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Vile, disgusting look at what we do to the hardworking cf

Posted by nowhiggers 

Here's a cf man, of course, that's not mentioned in the story, but it's obvious that this is the case here..

He works every damn day and camps in the park until he can save enough to get something better. He refuses SRO hotels (this is where the cf homeless end up if they are lucky) because of course, SRO hotels are not conducive to work, but rather drunks and addicts.

This is what we do to a man who pays into the tax base, works his ass off everyday, we make him live a stealth life in the park in a tent.

Meantime, San Fran rolls out the fucking red carpet with every known welfare program on the planet for the illegals and their litters of brats.

You'll notice in the story where they mention something about him "turning down welfare." NO SFGATE, he can't GET welfare as a childfree and any so-called "welfare" like SRO hotels or whatever, cater mostly to the severely mentally ill or addicted that can't really be productive anyhow.

No wonder we are turning into a turd werld nation, decimating the tax base of those who pay into the system and never qualify to take anything out.

Goddamn I'd like to see some fucking moos and brats living in a cardboard box and STARVING in this country for a fucking change!!!!!! Call me a terrible person if you want to!
I really wish I had millions to help people like this. I'd put that guy in a decent apt, paid for a year, paid internet connection for a year and a trader joes card for a year.

You know if this was some fambly living like this the outcry and outpouring of thousands and thousands of dollars from charity, shit you wouldn't be able to hear yourself think due to the loud symphony of WHINES for the moo and brats!
I read not long ago that there are only two states in The US that have public assistance available for adults, and I think it was Alaska and Utah, but I could be wrong. Even then, the funds come out of a general public assistance fund, so they have to wait in line until after welfare whores get their slice of the pie. Unless someone has a KID, then they are shit outa luck. The only thing a poor adult can get is disability, IF they qualify and then they often have to wait a year or two to get that. Of course there is help for the elderly, but NOTHING for 21-65, unless you count soup kitchens and homeless shelters. However, let that same homeless person produce a BAYBEE and they are set for life.

They can get IMMEDIATE emergency housing, foodstamps, free medical, and an aid for dependent brats check right away. If you can produce a birth certificate for a kid, or better yet, drag one in on your hip and pull the others along in a little red wagon into any welfare office, and you will leave with a safe place to sleep, shower, and eat for the night, and a fistful of foodstamps. This is the most hard hitting for men because unless they can prove they are disabled, soup kitchens and homeless roach motels where they make you pray to their God first before they feed you or let you lay on a threadbare cot, is your best bet.

Sadly, many of those SAME men, who can get no help when they need it. have srved in the armed forces and paid countless dollars to ex wives for kiddie care and now that they are down on their luck, no one gives a shit.
Re: Vile, disgusting look at what we do to the hardworking cf
July 31, 2008
This is part of the reason I am CF. I won't bring a child into a world that is on the verge of collapse. Society shits on those who give (CF and other honest, hardworking adults) while simultaneously wiping the ass of those who take, take, take (welfare moomies and turd world illegals).

This can only go on for so long. Companies who spend more than they earn eventually go bakrupt. I don't see how this is any different.
married with rabbits Wrote:
> Exactly, nowhiggers.
> I know a child-less couple in IL and they work
> their damn asses off to the point of the detriment
> of their health. Anything that can go wrong does
> for them.

This sounds like our story a few years back, although we aren't anywhere near rich or upper middle class now.

When you are poor and cf, everything that can go wrong does.

Sometimes dh would say, "I think we are cursed."

No, we aren't cursed, we live in a society that considers us and treats us like second class citizens for not breeding. Programs that would actually help stabilize our situation are unavailable to us because we work and don't have fucking brats.

There were times, rabbit, that we were this close (-) to being out on the street. DH family blamed us many times (they are filthy stinking rich millionaires) we are "defective" or whatever because we are poor.
They never felt that way about their precious illegal mexicans that's for sure and gave millions of dollars in charity away to them.

This is why I hate charity orgs with just about every inch of my body.

Private charity that is available for cf adults is focused on the mentally ill or addicted homeless. And it's very minimal and denigrating type of "help." As a cf adult, you must hit rock bottom before they will even look at you crosseyed. There is nothing for cf, NOTHING for the cf like this man in the article.

