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Thank god I'm not you!

Posted by SecularRight 
Thank god I'm not you!
October 06, 2013
So my boyfriend and I have been living on our own for over a year. I think I posted here last when we were about to move out but his abusive, drunkard grandmoo kept trying to stop him from leaving her. Yeah, she got physical with him, no kidding. Ha, fuck her. I haven't seen her in ages thank god.

Anyway, we are living it up, he's going to school and working, and I'm working. We recently moved again into a much bigger apartment and got another kitty. I now have an IUD so no brats just cats! Love my life. I remember joining this site when I was 19...now I am almost 24. So much has changed but time has only reaffirmed my lifelong choice to be CF.

Sorry, I'm getting off topic. Today my boyfriend had a friend over. Haven't seen this guy since in over a year. He's a major hippie but is irresponsible. He can't really hold down a job, burns all of his money on weed, lives in a relatives house, etc. He's nice though and interesting to talk to.

Well, he told me today that he knocked a girl up! And he's not happy? It was some girl he had been dating for a few months. Yikes! I recall seeing them on Facebook vaguely. I ask about BC. Well she was on the Pill and went to the dentist's and was given an antibiotic and... OOOOOOPS.

You've got to kidding me. I took the Pill for years. The pharmacist always makes you sit through a lecture when you get it first filled. I told him that! The friend frowned and told me he felt that she didn't care, she just wanted a kid. He's not happy about it. He didn't know what she did u til she got knocked up.

Fuck this cunt.

So, his mom goes to her and says "My son is very irresponsible, please consider an abortion or adoption". Nope! And she's not working. At all. The friend has connections and is trying to get her a job (she has a degree) but this cow just wants to sit at home and low.

Btw, he only has occasional part time work. No one has health insurance. No one is living together. No one can afford shit.

I asked him what he felt. His eyes were huge and he just said how he's fucking terrified and isn't ready and can't afford it. Moo cow fucking terrorizes him all the time and screams at him for stuff. I forget how women use pregnancy as an excuse to treat everyone like shit. He got a call from her at our place and she sounded pissed.

I told him "wow, that sucks. I'm sorry." But really, what a fucking freak show. Moo cunt gets desperate for baby despite not having any money and fucks with her BC. Now this hen pecked friend is probably going to have to go back into selling drugs to afford this kid. What a great environment! Dad's selling drugs and Moo is a broodmare.

I blame them both but I blame her a bit more. I told my boyfriend later "Thank god we're not like them".

Good to see another destitute, potential-future-felon in the making.
Anonymous User
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 06, 2013
I fervently hope that cow miscarries and the hippie gets himself fixed and out of her life. Congrats on you and your bf living the life and away from that psycho grandma. thumbs upwink
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 06, 2013
I don't think she's gonna. She's quite a few months along now. I do hope for his sake that she will though. He needs to get snipped. She sounds like an insufferable cow.

And yeah I'm so glad to be away from rabid grandmoo. He doesn't have much of a relationship with her. Last time they talked on the phone, she blamed him for her alcoholism (ha) saying that she drinks because she's Soooooo stressed that my boyfriend won't have a relationship with his Moo (Felon crackmoo who beat him regularly and lost custody of him) or his cunt - sister (Mini version of crackmoo, nasty crackwhore with a personality disorder, tried to crawl into my boyfriend's bed and rape him, tried to guilt and force him to talk to her and actually give a shit about her).

He hasn't seen or talked to his mom since he was 14 and it's been a couple years with his sister. We have to let her number blocked because she has tried to call him. A lot.


I'll tell you, I was so happy when I showed up at grandmoo s place with a truck and loaded all his shit inside and him and left.
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 06, 2013
Oh don't worry about them. They'll be just fine. You (through taxes) will take care of them. They will get WIC, EBT, TANF, free daycare and the like. GAWD (well actually taxpayers) will provide. PRAYZE DA LAWD!

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 06, 2013
Fuuuuuck I get so mad when I'm reminded of that. I'm sick of paying for people's bad choices. Wish she would just miscarry.
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 07, 2013
I'll bet the whole dentist thing is just a cover story. My dentist has on file all my prescriptions, so they know ahead of time of any chance of interactions. I would imagine all do, if only to save their own butts from being sued.

