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2788 More Bizzy Moos Staying Afloat Shit

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
2788 More Bizzy Moos Staying Afloat Shit
July 07, 2008
Boy, they sure are just a bunch of martyrs, aren't they? Patting each other on the back, crying in synch with each other how HAAAAAARD it is, the wailing, braying, whining. But remember! It's AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL worth it.

Here's something else they didn't tell you about moo hood:


Get a load of this:

"Your baby will eventually insult you............
Indulge in a nice-mommy whim and make a special chocolate-chip face on a toddler's pancake, and you're liable to be met with indignant howls. ("That's not how a pancake looks!") One minute you're the best thing since ice pops and the next, mud. And the mercurial moods of a growing child mean you never know which will happen when.

Silver lining: Repeated verbal stabs make you more immune to them. Unless it's clearly intentional antisocial rudeness (rare before the school years), blame child development and don't take anything personally. Two-year-olds, for instance, are notoriously resistant to change because they're trying hard to figure out the world and once they've "got" a concept down (pancakes don't have faces), it's disorienting to have their expectations foiled."

This is when you take the plate of pancakes, throw them in the trash, smack the ungrateful brat across the face and send them to their room hungry. I don't think you'll ever hear complaints about the fucking face on the pancakes again!
Re: 2788 More Bizzy Moos Staying Afloat Shit
July 07, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Boy, they sure are just a bunch of martyrs, aren't
> they? Patting each other on the back, crying in
> synch with each other how HAAAAAARD it is, the
> wailing, braying, whining. But remember! It's
> Here's something else they didn't tell you about
> moo hood:
> Get a load of this:
> "Your baby will eventually insult you............
> Indulge in a nice-mommy whim and make a special
> chocolate-chip face on a toddler's pancake, and
> you're liable to be met with indignant howls.
> ("That's not how a pancake looks!") One minute
> you're the best thing since ice pops and the next,
> mud. And the mercurial moods of a growing child
> mean you never know which will happen when.
> Silver lining: Repeated verbal stabs make you more
> immune to them. Unless it's clearly intentional
> antisocial rudeness (rare before the school
> years), blame child development and don't take
> anything personally. Two-year-olds, for instance,
> are notoriously resistant to change because
> they're trying hard to figure out the world and
> once they've "got" a concept down (pancakes don't
> have faces), it's disorienting to have their
> expectations foiled."
> This is when you take the plate of pancakes, throw
> them in the trash, smack the ungrateful brat
> across the face and send them to their room
> hungry. I don't think you'll ever hear complaints
> about the fucking face on the pancakes again!

I read this article. If you are so delicate that your bipedal brat can INSULT you successfully, it's time to get snipped.
Re: 2788 More Bizzy Moos Staying Afloat Shit
July 07, 2008
I'd not only smack the kid, I would put him to bed without supper and keep doing it everytime he acts up until he learns to eat what is set before him. My mum didn't hold with that crap--she made it very clear that I was expected to eat what was set before me, unless it made me sick in which case a subtitution was gladly made.

¬Lux Vestra--Let Your Light Shine¬
Re: 2788 More Bizzy Moos Staying Afloat Shit
July 08, 2008
married with rabbits Wrote:
> I read that when
> your toddler has a tantrum, you are supposed to
> validate his feelings and make him feel better for
> having a tantrum. Wonderful.

Yeah, when I acted out my mother would always validate my feelings...with a few whacks on the ass.
Anonymous User
Re: 2788 More Bizzy Moos Staying Afloat Shit
July 08, 2008
married with rabbits Wrote:
>> I also read that some lady will always hire a mawm
> over any other applicant because mawms are such
> 'experts' at multitasking. She also thinks they
> are so 'mature' now that they have spawned.
> More great advice for the moos.

Um, its actually illegal for this woman to ask job applicants whether or not they are moms.

The EEOC should get wind of what she is doing in her hiring practices. You simply can NOT ask a job applicant if they are married or have kids. You also can't ask about their race, religion, etc.
Re: 2788 More Bizzy Moos Staying Afloat Shit
July 08, 2008
They can ASK, but one is not required to answer in a particular way. Many times interviewers ask "illegal" questions just to see how the applicant deals with them. They are not always looking for the information, although if the applicant reveals anything, it could certainly be used in a number of ways.

For example, if you were trying to get a job as a bartender, it makes sense that they need to know you are at least 18 or 21, depending on where you live. So they might ask, but you don't have to tell them your exact age (I know that comes later; once they have offered to HIRE you). Just, "Yes, I am legally of age." But you can bet that some people actually volunteer unnecessary information sometimes.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: 2788 More Bizzy Moos Staying Afloat Shit
July 08, 2008
I always GIVE out the info, that im child free, I figure most people would rather hire me or deal with me because i dont have soul suckers, I know i perfer to deal with CF, and if they judge me and wont hire me or rent to me or whatever because im CF, than fuck them, ill move on
Re: 2788 More Bizzy Moos Staying Afloat Shit
July 08, 2008
Read the July 2 post here:


"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

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