I don't know what logic planet these idiots operate on, if they love their welfare and charity for breeders and brats, then they ought to give priority to the tax base that is the major contributors to all of this. But see, that makes too much fucking sense, which is why I tell people, doG help us all when this whole welfare/charity circus collapses, you better own a gun, cf person.
I have a personal experience regarding being shat upon by the IRS back in 1994 because I was CF. With no warning, my wages were garnished at the tune of approx 2/3 of my income because of "unreported earnings from 1982". In 1982 I was still a teenager and although I worked at a restaurant p/t, the only "unreported income" I had would have been babysitting and I doubt that was the problem. Anyway, I made a beeline to my regional IRS office and while they admitted it must have been an error, that was a year they had changed over to some other system and there were NO records of the alleged source of the income. They said I could get an emergency "stay" of my garnishment "if I qualified", until they could investigate.I went straight over to THAT line and waited.

FIRST QUESTION: "How many minor children live in your home"? When I answered that I lived alone and had no kids, the lady sighed and said, "Unless you have a minor child depending on your income for housing and food, I can't get you an emergency stay. I said, "How will ****I****** eat or where will *****I****** live.??????? I was sent away with an 800 consumer advocate hotline number which I promptly called. To make a long story a little shorter, it took TWO MONTHS for them to find their error, lift the garnishment, and send me a refund check with a very insincere apology letter. If my parents had not been able to lend me a couple of thousand dollars, I would have NOT been able to pay my rent, pay my car payment, utilities, or eat. My check per week, after the pretax garnishment and of course after CURRENT taxes and other standard deductions, was $76.

I am sure I would have bought an economy size bottle of liquor and sat in the dark with a pack of beanie weanies until I had been evicted, as there was no where else to turn. Now, that's just wrong.
Re: Vile, disgusting look at what we do to the hardworking cf
July 31, 2008
So you have to sprog to make sure you can have what is your own? That's fucking ridiculous.
In the 1970s my maternal grandfather had to go to a nursing home after a debilitating stroke. The costs ate through my elderly grandparents' resources, and when the money was gone, my grandmother went to Social Services to see what aid she might be able to get. The big offer: a whopping $2 a month in food stamps, at a time when welfare moos were even then getting $100. She passed on that. $2 was nothing even then.

And back then, to qualify for Medicaid for the poor, she would have had to give up most of his civil service pension, leaving her with $100 a month to live on for the rest of her life. Not to mention that the state would immediately take their house, leaving her with no place of her own to live. She decided not to go on Medicaid, and she had to pull him from the nursing home and care for him at home with my mom's help until he passed away. She herself died in the early 1990s, having received no aid of any kind.

Now contrast that with what welfare breeders receive: food, medical care, housing, etc.
Re: Vile, disgusting look at what we do to the hardworking cf
August 01, 2008
May I play the devil's advocate?

How different is a moo on welfare from a CF on welfare?

I am on SSI because I am hearing impaired (I'm trying to launch my art career, BTW) and I'm on food stamps, too. (I try to eat healthy food and don't buy loads of junk food, however.)

Does that make me as "bad" as a breeder on welfare?:/

(I'd like to be off the government's nipple as soon as I can, though.)
Banshee you not bad at all, your using the system for what is designed for, to get on your feet you have a real condition (hearing impaired, NOT by your own doing)

crapping out kids you cant afford is a choice. these welfare skanks do not use welfare to get back on their feet, they shit out more "lap Lizards" (i love that)

crapping out kids isnt a disablity, ITS A CHOICE, i think, if you chose to have kids than YOU pay for them

people think having kids is a disabilty, NO cancer is something that people cant help, kids are a fucken choice
Re: Vile, disgusting look at what we do to the hardworking cf
August 01, 2008
LoveToLurk Wrote:
> This is part of the reason I am CF. I won't bring
> a child into a world that is on the verge of
> collapse.

