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Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!

Posted by Rose Red 
Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 25, 2008
From Fark.com: "Well the real problem arises when people who have granite countertops use antibacterial soap to clean them each time they set down a box of cereal on it. If the paint used in the kitchen happens to be Zero VOC, the lack of microscopic paint fumes, along with the undoubtedly allergen-free air, provides a pristine breeding ground for super radioactive bacteria that are resistant to all known forms of antibacterial soap and electrical substations. My wife and I are about to be parents and are currently struggling with the decision as to whether we should hermetically seal our house and flood it with a halon-rich atmosphere, just to be safe."

Isn't he clever?
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 25, 2008
Clever? No. But he is a dick.

And people like him are the reasons for the super-bug bacterias and viruses that are morphing into pharmaceutical-resistant strains. All this anti-bacterial this, anti-viral that kill off the GOOD germs that eat the bad ones.

These assholes think they've got to Clorox-down the entire earth just so Shitford or Cuntleigh don't come into contact with any germs. *GASP*

I've never used this anti-bac/viral shit, I go out of my way to avoid it. I've got 5 cats all over my counter tops in the kitchen, I just wipe them down with a rag and dishwater. Same when I lived at home. We are never ill and nobody has died from eating dinner at our house.

Anti-bac/viral stuff is such a gimmick that plays right into the stupid parents.
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 25, 2008
I have to admit, I have a bottle of purell in my desk at work (I teach elementary music). They cough on you and then hold your hand, stick the instruments in their mouths, the list goes on and on. I need the stuff for my own sanity.
I understand the Purell,but people get so crazy about using anti-bacterial cleaner on EVERYTHING!It just backfires.Hell,I remember when I was 2 or 3 eating dirt,pretty gross BUT it won't kill you.

People are overly sensitive about germs.You NEED them to build immunity!

Having four dogs in the house,I can't get worked up over germs.I think they are cleaner creatures than most people.
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 25, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:

> whether we should hermetically seal our house and
> flood it with a halon-rich atmosphere, just to be
> safe."

I remember an episode of Star Trek TNG where they did something like that to the Enterprise. Captain Picard was stranded on board and he figured out that these "maintenance workers" were trying to steal the toxic waste so they could sell it to intergalactic terrorists.

That story just reminded me of that episode.
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 25, 2008
poofy_puff Wrote:
> Rose Red Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > whether we should hermetically seal our house
> and
> > flood it with a halon-rich atmosphere, just to
> be
> > safe."
> >
> I remember an episode of Star Trek TNG where they
> did something like that to the Enterprise.
> Captain Picard was stranded on board and he
> figured out that these "maintenance workers" were
> trying to steal the toxic waste so they could sell
> it to intergalactic terrorists.
> That story just reminded me of that episode.

Great. Now I'm giggling at work. thanks, Puff.
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 25, 2008
It TOTALLY sounds like star trek. I'm imagining Michael Dorn's or Leonard Nimoy's voice like, "Captain, I recommend that we flood the saucer section with neutrino particles."

"Halon-rich atmosphere"? What the fuck is that? Is there such a thing? And you can presumably find a company that provides this service in what, the YELLOW PAGES? Shows you how much *I* pay attention to current events.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 25, 2008
married with rabbits Wrote:
> I've got critters too, and their hair and fur
> flies around and I typically have some on my
> shirt. I don't make a big deal about it.
> The only thing I'm weird about is grease and oil,
> that's when I grab something to get rid of that on
> my countertops. But that's not a bacterial issue.
> I once read a Wife Swap manual online and the wife
> said her bathrooms and kitchen had to be bleached
> daily! I don't even own bleach! I use vinegar, and
> then typically mostly for cleaning the rabbit
> litter pans.

Puff, I'm beginning to think it was nerd-speak, but with breeders you never know!

MWR: Vinegar does everything!!!!!!! However, I am a firm proponent of bleach, but that's just the OCD talking....animals are cleaner than kids! (Kids in the Hall fans?) It's a fact!
A big cause for the rise of the super-bugs is the food industry. Take the production of beef, for example. Cows by nature eat grass. On these horrid feedlots, they feed cows only corn. Well, actually, corn, a small amount of roughage, beef tallow, hormones, and a shitload of antibiotics. The latter is used because most of these animals on the feedlots are sick. They are sick because they are eating corn. The antibiotics fight off illness. Corn can cause bloat: What can happen is the rumen, an organ that helps with digestion, can swell. It can cut off the esophagus and suffocate the animal. The corn also badly affects the animal’s liver. They go for only about 150 days eating corn, anymore and their livers would likely blow out! The practice of using antibiotics in their feed is linked directly to the evolution of these super-bugs, since many humans eat the flesh of these cows.
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 25, 2008
Nour, you are absolutely right. That's why I only buy grass or grain fed (antibiotic free), free range beef or chicken.

I never have used any of those antibacterial cleaners on my counters. I just use some water and white vinegar.

It's crazy how these parents want their kids to live in a germ free world. They'll never develop a strong immune system that way.
Nour: you bring up an excellent point.

m4p: a better way to reduce the livestock/antibiotic problem would be to just go vegan, or at least cut WAY down on consumption of animal products. If everyone in the world were to make that transition, not only would the antibiotics problem be lessened, it would be a huge help to our environment, and it would do a heck of a lot to reduce animal suffering.

