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ADD/ADHD signs and symptoms (article)

Posted by kidlesskim 
ADD/ADHD signs and symptoms (article)
August 12, 2008

Doesn’t pay attention to details or makes careless mistakes
Has trouble staying focused; is easily distracted
Appears not to listen when spoken to
Has difficulty remembering things and following instructions
Has trouble staying organized, planning ahead, and finishing projects
Frequently loses or misplaces homework, books, toys, or other items

"Children with ADD / ADHD can pay attention under the right circumstances. When they’re doing things they enjoy or hearing about topics in which they’re interested, they have no trouble focusing and staying on task.But when the task is repetitive or boring, they quickly tune out."

"Children who only have inattentive symptoms of ADD / ADHD are often overlooked, since they’re not disruptive. However, the symptoms of inattention have consequences: getting in hot water with parents and teachers for not following directions; underperforming in school; and clashing with other kids over not playing by the rules"

Symptoms of hyperactivity in children:
Constantly fidgets and squirms
Often leaves his or her seat in situations where sitting quietly is expected
Moves around constantly, often running or climbing inappropriately
Has difficulty playing quietly
Talks excessively

Impulsivity signs and symptoms of ADD / ADHD
Blurts out answers without waiting to be called on hear the whole question
Has difficulty waiting for his or her turn
Often interrupts others
Intrudes on other people’s conversations or games
Inability to keep powerful emotions in check, resulting in angry outbursts or temper tantrums.....":sw

confused smiley So THIS is why they get a check for a kid with ADHD? The above signs and symptoms sounds like every single kid I have ever seen or known. This is NOT a "disorder", but rather a normal kid who is allowed to act like a shithole. According to their own article, 3-5% of kids have this disorder and that approx one in every class of 30 will have ADD-ADHD. If that is the case, then why are there so many more than that in EVERY single class? There are classes in the schools here with 50-75% of the class with an ADD-ADHD diagnosis and who get checks for it. What a scam.Mr. T: I pitty tha fools
Re: ADD/ADHD signs and symptoms (article)
August 12, 2008
waiiiiiitaminute....they (parents) get checks for it? Like disability money from...is it Social Security? Please forgive my ignorance, but who is getting these checks from where? Just want to know. Thanks.
Re: ADD/ADHD signs and symptoms (article)
August 13, 2008
clematis Wrote:
> waiiiiiitaminute....they (parents) get checks for
> it? Like disability money from...is it Social
> Security? Please forgive my ignorance, but who is
> getting these checks from where? Just want to
> know. Thanks.

I understand your astonishment as I only found this out myself last year. This co-worker already had THREE kids she always had to leave early for ADHD assessments, therapy, etc....then when she started talking about her TWO year old might have it I thought it was odd how giddy she was, as if she was GLAD her 3 kids were retards and hoping for a 4th diagnosis. Anyway, this other co-worker said, "She is just hoping for another check". As I picked my jaw off the ground, he filled me in on it. HE has two kids who get a check and YES it's an SSI check. His 16 year old stepson gets SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY dollars a month and has since he was 3. His other kid just turned four and recently got the acclaimed and coveted diagnosis, and she got approved for FOUR HUNDRED dollars a month.

There is nothing wrong with his step son. They keep filling the prescriptions but he hasn't taken it in years. IT'S A SCAM. They get it for autism as well. THIS is why the sudden outbreak of these diagnoses, the money and NO OTHER REASON. IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH. I don't know how it got stared or who is responsible for it, but it makes no sense. They get medicaid to cover medical and prescriptions, and a KID has no lost income, so HOW can they get social security disability income?
Re: ADD/ADHD signs and symptoms (article)
August 13, 2008
I just hope in some way, some how, all these "convenient" diagnoses the parents are demanding will affect those kids down the line in life. Kinda like "buy now, pay later."

For example, problems such as getting health and life insurance, etc.

That would be so SAWEET!!! smiling smiley
Re: ADD/ADHD signs and symptoms (article)
August 13, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> I just hope in some way, some how, all these
> "convenient" diagnoses the parents are demanding
> will affect those kids down the line in life.
> Kinda like "buy now, pay later."
> For example, problems such as getting health and
> life insurance, etc.
> That would be so SAWEET!!! smiling smiley

Yes it would be, but unfortunately the otherwise healthy kids who are getting medicated and told their entire lives that they are "special" and being told that they "can't help tantrums" etc.......are going to end up in mainstream society that doesn't give a SHIT about their "special needs". They will likely end up on drugs, since they have been pumped full of them their whole lives, and on welfare. Either that, or there will be a whole new generation who thinks that the boss should give them a break whenever they need it or want it, not make them meet quotas because "they can't concentrate", or who feel they should be allowed to wreak havoc on every "normaL" man, woman, and child who are left on the planet.

