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Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch

Posted by Peppertree 
Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 11, 2008
Well, B-O-O-H-O-O...

Hey, mommies! I have an idea! Get up off your fat, useless ass, go get a job and make some money!
I love the ones who act like they're homebound because they can't drive as much. How about WALKING or I don't know, RIDING A BIKE around? Hell, be really daring and get a pair of rollerblades! Christ, to think these people are raising the next generation of humans.
Re: Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 11, 2008
Yep, I'm a biker and just today made a 10-mile trip to a neighboring town and 10 miles back home again. That isn't much, but it got me off my heinie for a change and I did some research in the library there. With panniers on the bike I can shop too--and I go biking in the winter too. Anyone in a reasonably urban area who moans about being trapped because they have no car is just being silly. And lazy. That's my judgmental opinion. smiling smiley
Re: Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 11, 2008
EVERYONE is feeling the pinch, not just the stay at home moomies. I guess they want special attention since they sacrificed SO much by giving the world the blessing of their children. Everything is magnified with that bunch. They have a harder time losing weight than anyone else because of the pregnancy, never mind they weighed in on a meat scale at their 12 week checkup. Their TIME is harder to manage, but they have the same 24 hours the rest of us do. They need coupons and discounts so they can shop economically because they have kids now, when they SHOULD have been bargain shopping the whole time, I always have. on and on and on ad nauseum.
Re: Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 12, 2008
FTA: Even cooking, an activity Kagan loves, has been affected. "I was famous for running here and there to get ingredients," she says. "If I was missing something I'd run out and get it. I don't do that anymore. I sit down and plan meals two weeks ahead, then buy everything at once."

Stupid Twat. I've been doing that for a decade. this is why they are so "bizzy"- they can't think in a linear and efficient fashion. no wonder the old man is boinking the secretary - he has to come home and hear about all the deals she got.....
Anonymous User
Re: Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 12, 2008
The SAHs and SAHMs I know are constantly nickel and diming their friends for extra money, here and there. It makes me ill. I know one SAH who always wanted me to help pay for her lunch, drive her places, etc. I finally caught on to what she was doing: sponging off others to further her stay at home lifestyle.
Re: Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 12, 2008
Boo fucking hoo. "I can't afford to sit on my ass any more! I can't afford to drive Sprogford two blocks to school every day! I can't afford the spring water grown organic lettuce any more! Starbucks is too expensive, lets have a diaper change-in to protest that!"

These folks deserve every ounce of misery that comes their way.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 12, 2008
...anyone else notice she has to cut out on useless errands...while the rest of us commute.....
Re: Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 12, 2008
And if this bitch home skools, field trips are mandatory, aren't they? If those are cut out, it's clear moo isn't giving her kyds the edjamakashun they deserve. More low-IQ idiots on the way.
Re: Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 12, 2008
How about stop complainind and get a job?
Useless bitches are a drain on society and their husbands are wussies for letting them do it.
The moos also complain that they haven’t had a date night in more than a year. I think it’s less about the economy and more about the fact that these parents have their heads so far up their kids’ butts. How much does it cost to go on a picnic and a walk without the kyydds? But no, can’t do that. Unless it’s a screwing session to make another soul sucker.
clematis Wrote:
> That's my judgmental opinion. smiling smiley

Snort! Cleaning Dr. Pepper off of my keyboard now.
Rose Red Wrote:
> "old age and treachery will always beat youth and skill....."

LOL! My favorite quote!grinning smiley
Re: Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 12, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> ...anyone else notice she has to cut out on
> useless errands...while the rest of us
> commute.....

That escaped me UNTIL I just saw your post quoting her talking about "kagan" and her culinary hobby suffering because of the economy.:bawl First of all, what idiot in their right mind would jump in the car and run to the store every time they ran out of paprika or cod liver oil extract? That beats all I have ever heard in my life. If she wants the kid to play Julia Child, she should have had Santa bring her a $5 spice rack last year and if it ran out then tough shit, she could use salt or pepper.

This is most likely only one example of her waste, over indulgence, and mismanagement of time AND money. If 'KAGAN' doesn't like the Mcnuggets meal, she probably runs to Burger King for the apple "fries". If 'KAGAN'
says her eggs are too runny, she probably throws the whole plate away and starts from scratch with an egg timer, if KAGAN wants a bubble bath she probably runs to walgreens and buys some, if KAGAN says her tummy hurts I am sure the rolaids,Pepto, and Alka seltzerin the medicine cabinet are'nt good enough, so she runs out to walmart in the middle of the night to buy an expensive kiddie brand. What KAGAN wants apparently KAGAN gets.

Putting a stop to this type of waste and mismanagement of money is not what I consider trimming a tight budget or living in a "pinch", but what she SHOULD have been doing the entire time. What a STUPID BITCH. Now though, KAGAN is used to the finer things in life and having everything delivered to and fetched for her on command, she will be hell on wheels when she doesn't get what she wants and no doubt become an even worse brat. Nice job moomie.eye rolling smiley
Re: Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 12, 2008
What the hell is a Kagan?? It sounds like a growth one would find on the bottom of a foot.
"I had to have a large kagan removed from my left foot yesterday."
Anonymous User
Re: Stay-at-home moos feeling the pinch
August 12, 2008
If Kagan is a child's name, its one of the worst ones I've heard lately.
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