Going vegan is really quite easy and enjoyable (after you get used to it... which doesn't take as long as you may think).

If you're interested, here's a website with some great info:

Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 26, 2008
Man, I couldn't stand to live in such a sterile environment. I may be a hypochondriac, but I was never afraid of germs. I wipe stuff off with a wet wash cloth, my cats eat off my late sometimes, and I don't always wash my hands after going to the bathroom. I also stay clear of hand sanitizers. I get the occasional ear infection or a cold once in a while, but I'm not oping antibiotics like M&Ms.

These parents are doing themselves and their kids absolutely no favors by sterilizing every damn surface in the house. As someone else already said, these kids will grow up with weak or nonexistant immune systems and they'll be in deep shit when they come in contact with a real illness - what could be nothing to normal people might be fatal to one of these kids who grew up in a germ-free home. And coming into contact with germs is inevitable for us all, so unless these parents intend on having their kids live in germ-proof plastic bubbles forever, they are destroying their kids' immunity to disease. And the treatment for these bad and frequent illnesses will, in turn, drive up insurance premiums and the overall cost of medical care for everyone - including those who raise their kids normally and those who were smart enough not to have kids.
i was on a flight from tokyo last year and there was this guy on the plane with his kid and he was checking the cabin temperature and when it got under 25 degree celius he started to complain that it was to cold for his kid the, cabin crew told him they couldnt do anything other than give them some extra blankets but that wasnt good enough and he was going to complain to the mangenment when he got of the flight.
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 26, 2008
Awwwwwww--poor moomie! She can't go around completely bubble-wrapped for Snotleigh and Bratlina. My heart bleeds for her--NOT!! Any fool who knows anything about biology knows that there must be exposure to pathogens in order to develop immunity. But guess Moo missed that in school--or did she drop out when the first crotchdumpling came along?
Stupid breeder!
They even have sterile wipes near the buggies in grocery stores now. This preoccupation with kids and germs is COMPLETELY hypocritical and my guess is done mostly for show. They sure don't seem to mind restaurant booth diaper changes, allowing Snotford to walk around in public areas with a truckload of shit in his diapers which is HIGHLY unsanitary, they let them lick condiment bottles in restaurants, close their lips around icecream dispensers, crawl on floors and eat out of pet food bowls and nibble on litter box cat cookies, or take them out in public with green snot oozing out of their nostrils.

It's pitiful that daycare centers have to put it in writing..."We will NOT accept children at daycare if they are ill", because otherwise they would still be bringing them in to spread Ebola everywhere as they vomit down their shirts, shit their pants, and cough up blood because of respiratory infections. If they REALLY want to protect the kid from germs, then keeping him out of public places would be a good, and much welcomed by me, start.
It's funny Kidlesskim, I see those wipes by the buggies as having a completely different use. I always picture all of the drooling, snot-laden baybees and toadlers who were seated in the front of the buggy. I use the wipes to rid the buggy of their residue! I'm sure 90% of them were chewing on the handle.
bratBgone Wrote:
> It's funny Kidlesskim, I see those wipes by the
> buggies as having a completely different use. I
> always picture all of the drooling, snot-laden
> baybees and toadlers who were seated in the front
> of the buggy. I use the wipes to rid the buggy of
> their residue! I'm sure 90% of them were chewing
> on the handle.

Same here.. do the same thing. According to a report, those bars ARE about the most germ-laden things around. AT least I think there is a report..
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 27, 2008
two cents ¢¢ Wrote:
> bratBgone Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's funny Kidlesskim, I see those wipes by the
> > buggies as having a completely different use.
> I always picture all of the drooling, snot-laden
> > baybees and toadlers who were seated in the
> front of the buggy. I use the wipes to rid the buggy
> of their residue! I'm sure 90% of them were
> chewing on the handle.
> Same here.. do the same thing. According to a
> report, those bars ARE about the most germ-laden
> things around.

Ohhh yeah - sometimes I grab a cart or a basket and it's all sticky and gross, and I can't wait to go home and wash my hands. That's always the first thing I do when I get home anyway - I don't want nasty sprog and breeder germs in my house!
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 28, 2008
I was sick virtually all the time when I was a nanny in my early years. Now, almost never. It's so lovely to hear a small child with that thick, racking cough, in the middle of summer, in the produce aisle.

Busy SAHMs can't stay in long enough to control the viral load.
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 28, 2008
I don't eat meat or dairy. It skeeves me out to think I'm eating the flesh or product of a living thing.
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 28, 2008
veggie guest Wrote:
> m4p: a better way to reduce the
> livestock/antibiotic problem would be to just go
> vegan, or at least cut WAY down on consumption of
> animal products. If everyone in the world were to
> make that transition, not only would the
> antibiotics problem be lessened, it would be a
> huge help to our environment, and it would do a
> heck of a lot to reduce animal suffering.

Yeah, I hear you for sure. We only eat meat once a week so we've cut down drastically, and hope to cut it out altogether. My cats are raw fed though so they get meat everyday. Cats are obligate carnivores so they have to eat meat so I have no choice there.
Re: Granite Countertop nightmare for the moomies!!!!
July 28, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> I don't eat meat or dairy. It skeeves me out to
> think I'm eating the flesh or product of a living
> thing.

Plants are living things too. We are all part of the food chain.

I prefer to only eat meat (and eggs) that is locally/naturally/humanely raised though.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

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