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School Districts and Twins

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
School Districts and Twins
August 04, 2008
I've not been on the board much lately, we had to have our 16 year old dobe mix put down last Monday and it's been a TERRIBLE time for me.

I've just taken to reading our local paper again today and this is the shit I find:

Anonymous User
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 04, 2008
I am sorry to hear about your dobie's passing.I understand how wrenching that decision is.I am sorry for your loss.I hope you find comfort soon.
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 04, 2008
I'm so sorry for your loss too. I know how difficult losing a loved one is. Hang in there.
Anonymous User
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 04, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife im sorry about that, we just put our 14 yr old cat to sleep Thrusday, ITS SUCKS!! hang in there!!!!!
Anonymous User
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 04, 2008
Condolences on all the pets... it is sad, wrenching. It is a wound that never completely heals... and the scab tears off occasionally as well.
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 04, 2008
I am so sorry about your dog! My sincerest condolences. 2 cent, you have a way with words.
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 04, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife and NoKyds4me, I am so sorry to hear of your losses. I'm sure you both feel numb. Your pets were lucky to have such loving owners, and I'm sure their lives were wonderful with you. Take whatever time you need for yourself, and don't let people who don't understand your situation make you feel bad. I took off 3 days of work when I had to put my parakeet down, and was teased for it.
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 04, 2008
My heart goes out to you KFLL and nokids. Feel comfort that you gave them happy lives. (I had a parakeet named Woody when I was a girl. I was crushed when he passed, the sweet chap.)
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 05, 2008
KFLL, so sorry to hear about the recent loss of your beloved pet. I'm sure there are many people who can sympathize. It's never easy.

Now about your article: what the HELL? Have we as a society really become this weak and soft? Well, apparently breeders will never, ever let their kids deal with something so 'traumatic' as being separated from their twin sibling. Oh, the horror! The untold suffering! The years of therapy!

The first set of twins, the five-year-old boys: come ON now. How long is a school day when you're five years old? It's not as though they're being permanently separated from each other for some immense length of time. It's just a regular school day, you overly sensitive mommy-twat. These parents have got to be off their collective rockers!

And I'm SO glad the idiot Daddy with nothing better to do with his time wasted the time and energy of the school board with his persistent calls and emails - because goodness knows the damn principal and the superintendent have NOTHING better to do with his/her time than kiss the gaping boo-boo that is Daddy's heart and tell him his precious triplets won't have to endure the HORROR that is being separated for an entire school day.

The one that really had me spitting out my tea was the jackass parent who piped in about how their 8-year-old had to go into therapy due to 'depression' caused by being separated from his twin. Oh, CRY ME A FUCKING RIVER, you douchebag! Therapy?! Christ, you know, I realize now that's what's wrong with me - this is why I am the way I am. Because my parents were just so cruel that they made me go to school every day as an individual and never insisted that me and my younger sister be together in every single one of our classes! I need therapy now! Please, someone!

These kids are going to grow up with such an overblown sense of entitlement they'll spontaneously combust if they ever get a refusal from anyone about anything.
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 05, 2008
THERAPY! I know that old school game. When I taught school I had a student who wanted to be moved to my classroom because her bestest fwend in whole wide world was in there. The parunts asked the principal if their daughter could be moved to my class. He denied their request because it would have given me one student more than our state law allows without having to pay me $1.00 per day more to have this student. I also REALLY didn't want this kid in my room because her parunts were soooo demanding. Parunts took her to a therapist, and got a note from him stating that she had "school phobia" and being in a class with a close friend helped to ease her anxiety. The school's hands are somewhat tied when a "health" issue is involved. I ended up with the spoiled twit for the rest of the year. The extra $20 a month didn't make it better!
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 05, 2008
Argh! BratBGone, that story infuriated me! When will it end? I can't believe their two-bit therapist actually gave them a note stating such utter bullshit just so the brat could get what she wanted! If her stupid pah-runts are allowed to get special treatment for their brat simply because her 'bestest pal evah' is in the class, what's to stop other parents from going even more positively batty with this?