I'd say she just threw her pills in the garbage.
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 07, 2013
Highly likely I'm wrong, but isn't there a way for him to get out of the child support mess by completely legally severing all parental rights and custody?
Anonymous User
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 07, 2013
Highly likely I'm wrong, but isn't there a way for him to get out of the child support mess by completely legally severing all parental rights and custody?

Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 07, 2013
Why should he get out of paying for the kid? He is just as responsible as she is. If a man doesn't want a kid he should get snipped or wrap it up. I have no pity for men like this. He had his mommy talk to the girl about an abortion? Uh, no.
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 07, 2013
Why should he get out of paying for the kid? He is just as responsible as she is. If a man doesn't want a kid he should get snipped or wrap it up. I have no pity for men like this. He had his mommy talk to the girl about an abortion? Uh, no.

Exactly. He is just as responsible for creating that loaf as she is. Even if it was an ooops, why should it fall on the shoulders of the taxpayers? He should get off his ass, get a job and deal with the oops. Nobody forced him to screw her at gunpoint, especially without a rubber.

It doesn't mean he has to stay with her. I just think that if he didn't care enough to protect himself against knocking her up, then he should have to pay for it.
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 07, 2013
Nightfire asked, "Highly likely I'm wrong, but isn't there a way for him to get out of the child support mess by completely legally severing all parental rights and custody?"

Quick answer: no. This can happen only when (1) someone else is adopting the child or (2) CPS has a child abuse or neglect case so extreme that terminating a parent's rights is the best route, and this will also ultimately involve an adoption.

Stonerboy is on the hook now, and I don't feel the least bit sorry for him. Or moo.
Anonymous User
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 07, 2013
It's too bad. I can't say I feel sorry for either one of them, but when someone decides two other lives, besides her own, without having the consideration to consult the other sentient party, I do think its a bit fucked up, and that she, and she ALONE, should be the one to pay the price. In this particular case, like all other MOOpsers, she did it to get someone to pay her bills, and to force somebody into a long-term relationship with her, albeit by proxy. Should he have wrapped his rascal? Yes, or had a vasectomy years ago. But this moo was looking to get knocked up by the first swinging dick to be willing to enter The Abyss, and she lied to him to get it done. Uninformed consent is NOT CONSENT. (ETA: since this experience, I've done the multiple contraceptives thing, and I don't give a fuck what a guy tells me about his reproductive ability or intent; I have not taken that at face value for 10 years).

But that's just my own experience talking. Had I died as a result of my oops experience (and I very well could have), the guy probably wouldn't have been held accountable. Had it been a viable, willing-to-be-birthed fetus, I'd have probably been on the hook for child support if I gave him the kid to raise (in the case of him trying to fight adoption). And that is fucked up.
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 07, 2013

Good to see another destitute, potential-future-felon in the making.

But, but, chyldrun are our future, all kinds of them. And those jails will need new felons in them, once the old ones start to die off. sarcastic clapping
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 07, 2013
I have to add, what's with these Moos doing Oops babies to get a guy/wallet but then they are stupid enough to Oops the poor, irresponsible ones?

Okay look, I'm not a cunt, but if I were a lazy, leeching walking uterus, I'd want to Oops a fucking lawyer or something. Or heck, someone who is a McDonald's manager. Not a fucking stoner who can't hold down any amount of work. Like this guy I'm talking about.

These moocunts are so stupid. They oops these guys thinking "Oooo they'll change for BABY". nope! Nothing changes. They just end up worse off.

I knew of one woman who Oops'd a Marine. She's your typical nasty, baby-rabid whore who milks all the dicks she can to get a wallet and a nanny. After she Oops'd him, they had a shotgun wedding and she was bragging about how "my maayyun makes the money". I thought "Wow, a cunt works actually thought this through" but then her beloved Marine stopped serving and now works in food service. Ha. She's livid.

Ah it's such a fucking joke.
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 07, 2013
And I agree about BC. Moo probably stopped taking them months ago.

