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I look what

Posted by annie35 
I look what
July 09, 2008
My MIL is visiting for the week. The first thing she said when she arrived, is you look pregnant are you hiding some exciting news from me?
First of all I am 5'11 and weigh 128 pounds, I run 4 miles a day and bike 2 miles. I do not look in the slightest pregnant or anything else.
I said no, she said you should get pregnant you would look so cute.
I replied and ruin being hot? I refuse to give up hot for cute.
She looked so puzzled and usual had that dumbass breeder look on her face.
I guess she thinks she can make me think being pregnant will make me cute, since she can't convince me with any other tactics.
Why are people so concerned with my uterus and what is hanging out in it?
I am not concerned with their uterus or any other part of their body.
Re: I look what
July 09, 2008
Are you serious? Maybe she thinks that if she crawls inside the closet and wishes *REALLY HARD* she'll open the door and be in Disney Land.

It's been known to happen.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: I look what
July 09, 2008
Just be polite and say 'no, i'm not..'
that will ultimately irk her more than if you get annoyed...
it may also save your hubby some grief as well.. (we can hope, anyway)
Re: I look what
July 09, 2008
Besides, why would they think that if you DID get pregnant that you wouldn't get rid of it and no one the wiser?

I don't know why, but this latest installment bugs me more than any of Annie's other in-laws stories.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: I look what
July 09, 2008
annie35 does your MIL know your CF? and have ZERO interest in soul suckers.
Re: I look what
July 09, 2008
I would really like to know--What is it with the breeder brain crap. If Annie wanted have a kid, she'd have one. I get so tired when our choices are not respected. My DW's mother seems disappointed because only one daughter (I suspect she is the favourite) has sprogged and is pignant again. DW has made it very clear to her mum that there will be NO children. Her da, as near as I can tell, supports our decision to remain CF. No adoptions, either, so Mum will just have to live with it.
Re: I look what
July 09, 2008
Yeah, your MIL needs a hobby. Pregnancy does a lot of things, but making a woman cute is not one of them. And if that isn't the finest reason to get pregnant: "Oh, I wanna be cute so I'm gonna get knocked up!"

I'd strongly suggest avoiding this woman as much as possible because she sounds like she's got grand-baby-rabies and she sounds a little nuts too.
Re: I look what
July 09, 2008
OMG, Annie, what you put up with!! smiling smiley
It sounds like a really mean dig at you because you probably look anything but preggo AND trying any trick to get you and hubby to make her a grand baybee.
Anonymous User
Re: I look what
July 09, 2008
Or she's just trying to piss you off. How rude.
Re: I look what
July 09, 2008
Annie's stories make me appreciate my MIL so much. She knows we're CF even though we didn't really say anything to her or my FIL for about the first 5 years of our marriage. I remember our first CF conversation. She was visiting for a few days and we went shopping at our local mall. While there we saw the most miserable litter of 6 unruly kids, probably from ages birth to six. Their keeper was struggling like hell with them. My MIL looked at me and said "Damn look at that breeder!" I could have kissed her! It was the perfect time for me to say DH and I aren't planning on having kids. She basically agreed that if people don't want to be parents then they shouldn't be. She's never tried to sway our decision.

I think sometimes parents want their kids to have children so they can understand what they went through.
Re: I look what
July 10, 2008
annie i have a breederminded mother in law too, complete limousine liberal to the max, thinks we should give up everything to the turd werld (but that never applies to her) mil and step fil are the exact stereotype of limousine liberal we all bitch about on here, hell, they even go down on these liberal church missions to set up water stations in the desert for the illegals running across the border, among other things they do along similar lines. Of course they like to cry about it when they find out that some angry citizen has taken a shit inside the tanks, which happens a lot. LMAO.

And mine is so obsessed with brats, especially brown brats, that she can't even carry on a polite adult conversation in a restaurant without interrupting conversation several times to fawn all over a brat sitting nearby, and if it's brown, she practially gets down on her knees to worship it.

No this is not an exaggeration.

I fee your pain
Re: I look what
July 10, 2008
Good Lord, with your height and weight, how could you possibly look pregnant? You sound underweight to me but the important thing is that you are in shape. Kudos to you for being so physically fit.

I'm with poofy_puff. The only thing worse than some delusional old biddy pressuring you to have kids is when some old duffer starts it up. A woman on another board where I post has a FIL who is always pressuring her and I'd like to find him and beat the tar out of him. Old duffers get to me the worst because it's not as if any of THEM actually took care of their kids--they let their wives do it.

My FIL is pretty clueless. Last Christmas, he commented about WHEN we have children. I just rolled my eyes because I'm 45 years old. And he always gets out The Coins and he'll mention that he's set some aside for my DH's and my kids.

This is after DH told them we wouldn't be having children. When we got engaged and they asked him (he was alone) he said we wouldn't be having any and it was "not physically possible." (Little did they know it was due to sterilization!) Years later, when I was at a store with his sister buying tampons, she said, Oh! I thought you didn't have a uterus. (What a nosy bitch.)