"My kid is afraid of colors and if he wears anything else but his favorite white shirt to school every day, he'll have an emotional breakdown."

"My kid is afraid to be alone, please make sure you move him to the front of the class and give him a special desk so he always feels he can be at the center of attention. I don't want him to suffer any emotional damage!"

"My kid is terrified of bad grades - it gives him anxiety if he has to study too hard, only to fail at something...here, Teacher...please accept this drawing of a cantaloupe even though you asked for a drawing of a banana so that we can avoid the anxiety attack over it. Thanks."

Re: School Districts and Twins
August 05, 2008
My husband always says I should write a book to warn others about becoming teachers. It is one of the most soul draining jobs on the planet. In the late 90's our county did a redistricting of students because a new school was built. It was a real money maker for all of the therapists in our area. You can't imagine how many kyds didn't have to change schools because they had a note from a Dr. saying how "emotionally challanging" changing schools would be for them. The real kicker is that the taxpayers had to pay for extra bus services to route these kids to the schools their parunts requested. Usually a request to go to another school that isn't your assigned one means the parunt is responsible for transportation, not this time!
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 05, 2008
bratBgone, that is complete and utter bullshit! So you're saying the taxpayers in your area had to cater to the breeders and their precious darlings? What a load of crap!

My sister in law would agree with you-she's a choir director for a high school. Most of the time she loves her job, until it comes time to cast for the spring musical. Then the breeder bitches come out in full force, insisting she cast their little darlings for the lead OR ELSE! I can't say I blame her for wanting to quit. The irony is, she's a parent herself, and she says she would never in a million years do that to her son's teachers-if he can't make the cut, it's his problem, not hers.
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 05, 2008
Ann Wrote:
> bratBgone, that is complete and utter bullshit!
> So you're saying the taxpayers in your area had to
> cater to the breeders and their precious darlings?
> What a load of crap!
> My sister in law would agree with you-she's a
> choir director for a high school. Most of the
> time she loves her job, until it comes time to
> cast for the spring musical. Then the breeder
> bitches come out in full force, insisting she cast
> their little darlings for the lead OR ELSE! I
> can't say I blame her for wanting to quit. The
> irony is, she's a parent herself, and she says she
> would never in a million years do that to her
> son's teachers-if he can't make the cut, it's his
> problem, not hers.

You're lucky your SIL is a PNB. One really nice thing at the elementary level, at least at my old school, was that the classroom teacher helped the music teacher choose students for parts for the Christmas and spring musical. I can't tell you how much pleasure it gave me to choose the nice kids, and give no part whatsoever to the kyds who had pain in the ass parunts. The music director felt the same way!
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 05, 2008
bratBgone Wrote:
> My husband always says I should write a book to
> warn others about becoming teachers. It is one of
> the most soul draining jobs on the planet. In the
> late 90's our county did a redistricting of
> students because a new school was built. It was a
> real money maker for all of the therapists in our
> area. You can't imagine how many kyds didn't have
> to change schools because they had a note from a
> Dr. saying how "emotionally challanging" changing
> schools would be for them. The real kicker is
> that the taxpayers had to pay for extra bus
> services to route these kids to the schools their
> parunts requested. Usually a request to go to
> another school that isn't your assigned one means
> the parunt is responsible for transportation, not
> this time!

I agree with Ann that this is complete and utter bullshit. "emotionally challenging", how ABSURD. I think it's enough they get free school and lunches and I don't think they should get ANYthing extra.
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 06, 2008
Kidlesskim wrote:

"I agree with Ann that this is complete and utter bullshit. "emotionally challenging", how ABSURD. I think it's enough they get free school and lunches and I don't think they should get ANYthing extra."

