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Single mom busted for potty mouth. Nice Example for the kids #23,765

Posted by Rose Red 
Single mom busted for potty mouth. Nice Example for the kids #23,765
August 15, 2008
Read the whiole thing! Her behavior just gets better and better. you can see what a victim she is. Maybe she should have waited until the storm hit her town to go shopping. Dumbass exponential. Further, Gramma backs her up- AGAIN with the grandmothers.

Don't bash me for this, I'm certainly NOT sticking up for the moo....... just offering another side.......

There was an incident like this around here about 2 years ago - almost identical. The local fire marshall was one of those wanna-bes who was a power hungry asshole and was always harrassing people for petty shit. He arrested some woman in our Home Depot for the same thing. Handcuffed her right there and all, HE'S the one who made the scene and turned it around and said the woman made the scene. My close friend who was working that day saw the whole thing and actually had to appear at the hearing and testify.

So the woman in Texas apologized and walked away from him, it's clear she pissed him off by doing so - if that is the only thing that really transpired. Again, power hungry asshole, probably has an inferior opinion of women. And by her spelling out her name verbally and in sign language, that pissed him off too - again, power hungry asshole, he was going to show HER by getting out his big bad hand cuffs and stifling that behavior that was upsetting him. This guy sounds like he's in need of some care.

I would have to think that most of the people calling in are a bunch of busy-bodies who are offended at the smallest thing. Most of them probably weren't even at the scene, just heard about and are throwing in their 2 cents. And no, she shouldn't have cursed in front of her daughter.
Re: Single mom busted for potty mouth. Nice Example for the kids #23,765
August 15, 2008
Fair enough, there are tons of power trippers out there - but the way she pandered to her audience indicates miss Sunshine is pretty used to throwing a bit of the gutter around when things aren't going her way.
Yep, you are probably right. I must admit, I'd fly off the handle too if somebody were arresting me for something so petty.

I have a problem with authority figures the way it is, because they are untrustworthy assholes (hey, I'm a Scorpio, forgive me LOL), and would not take too kindly to a power-tripping dick wad arresting me for something so ridiculous - as if there is nothing else he could be arresting someone for that is more serious. LOL

Rose Red Wrote:
> Fair enough, there are tons of power trippers out
> there - but the way she pandered to her audience
> indicates miss Sunshine is pretty used to throwing
> a bit of the gutter around when things aren't
> going her way.
Oh my God...I LOVE to swear, and fuck is my favorite of them all. I'd be spending the rest of my life in jail if I were arrested for the times I swore...in public. This is just ridiculous, very ghey no doubt :sw
Excuse my ignorance in civic affairs here, but WTF is a FIRE MARSHALL doing arresting people for anything unrelated to the scope of his job? Last time I checked, language might be considered incendiary but only in the metaphorical sense. Some good attorney needs to take these power-hungry assholes to task for official misconduct.
So they arrest her for using a swear word, in a private conversation, that you can hear any day in public and any night on the TV. Puh-lease.

Agreed, the guy is just a psycho, power tripping asshole. Does he not have anything better to do, like catching a few teenage thugs or a shoplifter? if someone had pulled this shit on me, I'd have been incendiary too.
Re: Single mom busted for potty mouth. Nice Example for the kids #23,765
August 15, 2008
str8six Wrote:
> Oh my God...I LOVE to swear, and fuck is my
> favorite of them all. I'd be spending the rest of
> my life in jail if I were arrested for the times I
> swore...in public. This is just ridiculous, very
> ghey no doubt :sw

atta girl. fuck this shit.
I guess she now has at least one bad 'marque' against her...

(g,d,&r like hell)
Re: Single mom busted for potty mouth. Nice Example for the kids #23,765
August 15, 2008
What the fuck? I mean, they've fucking got to be shitting me, right? Goddamn.

They're just WORDS. FUCKING WORDS do NOTHING. That fire marshal is a power hungry asshole who didn't have the balls to actually do the work to join the police force. What an asshole. Jebus crisp, if power hungry pig tried to arrest me for my motherfucking language, I'd be screaming a tourettes-esque tirade the entire way to the station. It's called FREE SPEECH, it's our greatest right, RESPECT IT MOTHERFUCKERS.

I mean, it's not like she was advocating for overthrowing the government there in the wallmart.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Fire Marshal's (one 'l'), can be POST Certified Police Officers and have dutys just as a Police Officer would - they can and often do, depending on the department and what duty's that department delegates to their Fire Marshals, enforce Title 40 law.
Re: Single mom busted for potty mouth. Nice Example for the kids #23,765
August 15, 2008
I didn't realize that wallyworld employed profanity police. This guy was WAY out of line and using his uniform/badge to intimidate as well. If he wants to arrest people for public indecency or for being a public nuisance, he needs to start with the welfare scooter trash which can be commonly found in the electronics and new DVD release section with full carts at the first of the month. I think that holding up a line to divide up which product that can be paid with their food stamp card, and the goodies which have to paid with the roll of bills they pull from their wallets, is a public nuisance and indecent.
holy FUCK, i cuss all the time in public and i cuss in front of kids all the time, this country is getting out of hand. its just a fucken word. its not cancer
Fuck! I'm surprised I've never been arrested! Swearing is one of my favorite things to do, especially if there is an annoying family of sprogs nearby! I would have probably gone slightly ballistic in the same situation, depending on where I was.

My swearing is usually out of silliness, but I have been in wallyworld and heard trashy mothers swearing at their kids. "You sit down in that fucking cart!" or "Git yer fuckin' ass over here!" It never bothers me too much. It's just they way white trash is wired.
Re: Single mom busted for potty mouth. Nice Example for the kids #23,765
August 18, 2008
I think the fire marshal has the kind of wife who says, after he comes home with a week's groceries, "oh, you couldn't find the cheese I like? Well, I guess this is OK...oh, they didn't have those chicken breasts? Well, I'll try to use these, I guess...oh, you didn't use the coupon? The one I cut out specially for you? I hate to think you wasted that money..." And other emasculating comments.

So when he escapes this shrew into public, he has to make his stones as it were. Ooh, big Fire Marshal! Wow, what a big deal! Mr. Powerful!

He was a jerk and it sounds like the moo being sarcastic with the sign language was also a jerk. 0-0.
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