This was a huge part of my decision to commit to being CF. What would I have to show them? I don't want to start every explanation with "a long time ago.." - and parents who take their kids to zoos are idiots. Nice impression they leave their kids with. "See? that tiger is happy there. They give him toys."
Banshee Wrote:
> May I play the devil's advocate?
> How different is a moo on welfare from a CF on
> welfare?
> I am on SSI because I am hearing impaired (I'm
> trying to launch my art career, BTW) and I'm on
> food stamps, too. (I try to eat healthy food and
> don't buy loads of junk food, however.)
> Does that make me as "bad" as a breeder on
> welfare?:/
> (I'd like to be off the government's nipple as
> soon as I can, though.)

There is generally a HUGE difference Banshee. First of all you mention you get ss disability because you have an impairment and if someone can qualify for SSI, with SSDI it isn't automatic, they also get foodstamps regardless if they are childfree. IF you did not have a disability, like I mentioned prior, then YOU WOULD NOT BE ENTITLED TO A DIME of assistance, unless you had a kid. There are people without children who DO have valid reasons that they can not work and have NO income, which could include loss of job and the unemployment insurance capped out, they are recently disabled but haven't been approved for either SSI or SSDI yet ( which can take a year or longer), they were recently widowed and had spent their life savings in medical expenses for a long term spousal illness, and they had been caring for that spouse at home and have no recent work experience, and are a few years shy of qualifying for social security, there are any number of reasons that a CF person could be "down on their luck".....and it's usually temporary.

These people need a place to live and eat too, NOT just the ones with kids. It isn't fair that having kids GUARANTEES you a place to live, clothes on your back, and food in your belly. If a woman pops out a baybeeee, then she has no worries for the REST OF HER LIFE, regarding basic living necessities, unlike the childfree, childless, men who don't have custody but up until this point have been paying bitches for brats, as well as the empty nesters who are'nt 65 yet. THAT'S my main problem with the welfare moos.
Banshee Wrote:
> May I play the devil's advocate?
> How different is a moo on welfare from a CF on
> welfare?
> I am on SSI because I am hearing impaired (I'm
> trying to launch my art career, BTW) and I'm on
> food stamps, too. (I try to eat healthy food and
> don't buy loads of junk food, however.)
> Does that make me as "bad" as a breeder on
> welfare?:/
> (I'd like to be off the government's nipple as
> soon as I can, though.)

NO! Not even close!

First of all you are trying to start a career and thus become a productive citizen who eventually won't need welfare at all. This alone puts you ahead of most people 'getting that little check'.

You won't be intentionally having brats for the hundred-and-one benefits. Doing so not only hurts taxpayers in the short run (hospital bills, daycare, free school) but in the long run when the kid(s) likely become crooks and/or welfare leeches themselves.
Re: Vile, disgusting look at what we do to the hardworking cf
August 01, 2008
This...means you COULD get welfare any time you like JUST because you dropped a kid or ten?!doh face

There SHOULD be some laws changed so they get permit first before they're eligible to be parents!

That should cut down not only too many kids, but uncaring breeders, too! It would help solve HALF our social problems!
Re: Vile, disgusting look at what we do to the hardworking cf
August 02, 2008
This crap infuriates me. You have crotchdroppings, they hand you the world. I needed food stamps and could have used a few bucks a month to help DW with the bills. Nope to the cash grant--no crotchdroppings. Gonna have to go through all kinds of BS to try to get food stamps and medicaid. Screw it. My mum died and left me a little bit. I can get by without standing in line behind fucking breeders!

I hate how the CF are treated if they are homeless/need help. I was at a CF shelter in SF when I was homeless back in 2001-2002 and some moo got mad because they wouldn't let her and crotchdroppings in overnight. Too bad, bitch. Breeders have the NERVE to get mad when the CF get something and the world goes their way for a bit.

I WISH there was a way to set up a fund for CF homeless ONLY. They need it as badly, if not worse than, breeders and their welfare guarantees!!
I've been employed and homeless. I lived in my Toyota truck for a while (which was a bit of a bitch because I had bucket seats and a stick shift so I couldn't stretch out on the seat). I'm lucky I'm a small person, so I reclined and slept in the driver's seat. It was not the best situation, but it beat living in a McMansion with brats, a bunch of stupid plastic shit, and a Juicy Couture tracksuit.
Nour Wrote:
> I've been employed and homeless. I lived in my
> Toyota truck for a while (which was a bit of a
> bitch because I had bucket seats and a stick shift
> so I couldn't stretch out on the seat). I'm lucky
> I'm a small person, so I reclined and slept in the
> driver's seat. It was not the best situation, but
> it beat living in a McMansion with brats, a bunch
> of stupid plastic shit, and a Juicy Couture
> tracksuit.

