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The Wisdom and Wit of the Welfare Warriors

Posted by nowhiggers 
I know we've posted the songs they have on their site, but earlier I was browsing the letters section in their archives, and it is truly a treasure trove of infuriating moo entitlement. Nevah enough for MOOOOOO!!!!!


Mother Hatred Increases in Massachusetts

Dear Moms,

If you like your teeth, your eyesight, your arms and legs, you don't want to be in Massachusetts. Masshealth, the state's Medicaid program, has eliminated dental care, dentures, eye care and eyeglasses and prosthetics and part of "necessary" cuts to balance the budget.

These services are essential for poor mothers to work, even survive. Just another part of the war on the poor.

Oh Moooos absolutely NEEEEED these things so they can woooorrrrrkkkkk!!

Wait a sec... I thought Welfare Warriors was about getting the moos a paycheck for staying at home and doing "mootherwork?"
This annoys me. What about the working poor who don't qualify for Medicaid and have to pay for this stuff out of pocket too, because they can't afford health insurance? Just 'cause you have kids, you think you deserve special treatment? Give me a break! Talk about entitlement.
Re: The Wisdom and Wit of the Welfare Warriors
July 21, 2008
I think vision coverage is the exception, not the rule, for employer-paid health coverage. I sure didn't have it at my last job at a magazine. Paid for new specs myself. But by all means, let the moomies get to pick the latest trendy new frames (they ain't cheap!) so that, according to the site, they can work (if they're working, why do they need welfare?)
Re: The Wisdom and Wit of the Welfare Warriors
July 21, 2008
I can't read that shit. The entitlement of the attitudes is blinding. I'd rather gouge my eyes out.

I don't know why these parents think it's everybody else's responsibility to provide for them just because they've proven their reproductive organs work.
they have a new song up today. it's about how the moos only get junk when people give to the poor i am guessing. lol.

Brand new song!

Give It To The Poor
(Sing to the tune of "Bringing in the Sheaves")

Gather in the attic, gather in the basement,
Gather in your closet all that's wrong in style or size.
No problem if it's broken, or parts of it are missing,

Give it to the poor, give it to the poor,
Gather up your trash and give it to the poor.

If you have a calculator that says two and two make 12,
If you have an easy chair that pokes you in the butt,
Don't pay to have it hauled away, the poor will think it's treasure,
Jesus will reward you, give it to the poor.

Give it to the poor, give it to the poor,
Gather up your junk and give it to the poor.

Polyester suits and food you just can't swallow,
Broken stereos and living bras that died,
It really doesn't matter, you know they can't be fussy,
Gather up your garbage and give it to the poor.

Give it to the poor, give it to the poor,
Gather up your junk and give it to the poor.
Re: The Wisdom and Wit of the Welfare Warriors
July 21, 2008
nowhiggers Wrote:
> I know we've posted the songs they have on their
> site, but earlier I was browsing the letters
> section in their archives, and it is truly a
> treasure trove of infuriating moo entitlement.
> Nevah enough for MOOOOOO!!!!!
> http://web.archive.org/web/20040116012729/welfarew
> arriors.org/w03--letters_to_the_editor.htm
> Mother Hatred Increases in Massachusetts
> Dear Moms,
> If you like your teeth, your eyesight, your arms
> and legs, you don't want to be in Massachusetts.
> Masshealth, the state's Medicaid program, has
> eliminated dental care, dentures, eye care and
> eyeglasses and prosthetics and part of "necessary"
> cuts to balance the budget.
> These services are essential for poor mothers to
> work, even survive. Just another part of the war
> on the poor.
> Oh Moooos absolutely NEEEEED these things so they
> can woooorrrrrkkkkk!!
> Wait a sec... I thought Welfare Warriors was about
> getting the moos a paycheck for staying at home
> and doing "mootherwork?"

Nowhiggers, thanks for the good news! grinning smiley I live in MA and didn't see that before.

As far as I'm concerned, the state and federal governments can get rid of ALL the giveaway programs for the bastard factories. Contrary to what their advocates say, doing this would save big bucks.

Many working people don't get the benefits Rebecca Davis (the gimme girl quoted) mentioned.

You're damn right about your comment to what the welfare mama said--moos get paid to sit at home and not work.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: The Wisdom and Wit of the Welfare Warriors
July 22, 2008
I may get jumped all over for this, but I think employers should HAVE to offer benefits for health, eye and dental - in some form. I also think they should have to give cost of living raises. There should be some government regulation on this.

I'm no economist but it's my opinion that it is the very LEAST they can do for the people that have made them wealthy. They get tax breaks from the government on top of it.

Take my company for instance. Privately owned, started in the mid 80's. Last quarter it made $156m in revenue. Every year, our benefits get shaved a little more, covering less. Many people have gone years in a row with NO raises. And we're not talking about dumb, uneducated people. We've got 2,000 employees.

Meanwhile, the rates to our customers go up for the work WE do, yet, raises and benefits continue to wane.

What's wrong with this picture?
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