Ahhh, but they do. They get plenty else free. If a child is eligible for free or reduced luch they are also eligible for free school supplies, sometimes at the teacher's expense depending on the budget. There are kids that I've had to supply paper, pencils, spiral notebooks and folders to. The real pisser is that these little jackasses are so used to having an endless supply of free things that they have to respect for what's given to them. I've given a kid paper to use for the day, and when I ask them to do an assignment later in the day they tell me they have no paper. Why, because they have drawn pictures of freaking monster trucks on it. They've also chewed or oversharpened their free pencil to nubs.

If you or I had to go through the embarrassment of bumming supplies from others, I'm sure we would take good care of them, but not the welfare kids. I once told a kid (who constantly smelled like his parunts cigarette some) who asked me for things EVERY day, that his mom should buy 1 less pack of cigarettes that week because the money from that pack would be enough to supply him with paper and pencils from Walmart for the rest of the semester. Luckily, he was too stupid to tell his parunt this, or I would have been in trouble.

ARGGGGGG! I could go on and on!!
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 06, 2008
BratBGone, you must have superhuman strength to put up with that horseshit day in and day out for so long...I tell you, I would have gone into cardiac arrest out of sheer frustration and anger!
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 06, 2008
RatsNotBrats Wrote:
> BratBGone, you must have superhuman strength to
> put up with that horseshit day in and day out for
> so long...I tell you, I would have gone into
> cardiac arrest out of sheer frustration and anger!

Nope, I wish I did! Those 10 years knocked the hell out of me! I actually cringe when children are around.
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 06, 2008
Wow, most twins I know really, REALLY didn't want to be in the same class as their twin, and generally didn't even want to be in the same school. Even twins like being individuals. Sounds to me more like the parents have a problem with their kids being separated.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 07, 2008
Another thought I had about this - I wonder in the parents' case if it's even about the way the twins 'feel' at all. I wonder if it has more to do with the 'novelty' of having twin or triplet kiddies. I think it has a lot to do with attention, both for the kids and the parents.

"Ooh look, I didn't just push out one kid, I had three! And look, they all look alike! Ooh, look at the three matching outfits I put them in just to make sure you all see how cute and adorable they are! Triplets are unique, triplets are special, and that by extension makes ME special! If you separate them, well, it's just not the same because Miffie, Byffee, and Tiffy (their names rhyme but they are each spelled a little different just to really hammer the point home how 'unique' they are) will have to be treated as an individual instead of a novelty unit for me."
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 07, 2008
I hate to break it to the moomies of twins and triplets, but they are yesterday's news. Since so many are taking fertility drugs, quadruplets and quintuplets are the newest rage and if you don't have sextuplets, you go unnoticed, apparently. A black lady gave birth to 6 a while back, but one died. She got her peewwins hurt and pulled the race card since she didn't get any news coverage like a white famblee did who had SEPtuplets. So naturally Proctor and Gamble, Toysrus, Pampers and others, have donated all clothing, food, diapers, a van, etc.....AND have set aside college scholarships for the five remaining kids.

Then another moomie (white) of recent quintuplets got HER peewins hurt when the black famblee got all of the freebies and said that no one was knocking down her door to help her out either. SO, now SHE has received comparable freebies. The sense of entitlement that people who are trying to outdo one another in the multiple birth dept. is staggering, to put it mildly.
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 08, 2008
Kidlesskim, it burns me up when I read things like that! These selfish entitlement hogs think that everyone should drop what they're doing and "help" them because they CHOSE to have multiple children? That was a personal choice! That's akin to me "choosing" to run my car into a brick wall and then getting pissed off when I don't get handouts to help me deal with the choice I made. When did personal choice all of a sudden guarantee a reward?

And the companies that do help out act like they're so terrified to piss off these irate, selfish moomies! Why? Who cares if these idiots piss and moan?