I guess it doesn't cross their mind that somebody wouldn't want them. Wouldn't it be a clue that I was 44 when we got married and I wasn't popping fertility drugs like crazy to get pregnasty? But at least they keep it to themselves most of the time.

Except my FIL, who doesn't seem to be able to add 1+1. Actually, his behavior bothers me the most. Right, Dude, I'm going to wreck my fabulous 40-something life and shit out a kid so I can get those cheesy family heirlooms. (And little does the Old Goat know, I make just under six figures; DH has a similarly good job, and DH and I could BUY those coins many times over.)

I can almost sympathize with infertile people who have an in-law like that, because he's almost taunting, like "See? These could be yours if you'd just shit out a grandbrat." The man is CLUELESS. Last time he pulled this crap, my DH cheerily said, guess you'll be giving those coins to someone else!
Re: I look what
July 10, 2008
Cute? Great Gods.

Swollen hands, ankles, and feet, fat everywhere, nasty, stretched out engorged tits - which turn to saggy udders after the fact, stretch marks, that nasty purple line repugnant cows get on their stomachs, yea, that sure is cute.

I think I'd also stick with being 5' 11", 128 pounds, and hot.
Re: I look what
July 14, 2008
I'm sorry, I'm a little late to this conversation, but since when is it not the height of rudeness to ask a woman if she's pregnant, which implies weight gain, which is definitely NOT polite to ask about?

Seriously, you should have just replied "That is the rudest question I've ever been asked, do you want to know about my yeast infection too?" and walked away.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: I look what
July 14, 2008
True - the condition of your uterus is none of her business! A frosty retort might have been "No, why would you think I'm pregnant?... wait a minute! Are you going through The Change yourself?? Aww c'mon you can tell me! You'd look so cute being post-menopausal! Shrunken little bones, hunched back, shuffly little feet, wearing all those cardigan sweaters in the middle of August... adorable!"
Re: I look what
July 15, 2008
****crawls under desk and tries to forget about only being cute when pregnant. Make her go away...****
Anonymous User
Re: I look what
July 15, 2008
We can run but we can't hide...
Re: I look what
July 15, 2008
Feh Wrote:
> I'm sorry, I'm a little late to this conversation,
> but since when is it not the height of rudeness to
> ask a woman if she's pregnant, which implies
> weight gain, which is definitely NOT polite to ask
> about?
> Seriously, you should have just replied "That is
> the rudest question I've ever been asked, do you
> want to know about my yeast infection too?" and
> walked away.

Long time ago, a breeder fuck face told me that society "has expectations". They claim that if someone has been married for a period of time that people "have a right to ask" about brats/pignasty. I am still pissed off at that breeder.hot smiley Is it OK to harm people?
Anonymous User
Re: I look what
July 16, 2008
> Long time ago, a breeder fuck face told me that
> society "has expectations". They claim that if
> someone has been married for a period of time that
> people "have a right to ask" about brats/pignasty.
> I am still pissed off at that breeder.hot smiley Is it
> OK to harm people?

No... but verbal abuse is allowed...
Re: I look what
July 16, 2008
two cents ¢¢ Wrote:
> >
> > Long time ago, a breeder fuck face told me that
> > society "has expectations". They claim that if
> > someone has been married for a period of time
> that
> > people "have a right to ask" about
> brats/pignasty.
> > I am still pissed off at that breeder.hot smiley Is
> it
> > OK to harm people?
> No... but verbal abuse is allowed...

Harming, no. Verbal abuse and belittling comments about their personal lives, totally.

Seriously, there are no "exceptions" for politeness. You either are polite and don't ask personal questions about other's appearance, or you are a rude ass who deserves to verbally get their head ripped off and their neck pissed down.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: I look what
July 16, 2008
two cents ¢¢ Wrote:
> >
> > Long time ago, a breeder fuck face told me that
> > society "has expectations". They claim that if
> > someone has been married for a period of time
> that
> > people "have a right to ask" about
> brats/pignasty.
> > I am still pissed off at that breeder.hot smiley Is
> it
> > OK to harm people?
> No... but verbal abuse is allowed...

I think I am going to piss into this breeder's soda!
Anonymous User
Re: I look what
July 17, 2008
BTW, I think society has too freakin' much expectaions.
Re: I look what
July 17, 2008
married with rabbits Wrote:
> I met a CF lady in my rabbit chat. She says she
> always says her kids died in a fire, whenever
> people ask. She's like, you should tell them that
> too!

bouncing and laughing
Re: I look what
July 17, 2008
Nobody has a "right" to ask you jack shit about your personal affairs. PERIOD.

Anybody who thinks they do, is a fucking idiot and deserves a severe public humiliation.
Re: I look what
July 17, 2008
I disagree; I think people have the RIGHT to ask, and you have the RIGHT to not tell them, or to tell them just whatever.
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