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Are we the only ones who can read between lines perhaps??

Posted by Anonymous User 
I post on occasion to tc_snark over at live journal. I have a feeling that many people look at the quotes that I copy over from tmc to snark, look at my comments, and seem to be unable to infer pertinent facts from the tmc quote. Here is an example..

You picked the elephant...

why are you whining that it isn't a lap dog??

""I am the bread winner, have been since I graduated from college. My husband has never been not even when we were in college!

I'm the one that gets the bills paid, food for the family, clothes washed, everyone's schedules situated, and I sill maintain a full time job!

I may be young, bu tI have 2 kids whom my husband has had to opportunity to stay home with both while I work. I love him and I'm glad he is going back to work but he is not going to make up for my income so I will still have my full time job.

When is it going to be my turn to be the stay at home parent, get involved with my kids at school, not have to travel for work, be able to hang in my pj's if I damn well please, when is it my turn! ""

You picked it knowing it wasn't competent.
You have no right to be jealous when you were so rabid about that wedding dress, so rabid about getting that fat belly, so shuddup already. cry-baby

One comment I got back: "Hardly logical. More like a conclusion based on your own prejudices"
Another: "What? Kind of...assuming a lot aren't you?"
And finally one who thinks along the same lines I do: "I agree she doesn't have much room to bitch. He was a lazy ass in college, she married him anyway. He was never the breadwinner, but she still had kids with him. Now she's bitching that it's her turn to be the SAHM? Tough shit. There are buttloads of fathers out there who probably feel the same way, but if they said anything, they would be the mean one forcing the poor mother to go back to work and abandon her babieeeessss"

Now, look at the original copy from TMC and see what information y'all can glean from it... I think a LOT can be infered from what little this dumb moo posted.
Re: Are we the only ones who can read between lines perhaps??
May 29, 2008
I find it telling that she inadvertantly admits it's her turn to sit around doing nothing......
Re: Are we the only ones who can read between lines perhaps??
May 29, 2008
Pick any of these explanations and there you have it:

"I'll have a baby and he'll just have to deal with it."

"He'll have no choice but to pitch in once the baby is here."

"I can change him, he won't be useless forever."

"The second baby will really change him."

"Once we get married, he better keep up his end of the deal or else."

And the real kick in the dick here is that she had TWO! read it! TWO kids with this man. Not just one, TWO! Didn't learn the first time, did you!
Re: Are we the only ones who can read between lines perhaps??
May 29, 2008
Wow, is there any room in the waaaaambulance for humans?
Cry me a fucking river, then build a bridge and get out of my face.

"Booo hooooo, feel sorry for me. I married the loser I dated in college. I let him knock me up because it was supposed to make him grow up. I let him knock me up again because it was supposed to make him pitch in. I wanna sit on the couch!!!!!"
Stupid cow deserves her self-imposed misery. She should consider herself lucky she doesn't have to deal with the spawn.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Actually, despite her protestations about wanting it to be 'her turn' (reading between lines again), she is planning on continuing to work full-time. Therefore sproggen are a) going to be at school while moo works b) gonna be warehoused which, if you supposedly want kids, I think is not the best deal for kids. Therefore, my conclusion is she really does not want full-time exposure to the kids. This is just an excuse to bitch.
I have a feeling hubby will not be able to keep the job, so he will soon be back at being sah-duh. This will enable moo to bitch even more because now she can nag him for being a non-supportive loser as well as keeping her from her dream of being a sah moooo. (see above, she plans to continue full time).
duuuumb mooooo
Those people who responded to your post, with the exception of the latter, have GOT to be retards. How are you assuming when it's all right there? Likely they are breeders themselves (an assumption, of course winking smiley)
Re: Are we the only ones who can read between lines perhaps??
May 30, 2008
Yea, breeders always stick up for breeders. They act as if they are part of some exclusive club and the rest of us non-childed people are merely hapless wanderers who've stumbled into a convo we know nothing about.

Their hearts bleed together, they help each other up onto their crosses, and they weep together. How beautiful. HORK!
Re: Are we the only ones who can read between lines perhaps??
May 30, 2008
Feh Wrote:
> Wow, is there any room in the waaaaambulance for
> humans?
> Cry me a fucking river, then build a bridge and
> get out of my face.
LOL - seriously. Mind if I use that??????????
Re: Are we the only ones who can read between lines perhaps??
May 30, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> Feh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Wow, is there any room in the waaaaambulance
> for
> > humans?
> > Cry me a fucking river, then build a bridge and
> > get out of my face.
> >
> >
> LOL - seriously. Mind if I use that??????????

Go right ahead.
Spread the spite!

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Nour Wrote:
> Those people who responded to your post, with the
> exception of the latter, have GOT to be retards.
> How are you assuming when it's all right there?
> Likely they are breeders themselves (an
> assumption, of course winking smiley)

Thanks nour... (an assumption: heheheheh, cute... )

I think young people have not really been taught the art of critical thinking. It is now coming back to me (Lord my memory is sooo toast) that some of the exercises I had in school was to take written paragraphs on differing topics, and pick them apart. We were asked to deduce information, we were asked to write critical essays on same.
I think, for a psychiatrist or psychologist (I am neither), now that I brought that up, that is PRECISELY what they are supposed to do in their counseling sessions: being able to discern what is REALLY being said, what is BEHIND the statement. If one listens to Dr Laura, you can hear her do that frequently. (not that many here like her that much, she has to work with what is given her as WELL as what the caller actually wants to do: one can only give advice in so far as what the advisee wants to do.)

Thanks nour again, you have given me something else to ponder now..

p.s.: a lot of psychiatrists and psychologists are messed up themselves, makes them masters of spotting other folks problems, I guess. I am not one, but I seem to be able to spot a lot of underlying stuff like this... hmmm, this is getting scary...to me..
Re: Are we the only ones who can read between lines perhaps??
May 31, 2008
Why is it that so many parents think the OPPOSITE of parenting is "sitting around in my PJs doing nothing"?? Um. As opposed to what, exactly?

My sister (brood-mare of three) has done nothing BUT sit around in her PJs and sweatpants (same thing) for 10 years doing wonderful parenting like shouting "Hey don't touch that! I told you no cookies! Where are you going? Did I say you could have kool-aid? Did I?! DID I?!"
Re: Are we the only ones who can read between lines perhaps??
May 31, 2008
...Just so's we're clear on the non-connection of being a mom and sitting around in PJs all day.
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