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What fundies don't want you to know about tubal ligation

Posted by bell_flower 
What fundies don't want you to know about tubal ligation
July 27, 2008
It reduces your risk of ovarian cancer.


Ever wonder why this factiod isn't in the mainstream media? Me too. Instead, the fundies are busy touting that you'll get breast cancer if you've never birthed a child (this study was later refuted).

There does appear to be an increased risk for ovarian cancer for women who've never had children. Perhaps getting a tubal ligation could help mitigate this risk.

Thanks to Shrubya and our pro-natalist country, I don't believe any study prior to 2002. So much crap has come out since then and it's all the same message: BREED. BREED. BREED.
Re: What fundies don't want you to know about tubal ligation
July 27, 2008
Ovarian cancer may be discovered in CF women more frequently because CF women as a rule get more frequent check ups. They are not forced to forgo their own medical care because kids need braces or some other stuff such as school supplies. Also CF women do not rely on their offspring to take care of them - they have to look out after themselves. Again, doctor visits are more frequent and therefore problems are discovered more often and sooner. Any woman can get ovarian cancer, having kids is not a guarantee against it.

When I was in college, our health professor told us an important detail. Whenever a research is performed, we have to carefully examine the subject being research and the entity sponsoring it. For example, milk industry will generally come out with research results that milk is good for you. Soy milk industry will sponsor the opposite.

I would like to know who paid for the ovarian cancer in CF women research? Gerber? Tutor Time? Kids Я Us? Some other place that profits from babies?
I was thinking that possibly prolific breeders log in so many hours with their feet in the stirrups due to being pregnant so much and have numerous prenatal check ups, tests, ultra sounds etc... with any extra attention getting visits they can manage in between for common preggo concerns, that it's more likely any cancers might be discovered earlier and have a better cure rate. CF women just do the annual checkups unless there is a problem. I mean the odds are in their favor for early detection simply because of the sheer number of times they shove their coochie in front of a doctor either checking to see if the plumbing works, checking the kid and it's incubator from the time it's the size of a pea, monitoring it for months on end, and the delivery of it.

THEN, the after care checkups start and are usually quickly followed by another round of prenatal visits. That study probably counts only the ones who die from ovarian cancer which would likely be because of lack of early detection. However, I am leary about any "studies" that encourage breeding based on scare tactics.
Re: What fundies don't want you to know about tubal ligation
July 27, 2008
I'm not a scientist, but I think the theory is that going through your monthly cycle over and over stimulates your ovaries and it's the repeated stimulation that makes them more likely to pump out abnormal tissue. Pregnasty provides a protective effect. And there is some research that the Pill can have a protective effect if it supresses ovulation.

But good luck in getting a straight answer these days. Fundies hate the Pill too. They are awfully busy decrying the Evils of the Pill ad infinitum.
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