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Poor breeder upset over criticism from family/friends re: attachment parenting

Posted by kidlesskim 
I thought this was an entertaining little diddy I found on kellymom, which is a support site for breeders who do that "attachment parenting" nonsense and practice extended breastfeeding.

AP=attachment parenting
EBF=extended breastfeeding
CIO=cry it out

...."I am finding that I am avoiding people while APing. I'm getting tired of explaining to people what it is and that I'm not just 'spoiling' her. I'm sick of hearing abut how I 'NEED' to let her cry. I am EBF, co-sleeping, baby wearing, and very responsive to her cries. I'm constantly told by friends and family what I 'Need' to do....the slightest yawn and it's "Oh, that's because you have her in your bed and you're not getting any sleep. You have to get her to sleep in her crib and let her CIO a few nights. She'll learn" !!!!! If she reaches for me, it's "Oh no, not again!" because my first dd has a sensitivity disorder and is still at 7 y/o too shy and nervous to even look at strangers (I wonder if it has anything to do with CIO??)

They keep telling me I have to get her on a bottle. Let her cry. Do CIO. Make her sleep in her crib. Play by herself. I did all that with my first two girls and my sister's little girl, and it went against every fiber in my body.

I am finding that instead of explaining over and over or just flat out being snapping back about it that I am avoiding people. People like my own mom and sister. My husband is perfectly happy being an AP.

I am afraid to let anyone watch her (especially my mom) because they will let her cry and not respond to her. If I sleep over with my kids at my mother's house, I have to jump up first thing in the morning or she'll come in the room and take the baby "so I can sleep". SHE WILL ACTUALLY LET MY BABY CRY OUT OF HUNGER TO GIVE ME A FEW EXTRA HOURS OF SLEEP!!!! When I woke up and found that my baby wasn't in my bed, I panicked. I ran out of the room and saw my mom trying to console my crying baby (who was 4 months old at the time) while my heart (and breasts) were about to burst. I had it out with her then, ( I really appreciate her wanting me to have some good sleep but not at that cost) but she still rolls her eyes at me.
How do you all AP and not let the nay-sayers bother you?":bawl
this bitch needs to kill herself. what an idiot
For once, I feel sorry for the grandmoo. This is a hysterical out of control moo who will still end up with a neurotic child. My guess that the 7 year old is shy and fearful is because, when the child tried to be friendly, hystero-moo would come screeching up, farking scolding at high volume and, in short, scaring the child more than if it was approached on a calmer level.
This would fall under my category to the grandmother: how long do you want to be treated by this by your psycho daugher? Is this loaf worth it? Personally, I would buy the smallest house possible (so shitmoo can't move back in when hubby, if she even has one, tires of the neuroticism) and go live life. People are too hung up on farking DNA and famblee.
Im really getting sick of the word "family" it never really bothered me before, but now its starting to piss me off, its way over used and way over rated, thank gawd i have a tiny family,

a CF sister
a good mother
a few CF uncles

and thats it
This woman is a freak, and I'm glad I don't know her. "My heart and my breasts were about to burst!" I almost puked up my poptart on that one. I hope she homeschools because I feel sorry for the teacher that has to put up with her and her child. I can just picture her dropping by her child's 4th grade class room for the brats 11:00 feeding, whipping her utter out in front of the other kids while shittina nurses.I feel sick and kind of dirty after reading that story.
nokyds4me Wrote:
> this bitch needs to kill herself. what an idiot

Seriously. this twat is in for a rude awakening.
Hey, there's always the chance she'll overlay the sprog and suffocate it.
bratBgone Wrote:
> This woman is a freak, and I'm glad I don't know
> her. "My heart and my breasts were about to
> burst!" I almost puked up my poptart on that one.

Me too! Ewww! What a fucking cow. And a total psycho.

And yeah, I'm sure the "husband is perfectly happy being an AP" - doesn't sound like he's doing ANYTHING!

The grandma needs to call CPS. Those kyds are going to be fucked up for life. OF COURSE the 7 y.o. is terrified of people, with a crackpot like that for a moo!
Hahahaha!!! That was one of the funniest gems I've read in a long time!

"...because my first dd has a sensitivity disorder and is still at 7 y/o too shy and nervous to even look at strangers (I wonder if it has anything to do with CIO??)..." No, you completely selfish, high-strung sack of shite, your 7yo can't look strangers in the eye because she's too embarrassed by YOU at her side.

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"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Amethyst distills it on down again.
The bint will be scratching her empty head trying to figure out why the snotminer is unable to take care of itself at 35.
Sensitivity disorder? What the fuck is this shit?
Peppertree Wrote:
> Sensitivity disorder? What the fuck is this shit?

The next illness du jour.
(calling Michael Savage)
I hope her kids grow up to hate her and edge her out of their lives,
Don't you mean, Illness of the FUTURE?

I searched the phrase 'sensitivity disorder' and found nothing similar to what she was describing for her 7yo. She's pulling shit out her ass because it sounds good. My guess is the moos who read her glurge will jump on the bandwagon and in about 2 years there will be an epidemic of kids with "sensitivity disorder", whatever the hell that means.

And no wonder her kids are fucked up, she seems unable to allow them to progress past infancy.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Argh I hate all this crap of infantilising children (keeping them in diapers and un-toilet trained til five years old, breastfeeding them til seven etc). It's some sick shit.

If I had a kid (god forbid) and it started crying at 2am, I wouldn't go running to it, and I sure as fuck wouldn't have it sleeping in my bed or room. I'd throw in some earplugs, roll over and let the damn thing 'CIO'. It'd soon learn that there's no point in crying all through the night, cos mummy ain't shifting her arse and losing sleep over it.

Of course then I'd probably be chucked in prison for abuse or neglect.
This woman believes she can raise a kid well as long as she does what the Attachment Parenting book tells her to do. But when she follows those rules to the letter, she just can't deal with what everyone else is thinking of her. This sad bint is cranking out kids in order to "find" her identity, which, judging by HER mother's piss-poor boundaries wasn't ever really there to begin with.

Having a kid when you have absolutely no ego to come back to is like shooting yourself in the foot and then attempting to run a marathon. Her daughter has a "sensitivity disorder." Hmmm. Well, that's a new one on me. I wonder what pop-psychology book she got that diagnosis out of. Simple rule of physics: Shit in, shit out.

As for the mother who takes the baby out of bed against her daughter's wishes, I would bitch slap her. Not that what I would do in this situation is even relevent, but I needed to say it.
she is the epitome of all that is wrong with this world
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