This is either going to show my age or my stupidity, but what is a Juicy Couture tracksuit? It sounds messy! I wouldn't one either!
Re: Vile, disgusting look at what we do to the hardworking cf
August 05, 2008
LoveToLurk Wrote:
> This is part of the reason I am CF. I won't bring
> a child into a world that is on the verge of
> collapse. Society shits on those who give (CF and
> other honest, hardworking adults) while
> simultaneously wiping the ass of those who take,
> take, take (welfare moomies and turd world
> illegals).
> This can only go on for so long. Companies who
> spend more than they earn eventually go bakrupt. I
> don't see how this is any different.

How is our government any different? Well, I do not have a desire to list all the tax types we pay, but let's start with rising property taxes and rising sales taxes. Government can spend us into an oblivion and there is not one thing we can do about it. We can hide our income, but they will tax us on food, water, electricity and so on. Obama and his wife are happy to tax us to no end to feed moos. We got to worry about us running out of money, not the government. The more they spend, the more they tax us, they do so without our agreement.
Re: Vile, disgusting look at what we do to the hardworking cf
August 05, 2008
Techie Wrote:
> LoveToLurk Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This is part of the reason I am CF. I won't
> bring
> > a child into a world that is on the verge of
> > collapse. Society shits on those who give (CF
> and
> > other honest, hardworking adults) while
> > simultaneously wiping the ass of those who
> take,
> > take, take (welfare moomies and turd world
> > illegals).
> >
> > This can only go on for so long. Companies who
> > spend more than they earn eventually go bakrupt.
> I
> > don't see how this is any different.
> How is our government any different? Well, I do
> not have a desire to list all the tax types we
> pay, but let's start with rising property taxes
> and rising sales taxes. Government can spend us
> into an oblivion and there is not one thing we can
> do about it. We can hide our income, but they
> will tax us on food, water, electricity and so on.
> Obama and his wife are happy to tax us to no end
> to feed moos. We got to worry about us running
> out of money, not the government. The more they
> spend, the more they tax us, they do so without
> our agreement.

I totally agree with you, they are taxing the shit out of us, and that's the problem. Eventually this system is going to break down because more and more of the people they are stealing from (excuse me, "taxing") aren't going to be able to keep our heads above water anymore. You can't take money from people who have declared bankrutpcy.

My husband and I are already seeing it, and we've only lived together 3 years. Taxes, cost of rent, cost of gas, cost of food, cost of everything are going up and up, but the money coming in is staying the same. We're slipping further and further backward every year. We were hoping to buy a house, but guess what? The money we have in the bank isn't even near enough to afford all the downpayments, closing costs, taxes, and all the other crap we would need to pay for upfront. We need to save more money...but we can't do that because our rent just went up another $100/month when we signed the new lease (another year's lease because we can't afford a house). There are programs to help first time homebuyers purchase houses, but we don't qualify because our combined income is too much. Packing up and moving to a cheaper area (away from southeast PA) isn't an option because we can't afford to be without jobs for even a month, or we'd burn through our savings. We didn't live extravagantly in the first place, but now it's really down to the bare minimum.

We just redid our budget again, when we signed the new lease. We discussed getting rid of the cable TV. Combined we make close to $90K a year and we can't afford TV. What's going on here?
Combined we make close to $90K a year and we can't afford TV. What's going on here?:

wow are you in credit card debt or high car payments, something is wrong here
k-man Wrote:
> In the 1970s my maternal grandfather had to go to
> a nursing home after a debilitating stroke. The
> costs ate through my elderly grandparents'
> resources, and when the money was gone, my
> grandmother went to Social Services to see what
> aid she might be able to get. The big offer: a
> whopping $2 a month in food stamps, at a time when
> welfare moos were even then getting $100. She
> passed on that. $2 was nothing even then.
> And back then, to qualify for Medicaid for the
> poor, she would have had to give up most of his
> civil service pension, leaving her with $100 a
> month to live on for the rest of her life. Not to
> mention that the state would immediately take
> their house, leaving her with no place of her own
> to live. She decided not to go on Medicaid, and
> she had to pull him from the nursing home and care
> for him at home with my mom's help until he passed
> away. She herself died in the early 1990s, having
> received no aid of any kind.
> Now contrast that with what welfare breeders
> receive: food, medical care, housing, etc.