I love how I bring it up to the guy that she probably fucked it up and his response was "Yeah, probably..."
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 08, 2013
The first words out of his mouth should have been "paternity test!"
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 08, 2013
It's too bad. I can't say I feel sorry for either one of them, but when someone decides two other lives, besides her own, without having the consideration to consult the other sentient party, I do think its a bit fucked up, and that she, and she ALONE, should be the one to pay the price.

I agree. It's wrong to force women into being a parent when she doesn't want to be. And it's just as wrong to force a man into being a parent when he doesn't want to be. If men could get paper abortions, there would be a lot less ooopsing going on.
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 08, 2013
There would be a lot like less of this if stupid stoner mama's boy men learned to be responsible for their own birth control. As it is, stoner boy gets pity and asspats for a situation he could havemost likely avoided. At least moos can only breed once a year. Asshole men like this can run around breeding with a new woman every week. I just don't understand why anybody, but particularly CF women think men should not be responsible for not using birth control knowing full well they can't force a woman to abort.
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 08, 2013
There would be a lot like less of this if stupid stoner mama's boy men learned to be responsible for their own birth control. As it is, stoner boy gets pity and asspats for a situation he could havemost likely avoided. At least moos can only breed once a year. Asshole men like this can run around breeding with a new woman every week. I just don't understand why anybody, but particularly CF women think men should not be responsible for not using birth control knowing full well they can't force a woman to abort.[/quote


You don't want baby? Great. Wrap it up.
Aside from possibility of sperm poisoning there are also a vast catalogue of possible infection you can get.
Take responsability, or pay for your mistake. Simple as that.


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 08, 2013
There would be a lot like less of this if stupid stoner mama's boy men learned to be responsible for their own birth control. As it is, stoner boy gets pity and asspats for a situation he could havemost likely avoided. At least moos can only breed once a year. Asshole men like this can run around breeding with a new woman every week. I just don't understand why anybody, but particularly CF women think men should not be responsible for not using birth control knowing full well they can't force a woman to abort.

Of course I think a man has a responsibility to use contraceptives and he's a fucking moron if he doesn't. But I don't see why a woman should have a backup option and a man should not.

A man can reliably use the limited contraceptive options available to him and nonetheless have an accident, at which point he no longer has any say in the matter; it's up to the woman he knocked up to decide what to do. I don't want the woman's opportunities to get rid of the fetus to be restricted, so why should I support his choices being restricted? How is that different from wanting to punish women for having sex by making them continue pregnancies, except that the punishment isn't a physical one in his case?

We don't make distinctions of 'worthiness' when a woman gets an abortion. When access is restricted, it's because of fuckwit fundies, not because someone has assessed how she became pregnant and decided if she was deserving of an abortion or not. (If we did make such distinctions, showing no responsibility at all would make you a good candidate for abortion, in my opinion!) So even if a man is a complete jackass, I still think he should be able to get a paper abortion, just like I think his dumbass partner should be able to get the actual abortion.
Anonymous User
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 08, 2013
There would be a lot like less of this if stupid stoner mama's boy men learned to be responsible for their own birth control. As it is, stoner boy gets pity and asspats for a situation he could havemost likely avoided

I agree that ultimately, everyone must be held responsible for one's own parental status. That's why there should be no "paper abortion" for men unless that consists of being able to force the cow-in-pig to abort. Once that loaf is born, for whatever reason, he can pay for it! Not me!

That said, this oopsing wannamoo bitch telling him she is on b.c. when she's not is beyond reprehensible, particularly since she appears to be breeding for the purpose of collecting money and controlling "her man". Since we can't pluck her eyes out, I could see a law that basically says that when moo pulls something like this, if duhddy opts out during the pignancy when moo can abort, she's on the hook for the rest of her life to reimburse duhddy for all support paid plus interest.
Re: Thank god I'm not you!
October 08, 2013
I definitely do think there should be a way for a duh to terminate his parental rights within a couple months of conception. That way, Moo would know asap if Duh would be there or not. Pretty sure that there would be more abortions if Moos learned that they couldn't legally force Duh to pay for the kid or be a dad to the kid.
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