Thei peewwins will get hurt, they will require more supervision, extra attention and praise, and will be a full time albatross around the neck of society.
Anonymous User
Re: ADD/ADHD signs and symptoms (article)
August 13, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> http://www.helpguide.org/mental/adhd_add_signs_sym
> ptoms.htm
> Doesn’t pay attention to details or makes careless
> mistakes
> Has trouble staying focused; is easily distracted
> Appears not to listen when spoken to
> Has difficulty remembering things and following
> instructions
> Has trouble staying organized, planning ahead, and
> finishing projects
> Frequently loses or misplaces homework, books,
> toys, or other items
> "Children with ADD / ADHD can pay attention under
> the right circumstances. When they’re doing things
> they enjoy or hearing about topics in which
> they’re interested, they have no trouble focusing
> and staying on task.But when the task is
> repetitive or boring, they quickly tune out."
> "Children who only have inattentive symptoms of
> ADD / ADHD are often overlooked, since they’re not
> disruptive. However, the symptoms of inattention
> have consequences: getting in hot water with
> parents and teachers for not following directions;
> underperforming in school; and clashing with other
> kids over not playing by the rules"
> Symptoms of hyperactivity in children:
> Constantly fidgets and squirms
> Often leaves his or her seat in situations where
> sitting quietly is expected
> Moves around constantly, often running or climbing
> inappropriately
> Has difficulty playing quietly
> Talks excessively
> Impulsivity signs and symptoms of ADD / ADHD
> Blurts out answers without waiting to be called on
> hear the whole question
> Has difficulty waiting for his or her turn
> Often interrupts others
> Intrudes on other people’s conversations or games
> Inability to keep powerful emotions in check,
> resulting in angry outbursts or temper
> tantrums.....":sw

Hell, sounds like me, now... at age 55. Kraznotz.
Re: ADD/ADHD signs and symptoms (article)
August 13, 2008
Two Cents, there is ALSO AADD, Adult Attention Deficit Disorder, for which they get checks. Go online and look up the symptoms and the criteria and you could probably get a check too! If I had the time and energy, I could probably get diagnosed with just about anything. Beating the system is a full time job though and easier done with kid in tow. If these people spent half the time working that they do trying to get something for free, one of them might actually dumb up on that "cancer cure" they are so fond of saying one of their kids could discover.
Re: ADD/ADHD signs and symptoms (article)
August 19, 2008
This must be an relatively recent thing, because when I was diagnosed with ADD as a child, my parents got NOTHING for it, and it wasn't all THAT long ago. But, then again, it wasn't the "catchall" diagnosis then that it is today. There were months of doctor visits and psychologist visits and parent teacher conferences before anyone was willing to tar me with the ADD label - it was NOT seen as a positive thing, and we were all mortified at the diagnosis. Also, my parents were actual PARENTS who took me off medication when I hit high school because I had matured enough to contain myself by then. I still had a hard time in school, and I was still socially akward, but I managed to graduate, as well as go on to college and graduate school - all without ANY "speeshul heelp". I didn't even take the extra time I was allowed on tests because I hated feeling different. I think that's the problem today - when everyone in class is a "different learner", there is no shame.
Re: ADD/ADHD signs and symptoms (article)
August 19, 2008
Biblioninja Wrote:
> This must be an relatively recent thing, because
> when I was diagnosed with ADD as a child, my
> parents got NOTHING for it, and it wasn't all THAT
> long ago. But, then again, it wasn't the
> "catchall" diagnosis then that it is today. There
> were months of doctor visits and psychologist
> visits and parent teacher conferences before
> anyone was willing to tar me with the ADD label -
> it was NOT seen as a positive thing, and we were
> all mortified at the diagnosis. Also, my parents
> were actual PARENTS who took me off medication
> when I hit high school because I had matured
> enough to contain myself by then. I still had a
> hard time in school, and I was still socially
> akward, but I managed to graduate, as well as go
> on to college and graduate school - all without
> ANY "speeshul heelp". I didn't even take the extra
> time I was allowed on tests because I hated
> feeling different. I think that's the problem
> today - when everyone in class is a "different
> learner", there is no shame.

They only started getting paid for these diagnoses about 10 years ago, which is when the number of cases took an ENORMOUS leap. Coinkydink? I think not. They have to apply for SSI/disability for the kid and have a diagnosis that says that the kid's "normal daily functions are impaired", which is quite easy. Every quarter they have to have a doctor and a teacher fill out a form which states the kid is still a fucking nuisance, so they can keep getting their checks. In this area they can get UP TO $620 EXTRA DOLLARS A MONTH IN ADDITION to food stamps, AFDC WELFARE checks, AND the free medical card the kid already gets.

You can tell when it's time to get forms filled out because public elementary school parking lots are crammed full and the teachers have to stay a coupla hours late for a few days JUST to speak with moomie and fill out her part of the form. It's impossible to get into a doctor's office as they are jammed pack with breeders and their ADHD/ADD/Awwtistic/BI-POLAR spawn.
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