Sheesh, five college scholarships....what a waste. If mommy's shining example is anything to go by, these kids will just toss the idea of college out the window, produce multiple sprogs, and then bitch if they don't receive a hefty donation of gifts and a hearty helping of attention and pats on the back.
Anonymous User
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 08, 2008
RatsNotBrats Wrote:
> Another thought I had about this - I wonder in the
> parents' case if it's even about the way the twins
> 'feel' at all. I wonder if it has more to do with
> the 'novelty' of having twin or triplet kiddies.
> I think it has a lot to do with attention, both
> for the kids and the parents.
> "Ooh look, I didn't just push out one kid, I had
> three! And look, they all look alike! Ooh, look at
> the three matching outfits I put them in just to
> make sure you all see how cute and adorable they
> are! Triplets are unique, triplets are special,
> and that by extension makes ME special! If you
> separate them, well, it's just not the same
> because Miffie, Byffee, and Tiffy (their names
> rhyme but they are each spelled a little different
> just to really hammer the point home how 'unique'
> they are) will have to be treated as an individual
> instead of a novelty unit for me."

Oh god, I don't think it's cute at all when I see siblings dressed in matching outfits, I find it creepy. I don't have a twin but I shudder to think what I would have been dressed in if I had, because my mother used to constantly dress me up like I was a doll in cheesy Sylvanian Families-style outfits with pigtails when I was little, and that was just me on my own - if I had had a twin sister I'm sure the cheesiness would have been doubly worse. I can just picture my mother dressing us up and then parading us about like prized pigs... Ugh.
(Actually one time I was looking at photos of myself in those outfits and said to my mum, "Why did you do that to me? I wasn't a doll!". Her reply was, "Yes you were. You were my little doll." SHUDDER. But I guess that then explains why she was so mortified when I hit 13 and became a goth kid, LOL. Rebellion!).
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 08, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife, I am sorry to hear about your terrible loss. Dogs are so dear, so sweet, so loyal. It's devastating to lose one. Very sorry.

Now, as to this article: "Zimmerman said she knows a mother whose 8-year-old son was going through therapy for depression because the school insisted on separating him from his brother in first grade."

The moomie has this kid on the right track for a lifetime of neurosis, not to mention entitlement. WHY don't any of these parents have LIVES of their own, and concerns more interesting and diverting than the twitches of their defective children? Good lord.
Re: School Districts and Twins
August 09, 2008
This is going to sound especially mean, even coming from me. I don't think it's nice, in general, to poke fun at ugly people. Afterall, they can't help it, but I can't help myself. I had a fundie and annoying client once, who was ugly enough, and then she brought her daughter in and the poor woman was heinous. She was frail, pale, thin, bright orangish red unruly hair, a beak for a nose, BIG gums and sharp little pointy teeth, and she had a really high forehead and her eyes were too far apart, like a rabbit. Anyway, I got to hear ALL about how she was going through IVF and all I could think was, "I pray to God the kid doesn't get your genes, and how could you do this to your own flesh and blood?".Mr. T: I pitty tha fools

Anyway, about two years later she and her mother came back with hubbie in tow and they were pushing two double strollers as they had been "blessed" with quadruplets. Her husband wasn't as ugly as she was, but he had a really big head and HIS eyes were far apart too. He almost had to turn sideways to look you in the eye. Mercifully, they had little covers over the kid's heads who were close to a year old by now, because I felt like I was staring down at Rosemary's baby's basinett and the fear of the unknown had a grip on me.sad smiley

I thought I had been spared the "Aren't my baybees pweshus"crap, but as they were leaving she gleamed as she said, "You need to see my beautiful baybees!!!!!", and off came protective gear. ALL FOUR of them had Howdie Doodie carrot top curls framing pasty fat little faces, each had 2 little pointy teeth set into too big gums, high foreheads, and eyes set into the sides of their faces, just like moomie and duhddy. It was one of the most awful experiences of my life. I mean, what do you say? confused smiley
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