I think it's the same deal in all Western countries.

My granddad is 88 and served in WWII. He is now in a home, has severe dementia and sits in a chair babbling all day. Do you think the government pays for him to live in that home now in his hour of need, after serving our country all those years ago? HELL NO.

When he was first placed in the home, my mother and two uncles (granddad's kids) had to use his savings to pay for his care. When his savings dried up, they had to sell his house (which up until then they had been renting out) and are now using the money from the sale to fund granddad's care, because the government won't pay a penny. It saddens and infuriates me that my granddad, who served in the war, was kind, sweet, loved his family, never once broke the law and now needs some assistance in his final years, gets nothing. Meanwhile all the breeders get welfare thrown at them for doing nothing more than what animals do (fucking and getting pregnant).

A year or two ago before I left New Zealand, I was listening to a radio talk show one day. The discussion was basically the above (elderly people getting nothing while the breeders destroy our society). One elderly man rang in to the show and I still remember what he said.

He told about how he had two older brothers who had both served in WWI and lost their lives. He said (you could tell by his voice that he was on the verge of tears) that it made him so, so sad to think that his brothers loved their country, served their country and died for their country, only for it to turn out like this. The radio host asked him, "If your brothers could have five minutes with Helen Clark (our Prime Minister), what do you think they would say to her?". The old man replied, "I think they would reduce that silly little girl to tears".
I thought "Bravo".
Re: Vile, disgusting look at what we do to the hardworking cf
August 06, 2008
nokyds4me Wrote:
> Combined we make close to $90K a year and we can't
> afford TV. What's going on here?:
> wow are you in credit card debt or high car
> payments, something is wrong here

No, not really. Husband has student loans and a car payment, but the credit cards always get paid off at the end of the month. We don't go out that much.

It's not really about the amount of money. I know that I'm far from being poor. What scares me is that three years ago Husband and I had less money coming in, but we still had a little left over each month to save with and go out every once in a while. Three years later we are just barely breaking even, even though nothing about our spending has changed. We looked and looked for a money leak, and there really isn't one. If we want to have extra left over to save up for a house and to have the monetary safety cushion we have to cut out the frivilous extras, things like cable TV.

Meanwhile, if you drive through the slummy area across the town, you will see really nice cars and people walking around in designer clothes. I'm pretty sure those people aren't debating getting rid of cable.
"...No, not really. Husband has student loans and a car payment, but the credit cards always get paid off at the end of the month. We don't go out that much..."

.....Meanwhile, if you drive through the slummy area across the town, you will see really nice cars and people walking around in designer clothes. I'm pretty sure those people aren't debating getting rid of cable."


The first bill you mentioned you have to pay, which as I am well aware is costly, is a STUDENT LOAN. People on welfare don't have that bill because if they even bother to get a GED, then their college is FREE OF CHARGE. Mine and my husband's student loans were about $300 combined a month, which we could have well afforded luxuries like the welfare moos do had we not had that expense. Then you had a CAR PAYMENT, which most welfare moos don't have either, since they can get subsidized transportation in many areas, ie; bus passes, etc........ It's not cheap to live, unless of course you have rugrats and everything is FREE.
Re: Vile, disgusting look at what we do to the hardworking cf
August 06, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
It's not cheap to live, unless
> of course you have rugrats and everything is FREE.

And that's it. Who's paying for them to live free? People like us. And what will happen when so many people like us start to go bankrupt that the gov't can't keep using us to feed their welfare machine? I'm already watching my own backward slide. I know I'm not the only one.
LoveToLurk gotcha, I have seen gas and Food go way way up,and everything else. but yet our checks stay the same, i think we are going to start to see less middle class, there is going to be rich or poor, period.

This is exactly why im very careful with money, one bad thing in my life would destroy us, (like a sickness, pet sickness w/large vet bill, major car repair or mayjor home repair etc) 1 bad thing like that and im screwed.

reason #9583736487 why I dont want baybeeees
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