: 946 Teenage Breeders
February 07, 2006
You said one salient feature .. 'the parents didn't care...'
Well, teeny bopper whore now has someone to care for aand love, and it will looooove me back soooo much..

CF Scorpio
Re: 946 Teenage Breeders
February 07, 2006
Original Poster:

I am sorry that you're stuck in high schools with such losers. Thank god you have the good sense not to get knocked up just for the attention.

Sorry things did not work out between you & Kyle, but obviously that was for the best.
Anonymous User
Re: 946 Teenage Breeders
February 07, 2006
What CF Scorpio said. If Kyle is dumb enough to hook up with this trashy loser moo, you are well rid of his sorry ass. No doubt that he will knock up Emilia himself in the near future.

I miss the *good old days* when being a preggo teen/teen moo was considered a DISGRACE. Now, it's a fucking badge of honor! What the fuck ever happened to growing up, getting an education, and starting to live a real life, before making an informed decision as to whether or not to breed?

These teen moos' lives must be so shallow and pathetic, that they think that the only thing that will validate their existence is a baby. It's a sad reason to bring a child into the world, and it's sad to see these teens throwing away their lives like this.
Re: 946 Teenage Breeders
February 07, 2006
Funny you mention that about the "good old days." Just today my mom was talking about how pregnant girls weren't even allowed to go to school when they started showing. My mom was born in 1944 (I have extremely old parents for my age), so that was in the late 50's and early 60's. But if someone tried to kick a pregnant girl out of school now, they'd say it was "discrimination" and "illegal." Whatever.

And about Kyle, I know it's good I'm rid of him. He's a trashy wanna-breed. If I were with him, he'd want me to pop out a baby every 18 months or something.
Re: 946 Teenage Breeders
February 07, 2006
I think Kyle is the dumb one. He has no reason to be with Emilia. He dropped her because she wanted to breed. She had a child with another spermdonor who she then dumped. Kyle had 'other offers'. He was free. He is in no way biologically connected to the child. Yet he took Emilia back? What an absolute shit-for-brains idiot. Poor Kyle, my ass. The man clearly has a large turd where his brain should be. Emilia and the spermdonor can't undo what they have done - but Kyle can. The fact that he does not makes him the biggest idiot of the bunch in my opinion. Unless he is getting something out of it - like lots of sex, his dick sucked, money or his dinner cooked for him of course - in which case pretty much abrogates the need for sympathy anyway.

Plus we are in the old territory of bagging out teen moos without paying one iota of attention to the fact that there was a willing and knowing spermdonor in all of this who willingly and knowingly helped create a baybee. This guy deserves EXACTLY THE SAME condemnation as Emilia. He knew what he was doing. He did it willingly. HE deserves the same epithet of 'ho' or 'dumb' or 'stupid bint' or 'teeny bopper whore' or 'trashy loser' as well.

Emilai was called a whore - but there were two other GUYS in all of this putting it around and fucking merrily. But as usual guys are rarely condemned for having sex or creating babees.
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